- 积分
- 3486
- 威望
- 3486
- 金圆券
- 13121 PB
- 小红花
- 0
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB

- 积分
- 3486
- 威望
- 3486
- 金圆券
- 13121 PB
- 小红花
- 0
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB
2.5 practice examples
2.6 A few grammar tips
The word “data” is plural. (复数)
e.g. These data show an unusual trend.
The data are critical.
Affect is the verb “to influence”.
Effect is the noun form of this influence
Compare to = to point out similarities between different things.
Compare with **(used more often in science) = to point out difference between similar things.
e.g. Shall I compare the to a summer’s day?
Brain tumors are relatively rare compared with more common cancers, such as those of the …
“That” is the restrictive(defining) pronoun (有限制)
“Which” is the nonrestrictive(non-defining) pronoun (无限制)
That和which的关键是:句子中的限制是必要的还是不必要的,必要的用that, 限制信息可有可无用which
e.g. The bike that is broken in the garage.
The bike, which is broken, is in the garge.
Singular antecedents (注意名词使用的单复数)
e.g Each student worries about their grade. (False)
Each student worries about her grade. (True)
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