Hello and welcome again to one of the Developer Diaries of Imperator:Rome! 大家好!欢迎大家来到帝皇:罗马的又一篇开发日志!
Today I will be talking a bit about how Mercenaries work in the game, as well as some words about the Arabian Peninsula. 今天我会讲一点游戏中雇佣兵的机制,以及阿拉伯半岛的一些内容。
Armies came in many shapes, forms, and levels of professionalism, in the era that Imperator:Rome covers, something we to some degree try to cover in the Military Traditions that we have spoken about in previous developer diaries (and which we will return to). 游戏中的军队有很多种形式、种类以及职业化水平,从某种程度上讲,这就是我们想在帝皇:罗马覆盖的时代中想要用军事传统Military Tradition来表现的东西。关于军事传统,我们在之前的开发日志中已经说过一些了(同时也会回过头再讲)。
One big difference however is that not all troops fought for the country in which they were born. Then as well as later in history mercenary groups played a big part, such as Cretan Archers, the famous Mamertines and others. 然而一个很大的不同点就是,并不是所有军队都是为祖国而战的。那时以及稍晚一些的历史中,雇佣兵部队扮演了重要的角色,比如说克里特弓箭手Cretan Archers、著名的马麦丁人Mamertines以及其他佣兵等等。
At times Mercenary groups played a decisive part in conflicts, as did their tendency to abandon an employer that could not pay them. 有时候雇佣兵团在战争中起到决定性作用,因为他们总是倾向于抛弃没法支付佣金的雇主。
In Imperator Mercenary armies are always present, spread out over the map, using their own banner and the unit graphics of the local culture. As long as a mercenary army is not hired by anyone it will also not count towards the supply limit in the city they are located. Mercenary armies all have their own General, to whom all the troops are loyal. 在帝皇:罗马中雇佣兵部队总是可用的,他们散布在地图各处,使用独有的旗帜以及本地文化的部队形象。只要雇佣兵部队还没被雇佣,那么他们就不会计入在所在城市的补给上限里。雇佣兵有自己的将军,所有部队都向他效忠。
Mercenary Overview Screen. Here you can at all times see what Mercenaries exist (sorted by Proximity) and who has hired them. It also displays the monthly cost of employing each Mercenary group. You can also see Papirius' unemployed Mercenaries on the map between Rome and Etruria. 这就是雇佣兵总览界面。你可以在这个界面浏览现有的雇佣兵(依距离远近排序)以及他们的雇主。这个界面还会显示各个雇佣兵每月的价格。你能在罗马到伊特鲁里亚之间的地图上看到帕皮利乌斯Papirius未被雇佣的部队。
Hiring a Mercenary regiment comes at a one time cost of 50 Military Power, but also obliges you to pay their upkeep for the duration of their employment (at a rate 400% more expensive than what one of your own armies would cost). 雇佣一个雇佣兵军团首先需要一次性花费50军事点数,同时你也得在雇佣期间支付他们的维护费用(比你自己拥有的部队贵400%)。
Hiring the army immediately brings it under your control, but does not move it to your territory. Instead, hired mercenary armies hired outside of your territory will begin in a state of exile, so they can be brought to your territory to then be used in whatever conflict you intend. 接受雇佣后军队会立即归你控制,但他们不会移动到你的领土。相反在你领土之外受雇的雇佣军会进入流亡状态,这样你就可以把他们带回你的领土,投入任何有需要的战场。
Any Mercenary company in diplomatic range can be hired, but their high upkeep means that hiring an army far from your conflict could get expensive as you would be paying their upkeep from the day they are hired. 你可以雇佣在你外交范围Diplomatic Range内的任意雇佣兵团,但是过高的维护费意味着雇佣离你战场千里之外的军团可能会太过昂贵了,因为从雇佣的第一天起你就要开始支付维护费。
Once no longer exiled, the mercenary army will act as any other army under your control, except for the fact that you cannot remove its leader, or remove any units. They will use your military bonuses, you can alter their deployment and their military tactics. 一旦雇佣军队脱离流亡状态,他们就会像你控制下的其他军队一样行动,不过你不能移除他们的将领或者解散任何雇佣军部队。他们也会享受你军事方面的增益,你可以改变他们的部署和军事战术。
As with any army you can also disband a mercenary army at any time it is not in battle. Their increased upkeep cost will however also mean that disbanding them can be quite costly. 和其他军队一样,只要雇佣军不处于战斗之中,你就可以随时遣散他们。然而他们高昂的维护费意味着遣散费也会相当地高。
