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发表于 2020-4-5 20:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Imperator Dev Diary: Archimedes Patchnotes day! (03/30 '20)
Arheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome

Good day all,

With a mere day to go before the release of 1.4 Archimedes and Magna Graecia, the extensive version of tomorrow's patch notes are here for your perusal.
距离1.4版本号阿基米德Archimedes更新与大希腊Magna Graecia内容包发布仅剩一天,于此奉上明天补丁的完整日志供各位细读。

It is, as usual, worth noting that saved games from previous versions of Imperator will not be compatible with 1.4, primarily due to a huge change to the way we organize setup data behind the scenes. If you are a map or setup modder, you will also be impacted by this (on the plus side, no more gargantuan .csv files!). Version 1.3.2 will be made available as a rollback branch on steam, for those with ongoing campaigns.

#### 1.4 Archimedes Patchnotes ####

# Magna Graecia Content Pack
# 大希腊内容包

- Apotheosis: Living and deceased rulers can now be deified and worshipped as gods. This comes at a cost of Political Influence and requires high popularity and family prestige. Deification requires selecting an existing deity that your character will assume the attributes and ceremonies of, as well as passive and active bonuses. Invoking an Omen of a deified character will result in a powerful effect that the base God did not provide, the strength of which will often be based on the skills or attributes of the deified character.
- 神化:现任及已逝的统治者可以被神化,并作为神祗崇拜。该行动将耗费政治影响力,且需要有极高的支持度以及家族威望。神化要求选择一位现有神祗,将被神化的角色会采用该神祗的属性及仪式,还会获得相同的被动和主动加成。使用神化角色的神谕会获得游戏基础神祗未提供的强大效果,其具体强度则通常取决于被神化角色的技能或属性。

- Added 4 new Mission Trees for a resurgent Sparta and the rise of a new Peleponesian league.
- 为复兴的斯巴达以及新伯罗奔尼撒联盟的崛起新增了4条使命树。

- Added 4 new Mission Trees for Syracuse, allowing the player to realize the dreams of Agathocles and highlighting the history of Greek Italy.
- 为叙拉古新增了4条使命树,这将让玩家有机会实现阿加托克利斯的梦想并彰显希腊文化下意大利的伟大历史。

- Added 4 New Mission Trees for a resurgent Athens and the creation of a new Delian League.
- 为复兴的雅典以及创立新的提洛同盟新增了4条使命树。

- As part of the Expansion Features 30 Greek Sacred Treasures have been placed in countries and Holy Sites around the Greek World.
- 作为扩展包内容的一部分,我们在希腊世界的各个国家和圣地中安置了30个希腊圣物。

- Added 12 new deities local to Athens, Sparta and Syracuse, with special artwork.
- 为雅典、斯巴达、叙拉古新增了12位有专属美工的本地神祗。

- Ostracism: Utilizing one of its older political traditions, Athens can now banish its citizens to an unknown destination without first imprisoning them by paying a hefty Tyranny cost.
- 陶片放逐制:通过一项古老的政治传统,雅典人民可以将其公民驱逐到一个未知的目的地而不需要事先支付沉重的残暴度代价来逮捕他们。

- Heroic Frieze: This new Spartan province investment increases the output of citizens in the entire province as well as the local supply limit.
- 英雄浮雕:这项新的斯巴达省份投资行动将增加整个省份的公民产出和本地的补给上限。

- Free Helots: This new province investment lets Sparta increase the freeman output, primary culture happiness and recruit speed in an entire province.
- 解放希洛人/黑劳士:这项新的省份投资将提高斯巴达的自由民产出,主流文化人民的幸福度以及全省份的征召速度。

- Create Mercenary State: Syracuse can release any city as a militaristic subject state under a puppet governor. A Mercenary Subject state gets a 50% increase to base Manpower. The overlord will receive a reduction in mercenary cost for each subject of this kind they have, and can recruit new rulers from them.
- 建立佣兵城邦:叙拉古可以通过释放任一城市建立一个由傀儡政权统治的军事附属国。雇佣兵城邦附庸将获得50%的额外基础人力。宗主国所拥有的每一个此类附属国都将给予其一定的雇佣兵佣金的减免,且宗主国可以在这些附属国中招募新的统治者。

- Added 3 new hellenistic themed music tracks.
- 新增了3首以希腊文化为主题的音乐曲目。

- Added new land unit models for Athens, Sparta, Syracuse and Crete.
- 为雅典、斯巴达、叙拉古以及克里特增加了新的陆军模型。

- Added new fleet unit models for Athens, Sparta, Syracuse and Crete.
- 为雅典、斯巴达、叙拉古以及克里特增加了新的舰队模型。

- Added a new port model for Greek cultured countries all around the world.
- 为全地图的希腊文化国家增加了一个新的港口模型。

- Added a new Acropolis style Fort model for all Greek countries around the world.
- 为全地图的希腊文化国家增加了一个新的卫城式的要塞模型。(指雅典卫城)

- Added a number of historical flavor decisions to owners of specific significant provinces in the Greek World.
- 为希腊世界中特殊的重要省份的所有者新增了一系列历史向决策。

# Free Features
# 免费特性

- State Pantheon: Religion has been overhauled. Instead of a set of Omens that are invoked periodically, each country now has a State Pantheon of 4 primary Deities that they can choose themselves from among all the Deities worshipped by their population, even those not of the State Religion. Each Deity will provide +5% happiness for pops from its associated religion as well as passive benefits specific to that Deity.
- 国家万神殿:宗教系统进行了大改,现在每个国家不再定期地启用神谕,而是拥有一个由4位主要神祗组成的国家万神殿。这四位神祗可以从该国人口所崇拜的所有神祗中选出,即使该神祗不属于国教也可入选。每位神祗都将为信奉祂所属的宗教的人口提供5%的幸福度加成和祂的被动增益。

