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Imperator - Development Diary - 1st of July 2019 Johan, EVP Creative Direction
Hello everyone, and welcome to another development diary for Imperator. 大家好,欢迎来到又一篇帝皇:罗马的开发日志。
In the Cicero update, we are changing the instant population manipulation mechanics to become a simulation over time that you can nudge. 在1.2西塞罗Cicero更新中,我们正将即时人口控制的机制改为一个玩家可以推动的随着时间变化的模拟机制。
Pop Movement/Migration 人口移动/迁移
Slaves from neighboring cities, or cities within the same province, can still be moved manually into a city for a cost, somewhat similar to before. This will also be possible for Tribesmen if you are a migratory tribe. 来自相邻城市或同一省份中城市的奴隶,仍可由玩家手动操作花费一定代价转移到另一城市,这和之前是有点相似的。如果玩家扮演的是迁移部落,也能这样操作部落民。
Each city can also have one pop migrating at a time. If the Migration Attraction in a city is X more than that of another city then migration can happen to it if: 每座城市一次可以迁移一队人口种群。如果一座城市的移民吸引Migration Attraction比另一座城市高出一定数值,人口迁徙可以在以下情况时发生:
1. The destination city is a neighbor of the origin city.
2. The destination city is in the same province as the origin city.
3. The origin city and the destination city are both in provinces with ports in the same country.
Which pop is picked for migration will be random but a slave will never be picked unless the city is over its population capacity and the slave is not required for a holding. A pop that is currently migrating cannot be picked for Promotion, Assimilation or Conversion. It will also only be picked for starvation if it is the last existing pop in the city. 迁移的人口种群是随机选取的,但奴隶永远不会被选取,除非该城人口超过了人口容量且奴隶并非产生封地所必要的(译注:当前机制十个奴隶产生一块封地)。近期迁移的人口种群不能被选取进行阶层提升、文化同化和宗教改信操作。一支人口种群只有在自己是所在城中最后存在的人口种群时,才会因为饥荒状态而被选中。
The speed of Migration can be increased or decreased by modifiers such as a city being looted, or a certain governor policy being used. 人口迁移的速度在城市被掠夺或施行特定总督政策等修正因素的影响下会加快或减慢。
Pop Promotion 人口提升
If the population of a certain pop type is below 33% in a given city then a random pop is picked for promotion. This pop will then over time start promoting to the underrepresented pop type. The speed of promotion will be dependent on modifiers as well as using the Social Mobility governor policy. 如果一个特定人口种类的数量在一座城市里低于33%,那么一个随机人口种群会被选取进行阶层提升。随着时间变化,该人口种群会逐渐被提升为代表数额不足的人口种群阶层。阶层提升的速度与修正因素以及施行社会流动Social Mobility的总督政策有关。
Pop Assimilation and Conversion 人口同化与皈依
Similarly to Pop Promotion Assimilation and Conversion will happen to one selected pop at a time. Unlike the other two there will always be one pop chosen as long as there are pops of the non-state Religion or culture. The speed at which conversion takes place is dependent on a number of local and national modifiers however which means that de facto the pop may not be assimilating/converting. 与人口种群的提升相似,同化和皈依一次仅对一个被选中的人口种群进行。但与另两者不同,只要有人口种群信仰非国教或拥有非本国文化,总会有一个人口种群被选定。转换花费的时间与本地和全国的修正因素有关,但这或许也表示事实上目标人口种群无法完成同化或皈依。
As you can see below, the pop interface is in the process of being completely reworked for Cicero. 如下图所示,在西塞罗Cicero更新中,人口界面还在完全重做中。

As the impact of governor policies now scales with Finesse, you need a really good governor, and perhaps a few special buildings to be able to convert and assimilate cities with another dominant religion and culture. 由于总督政策的效果现在与人物的智略技能相关,你需要一位优秀的总督,或许还要一些特殊建筑物来允许把城市的信仰转化成主流信仰,同化其文化成为主流文化。

You can still manually move slaves as you like between cities, for a price in gold, but the UI have been completely changed, so instead of selecting a pop then a target, you instead go to the city you want slaves in, and then select what type of pop you want, and its origin and click for as many as you want in the same UI. 你仍然可以按照自己的喜好在城市间手动移动奴隶,代价是花费金钱,但UI界面已经完全大改了,所以玩家不用选取人口种群为目标,而是去他希望奴隶移动到的那座城市,选取想要的人口种类及其来源地,接着在一样的UI界面上点击和你所需的一样的数量。

翻译:黑夜龙人 校对:zzztotoso 三等文官猹中堂