- 积分
- 7211
- 威望
- 7191
- 金圆券
- 13913 PB
- 小红花
- 248
- 臭鸡蛋
- 25
- 法币
- 4562 FB

- 积分
- 7211
- 威望
- 7191
- 金圆券
- 13913 PB
- 小红花
- 248
- 臭鸡蛋
- 25
- 法币
- 4562 FB


楼主 |
发表于 2018-6-16 16:33
EU 罗马 攻略第5章 政体篇 2
本帖最后由 kong12 于 2018-7-26 13:03 编辑
第四部分 共和制续
1)、派系吸引力 Faction attraction : 影响元老院席位的增减,席位是一年一变,吸引力最高的派系会每月获得元老院新席位,而其它派系都会失去元老院席位。
Attraction is a percentage value that shows how much that faction will grow in the following months. The faction with the highest attraction will gain senators in the following months, while the other factions will lose senators.
When a faction drops below 10 senators, they start gaining "Opposition". This accumulates (at a rate I haven't yet figured out) until the faction is back up above 10 again.
https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/f ... age-5#post-13195231
阁员吸引力 = (科研官里的本派系成员 魅力-1)之和 + (监察官里的本派系成员魅力-1)*2)之和
军事派系吸引力 = (本派系领袖魅力-1) + 阁员吸引力 + (军队数量大 陆军超限1是1) + 少数派吸引力加成
商业派系吸引力 = (本派系领袖魅力-1) + 阁员吸引力 + (贸易路线全开 30) + 少数派吸引力加成
宗教派系吸引力 = (本派系领袖魅力-1) + 阁员吸引力 + (祈祷并成功15) + 少数派吸引力加成
公民派系吸引力 = (本派系领袖魅力-1) + 阁员吸引力 + (省份建筑多 6到不等) + (奴隶百分比低 奴百22%是 15) + 少数派吸引力加成
民粹派系吸引力 = ((本派系领袖魅力-1)*4) + 阁员吸引力 + (其他派系没做的事情) + 少数派吸引力加成
Charismatic characters in important positions will influence the composition of the senate.
想提高派系吸引力的派系,把7个阁员特别是监察官都弄成该派系且尽量放魅力高的。顺序是 监察官>科研官>总督, 将领随意。
If you want a specific faction in power, the best way to do this would be to fill as many government positions with characters from that faction, especially the position of Censor who gives a very large bonus.
The populist faction leader's Charisma value has a higher impact on his faction's attraction value than any other.
Other factions gain a bonus equal to (charisma -1)*1, populists instead get a bonus equal to (charisma -1)*4.
So, a Military leader with 5 Charisma would only give a bonus of 4%, while a Populist leader with 5 Charisma would give a bonus of 16%.
As a general rule of thumb, it's best to avoid having populist leaders with a Charisma level greater than 4.
Just imprison any populist leader who is too influential, it's far safer than trying to assassinate them (less of a Tyranny penalty).
- A recent triumph now strengthens the Military faction
- A recent sacrifice now strengthens the Religious faction
- Long period of peace is now a Populist influence factor instead of Military
Also worth mentioning is that if you hover your mouse over a citizen portrait in the character browser it will reveal their ambition. If you manage to fulfill those ambitions the characters will get a stat, loyalty and faction adherence bonus (most of the time to the Consul faction but there is some exception) .
5)、派系影响 Faction Influence :派系影响就是元老院席位,席位达到50以上的派系在元老院当权。
The senate or Council if Monarchy will take control of the government. They will appoint magistrates and governors.
If you accept the senate’s choice, and the term of current plebian in office isn’t up, the character will loose loyalty and family prestige.
The way I've found to prevent the Populist (or any other faction) feedback loop you describe is to manually shift characters between jobs so that there are never jobs with characters who have served a full term. If there is an hour glass icon over the portrait of the character with the job, the Senate cannot ask you to appoint someone.
3、民粹派 Populist Faction
As the populists gain more support the risks of a populist civilization war increase.
民粹派执政后,会出事件:马上增加3个民粹派席位 或者 2个民粹派席位 加强制任命 一个民粹派阁员。
Once you get a populist consul your doomed because the way some events were scripted; it offers:
A) 3 populist senators or B) 3 populist senators –1, plus forces you to put someone in power (usually a populist).
The second choice may give you more populists because you appointed one to a power job. Then you end up with only populist being elected Consul and there’s no way out of it.
Only reason why populists dominate in unmodified VV is; 16-year-olds want titles that are impossible to give them. So, by the time they are usable, they become populists.
Populist get unfair Charisma bonus to senate influence (top that with opposition influence!) so, they tend to get all new citizens even with the age mod.
3)、压制民粹派 http://bbs.52pcgame.net/oldbbs/f ... read&tid=298742
The biggest thing you need to do is prevent populists from getting into any office (especially Censor),
提高自己要的候选人人气、家族威望,最好就是候选人本派系领袖,并压低民粹派候选人人气、家族威望(不知道暗杀和监禁能对候选人用不) ,避免民粹派当选执政官;
You can take a populist and imprison him, which results in tyranny and maybe a civil war.