- Omens: As before each deity also has an Omen that gives a larger temporary boost to its country. Rare personified deities (such as Alexander the Great or Zoroaster) also give a second immediate effect when worshipped. Their character page can also be accessed in game.
- 神谕:和过去一样,每位神祗拥有一个可以给国家带来短期巨大提升的神谕。在被崇拜时,稀有的被神化人物的神祗(例如亚历山大大帝或琐罗亚斯德)还会立即带来一个额外加成。他们的人物页面在游戏中也可以找到。

- Holy Sites: Each Deity in the game can have one Holy Site. Holy sites exist in territories around the map and apart from some local benefits they also provide a boost to the effectiveness of their associated Deity if a country owns their holy site.
- 圣地:游戏中的每一位神祗都可以拥有一处圣地。圣地存在于游戏地图范围内的领地上。除了本地的增益之外,如果某个国家拥有该神祗的圣地,它们还会增强与之相关的神祗的能力。

- Holy Treasures: Treasures are objects that can be placed on Altars in Holy Sites, and which will benefit the entire Province to which the Holy Site belongs. How many Altars a Holy Site has depends on the type of territory. A settlement has one Altar, a city has two and a Metropolis will have 3. There are circa 100 treasures spread around the holy sites of the world as part of the Archimedes Update.
- 圣物:圣物是可以放置在圣地祭坛上的物品,它们可以为圣地所在的整个省份提供增益。一个圣地拥有的祭坛数量取决于领地的类型。一个聚落有一个祭坛,城市有两个,而都会则有3个。在阿基米德更新中大约有100个圣物分散在世界各地的圣地中。

- Desecration: Holy Sites can be desecrated by their owner or a visiting army in control of their territory. Desecrating a Holy Site will transfer all of its treasures to the country performing the desecration. Desecration also causes other countries in the same religion group as the desecrated deity to lose opinion of the offender, but don’t let that stop you, because wolves aren’t concerned with the opinions of sheep.
- 亵渎:圣地会被它们的所有者或是控制其所属领地的外来军队亵渎。亵渎一个圣地会将它所拥有的所有圣物转移给进行这场亵渎的国家。亵渎也会导致与被亵渎的神祗同宗教的国家对亵渎者的态度下降。但不要让这一点阻止你,强者才不会关心弱者的意见。

- Honored Prophets: Since Judaism is monotheistic, it does not have a State Pantheon. Instead it will compose a group of 4 honored dead Prophets of the faith. These work similar to Deities in some respects, but give more powerful benefits when activated while also being possible to use more rarely. Monotheistic countries also cannot honor a Deity from a different religion, they are limited to only their prophets.
- 尊贵先知:由于犹太教是一神论宗教,它没有国家万神殿,取而代之的是本宗教的4位已经去世的尊贵先知组成的团体。在某些方面这和神祗的原理是一样的,但在被激活时他们会有更强大的增益,但是能被使用的次数也更少。一神教国家不能遵奉其他宗教的神祗,他们最多只能选择其他宗教的先知。

- Trade: You can now specify Trade Goods for which you will automatically decline all requests in the Trade View.
- 贸易:在贸易一览中你可以设置你会自动拒绝所有交易的贸易物品。

- Multiplayer: You can now configure AI settings that will dictate what the AI can and cannot do if you leave a game.
- 多人游戏:你可以配置AI设定,这将决定在你离开游戏时AI能做与不能做的事情。

- Continue Button: When the game end date is reached, you can now choose to continue playing, while forsaking any achievements or custom content after this point. Go nuts, proclaim Pax Romana in 1939 AD if you want, but please send us screenshots.
- 继续游戏按钮:当游戏结束时间到来时,你可以选择继续玩下去,但是放弃在这之后的所有成就或自定义内容。疯狂吧,如果你想的话,在公元1939年宣布罗马治世Pax Romana吧!但请务必把截图发给我们。

- Holdings no longer stop the promotion of Slaves; instead there is now a button to halt slave promotion in a territory at a cost of Slave Happiness. Wolves, sheep, yadda yadda.
- 领地将不再阻止奴隶进行阶层提升;取而代之的是一个新按键,它会暂停一处领地上奴隶的阶层提升,但这是要以奴隶幸福度作为代价。恶狼,羔羊,啦啦啦。

- Character Loyalty: Character Loyalty has been changed away from a system of drift over time to instead function as a sum of known modifiers. This means that at any given time characters will occupy different parts of the loyalty spectrum instead of all characters always drifting towards blind loyalty or complete defiance. To account for this all sources of character loyalty in the game has been revised and rebalanced. Traits now also play a much larger role in the base loyalty of a character.
- 角色忠诚度:角色忠诚度已经从一个随着时间流逝而转变的系统变成了所有已知修正的总和。这意味着在任何时刻角色都会处在忠诚度频谱的不同位置,而不再是所有角色都总是向盲目的忠诚或完全的反抗而移动。为了解决这个问题,游戏中所有角色的忠诚度都被重做且重新平衡了。在决定角色的基础忠诚度中,特质将起到更为重要的作用。

# Gamebalance
# 游戏平衡

# Economy
# 经济

- Freemen now give a bit of tax income.
- 自由民现在会带来一点点税收收入。

- Slaves now produce a bit less tax income.
- 奴隶现在产出的税收收入更低一些了。

- Base Happiness for Slaves is now 90%.
- 奴隶的基础幸福度现在为90%。

- Base Happiness for Tribesmen is now 80%.
- 部落民的基础幸福度现在为80%。

# Governments
# 政府

- Heir support now depends on popularity and traits as well as stats. Martial and Charisma stats are now worth more than finesse and zeal for supporters.
- 继承人支持度现在取决于人气、特质以及属性值。对支持者来说,军略和魅力属性值现在比智略和热忱属性值更为重要。

