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Imperator Dev Diary - 8/19/2019 Arheo, The Doctor, Wearer of Hats and Hitman-Narrator
Welcome back to another Dev Diary for Imperator: Rome! 欢迎回到帝皇:罗马的又一篇开发日志啦!
Once again, we'll be covering some information that those of you using the open beta branch will already have been playing with. 和上次一样,我们将聊到的内容已经被参加Beta版本公开测试的玩家亲身体验过啦。
Monarch Power 君主点数
Before we dive in to the mechanics and solutions behind the monarch power rework, I'd like to explain a little bit about the impetus behind the changes, and the varying factors at play. 在我们深入研究君主点数重做背后的机制和解决方案之前,我想要稍稍解释一下我们做出这些改动背后的动力,以及在游戏中出现的变量。
One of the more controversial aspects of the game at release, was the implementation of Monarch Power. After reading reams of feedback on the subject, and considering the available options, we elected to look at reworking the entire concept of Monarch Power in the Cicero update. 游戏在刚发售时,其中最有争议的一项内容就是君主点数系统的使用。我们阅读了关于这个话题的大量反馈,考虑了所有可能的做法,在此之后,我们选择在西塞罗Cicero更新中着手审视整个君主点数概念的重制。
The community issues with the 1.0 monarch power system could broadly be boiled down into two main categories: 关于1.0版本号中的君主点数系统,社区中对其的争论大体上可以归结为两个主要类别:
The lack of control over the stats that your monarch or ruler has.
The inconsistency of the varying purposes power was intended to be used for.
In essence, we needed a system that acted as an anti-snowballing mechanic, felt like something a player had control over, and which avoided any unnecessary abstraction both conceptually and in terms of practical use. 溯本求源,我们需要的是一个可以阻止滚雪球效应的机制,它要让玩家可以控制,又要避免任何不必要的抽象,无论是在概念上还是在实际使用上。
Enter Political Influence. PI is intended to represent exactly what it describes: the influence that a government or nation has over their own political establishment. 所以我们引入了政治影响力Political Influence。政治影响力想要表示的内容正如其名:一个政府或国家所有的,对其政治架构的影响力。
The way in which it is produced is also related directly to the political establishment. Each primary Office holder in your nation will contribute to the PI gain of your nation, based on their loyalty to your cause. The more loyal your cabinet, the less practical power you will have to perform the various actions associated with PI. 政治影响力生成的方法也与政治架构直接相关。你国内的每一个主要职位的持有者都有助于国家政治影响力的获取,这基于他们对你的事业的忠诚度。你的内阁越忠诚,你执行与政治影响力相关的各种行为就越不费力。
Which leads me comfortably to the next topic we covered as part of the power rework, and point two of the community issues surrounding Monarch Power. A huge variety of actions that previously had a token power cost, have been redesigned to use one of our newer, more dynamic resources. Tyranny, Stability, Political Influence, Corruption and even Aggressive Expansion have a more clear-cut purpose; the logical solution was to use these to represent the consequences of your actions, rather than attach an abstract cost:value ratio to things such as Bribery, selection of National Ideas, inviting investment, and more. 这就使得我们能够顺利转向需要展示的另外一个话题了,也即是我们点数重做内容的另外一部分,同时也牵涉到社区围绕着君主点数争论的第二点。大量之前需要花费点数才能进行的行为,现在都被重新设计为改用某种新的、更加动态的资源。暴政度、稳定度、政治影响力、腐败度甚至是侵略扩张都会有更清晰的用途。符合逻辑的解决方案是使用这些数值来表示玩家行为的后果,而不是像我们之前那样为诸如行贿、选择国家理念、邀请投资等行为附加上一项抽象的投入-产出比数值。
Of course, there are still actions that demand the use of more conventional currency. Gold still plays a large part in a functional government of Antiquity, perhaps even more so in the Cicero update. The power cost for inventions, for example, has been replaced with a scaling gold cost, representing the direct cost of investment into research and development: 当然,仍然有一些需要使用传统通货点数的行为。黄金在一个运转中的古代政府中仍然扮演着重要的地位,并可能会在西塞罗Cicero更新中更加重要。例如,发明的点数花费已经被改为一定比例的金钱花费,代表投资研发的直接花费。

In addition to reworks to the cost of many actions and abilities, it became quickly apparent that many actions needed no cost at all, and functioned as their own opportunity cost, or had a consequential cost. An example of this would be the Assault ability for armies; the manpower lost during an assault vastly outweighed any token power cost, and as such, has no action cost in Cicero. Citing an example of opportunity cost, Omens will no longer have an up-front price; the opportunity cost comes of being tied to your chosen omen for the entire duration, unable to switch or cancel the ongoing omen. 在重做很多行动和能力的花费之外,显然还很多行动完全不需要任何的花费,而有着自己的机会成本,或者有着间接的代价。比如说军队的突击能力,在突击行动中的人力损失比点数消耗要重要得多,像这样的行动在西塞罗Cicero更新中都不需要任何花费。举一个机会成本的例子,神谕不再需要预付什么价格了,在整个持续时间内玩家都会被捆绑在你所选的神谕上,不能切换或者取消,就会带来机会成本。
The one instance that we felt was not covered by any of our new or old systems, was the Military Tradition mechanic. This needed something unique, and as such, we needed a unique method by which to unlock and acquire traditions. 唯一我们觉得既没有被旧系统照顾到、也没有在新系统中提及的的例子,就是军事传统机制。这需要一些独特的东西,即是说我们需要独特的方法来解锁和获得传统。
It felt appropriate to treat Traditions as a self-contained system, and the Cicero update will include a Military Experience resource. This will be generated over time at a modest base rate, but is modified by the average combat experience level of your national cohorts. 将传统做为一个自足独立的系统还挺合适的,西塞罗Cicero更新会加入军事经验Military Experience资源。军事经验会随时间以一个适度的基本速率生成,但也被你国家军团的平均战斗经验水平所修正。
Military Drill is introduced alongside this, as a way for armies to maintain a certain level of experience during peacetime. The employment of Mercenary forces will detract from a nation’s Military Experience gain, but have been made vastly cheaper to maintain, to compensate for this. 与军事经验一起加入的是军队操练Military Drill,这是一个让军队在和平时期也能保持一定水平的战斗经验的方法。雇佣雇佣兵会降低国家军事经验的获得,但是作为补偿,雇佣兵的维护费便宜得多了。
Rulers will not be entirely without merit in the Cicero update, with each of the four statistics granting you bonuses to certain stats, scaled by the value of the stat itself: 在西塞罗Cicero更新中统治者也不是一文不值,四种属性会给你四种奖励,与属性值成比例:
Martial: Manpower Recovery and Land Morale Recovery
Finesse: Commerce Modifier and Build Cost
Charisma: Monthly Tyranny Decay and Claim Fabrication speed
Zeal: Monthly Stability Increase and War Exhaustion Decay
A skilled ruler will therefore still be important to a state, and a weak one will be noticeably less potent. 因此,一个有能力的统治者仍将对国家十分重要,无能的统治者将明显更加无力。
To conclude, we realised early on in the testing cycle for these changes, that it felt more organic, dynamic, and most importantly fun, to utilise resources in this way. That said, if you wish to be the judges of this yourselves, the open beta for the Cicero update is still underway, we invite you to try it out! 总之,我们在这些改动的测试周期的早期就意识到,以这种方式来使用资源会更加有机,更加动态,最重要的是,是更加有趣的。也就是说,如果你们想亲自判别一番,西塞罗更新的开放测试仍在继续,我们邀请你来试玩一下!
翻译:一个幽灵 校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