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Imperator Dev Diary: Traditions and more inventions Arheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome
Hi all! 大家吼!
Today we'll be covering changes to Military Traditions, as well as showing you some iteration points on the new invention system. 今天我们来介绍一下军事传统的改动,以及向你们展示新发明系统几处迭代的地方。
Military traditions will be receiving a similar treatment to inventions, in that they will now exist in a tree-structure, with a modicum of choice, and continuing to be unlocked by their own unique resource, Military Experience. 军事传统将得到和发明类似的待遇,因此它们现在将以树形结构存在,并有少量选择空间,而且后续解锁军事传统还需要专属的独特资源:军事经验。
The military traditions screen currently appears as below; though it's worth noting that this view is very WIP, and is likely to be entirely changed in the near future. 目前的军事传统界面如下所示;然而需要指出的是,这个视图是刚做了不到半拉的样子,并且在不久的将来就可能会整个儿改变。
As you can see here, there are now twice as many trees as before - we've split up the existing trees into two themed parts, such as Greek Kingdom traditions and Greek Poleis traditions. 如你所见,现在有了过去两倍数量的传统树——我们将现有的传统树都分为了两类主题,正如希腊王国传统和希腊城邦传统。
As a Greek, for example, I would be able to follow either of these trees at the beginning of the game. 举个栗子,作为希腊,我们将能在游戏开局时能选择二者其中之一。
The bonuses themselves have received a balance pass, but haven't changed drastically at this juncture; the military flavor and abilities unlocked from old trees have been preserved and distributed, however, there is one notable exception to this: 它们的加成已经进行了平衡,但目前并没有大刀阔斧地进行改动。旧传统树中解锁的军事特色内容和能力也得到了保留和扩充,然而,有一个明显的例外:
Each of the new trees is now explicitly linked to a geographically adjacent or culturally related set of tradition trees; the Greek Poleis traditions, for example, allow you the ability to unlock Levantine traditions. Likewise, the Roman traditions allow you to opt-in to Greek traditions should you so desire. 现在每一新传统树都与地理上相邻或文化上相关的传统树组相联系:例如,希腊城邦传统允许你解锁黎凡特传统。同样地,只要你想,罗马传统允许你选择加入希腊传统。
The unlock nodes for these particular traditions are usually separated from the rest of the tree - it should remain inefficient to look further afield, though the opportunity to craft your civilization in different ways is a core part of the vision I have for Imperator. 这些特殊传统的解锁节点通常与传统树的其他部分分开——从游戏长程来看它应当保持低效,尽管以不同方式塑造你们各个文明的机会是我对IR的构想核心之一。
This does of course mean that should you be able to generate enough Military Experience (the sources of which will be discussed in a future dev diary), you will eventually be able to unlock almost any tradition category from anywhere in the world. This is likely to require a campaign's-worth of experience gathering, however. 当然,这确实意味着,如果你能够产出足够多的军事经验(我们会在之后的开发日志里继续讨论这种资源),你将最终能解锁来自世界各地的任何传统类别。然而,这可能需要整场游戏来获取这么多经验。
We've also added instant effect blocks to these traditions, so as per inventions, we're able to fire arbitrary script effects on adoption of a specific tradition - how exactly we'll use this is as yet undecided, but gives both us and modders a lot more power over making trees feel unique. 我们还为这些传统添加了即时生效模块,正如每项发明一样,我们能够在采用特定传统时触发任意脚本效果——我们尚不确定如何使用此效果,但它给我们和modder们更多使传统树别具一格的力量。
And now we're back onto inventions! 接下来我们回头看看发明!
The technology and inventions dev diary was very well received, but also came with some constructive community feedback. 科技和发明的那篇开发日志广受欢迎,但社区也提供了一些建设性的反馈。
As we mentioned, we hadn't quite decided how to deal with invention cost - so based on feedback and balance, we're dropping the gold cost for inventions. Innovations (as mentioned last week) will be required to unlock inventions, but will now be the sole resource for doing so. These will still be generated through technology levels, but may also be granted in special cases from elsewhere. 如前所述,我们尚未决定如何处理解锁发明的花费——因此,根据反馈和平衡调整情况,我们去除了发明的金币花费。解锁发明将需要创新点数(如上周所述——译注:其实是上上周),但现在只需要这一种资源。它仍将通过科技等级获取,但是在特殊情况下也可以从其它地方获得。
This means that unlocking all inventions over the course of a campaign becomes more or less impossible - what becomes important is the path you will take through them. This also added the need for more character and identity for some inventions, in order to be able to craft your civilization into something unique that differs from playthrough to playthrough: 这意味着在游戏过程中解锁所有发明多少变得不可能——你所选择的路线变得重要起来。这也使得某些发明对人物和特质的需求有所增加,这使得你的文明会在不同的游玩路线之间被塑造得各有特色。
(Visuals still WIP! The star means nothing, and is debug only.) (视图还在开发中!那些星星没有意义,而且只是除错。)
Here, we've added another layer of choice-making. You'll notice above that some inventions have a unique ornament. This indicates a cornerstone invention that has significant or gameplay altering effects. 在这里,我们添加了另一层面的选择权。您在上图中会注意到某些发明具有独特的装饰。这表明它是基石性的发明,其效果具有重大影响或是会改变游玩方式。
This can be a significant modifier boost, however it can also be one-shot effects such as raising stats of important characters or rulers, unlocking related aspects to features (for example, Great Wonder building effects), or changing how you interact with characters - I'll provide a few examples below: 这些发明效果可以是重要的修正加成,但也可以是一次性效果,例如提高重要角色或统治者的数值、解锁相关特性(例如,奇观建筑效果)或更改与角色的互动方式——我将在下面提供一些示例:
Another UI solution you may have noticed, is that these tree screenshots have all appeared at different zoom levels. We're implementing a common zoom-area utility for tree-graphs such as Missions, Inventions and Traditions, which will function similarly to the focus trees of HOI, or the family tree viewer in Crusader Kings III. 你可能注意到的另一项UI方案是,这些树的界面都以不同的缩放等级出现。我们正在为树形图(例如使命、发明和传统)准备统一的缩放功能区,其功能类似于HOI的国策树或CK3中的家谱查看器。
That's all for now - until next week! 以上就是今天的全部内容——请待下周!
翻译:Strategemata 校对:Parapinakes 三等文官猹中堂
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