# Characters
# 人物

- Imprisoning a Head of Family now always requires a trial and risking a Civil War.
- 监禁一个家族领袖现在总需要一场审判,并且有触发一场内战的风险。

- All sources of Loyalty in the entire game have been rebalanced as part of the rework of how Character Loyalty works.
- 作为人物忠诚度机制重做的一部分,游戏中所有忠诚度的来源现在都已经重新平衡了。

- A Character will now always take their holdings with them into a Civil War, and there is no longer a limit on how many Holdings a Character can have.
- 现在,人物总是会带着他们自己的领地进入内战,并且现在人物持有领地的数量已经不再有上限了。

- Trials are no longer blocked by a character having 40 or more Power Base. Instead they will always be possible if the base chance is above 1%.
- 现在审判并不会因为这个人物有40及以上的权力基础值而被阻止,相反只要基础几率大于1%就总是能对他们进行审判。

- The “Proscribe” Character Interaction can now be used on an imprisoned head of family to confiscate all holdings of that family. They will fall from grace and no longer be considered a Great Family of your country.
- “封杀”的人物互动现在可以用在一个被监禁的家族领袖身上,用来剥夺这个家族的所有领地。他们将从体面中坠落,并不再被视为你国家的一个伟大家族。

- It is now harder to take a Co-Ruler to trial.
- 现在更难把共治统治者送去审判。

- “Persuade Character” interaction now replaces Bribe if your ruler has orator or silver tongued. Bribe and Persuade now cost Political Influence in addition to any other effects.
- 现在用“劝说”的互动替换掉“贿赂”,如果你的统治者有“演说家”或是“能言善辩”特质。贿赂或劝说现在除其它效果外还花费政治影响力。

- Only Heads of Family will now purchase Holdings, though any Character can acquire them through schemes or events.
- 现在只有家族领袖可以购买领地,虽然任何角色都可以通过密谋或者事件来获得它们。

- Enticing governors now requires that the governor has at least one state at low state loyalty and bordering the enticing country. Any such provinces will defect to the enticing country.
- 策反总督现在需要总督至少有一个省份属于低忠诚度省份并且毗邻策反国家。所有这样的省份都会叛逃到策反的国家中。

# Religion
# 宗教

- Religious Conversion is now less quick in general to account for being able to placate pops by honouring their gods.
- 宗教改信现在整体上更慢了,因为要通过允许民众信奉自己的神来安抚他们。

# Units
# 部队

- Elephants now have a maneuver of 0, meaning they can only target opposing units directly in front of themselves. The intent here is to simulate that elephants were largely one-dimensional battering rams on the battlefield, with enormous striking power but limited tactical maneuverability.
- 战象现在的机动为0,这意味着他们只能直接对抗战线正对面的敌方部队,这个改动的意图是模拟战象在战场上是一个一维式的攻城锤,有着巨大的碰撞力量但战术机动性有限。

- Mega Polyremes now have a maneuver of 0, meaning they can only target opposing units directly in front of themselves. Ditto above, bigger is not always better.
- 巨型多列桨座战船现在的机动为0,这意味着他们只能直接对抗战线正对面的敌方部队。同上,更大并不总是意味着更好。

- Fixed a number of bugs in combat deployment and also added new rules to ensure more desirable deployment outcomes:
- 修复了一系列战斗部署中出现的问题,并且加入新的规则来确保更适合的战斗部署。

- Supply Trains now only ever join battle once all other units on their side are depleted.
- 补给车队现在只能在己方所有其他部队都耗尽时才会加入战斗。

- Non flank units now reinforce the center from behind instead of from the flanks. Primary units are deployed first and secondary units second.
- 非侧翼部队现在从后方而不是从侧翼来增援战线中部。战线第一列部队先部署,第二列部队后部署。

- Flank Units still reinforce the flanks. Designated flank units are always preferred to reinforce if available.
- 侧翼部队现在仍然增援侧翼。被指定为侧翼的部队现在总是在可能情况下优先增援侧翼。

- Units that are instantly deployed when an army arrives to a battle that has been ongoing long enough that the retreat block has been removed will now deploy with a morale penalty.
- 当一场已经进行了很久的战斗导致战线上撤退的部队位被移除,一支军队抵达加入战斗并即时部署单位增援时,这些部署的单位会受到士气惩罚。

- Units that reinforce the center but are not designated as secondary rank will now take a small hit to morale.
- 并非指定为第二列的部队增援战线中间时现在会受到一个较小的士气惩罚。

- Units can now require multiple things to be built. Heavy Ships now require both the right Military Traditions and Wood.
- 部队现在需要多种东西了组建。重型舰船现在需要正确的军事传统和木材。

# War & Peace
# 战争与和平

- The base speed for a siege tick is now 25 days instead of 30 days.
- 围城周期计数的基础速度现在是25天而不是30天。

- Mercenaries now cost Gold to recruit instead of Military Experience.
- 雇佣兵现在花费金钱而不是军事经验来雇佣。

- Conquered provinces now start somewhat less loyal than they used to.
- 比起以前,被征服的省份现在一开始会有更低的忠诚度。

- Increased War Exhaustion from Battles.
- 增加战斗带来的厌战度。

# Other
# 其它

- AI should care more about strength when agreeing or disagreeing to becoming a feudatory.
- AI在是否同意成为藩属国时会更多地考虑力量。

- Converting religion now gives a 75% discount to changing deities in pantheon for a period of time. News gods on sale, limited time offer, while supplies last.
- 改变宗教现在会在一段时间内给改变万神殿神祇的花费以75%折扣。新神祇大促销,时间限定,售完为止。

- High tribute level now only reduce subject opinion by 50.
- 高贡金等级现在只会降低附庸50好感度。

- Legitimacy no longer affects max loyalty. Monarchies default to 100 loyalty as max.
- 正统性不再影响最大忠诚度。君主制默认最大忠诚度为100.

