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Imperator Dev Diary - 28/10/19 Snow Crystal, Content Designer on Imperator
Hello there! 大家吼!
Today I have the pleasure of telling you about the Punic missions, and give you a deeper look into the mission system. 今天我很高兴为你们介绍布匿人(译者注:罗马人对迦太基人的称呼,此处泛指与迦太基同文化的整个民族)的任务,并让你更深入了解一下任务系统。
For Carthage, we have split the missions into two categories, conquest and infrastructure, for the sake of simplicity. In the conquest based missions we have focused on the Punic spheres of influence like Sicily, Africa, Iberia, Rome, and even Phoenicia. Whereas for the infrastructure ones, we have looked at some of their strengths, i.e their navies and their commerce. 为了简单起见,我们将迦太基的任务分为了两部分:征服和基建。在以征服为本的任务中,我们着眼于布匿人的势力范围,例如西西里、阿非利加、伊比利亚、罗马甚至腓尼基。而对于基建类,我们研究了迦太基人的某些长处,即他们的海军和商业。
It should be noted that most of these missions would become active for any Punic country of some size, not just Carthage themselves. 应该指出的是,这些任务中的大多数都将对达到特定规模的任意布匿国家可用,而非仅限于迦太基本身。
Aegis of Africa (Conquest) 阿非利加之盾(征服)
Africa is the heart of the Carthaginian might, with its rich fertile farms and many Punic settlements. At the start your have a lot of small feudatories as well as the two large tribal vassals in Musulamia and Massylia. Historically the latter would go on to defect to Rome during the Second Punic War, and form a large kingdom threatening their weakened Punic neighbor. 阿非利加农场丰饶,布匿人定居点众多,是迦太基势力的核心。开局时,你会有一堆小规模的藩属国,还有穆苏拉米亚Musulamia和马西利亚Massylia这两个大部落附庸。按照历史的进程,后者会在第二次布匿战争中投靠罗马,并建立一个大王国,进而威胁他们那已被削弱的布匿邻居。

For the mission tasks in this mission, you will mainly focus on integrating your many feudatories, and put an end to the tribal vassals at your borders. As for your larger Feudatories in Emporia and Tripolitania, their integration is set aside as optional mission tasks, giving the player the choice if you want to keep them as feudatories or not. As for the final task, you will be given the choice of two permanent bonuses. 按照这套任务组中的任务,你将主要着重于整合你为数众多的藩属国,并终结和你接壤的部落附庸们。至于在恩波里亚和的黎波里塔尼亚地区那些较大的藩属国,它们的整合将被保留为可选任务,让玩家可以选择是否保留它们这些藩属国。至于最后的任务,你将会得到在两个永久性奖励之间的选择。
An End to Sicillian Warfare (Conquest) 西西里战争的结束(征服)
Sicily was a thorn in the side of Carthage, as the Greco-Punic wars for the island had already been an on-going thing for close to 200 years at this point. Just before the start date of Imperator Agathokles, the Greek Tyrant of Syracuse, had brought the war all the way to Africa and ravaged the Punic heartland. 对于迦太基来说,西西里一直如鲠在喉,因为在这个时间点,围绕该岛进行的希腊-布匿战争已经持续了近200年。在叙拉古的希腊僭主阿加托克利斯皇帝出生前不久,这场战争已经一路席卷到阿非利加,并毁坏了布匿的核心区。

The mission tasks for this mission is focused around completely conquering the island, and building up the ancient Phoenician cities on the island. In addition, early on you have a choice if you want to liberate or… "liberate" Akragas. 这套任务中的任务旨在完全征服该岛,并重建岛上古老的腓尼基城市。此外,你在很早就可以选择解放或者...“解放”阿克拉加斯。

