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Imperator: Rome Developer Diary - 19th of October 2020 Trin Tragula, Game Designer - Imperator
Hello and welcome to another development diary for Imperator: Rome. 大家吼,欢迎来到IR的又一篇开发日志。
Today I will be talking to you about some of the changes that are coming in the Marius update. It is still early days, so take any and all numbers and screenshots as what they are, work in progress. 今天我要和你们谈一些马略Marius更新中即将到来的改动。这个更新目前还处于早期开发阶段,所以我们展示出的任何数据和截屏都应认为是仍处于开发中的。
Combat Width 战场宽度
In Imperator: Rome Combat Width is what determines the size of a battlefield. Units designated as primary rank are deployed in the center, with the units designated as second rank taking their place once they retreat from the battlefield. Units designated as flankers are deployed on the sides. 在IR中,战场宽度决定了战场的规模。被指定为第一排的单位将被部署在中间,而被指定为第二排的单位将在第一排单位从战场中撤退时接替他们的位置。被指定为侧翼的单位将被部署在两侧。
If unopposed to their direct front, units will target enemies diagonally, as far away as their maneuver rating will allow. This means your flankers can start attacking the center of the enemy line, if they can first defeat their counterparts in the enemy flank. It also means you will have little use of your flankers until late in a battle if the enemy line is completely filled. 如果在他们的正前方没有敌方单位,单位将以对角线上的敌人为目标,在他们的机动等级允许的范围内尽可能远地选择攻击目标。这意味着你的侧翼单位可以攻击敌方战线的中心,如果他们能首先击败敌方侧翼的敌方部队的话。这也意味着如果敌方阵线完全被填满,你的侧翼单位在战斗后期才会发挥用处。

The unit interface is changing a bit in Marius, here is a partial peek at the Work-in-Progress version of it. 单位界面在马略Marius更新中略微有些改动,这里是目前仍在开发中的部分界面一瞥。

In the Marius update combat width is no longer the same on every battlefield. Instead it is now dependent on what terrain you are fighting on, and this can vary quite a bit, from extreme cases such as mountainous terrain where the battlefield is only 16 positions wide, to sea battles in the open where the width is now 50. 在马略更新中,战场宽度不再会在每个战场中都相同了。取而代之的是,战场宽度现在取决于战斗所在的地形,而且会因此差别很大,最极端情况下的山地地形中战场宽度只有16,而外海海战的战场宽度能高达50。
This allows us to better represent a dramatic variation of combat scenarios, and potentially opens up opportunities for ambushes, pitched warfare, and more. Choosing the place you give battle becomes as important as which subunits are present. 这允许我们更好地呈现出各种各样相差甚大的战斗场景,并使我们有机会能呈现伏击战、大型会战等情况。这使得选择战斗的地方变得和选择参加战斗的单位类型一样重要。

Additionally there will be some locations where the width is further modified,for example mountain passes, like the famous "Gates" where many historical battles took place. Such locations are now also marked with a 2D icon on the map itself. Such passes have been added to a number of locations all around the world. 此外,还有一些地方的战场宽度会被进一步修正,比如山口——那些著名的“山门”,许多历史上的战役就发生在那里。这样的地点现在也会在地图上用2D图标标记出来,且已经被添加到世界各地的一些地点上。
What this means is that it becomes less viable to trust that one army composition is as useful for all types of campaigns. In largely forested or hilly areas your ability to flank will be much more limited. 这意味着,相信一种军队的组成会对所有类型的战役一样适用变得不那么可行。在大部分森林或丘陵地区,你侧翼单位的战斗能力将受到更多限制。
At sea, on the other hand, this increases the danger of leaving your heavier ships unattended even further. The new system allows the potential number of enemy ships that can target a single isolated big vessel to be much higher. 另一方面,在海上,这进一步增加了让你的重型船只落单的危险。新的系统使得能够攻击单一大船的潜在敌方舰船数量大大增加。
Forts 堡垒
In the release version of the game, when you have broken through a fortified area you currently have to spread out your troops to take control over the unfortified parts of all the provinces you pass through. This is a process that can be both attention intensive and not particularly rewarding or realistic. 在游戏刚刚发布的版本中,当你突破了一个有堡垒的区域后,你要分散兵力来控制你所突破的省份中的无堡垒部分。这个过程既会耗费大量的注意力,也不会有特别多的收获和真实性。
For the Marius update we have been looking at ways to alleviate this, removing reasons to break your armies up into many small pieces and rewarding concentration of power a bit more. Some of these changes will be described below. 在马略Marius更新中,我们一直在研究如何缓解这种情况,消除将你的军队分成诸多小股部队的理由,并更多地奖励将力量集中起来的行为。下面我们将介绍其中一些改动。
Occupation 占领
In the new update occupation of all territories in a province will begin to progress as soon as you control *all* forts in that province. This means that when you are done taking control of the military installations of a province your armies can move on, and not split up to occupy all the territories in turn. 在新的更新包中,只要你控制了一个省的所有堡垒,就会开始自动逐步占领该省的所有领土。这意味着当你控制了一个省的军事设施后,你的军队就可以继续前进,而不是分头去占领所有的领土。
In provinces that do not have any forts, it will be enough to occupy the province capital to trigger this behaviour. Occupying the local capitals was already a good idea since it gives your armies access to the Provincial food storage, but this change further increases the importance of going after these important locations. 在没有任何要塞的省份,只要占领省份首府就能触发这一行为。占领省份首府已经是个不错的选择,因为它能让你的军队进入该省的粮食仓库,但这一新改动进一步增加了攻占这些要地的重要性。
This has the knock-on effect of reducing the need for carpet-sieging behaviour, and makes large-scale warfare significantly less tedious. 这个改动还带来了连锁效应,能减少对地毯式攻城行为的需求,使得大规模战争的乏味程度大大降低。
Province Fort Limit 省份堡垒上限
Another change, partly because of the new importance of forts, and partly because of how easy it has been to tie down invaders by building a great number of small forts, is the Provincial Fort Limit. 另一个改动是堡垒上限,这个改动一方面是由于堡垒新的重要性,另一方面则是由于通过建造大量的小型堡垒来困住入侵方是相当容易做到的。
This limit represents the degree to which the provincial infrastructure can support great fortifications and can be increased using a provincial investment. 这个上限代表了省份内基础设施能够支撑大型要塞的程度,可以利用省份投资来增加上限。
The starting limit for any province will be 5 and each new fort in a territory will make use of 3 Fort Infrastructure levels. Additional levels to existing forts only contribute 1 Fort Infrastructure level to the fort limit, encouraging building forts in important and influential places rather than in every territory. 任何省份的初始上限将是5,一个领土内的每个新堡垒将使用3堡垒基础设施等级。现有的堡垒增加等级,只会贡献1个堡垒基础设施等级花费。这鼓励你在重要和有影响力的地方建造堡垒,而不是在每个领土中都建造堡垒。
The Fort Limit is not a hard limitation, you can still build more fort levels than your province infrastructure can support, but fort levels beyond the limit will sharply increase the maintenance you pay for them. There may well be additional sources of this limit to account for historically well-defended locations. 堡垒上限并不是一个硬性限制,你仍然可以建造比你的省份基础设施所能支持的数量更多的堡垒等级,但是超出上限的堡垒等级会急剧增加其维护费用。这个上限很可能会有额外的来源,来表现历史上防备良好的地点。
Engineer Cohorts 工兵大队