- Lowered the zeal requirement for Divinity Statutes law to 10 from 12.
- 降低了神格法令的热忱要求,从12降低到10.

- Only Civilized overlords can have Feudatories.
- 只有开化的宗主国能拥有藩属国。

- Rivals of your ruler now get a lower wage and will get a reduction of Family prestige over time.
- 你的地缘模拟器的宿敌现在会得到更低的薪水,并且会随时间推移降低家族威望。

- Starting Army Sizes and Navy Sizes are now slightly smaller.
- 开局时的陆军规模还海军规模略微变小。

# AI

# Diplomacy
# 外交

- Fixed an esoteric case where AI could attack subjects of an ally without breaking the alliance (thus incurring harsh penalties).
- 修复了一个稀有的错误,AI会攻击盟友的附庸而没有断绝联盟(因此导致了严重的惩罚)。

- AI slightly more likely to accept becoming a Client State or Feudatory based on the strength of the potential overlord.
- 基于潜在宗主国的力量,AI略微更有可能接受成为仆从国或藩属国。

- AI should now be better at judging when to start another concurrent war to speed up expansion (if at all).
- AI现在能更好地判断什么时候开启另一场同时进行的战争以加速扩张(如果可以的话)。

- AI now knows that they can enforce demands having fully captured the war goal (and will do so if situation isn't improving).
- AI现在懂得他们在占领所有战争目标后可以强制执行要求(并且如果在局势没有改善的情况下会这样做)。

- AI now properly checks strength balances on changing conditions, leading to fewer suicides.
- AI现在能合理地在局势变化中检查力量平衡,这导致更少的自杀行为。

- AI is now able to void the guarantees they committed to like the true bastards they ought to be.
- AI现在能够撤销他们的独立保障,就像他们本应是的真正的混蛋那样行事。

# Economy
# 经济

- Fixed so that the AI can properly create trade routes via the action plan.
- 修复了AI,使其能够合理地通过行动计划创建贸易路线。

# War
# 战争

- Added additional qualifying criteria before AI decides to send out armies on naval expeditions when wargoal is being contested and can be pathed to.
- 给AI增加了额外的衡量标准,在AI决定派遣军队进行海上远行、而战争正在被争夺且有路径到达时,会再进行考虑。

- AI units now dynamically increase search range in case they find too few options or fail to reach their current destination pathed to. Should result in less indecisiveness and staying in poor locations.

- AI should be slightly more interested in pursuing the war goal as well as state capitals.
- AI现在会略微对占取战争目标和省份首府更感兴趣。

- AI should consider if they really have food prior to besieging non-wargoal forts (imperfect heuristic).
- AI现在会考虑是要围攻非战争目标的要塞还是要优先保留粮食(不完全启发)。

- AI may try to assault if its troop is unavoidably attriting away due to lack of food and there is nothing else for it to do, because come on you dogs, do you want to live forever?!
- 如果AI的部队不可避免的将因缺少粮食而受到损耗,而有没有其它事情能做,AI将试图突击要塞,因为——你们这些走狗难道还想永生不死吗?

# Other
# 其它

- AI tribes can now migrate.
- AI部落现在可以迁徙。

- AI may Deify their ruler to celebrate a large-scale victorious conquest.
- AI可以神化他们的统治者来庆祝一次胜利的大规模征服。

- Added AI functionality for destroying buildings
- 增加了AI摧毁建筑的能力。

# Interface
# 界面

# Icons/Art
# 图标/美工

- Added a small animation for when a mission is in progress.
- 为正在进行中的使命增加了一个小动画。

- The style of the buildings in a city on the map will now correspond to the dominant culture of that city, and will change if the dominant culture changes during the game.
- 在大地图中各个城市的建筑所显示出来的建筑风格现在会与该城市的主流文化相符,而如果在游戏进程中主流文化改变,建筑风格也会相应改变。

- There is now an alternative icon for Sacrificing to the gods for countries that follow religions that would not have sacrificed a pig, such as Judaism, Jainism, etc.
# 如果某些宗教在献祭时没有捅猪活动,就比如说犹太教和耆那教等,那么信奉这些宗教的国家在向神祇献祭时就会有替代图标。

# Mapmodes
# 地图模式

- Add government type Map Mode
- 增加了政府类型地图模式。

- Add province rank Map Mode
- 增加了省份等级地图模式。

- Added Naval Range Map Mode
- 增加了海军范围地图模式。

- Added Holdings Map Mode
- 增加了封地地图模式。

- Added additional Map Modes to the in game lobby
- 在游戏大厅增加了额外的地图模式。

# Tooltips
# 提示栏

- Changed modification_display for several buildings to actually show comparable number effects. Also changed so that displays are consistent in showing mods in order: first "output" then "happiness" and then other effects such as ratios etc
- 对几处建筑的modification_display进行改动,从而使得它们能够真正显示出可比较的数字效果。同时还做出改动,这样的话即便正在运行mod,显示结果依然是稳定的:首先是“产出”,然后是“幸福度”,接下来是诸如比例等其他效果。