In the second half of the mission we have set aside some optional mission tasks to build some heavy ships, and for the player to be able to improve the wine and grain trade goods across the island. When finishing up the mission, you will be able to focus your efforts on integrating the area or to make a Feudatory that will be put in charge of the island. 在任务的后半部分,我们已经预留了一些建造重型舰船的可选任务,并使玩家能够增加全岛的葡萄酒和谷物的贸易货物。完成任务后,你可以集中精力整合该地区或者扶植一个控制全岛的藩属国。
The Iberian Struggle (Conquest) 伊比利亚之争(征服)
The Phoenicians settled in southern Iberia several centuries before our start date, and by the time of the 3rd century BCE these areas had mostly fallen under Carthaginian influence. The Carthaginians would go on to take control of the rich silver mines of south-eastern Iberia, and the Roman occupation of the area played a decisive role in turning the tide of the Second Punic War. 腓尼基人在我们游戏开始日期的几个世纪前就定居于伊比利亚南部,而到公元前三世纪时,这些地区大多落入了迦太基人的势力范围之内。迦太基人将继续试图控制伊比利亚东南部丰富的银矿,罗马人对该地区的占领对第二次布匿战争的局势扭转起了决定性的作用。

For the mission tasks in the mission, you will focus on taking control of the silver mines in south-east Iberia, as well as setting up defenses in the nearby area. You will be able to move down two separate routes to either the mission task 'Hispanic Overlord' or 'Rise of Carthago Nova'. The former will quell the unrest in the area, and the latter will make a new Colony subject named Carthago Nova who will gain control of your holdings in Iberia. 对于这套任务组中的任务,你将着眼于控制伊比利亚东南部的银矿,并在周围地区建立防御。你将能够沿着“伊比利亚霸主”或“新迦太基的崛起”两条独立的路线完成剩余任务。前者将平息该地区的动乱,而后者将使一个名为“新迦太基”的新殖民附属国控制你在伊比利亚的所有土地。

Aftermath of the Revolution (Infrastructure) 革命的余波(基础建设)
During the war with Agathokles Bomilcar was a leading commander, and some say a Suffete of Carthage, and one of the strongmen in charge of the state. It is said he was willing to let the Greeks run wild, in the hopes that he could overthrow the Carthaginian government and become a tyrant in his own right. Though his coup failed, the Carthaginian state was still shook for a long time by this unbecoming little revolt. 阿加托克利斯•波米尔卡在布匿战争中曾担任主要指挥官,有人说他是迦太基的一位苏菲特Suffete(译注:迦太基的最高执政官头衔,一共两名,每年选举产生),是掌管国家的铁腕人物之一。据说他甚至愿意放任希腊人肆意妄为,然后借此机会推翻迦太基的政府,从而让自己成为僭主。虽然他政变未遂,迦太基仍然因为这场胡闹的小叛乱而动荡了很长一段时间。

At the start of the game you will be able to pick up the pieces of the failed coup, and try to make your own mark on the Carthaginian government. You could either try to ally up with the Council of the 104 and turn the state more oligarchic, find like-minded among those who once took part in the revolution and turn more plutocratic, or strengthen the current system. The old "Mercenary Patron" decision has also been implemented as part of this mission, and removed as a decision. 在游戏开始时,你可以接手未遂政变的残局,尝试在迦太基的政府里留下自己的烙印。你既可以选择尝试与百人会议(译注:百人会议共有成员104人,在亚里士多德的《政治学》中被描述成“最高宪法权威”,负责迦太基国内的监察以及作出审判)结盟,转向寡头政治;也可以在曾经参加过革命的人里寻找同仁,进一步转向财阀政治;又或者强化现有的政治系统。旧版本中的“雇佣兵赞助者”决议也不再是决议,而是成为了任务中的一部分。
Trade Investments (Infrastructure) 贸易投资(基础建设)
The Phoenicians were known as avid traders through most of the Antiquity, bringing goods from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, making quite a fortune while doing so. With the rise of Carthage in the west, they became the new overlords of the western trade routes, growing wealthy on the mines of Iberia and Sardinia. 腓尼基人在古典时期的绝大部分时间里都被认为是贪婪的商人,他们将货物从地中海这头运到那头,并因此大发其财。随着迦太基在西面崛起,他们成了西部商路的霸主,利用伊比利亚和萨丁尼亚的矿产积累财富。

