- 积分
- 3486
- 威望
- 3486
- 金圆券
- 13121 PB
- 小红花
- 0
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB

- 积分
- 3486
- 威望
- 3486
- 金圆券
- 13121 PB
- 小红花
- 0
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB
1.1 Introduction
Q:what makes good writing?(自我审视)
Good writing communicates an idea clearly and effectively.(主)
Tips: Takes having something to say and clear thinking
Good is elegant (优雅)and stylish(时髦).(次)
Tips: Takes time, revision, and a good editor
Q:What makes a good writer?
Having something to say(要清楚自己每段要表达什么)
Logical thinking(科学的逻辑思想很重要)
A few simple, learnable rules of style (the tools you’ll learn in this class).
Steps to becoming a better writer:
Read, pay attention, and imitate.(多读,多注意写作方式、技巧并且尝试模仿)
Write in a journal.(用学到的技巧尝试写写简单的记录,例如日记或者研究日志 )
Let go of “academic” writing habits(deprogramming step!(去掉一些不好的学术性习惯在写论文中,这个后面再详细谈)
Talk about your research before trying to writing about it.(与身边的朋友多交谈自己的成功,用简介的语言)
Write to engage your readers—try not to bore them!(写初稿的时候,要积极尝试不要让读者厌烦你所写的)
Stop waiting for “inspiration.” (不要用找灵感为借口)
Accept that writing is hard for everyone.(理解万岁!)
Revise. Nobody gets it perfect on the first try.(快速写完初稿,把精力放在不断的修改上)
Learn how to cut ruthlessly. Never become too attached to your words.(学会如何删减,这个之后再详细谈)
Find a good editor!(可以多多向老师请教,听取他们的建议)
Take risks.(敢于去写一些有趣或具有挑战性的东西,不要被写作规则所束缚 )
1.2 Examples of what not to do Video
Ask Yourself:
Is this sentence easy to understand?
Is this sentence enjoyable and interesting to read?
Is this sentence readable?
Is it written to inform(理解) or to obscure(晦涩)?
A classic hallmark of “academic writing”:
Spunky(活泼的) verbs become clunky(笨拙的) nouns…
将加粗名词改为select, activate , express , and refuse.
Themes of this course:
Complex ideas don’t require complex language.
Scientific writing should be easy and even enjoyable to read!
1.3Overview, principles of effective writing
Note the use of nouns instead of verbs.
Verbs move sentences along, whereas nouns slow the reader down.
Note the use of vague(模糊的) words.
The problem with vague words is that the reader cannot get a concrete picture in their head of what the author is talking about.
Note the use of unnecessary jargon(行话)and acronyms(缩写词).
The problem with acronyms is that, unless they are standard term that everybody is familiar with, most readers are not going to know your acronym.
Note the passive voice.
The passive voice is hard to read because it’s not the way we talk.
Note the distance between the subject and the main verb of this sentence.
Putting too much distance between the subject of the sentence and the main verb is a problem.
Principles of effective writing:
Cut unnecessary words and phrases; learn to part with(放弃) your words!
Use the activate voice (subject+verb+object),rather than the passive voice
Write the verbs: use strong verbs, avoid turning verbs into nouns, and don’t bury the main verb!
1.4 Cut the clutter(文章不需要的部分)
Example 1:
1)a nice spunky(劲头十足的) verb, to review, and turned it into a boring noun, a review, and then paired it with a boring verb, providers.
So we can just change this back to the verb by saying this paper reviews.
2)“The basic tenets of “ is one of those vague amorphous phrases.
3)The word examples means the same thing as studies.
4)methodologic is again one of those vague amorphous(模棱两可) words. In this case, the illustrate can carry over to both the challenges and the solutions.
5)The adjective successful is already inherent in the word solution.
Example 2:
1)”As it is well known” is an introductory(无需引言) phrases that you simply don’t need.
2)a profile of, is one of those vague(模糊) phrases that just doesn’t add anything.
3)we can just say lower blood pressure, deleting “levels”.
4)Oftentimes, you simply don’t need the second instance of the word.
Example 3:
Common clutter:
1. Dead weight words and phrases :
As it is well known
As it has been shown
It can be regarded that
It should be emphasized that
2. Empty words and phrases
basic tenets of
3. Long words or phrases that could be short
e.g. muscular and cardiorespiratory performance, that’s just a fancy way to say fitness.
4. Unnecessary jargon(行话)and acronyms(缩写)
muscular and cardiorespiratory performance
5. Repetitive words or phrases
6. Adverbs
very, really, quite, basically, generally, etc.
7.Long words and phrases that could be short:
Wordy version Crisp version
A majority of most
A number of many
Are of the same opinion agree
Less frequently occurring rare
All three of the the three
Give rise to Cause
Due to the fact that because
Have an effect on affect
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