# Script
# 脚本

# Achievements
# 成就

- Added 7 new achievements for Archimedes update.
- 在阿基米德Archimedes更新中增加了7项新的成就。

# Decisions
# 决议

- Imperial Cult now requires that the entire Pantheon of your country is composed of Deified rulers, if you own the Magna Graecia content pack.
- 如果你拥有大希腊Magna Graecia内容包的话,你就可以玩到帝国崇拜Imperial Cult,后者现在要求你国家的万神殿完全由神化的统治者组成。

- Added formable Epirus
- 增加了可成立的伊庇鲁斯。

- Added a formable for Euboea
- 在埃维厄岛增加了一个可成立国家。

# Religion
# 宗教

- Added a large number of new deities around the world (ie deities that do not correspond to any pre-existing Omen).
- 在世界范围内增加了大量的新神祇(即不与任何此前存在的神谕相对应的神祇)。

- Alexander the Great now exists as a personified deity that can be worshipped by anyone in possession of his body.
- 亚历山大大帝现在以拟人化的神祇形象存在,可以被任何拥有他尸体的人崇拜。

- Buddha, Mahavira, Alexander, Zoroaster and all Jewish Prophets are now scripted as characters that can be viewed in game by anyone honoring their respective religion.
- 佛陀,摩诃毗罗,亚历山大,琐罗亚斯德,以及全体犹太教先知现在都已经被编写进脚本,从而任何人可以在游戏进程中查看各自信奉的对象。

# Events
# 事件

- Added a new event series about the hostilities between the Diadochi kingdoms, pitting Phrygia against Macedon, Egypt and the Seleukids.
- 增加了新的事件组以描述继业者王国之间的敌对状态,包括弗里吉亚与马其顿之间的竞争,和埃及与塞琉古之间的对抗。

- Added an alternate version of the Etruscan Fortune event, which works similarly to the original, but is a country event that can fire on a yearly basis (rather than specifically when you conquer something in Sardinia).
- 为伊特鲁里亚的财产Etruscan Fortune事件增加了新的版本,新版本的事件与原本运作得差不多,不过是国家事件,而且可能以年度频率发生(而不是指定只有在玩家占领萨丁尼亚某处时才激活)。

- Added variable that stops main_event_pulse while mission monthly_on_actions are active
- 增加了一项变量,当使命中monthly_on_actions代码激活时,用于停用main_event_pulse代码。

- Added warning to Persian Heiress event to inform the player about what they are forsaking.
- 为“波斯的女继承人”事件增加了提示,从而告知玩家他们将要承受的损失。

- The ruler can no longer be adopted
- 统治者再也不能被收养了。

- Added checks to ensure physician and patient are not same person, because that’s probably some sort of violation of the Hippocratic Oath
- 增加了检查以确保医生和患者不再是同一角色,毕竟这大概在某种程度上有悖希波克拉底誓言。

- Added 4 DHEs for Thrace
- 为色雷斯增加了4项历史动态事件。

- Added divorce effect and applied it to relevant events.
- 增加了离婚效果并应用到相关事件当中。

- Made accidents more likely if physician has less than 4 finesse or is a rival of the patient
- 如果医生的机智低于4或者医生是患者的仇敌,那意外会更有可能发生。

- Made sure Ambrakia becomes provincial as well as country capital when Pyrrhus returns
- 确保皮洛士返回时安布拉基亚将会同时成为一个省份和国家首都。

- Stopped city fall events from occurring if new owner is in a civil war
- 如果新的所有者正处于内战当中,城市沦陷事件则不会发生。

- Increased the rewards from Scientific Breakthrough event significantly
- 极大提升“科研突破”事件的奖励。

# Missions
# 使命

- Added 4 new Mission Trees for Greek countries in Greece, the Black Sea region, Italy and the far west.
- 为希腊地区、黑海地区、意大利、和远西的希腊国家增加了4条使命树。

- Disabled Destroy Latins task for AI, as it is an alt history scenario for particular strategies/circumstances
- 对AI禁用摧毁拉丁人Destroy Latins的任务,毕竟这是只有在特定策略/情况下才会触发的另类历史场景。

- Fixed FPS drop for Aegis of Africa mission
- 修复了非洲守护者Aegis of Africa使命的掉帧问题。

- Added highlighting to Indo-Greek decision
- 为印度-希腊决议增加了强调提醒。

- Timed tasks now prevent mutually exclusive tasks when in progress
- 正在进行的限时任务会禁用相互排斥的其他任务。


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# Setup
# 设置

- Starting Tech levels now vary between countries, between 0 and 2 to better reflect differences in development already in place in 304 BCE. Countries that start above tech 0 still have to buy the inventions of the previous tech levels.
- 现在各个国家的初始科技等级在0到2之间不等,以更好反映不同国家在公元前304年时已有的发展差异。但即便是初始科技在0级以上的国家,也仍然需要购买解锁之前科技等级的发明。

- Heads of Family will now start with some Holdings in all countries big enough to support that.
- 现在各个国家的家族首领在游戏开始时都有拥有足够的封地以与自己的身份相符。

- Adjusted the starting border between the Seleucids and Phrygia.
- 调整了塞琉古与弗里吉亚之间的起始边界区划。

- Added country specific heritages for: Ionia, Aeolia, Delphi, Boeotia, Elea, Croton, Acragas, Aetolia, Megara, Elis, Miletos, Epidauros, Eretria, Byzantium, Bithynia, Bosporan Kingdom, Halicarnassus, Metapontum, Knidos, and Kios.
- 为下述国家添加了专属的传承:爱奥尼亚,埃俄利亚,德尔斐,皮奥缇娅,爱丽亚,克罗顿,阿克拉加斯,埃托利亚,麦加拉,伊利亚,米利托,埃皮达鲁斯,厄立特里亚,拜占庭,比提尼亚,博斯普鲁斯王国,哈利卡纳苏斯,梅塔蓬托,克尼多斯,基奥斯。

