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Imperator - Development Diary - 12th August Arheo, The Doctor, Wearer of Hats and Hitman-Narrator
Greetings all! 大家吼!
In today's dev diary, we'll be covering the details of the reworked population simulation in the Cicero update. As a small note: those opting in to the Cicero open beta will already have experienced many of these changes in action. 在今天的开发日志中,我们将要聊聊西塞罗Cicero更新中人口模拟重做的细节部分。稍微需要注意的是,那些选择参加西塞罗Cicero的Beta版本公开测试的玩家们已经亲身体验过其中许多改动了。
Reworking the Simulation 模拟重做
Perhaps one of the largest tasks in the Cicero update has been the creation of an organic, living population simulation, which reacts to, and interacts with, the fabric of the game. 西塞罗Cicero更新里其中一项最重大的任务,大概就是要创造一个有机而逼真的人口模拟系统,它应当能对游戏的结构作出反应并与之互动。
Up to and including the Pompey update, the manipulation of pops required direct player involvement, either through manual pop conversion/assimilation, or through the invoking of an appropriate governor policy. 在庞培Pompey更新之前,以及也包括庞培Pompey更新,人口的操作需要玩家的直接参与,要么通过手动的人口皈依/同化,要么采取适当的总督政策。
In Cicero, all aspects of the pop simulation will be dynamic, driven by situation, and occur over time in any given territory. 在西塞罗Cicero更新中,人口模拟的各方面内容都将是动态的,由情势所驱动,并且会随时间发生在任何给定的领地Territory上。
Each poptype will have unique base speeds for assimilation, conversion, promotion and migration, which will be modified by numerous local factors such as local unrest, differing dominant culture or religion, and city/settlement status. 每个人口类型都会有一个独特的同化、皈依、提升及迁移基础速度,这些速度同时也会受到诸多本地因素的修正,如本地叛乱、与主流文化或信仰不同,以及城市/聚落状态。
In addition, territories will have a desired ratio for each poptype, and population will promote or demote to attempt to fill this ratio. Promotion and demotion will increase in speed based on the size of the territory they are resident within, rendering it possible for large cities to have functional social mobility. 此外,不同领地对人口类型之间的比例存在理想预期,人口的社会阶层会发生提升或降级以试图接近这个比例。提升和降级的速度将会根据人口所居住的领地大小而增加,这将使得大城市有可能实现有效的社会流动。
Migration 迁移
Migration is a new concept to Imperator, both replacing and augmenting in equal measure the pop movement feature included in the base game. 迁移是帝皇:罗马的一项新概念,它相当于取代并加强了基础游戏中包含的人口移动功能。
Every territory will now have a Migration Attraction value, derived primarily from how much free pop capacity is present: 每块领土现在都将有迁移吸引力Migration Attraction数值,主要来自于当前领土上有多少空闲的人口容量。
Pops within a territory will consider any territory that is either neighboring, within the same Province, or if coastal, a Port province, as a valid migration target. If the attraction of a potential target is higher than the territory in which they reside, a migration will begin. Only 1 pop can be migrating from a territory at any one time. 在领地内的人口将会把有效的迁移目的地定为同一省份内的任意一块邻接领土,或者如果该领地沿海的话,还将包括任意的港口省份。如果潜在目标的吸引力高于其所在领地,迁移就将开始。在任意同一时间只能有一个人口从一块领地上迁移。
Importantly, Slaves will not migrate of their own volition, they must instead by moved manually. For Tribal nations, tribesmen may be moved manually. Both these actions will cost gold, and rather than moving each pop individually, a more accessible menu has been created: 重要的是,奴隶将不会自行迁移,他们必须通过手操才能移动。对于部落国家,部落民们也可以手动移动。但这两种行动都将会花费金钱。此外,我们还创建了一个更便于访问的菜单,使得玩家无需逐个逐个移动人口。

Sieges, low food supply, and outright starvation will cause pops to flee their homes, bringing a new dynamic to warfare and attrition. 围城,低粮食供给,以及重大的饥荒会使得人口逃离他们的家乡,这为战争和损耗带来的新的动态效果。
Interaction with the City and Settlement feature detailed in last week's dev diary is high; you will be experiencing a much more centralized, city-weighted population distribution as the game progresses, using settlements primarily as resource production sites. 与城市和聚落的互动内容,在上周的开发日志中已经讲得很详细了,随着游戏的进行,你们将会体验到更加集中化的、重点加权于城市的人口分布,而使得聚落将主要成为资源产出地。
As before, these changes are available in the Cicero open beta branch if you feel like checking them out. 像往常一样,如你们想要的话,这些改动都将可以在西塞罗Cicero的Beta版本公开测试中查看。
翻译:格拉摩根 校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