Fort warfare will also be affected by the introduction of a new Engineer Unit type. This unit represents troops specialized in sieges and the construction of military facilities, siege towers, roads, temporary bridges, etc. If present with an army laying siege to a fort, engineers will add +1 to every siege roll, divided by the fort level +1. 堡垒战场也会受到新引入的工兵单位的影响。这种单位代表了专精攻城以及建造军事设施、攻城塔、道路、临时桥梁等建筑的部队。如果一支正在围攻堡垒的军队中有工兵,那么每支工兵都会给每次围攻的掷骰子数值+1,这个数值要除以堡垒等级+1。
Engineers are also able to negate the crossing penalties that armies get for attacking across rivers or straits, as long as they are present in high enough numbers (1 cohort for every 10 units fighting on your side in a battle). For this reason an icon indication has also been added to show whether you will get a crossing penalty or not from a movement order. 只要工兵在军队中的数量足够多(在一场战斗中,10个单位配1个工兵大队),工兵也能够消除军队因跨河或跨海峡进攻而获得的惩罚。为此还增加了一个图标指示,以显示你是否会从移动命令中获得跨越惩罚。
Lastly Engineers are proficient in road building and will greatly reduce the cost to build new roads if they are present in an army ordered to construct roads. 最后,工兵精通修路,如果在奉命修路的军队中出现工兵,将大大降低修筑新路的成本。
The new unit type has an unusually high cost both to recruit and maintain, and is also restricted in some ways that we will expand on later diaries. 这个新的单位种类无论是招募还是维护成本都异常高,而且在某些方面也受到了限制,我们将在以后的日志中展开详述。
That was all for today when it comes changes related to warfare. Now it is time for a change coming to how you handle trade. 今天与战争有关的改动就到这里了。现在,你处理贸易的方式也是时候迎来改动了。
Provincial Trading 省份贸易
One other new feature coming to the Marius update is the ability to assign control over Trade to your Governors. This is done on a provincial level, meaning you can decide to have some provinces under the control of your governor while still manually handling others. 马略Marius更新中的另一个新特性是,可以将贸易控制权委任给你的总督。这是以省为单位的,这意味着你可以决定将一些省份交由你的总督控制,同时仍然手动处理其他省份。
The governors will try to get profitable routes set up while also securing access to food for their territories, but will expect to have total control over what is theirs. 总督们将试着建立有利可图的路线,同时也保证自己领地的粮食供应,但他们会希望能完全控制属于他们自己的东西。
Atlas Map Mode 舆图地图模式
My last point for today is to show the new Map Mode that we are adding together with the interface rework in Marius. It aims at showing information at a glance in a way that could be useful for After Action Report screenshots, or if you just want to admire your world in a way reminiscent of the historical atlases that most of us enjoy. 我今天要讲的最后一点是展示我们在马略Marius更新中加入的新地图模式,这伴随着界面重做而来。它的目的是让信息一目了然,这对于战报截图很有用,或者如果你只是想以一种新的方式——能使人联想到我们大多数人都喜欢的历史地图集——来欣赏你的世界的话,这种地图模式也相当有用。
That was all for this week! Next week we will be back with more about the new features of the Marius update. 这就是这周的全部内容了!下一周我们将带来马略Marius更新的更多新内容。
翻译:Parapinakes 校对:三等文官猹中堂
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