- Added cultural heritages for the following cultures: Achean, Arcadian, Siceliote, Italiote, Cretan, Aegean, Graeco-Pontic, Bosporan, Euboean, and Bithynian.
- 为下述文化增加了文化传承:亚该亚,阿卡迪亚,西塞里欧特,意大利,克里特,爱琴,希腊-本都,博斯普鲁斯,埃维厄,比提尼亚。

- Added Ptolemy Soter's father and brother
- 添加了托勒密一世“救世者”的父亲和兄弟。

- Added more Greek heritages around the Mediterranean
- 在地中海沿岸添加了更多的希腊传承。

- Adjusted some province trade goods
- 调整了某些省份的贸易货物。

- Added a set starting pantheon for many historical countries.
- 为许多史实国家添加了一整套起始万神殿。

- Made Agathokles friends with his brother to help with disloyalty
- 让阿加索克利斯与其兄弟交好,从而共同对抗不忠。

- Added a new Meroitic culture group.
- 添加了全新的麦罗埃文化组。

- Reorganized pops in Sparta
- 重新整理了斯巴达的人口。

- Added Blood of the Argeads to Neoptolemos II and Kadmeia Aiakidai (children of Alexander the Great's sister, Kleopatra)
- 为捏俄普托勒摩斯二世和卡德米亚·埃基戴(他们是亚历山大大帝的妹妹克利奥帕特拉的孩子)添加了阿吉德王朝的血脉。

- Added Chalkidian Fortifications modfiier to Chalkis (+15% fort defense) and a starting level 2 fort
- 为哈尔基斯添加了哈尔基斯堡垒Chalkidian Fortifications的修正(+15%堡垒防御)和初始等级为2级的堡垒。

- Added Phila Antipatrid (prior wife of Demetrios I, mother of Antigonos Gonatos & Stratonike), Alkia (wife of Agathokles I, mother of Lanassa & Agathokles II), Phthia (mother of Pyrrhos, Deidamia & Troias), and Krateros (son of Krateros & Phila Antipatrid)
- 添加了菲拉·安提帕德(德米特里一世的前妻,安提柯·戈纳托斯和斯托拉托妮可的母亲),阿尔吉亚(阿加索克利斯一世的妻子,拉纳莎和阿加索克利斯二世的母亲),弗提亚(皮洛士,黛达弥亚,和特洛雅丝的母亲)和克拉特罗斯(克拉特罗斯和菲拉·安提帕德的儿子)。

- Added full historic regnal numbers for Epirus and Macedon
- 为伊庇鲁斯和马其顿添加了完整且符合历史的世代数。

- Added starting friendship between Pyrrhos of Epirus and Glaukias of Taulantia
- 在伊庇鲁斯的皮洛士和塔兰提亚的格劳喀阿之间建立初始友谊关系。

- Added starting rivalry between Glaukias of Taulantia and Kassandros of Macedon
- 在塔兰提亚的格劳喀阿和马其顿的卡桑德罗斯之间建立初始仇敌关系。

- Diversified starting population of Thebes based on their re-settlement
- 由于他们之前的重新定居行为,分散开底比斯的初始人口分布。

- Fixed Hipparchia Maroneid being Krates Askonid's daughter instead of wife
- 修复了希帕奇亚·马洛尼德是卡拉特斯·阿斯科尼德的女儿而不是妻子的问题。

- Fixed advanced age of Archagathos Agathokles (Agathokles I's grandson)
- 修复了阿卡加索斯·阿卡索克利斯(阿卡索克利斯一世的孙子)的年龄提前的问题。

- Fixed heir to Paeonia being 10 years younger than their father
- 修复了帕奥尼亚的继承人比父亲年轻10岁的问题。

- Made Beroaia Otid the starting spouse of Glaukias of Taulantia
- 使得伯涛雅·奥提德成为塔兰提亚的格劳喀阿的初始配偶。

- Made Eurdyike Miltiatid the starting spouse of Demetrios Poliorketes
- 使得欧律狄刻·米缇娅提德成为德米特里一世的初始配偶。

- Moved Khotanese, Yuezhi and Tocharian cultures into the Bactrian group.
- 将于阗,月氏,和吐火罗文化归入巴克特里亚文化组。

- Removed Seleukos, child of Antiochos and Stratonike, as not born yet
- 移除了安提奥克斯和斯托拉托妮可和孩子西流克斯,因为后者还没有出生。

- Tweaked Boeotian trade goods: Anthedon now produces Wine, Tanagra now produces earthenware
- 调整了皮奥缇娅的贸易货物:安顿现在产出酒类,塔纳格拉现在产出陶器。

- Added a number of deceased historical characters to the game world.
- 为游戏世界添加了一系列已经逝世的历史角色。

- Structure of the setup files for provinces and characters have been completely overhauled, allowing for much greater moddability of flexibility when working in setup.
- 彻底重做了省份和角色的设置文档结构,从而在使用设置时mod的空间和灵活性更大。

# Other
# 其他

- Standardized and updated governor policy tooltips
- 更新且统一了总督政策的提示栏文本。

- Added character interaction to revoke a holding.
- 增加了褫夺领地的人物互动。

- Added scheme for heads of family to expand a family estate in one of their holdings, this can be done multiple times to increase the value of that land.
- 为家主增加了一项密谋:扩张其持有的一处家族领地财产的规模,它可以多次执行以增加该土地的价值。