The Trade Investments mission is fairly split up, with a lot of optional tasks you can choose to do. You can choose to build up your riches in Sardinia, set up another journey to explore the borders of Africa, or settle the Libyan desert. The main mission tasks include improving trade relations with Egypt or the Seleucids, and to improve the city of Carthage. 贸易投资任务相当的分散,有很多可选任务供玩家选择。你可以选择在萨丁尼亚积攒财富、准备新的旅程以探索阿非利加边疆、或者在利比亚沙漠定居。任务中主要的事务包括改善与埃及或者塞琉古帝国的贸易关系,以及建设迦太基城。
Naval Supremacy (Infrastructure) 海上霸权(基础建设)
The Phoenicians, and later on their Punic descendants, grew a certain reputation for dominating naval warfare. Unfounded or not, it is clear they had a lot of expertise at sea after setting up trade routes all across the Mediterranean. 腓尼基人,以及他们后来的布匿继承者(译注:指迦太基),享有海战主宰的盛名。不管是真是假,他们横穿地中海各处建立商路,的确是航海的专家。

The mission will focus on improving your navies, dominating the ports in Africa and expand the Cothon in Carthage (the old decision have been removed). An optional task will let you try to buy a port in Gaul, if you want to start looking that way. One of the benefits of the mission is that you can set a focus for all your ports in Africa, giving them a permanent military, commerce or assimilation bonus. There's also an optional task to set up relations with your Phoenician ancestors to gain access to the great cedars of Phoenicia, to improve your ships. 这个任务着重于强化你的海军,控制阿非利加的港口,以及扩展在迦太基的巨港(旧版本中的相应决议也被移除了)。假如你想向北方发展,有一个可选的任务会允许你在高卢购买一个港口。这个任务的好处之一是,你可以为所有在阿非利加的港口设置一个焦点,以获得一个永久的军事、贸易或者同化加成。还有一个可选的任务可以让你与腓尼基祖先建立起联系,从而获得腓尼基雪松(译注:即黎巴嫩雪松),使用这种木材强化你的战舰。
Entering Magna Graecia (Conquest) 向大希腊进发(征服)
Magna Graecia was a patchwork of alliances, wars, and treaties between the Greek settlers, the locals, and the Italics coming down from the north. Though we never saw the Punics ever enter Magna Graecia with the exception of Hannibal's campaigns, it made sense to give them a mission in the area if they were to take control of Sicily. 大希腊充斥着希腊定居者、本地人和从北方来的意大利人,他们之间的盟约、战乱和协约拼凑起这个地区。除了汉尼拔的战役之外,我们从来都没有见到过迦太基人进入大希腊地区,不过假如他们能掌控住西西里,给迦太基一个进入大希腊的任务也是合情合理的。
For the Magna Graecia mission you have an optional path all the way to the left, where you can choose to take a more… hands-on approach. Whereas for the rest of the missions, you can mostly do with increasing relations with the major port-owners in the area, and take specific cities. For the final missions, you can choose if you want to focus on approaching the Greeks, the Italics or simply focus on your own territories in the area. 在大希腊任务中,你可以选择左边这条更加...亲力亲为的路线。任务剩下的部分主要是关于改善与区域内主要港口拥有国的关系,以及夺取特定的几个城市。在最后的几个任务中,你可以选择,是要专注于亲近希腊人,还是亲近意大利人,抑或是在这个地区注重自己的领地。
End the Roman Wolf (Conquest) 终结罗马之狼(征服)
Though Carthage and Rome were on friendly terms before the First Punic War, they ended up as the two major players in the western Mediterranean. As neither was willing to back down, they eventually up confronting one another, and after three brutal long wars, Rome was the only power left standing. 虽然迦太基与罗马在第一次布匿战争前保持着友好关系,可两国却最终成了西地中海的主要竞争者。由于双方都毫无让步的意愿,导致两国不可避免地陷入对立,而经历了三次漫长残酷的战争后,仍然挺立的强权只有罗马了。