Once disbanded the mercenary army will again be considered available for hire, and it will begin its journey back to its home location. 一旦雇佣兵部队被遣散,他们又会进入可以被雇佣的状态,并且他们会开始返乡之旅。
Desertion & Mercenary Princes 叛逃以及雇佣军王子
Mercenaries are not only known for how useful they were to their employers. Men like Pyrrhus and, in his youth, Agathocles, also made names for themselves as Mercenary captains when their prospects at home looked bleak. 雇佣军不仅仅以他们对雇主的实用所著称。像皮洛士与年轻时的阿加托利克斯这样的人,即使在故乡的发展前景黯淡,也可以因为成为雇佣军团长而扬名立万。
Succession and Monarchies is something we will talk more about later but it is possible for the Mercenary company list to be supplemented by characters from the wider game world, such as disenfranchised heirs. 之后我们会在继承Succession和君主Monarchies方面讲到更多的内容,而来自广阔游戏世界中的人物可能丰富雇佣军的列表,比如说被剥夺了继承权的子嗣。
Last of all, should you not be able to pay your mercenaries you may find that this makes them quite unhappy. Among the various possible events that can happen as a result from a negative treasury (as mentioned in the diary on Economy) is that mercenaries might offer to join the opposing side in an ongoing war. 最后,如果你无力给你的雇佣军付薪水,你将发现他们会对此相当气愤。在诸多由财政亏空所导致的可能事件(之前关于经济的日志中提及过)中,就会有雇佣兵在战争之中加入敌对阵营的事件。
Arabia 阿拉伯
For the map part of today's diary we are going to be looking to the south of regions we have previously visited. In 450 AUC or 304 BCE, the Arabian peninsula is at the same time isolated and integrated in the Mediterranean world. 关于今天日志的地图部分,我们将去看看之前所讲过地区的南边。在罗马建城后450年或公元前304年时,阿拉伯半岛处于既孤立又被整合进了地中海世界的状态中。
The region is closely tied to the trade network of the Indian Ocean, which while not nearly as developed as it would become later, was still ancient by this time. 这片地区与印度洋的贸易网紧密相连,虽然此时的贸易比起其未来的发达还望尘莫及。
It is this trade in spices, cloth and incense that brought greek traders and explorers, to the region and eventually led to Roman trading posts on the Indian subcontinent, and it is this trade that is the lifeblood of the more advanced of the Arabian kingdoms. 正是这种香料、布料和熏香的贸易将希腊商人和探险家带到了这个地区,并最终促成了印度次大陆上罗马贸易站的建立,同时这条贸易路线也正是使阿拉伯王国更加兴盛的生命线。
Arabia Felix / Felicitous Arabia 阿拉伯菲利克斯/阿拉伯福地 ​
Throughout history southern Arabia has been the more densely populated and more developed part of the peninsula. The temperate highlands provide basis for agriculture and larger cities while the coastline is strategically situated to benefit from the trade flowing between Africa, India and the Mediterranean. This is how the region came to be described as Felicitous Arabia in greek and latin, or Al Yaman in Arabic. 纵观历史,阿拉伯南部是半岛上人口更为稠密、更加繁荣发达的地区。温带高原是农业和大城市的基础,而海岸线则处于能从非洲、印度和地中海之间的贸易往来中受益的战略位置。这就是为什么这片地区在希腊语和拉丁语中被称为阿拉伯福地Felicitous Arabia,而在阿拉伯语中被称为也门Al Yaman(校注:罗马人将阿拉伯半岛分为三个区域,阿拉伯沙漠Arabia Deserta、阿拉伯菲利克斯Arabia Felix以及阿拉伯佩特拉Arabia Petraea,阿拉伯沙漠也称大阿拉伯Arabia Magna,阿拉伯佩特拉即后来罗马的阿拉比亚行省)。
In 304 BCE this region is home to a number of ancient kingdoms, with their own writing, bureaucracy and mode of government. Up until recently this area was dominated by the Sabean kingdom, but it is now divided between a number of smaller kingdoms. 在公元前304年,这片区域是多个古老王国的发源地,它们都有各自的文字、官制和政体。不久之前这个地区还被塞巴王国Sabean kingdom主宰,但现在已经分裂成了许多小王国。
Apart from the Arabian majority this region is by our start date also home to sizable Jewish communities, though these are at the time of our start not in control of any of its states. 除了占多数的阿拉伯人之外,在游戏开局时里这片地区还是成规模的犹太人社区的所在地,尽管他们在开局时并没有控制任何属于自己的国家。
Starting Countries
Saba: Ancient Autocratic Kingdom and center of Semitic civilization in Yemen. In many ways in decline at our start date and challenged by smaller nearby arabian kingdoms.