- Cleaned up tooltips, reduced chance, and increased cooldown for Discreditable Dalliance and Price of Wild Oats event chains
- “无耻调情”和“放荡代价”的事件链提示更简洁、发生几率有所降低,并提高了冷却时常。

- Fixed huge heir attraction modifier in The Brothers event chain
- 修复了“兄弟手足”事件链中巨大的继承人吸引力修正

- Hid Adopt character interaction on dead characters
- 在已死角色界面隐藏收养人物的互动。

- Archimedes is now in Archimedes
- 阿基米德现已加入阿基米德Archimedes版本补丁。

- Added more loading screen quotes
- 载入界面添加了更多的名言警句。

- Made Isis a viable deity for nations who have the Isis cult
- 使伊西斯Isis成为拥有伊西斯崇拜的国家可用的神祇

- Stopped characters from seeking patrons among children
- 让角色们不再到孩童里找赞助人。

- Overhauled renaming of Seleukids and Maurya to not rely on founding family existing in code
- 对塞琉古帝国和孔雀帝国的命名进行大改,不再依赖于代码中既有的开国家族。

- Simplified opinion modifiers in Raze and Pillage unit abilities and reordered effects
- 简化毁灭劫掠Raze and Pillage部队能力的好感修正并对其效果重新排序

- Purged all remaining uses of Omen Duration and Omen Cost.
- 清除了神谕持续时间和神谕成本的所有残留使用。

# Map
# 地图

- Made map changes to Attica, Euboea, Argolis, and the Aegean Sea. Adding new tags and provinces in the process to create a more detailed view of the Greek World.
- 阿提卡Attica、优卑亚Euboea、阿尔戈利斯Argolis和爱琴海地区的地图改动。在此过程中添加新国家和省份,以创造更详细的希腊世界全景。

-Introduced the new countries Opus, Amphissa, Delphi, Elateia, Dyme, Pellene, Tegea, and Hermione - in addition Euboea has now been divided between Oreos and Eretria.
- 引入了新国家伯西芒Opus,阿姆菲萨Amphissa,德尔斐Delphi,伊拉提亚Elateia,戴亩Dyme,培林尼Pellene,帖该亚Tegea和赫迈俄尼Hermione——此外,优卑亚Euboea现已被欧瑞温Oreos和埃雷特里亚(伊瑞垂亚)Eretria两者分开。

- Introduced a large number of new countries in India and reworked the starting event about the Seleucid-Mauryan war to account for this.
- 在印度地区引入了许多新国家,并重新设计了有关塞琉古—孔雀帝国战争的起始事件,以解决这一问题。

- Added dynamic province names for new territories in Peloponnese
- 为伯罗奔尼撒的新领土添加了动态省份名称。

- Added some Egyptian dynamic province names
- 添加了一些埃及动态省份名称。

- Renamed Sale in Thrace to Maroneia
- 将色雷斯的撒别伊Sale更名为马洛尼亚Maroneia。

- Swapped some cities in Upper Egypt to the famous cities from smaller places
- 把上埃及的一些城市从小地方转移到著名的城市。

- Added further Egyptian names
- 增加了更多的埃及文化名字。

- Corrected location of Alexandreia Nikaia and Areia
- 更正了亚历山德里亚-妮卡亚Alexandreia Nikaia和阿利亚Areia的位置。

- Fixed Ake name for non-Seleukids and changed Etruscan Sena to Sena Rasna to avoid duplicate
- 修复了不受塞琉古控制的阿克Ake的名称,并将伊特鲁里亚西纳Etruscan Sena更改为西纳拉斯纳Sena Rasna以避免重复。

- Changed names in Persia based on beta feedback
- 根据Beta测试反馈更改了波斯的一些名称。

- Changed some of the start trade goods in Cyrenaica.
- 更改了昔兰尼加Cyrenaica的一些初始贸易商品。

- Improved accuracy of some province names
- 提高了一些省名的准确性。

- Made Heraia name consistent with country, added Nikomedia name if Bithynia owns Astakos.
- 使赫里亚Heraia的名称与国家保持一致,如果比堤尼亚Bithynia拥有阿斯塔科斯Astakos,则添加尼科米底亚Nikomedia名称。

- Fixed an upside down port in Africa
- 修复了非洲一个上下位置颠倒了的港口。

- Travelers from Keos will no longer go directly to Athens, but will now properly have to go through Thorikos first.
- 来自凯阿岛Keos的旅行者将不再直接前往雅典,而必须符合现实先途径托里库斯Thorikos。

# Bugfixes
# 漏洞修复

- Readjusted the Tyrian Purple to need a surplus of 5 or higher, rather than than a surplus of more than 5.
- 重新调整了成就提尔紫Tyrian Purple,需要不少于5的盈余,而不是超过5的盈余。

- Slave revolts that end in unowned territory will now still count as ended in the origin country.
- 在无主省份上结束的奴隶起义现在仍算作在起始国结束。

- Experience decay is now not a fraction of a percentage.
- 经验衰减现在不再是以百分数部分来计算。

- Fixed bad controller check when razing/pillaging fortified provinces.
- 修复了在毁灭/劫掠要塞省份时要对控制者进行错误检定的问题。

- Fixed pillaged opinion using max instead of min, now correctly gives -50 each time instead of -200 instantly
- 修复了使用最大值而不是最小值的劫掠好感修正,现在每次(劫掠)都会正确地给出-50修正而不是立即-200的修正

- Added `has_siege = no` trigger to `city.20` which gives a free fort level.
- 在“city.20”中添加了“has_siege = no”触发器,从而提供一个免费的要塞等级。

- Added bypass to Befriend Ibero and Gaul based on a variable set when the task Is taken
- 添加了在执行使命时可跳过与伊比利亚人和高卢人为友Befriend Ibero and Gaul的变量集。