After you start the mission to beat Rome, you will have a main path to follow as well as one optional path. The optional path on the left will be based around beating the Roman navy, and potentially giving you access to the Rome-exclusive Corvus invention. 在开启打败罗马的任务后,玩家将会有一条必须推进的主要路线以及一条可选路线。左侧的可选路线基于击垮罗马海军,并有机会为玩家提供原仅限罗马可用的乌鸦吊桥Corvus(译注:又称为接舷吊桥,是罗马海军在第一次布匿战争对抗迦太基时在战船上所设的一种装置,用于接舷登船)发明。
For the main path, you will be able to decide if you want to try and enter Italy from the north through Cisalpine Gaul or through Magna Graecia in the south. 而主要路线方面,玩家可以决定是想通过北方的山南高卢进入意大利,或是借道南面的大希腊。
In either case, you will be able to release cities in the area you focus on to fight Rome as well. And after you have finally subjugated or conquered Rome, you will be able to do with it as you see fit. 不论选择如何,玩家都可以解放在自己选择的与罗马作战的地区内的城市城邦。而在玩家终于控制或征服罗马之后,你就可以按照自己的喜好处理这些城邦。
Liberating Phoenicia (Conquest) 解放腓尼基(征服)
The Phoenicians played an important role in bringing trade, inventions and ideas all across the Mediterranean, as well as settling colonies all across the southern and western parts of it. But in-spite of this, they were rarely independent, and often had to pay tribute to one overlord or another. If Carthage were to grow into a strong empire of their own, they might be able to return to their ancient homeland and liberate it from foreign forces. 腓尼基人在为整个地中海沿岸地区带来贸易、发明与理念上扮演着重要角色,同时也是殖民了整个地中海南部与西部地区的民族。但尽管如此,他们很难保持独立状态,时刻需要向一个宗主或另一个进贡。如果迦太基能雄壮成长成一个独立的强大帝国,他们或许就能回归古老发源地并从他国势力手中解放祖上之地。

For the mission, there is an optional path for taking and improving Cyprus to become a copper trade hub. Whereas the main path will focus on retaking core Phoenician lands, and the great cedar trees situated across Phoenicia. At the end of it, you will be able to release Phoenicia as a feudatory, or to take control of the area as a hegemon of the Phoenician cities. 这一任务有一条可选路线,能够夺取塞浦路斯并将其提高为铜矿贸易的重要中转地。而主要路线则将专注于重夺腓尼基核心领土,以及遍布整个腓尼基的雄壮的雪松树。最后,玩家可以选择是将腓尼基释放成为一个附庸国家,抑或是作为腓尼基城邦的霸主直接控制该地区。
Iberian Investments (Infrastructure) 投资伊比利亚(基础建设)
After the Carthaginian conquest and subjugation of the Iberian tribes, a strong faction grew up around the city that would later be known as Carthago Nova. Particularly Hamilcar Barca and his sons took control of Iberia and made it their power-base, one that would later go on to attack Rome itself. 在迦太基征服及控制了伊比利亚诸部后,一个新势力逐渐在后日将被称为新迦太基的城市周边崛起。更直白地说是哈米尔卡·巴卡Hamilcar Barca与其子夺取了伊比利亚的控制权并将其作为势力根据地,而日后更是自此直接进攻罗马。

If you have finished up the Iberian Struggle mission, you will potentially be given the option of building up the infrastructure of Iberia to secure the wealthy lands. The mission is based around the Barcid family's rise to fame, and you will see Hamilcar and his sons play an important role in it. 如果玩家完成了“伊比利亚之争”的任务,那么就有可能获得在伊比利亚建设基础设施并以此确保富饶土地的选项。该任务围绕着巴卡家族的名声鹊起,而玩家也会目睹哈米尔卡与其诸子在其中扮演的重要角色。
I hope you enjoyed this little preview into the Carthaginian missions! Next week we'll take a look at the savages in Rome, and what kind of missions they'll be getting. 希望各位对这篇关于迦太基任务的小小概览感觉良好!下周我们将着眼于在罗马的那群蛮子,以及他们会获得什么样的任务。
翻译:子炎君 一个幽灵 zzztotoso 校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂
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