Himjar: Kingdom of the Himyarites who eventually would come to dominate the region. Rival to the other south arabian kingdoms and already in control of the important coastal strip along the Bab el Mandeb strait between Arabia and Africa. Himjar starts independent and unaligned.
希木叶尔:最终将主宰该地区的希木叶尔人Himyarites的王国。该国与其他南阿拉伯的王国所敌对,并且已经控制了曼德海峡Bab el Mandeb沿岸这一阿拉伯和非洲之间的重要地带。希米亚开局时处于独立且未结盟状态。
Qataban: Small kingdom in southern Yemen. Starts in control of the southern part of the Yemeni highland as well as some of the Incense ports of the south.
Hadhramut: Ancient South Arabian kingdom that was eventually conquered by Himjar. Controls some of the most valuable incense producing regions but is generally not nearly as rich and fertile as western Yemen.
Ma'in: Kingdom of the Mineans, who predate the kingdom of Saba but only recently rose to relevance in the region.
Northern & Greater Arabia: 北阿拉伯和大阿拉伯
Northern Arabia is not nearly as fertile or settled as the south, it is dominated by the huge Syrian and Arabian deserts, which most peoples have a hard time crossing. The Arab peoples have however made the trade through and around their peninsula their main source of income and their kingdoms can be found all around the deserts. 阿拉伯北部不像南部那样富饶稳定,它被巨大的叙利亚和阿拉伯沙漠所主宰,人们很难在这里过日子。然而阿拉伯人却把通过贯穿或围绕半岛的贸易变成了他们主要的收入来源,他们的王国也遍布整个沙漠。
While never the dominant force that they would become later in history, some Arab kingdoms such as Nabatea, Himjar, and later Hatra and Palmyra, would prosper in a region that was constantly at the edge of the conflicts of greater empires. 尽管他们没有成为后续历史中的主导力量,但一些阿拉伯王国例如纳巴泰Nabatea、希木叶尔Himjar和之后的哈特拉Hatra、巴尔米拉Palmyra,将在一个时常处于大帝国冲突地带的边缘地区中繁荣发展。
Arabian pops are also present far beyond the region where Arabian states exist at our start, opening for the possible formation of more such states in the future in Syria and Mesopotamia. 阿拉伯人也同样不仅存在于开局已有的阿拉伯国家的地区,这为将来在叙利亚和美索不达米亚建立更多这样的国家开放了可能。

- Starting Countries
Lihyan: Up until recently a small city state kingdom based around the Dedan oasis, south of Nabatea. Have recently grown to control a wider region, wresting control of the Tayma or Tiamat oasis from the Qadarites.
Thamud: Independent Tribal state along the red sea coast attested for hundreds of years before the start of the game.
Thaqif: Independent Tribe controlling the area around the Ta'if oasis.
Qedar: Old tribal federation formerly in control of the region conquered by Lihyan. Traditionally allies of the Nabateans but at the start of the game unaligned.
Gerrha: Independent Tribal kingdom in control of the eastern arabian coastline (Barayn).
Maka: Tribal Kingdom in modern Oman. Was previously under Achaemenid rule but has since slid into obscurity and been left to its own devices.
Tylos: Small trade kingdom on the island today known as Bahrain. The economy of Tylos is based on pearl fishing and it is home to a sizable greek minority.