- Added bypass triggers to generic conquest mission
- 在通用的征服使命中增加了跳过触发器

- Added missing Tooltip for Capital Cities.
- 为首都城市增加了缺失的提示栏。

- Added checks to prevent highlighting functions being called while parent window is animating, should help prevent a crash.
- 添加了检查,以防止上层窗口处于激活状态时调用突出显示功能,这应该有助于防止崩溃。

- Added cooldown for overlords and tributary events.
- 增加了宗主国和朝贡国事件的冷却时间。

- Added fallback potential for Hispania and Africa missions in case Punic Rivals never appeared.
- 增加了伊比利亚和非洲使命的后备内容,以便应对布匿各宿敌国不出现的情况。

- Added gender neutral description for Olympics.
- 为奥林匹克运动会添加了性别中立的描述。

- Adriatic Adventures now allowed if a subject borders Ancona and bypassed if a subject owns Ancona territory
- 现在若有附属国与安科纳接壤,则也可以进行“亚得里亚海冒险”;如果附属国拥有安科纳省份则直接跳过。

- Annex Apulia now bypasses if Mesapia or Apulia is a subject rather than just both
- 现在若墨萨庇亚或阿普利亚其中只有一个是附属国而非二者皆是,则会跳过“吞并阿普利亚”。

- Fixed multiple Archimedes’ appearing over and over until the world was full of mathematicians.
- 修复了阿基米德多次反复出现导致世界上充满数学家的情况。

- Fixed Neuter Carthage mission triggers when they have no subjects
- 修复了“阉割迦太基”使命在其没有附属国时触发的问题。

- Fixed a food calculation logic bug.
- 修复了食物计算逻辑的一个错误。

- Fixed age order of Phila Antipatrid's kids (Krateros > Gonatos > Stratonike)
-修复了费拉·安提帕特Phila Antipatrid的孩子们的年龄顺序(克拉特鲁斯Krateros>安提柯二世Gonatos>斯特拉托妮可Stratonike)。

- Fixed babies making friends and rivals in Bond of Childhood event.
- 修复了婴儿在孩提纽带事件中会结识朋友和对手的问题。

- Fixed event being confused about who was who when marrying within family.
- 修复了在族内通婚时,事件中谁是谁的困惑问题。

- Fixed literally unplayable typos
- 修复了完全无法接受的拼写错误问题。

- Fixed treatment giving money to patient
- 修复了治疗却给病人钱的问题。

- Fixed typos in: Inspiring Hellene, Polemic Speech event, Fixed typo in Sounding Out the Opposition, The Administration of Asia, The Fate of Pergamon
- 修复了以下内容中的拼写错误:鼓舞人心的希腊人,演讲论战事件;修复了“试探反对者”、“亚细亚行政管理”、“珀耳伽蒙的命运”中的拼写错误

- Fixed crash caused by trying to check unit abilities on a unit without location
- 修复了由于尝试检查无位置单位的单位能力而导致的崩溃。

- Fixed crash when trying to access alive data for dead character under modifier updates
- 修复了在修正项更新时尝试访问死亡人物的存活数据时崩溃的问题。

- The game now uses the governorships scriptlist for the "governorships" scriptlist. Previously it was using holdings.
- 游戏现在为“总督”脚本列表使用总督脚本列表。之前它使用的是领地的脚本列表。

- Game will no longer create empty units for revolts without loyal veterans
- 在没有忠诚老兵的情况下,游戏不再为起义创建空单位

- Fixed issue where generic conquest missions would abort if you conquered the entire region they targeted.
- 修复了如果通用征服使命在征服了其标记的整个区域后中断的问题。

- Fixed the Captured Roman Eagle event showing the wrong description text.
- 修复了“捕获罗马鹰徽”事件显示错误描述文字的问题。

- Fixed the Germania Magna achievement, it no longer looks at the incorrect region.
- 修复了大日耳曼尼亚成就,它不再会着眼于错误的区域。

- Assaults no longer continue indefinitely if started with too few cohorts, although “Neverending Assault” would be a pretty great heavy metal album title.
- 若发起进攻的步兵大队过少则突击行动不会一直持续,不过 “无尽侵袭”是一个很棒的重金属专辑标题。

- A country should no longer be able to run out of females (or males). We offer no such guarantee for zebras, however.
- 一个国家将不再会用光女性(或男性)。但我们不对斑马做出任何保证。

- Governor wages are now properly taken from the income of the provinces under the Governor, reducing what they send to the state treasury by the same amount that the governor is paid.
- 现在总督工资改为从总督辖下各省的收入中取得,而其工资从它们送给国库的钱中扣去。

- Fixed bug that made province capitals appear in random locations at start, instead of the largest city in the province.
- 修复了开局时,使省会首府出现在随机位置而不是省内最大城市的错误。

- Fixed bug which made script that affected province food always fail, except on developer builds.
- 修复了除非在开发者模式下,则影响省份食物的脚本运行永远失败的错误。

- Fixed bug that could make battles last forever if any unit had a maneuver of 0.
- 修复了如果任何单位的机动为0,则战斗可能永远持续的错误。

- An annexed country that revolts or is released again will never appear unless it would own its former capital.
- 现在某个已被吞并的国家发动叛乱或被放出后,只有在能控制其前首都时才会正常出现。。

# Miscellaneous
# 杂项

- Fixed audio-related issue that caused slowdown and stuttering for some users.
- 修正了某个导致部分用户运行缓慢或卡顿的音频相关问题。

#### Patchnote End ####

翻译:Parapinakes 参商朔望 三等文官猹中堂 斯普特尼克
校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂



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