You can use populist for subverting enemy in the hopes they will be captured.
You can use populist for subverting your other populist by smearing reputation or assassination, which costs money.
https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/f ... page-2#post-9713898
科技0的时候,压制民粹派很难。Just as a discussion filler, I've noticed that its harder to keep the populists at bay at the earliest time frame because you don't have many trade routes or lack of buildings which help the Merchant and Civic factions respectively.
一旦科技到1了,就容易对付了。So once you reach tech levels of at least 1 for everything, it becomes easier to deal with them.
例如我当前,罗马历 520年,议员席位是 军事派40席,商业派11席,宗教派10席,公民派40席,民粹派 9席。
That said, my current republic of 520AV has about 40 military, 11 Merchant, 10 Religious, 30 Civic and 9 Populist and I started at the earliest start date.
I've only gone through 2 civil wars removing a Populist candidate in line for consul, but it wasn't so bad. Usually what I do is remove all populists from power (and any friend of the populist in question) and then throw him in Jail.
I also throw any young Populists with high conviction and high charisma (say 8 or higher) in jail for preemptive future populist leaders who might cause trouble.
But the trick is to give everyone the minor titles to everyone whether they want one or not, but make sure to give the specific ones to the populists first so their conviction moves away from populism.
Also I cycle everyone the tech positions as soon as someone wants it and when it becomes available without penalties. And I also cycle everyone through governorship with good stats so they become elegible for other positions and have higher prominence.
5)、民粹派内战的爆发条件 https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/f ... age-4#post-10642164
To get a populist civil war, the populists need to hold the majority of the senate but have a non-populist consul - but even then, it's not particularly likely. I'm afraid there is no way to manually trigger a populist civil war otherwise.
Populist civil wars generally don't have much in the way of military backing (unless there are lots of units loyal to a populist commander), so I'd say they're probably easier to defeat than normal civil wars. Otherwise, they're virtually the same (except for rebalancing the senate as you've noted).
Rotate the populist in power before their turn is up (keep them for one year). Do it again and again. Loyalty drops.
If you imprison, tyranny goes up which leads to civil war. Remove disloyal Legates.
Imprisoning a populist leader in an important position will lead to a normal civil war.
Forcing a Populist Civil War will probably be the quickest method to deal with them: let them take the majority of seats in the Senate and get a non-populist as Consul, and there's a chance that the pops will start a civil war.
4、军事派 Military Faction
Assign all your military plebeians to office as soon as you can. Give them titles, and do battles to raise their popularity.
To keep attraction to MF: you must care 'lovingly' for every territorial-caucus belli, i.e. a core province of you that belongs to another state. NEVER take them in eventual peace negotiations.
Plus: - 5% support for the MF for each core-province belonging to another state (or maybe for each state owning a core-province of you?)
- A pretty caucus -belli to wage war without stability cost.
Minus: You'll get, eventually, the mission of recovering 'the land of our fathers' and the penalty of failing (you MUST fail), usually stability.
5、商业派 Mercantile Faction (needs review)
Tip: you can promote the merchant party easily, simply by having no trade routes (or almost no trade routes). But this will cost you!
I also believe Roads should come at an earlier level of technology. While it might be a historical, in game terms it leads to a great many unfilled trade slots which in a Republic causes Mercantile dominance.
Yeah, looks like the Mercantile faction is pretty broken at the moment. Especially when you get the discoveries that increase your global trading slots before you even have access to roads; it makes filling all the trade routes in landlocked provinces almost impossible.
The mercantilist real problem comes after you discover 'Trading opportunities' (Naval Tech 7). You get, instantly, one trade route more in each province. From then onwards, MF has at least 40% (usually 60%) senate support, and quickly you have an almost totally Mercantilist Senate.
The only way I've been able to counter that is by rearranging all of my trade routes from scratch.
6、公民派 Civic Faction
Having the Civics in power is good for expansion.
Generally speaking the civic faction reduces corruption, rivals, and revolt risk. After you have conquered a country, the provinces begin revolting for their former government.
Put the civic faction in power to reduce the provinces from revolting on the basis of nationalization.
By using a Consul of the civic faction to lead the senate, it will give you reduced costs, build time, and a boost in trade.
7、宗教派 Religious Faction
As a Republic, try to keep your limited religious leaders elected as magistrates. Use the character as Legates to increase popularity and loyalty. Fleets are safer.
Take the National Idea Penalty and choose concept which increase the chance of an Omen.
Build temples when you can, but don’t forget forums are just ahead of them in the priority list.
The religious faction reduces revolt risk and has the National Oracle, which increases your stability, and the Divine Right, which increases your Omen success.
http://bbs.52pcgame.net/oldbbs/f ... read&tid=298569
军事派做大的话...那和独裁没什么区别了(军人统治)...民主政体必定不能让 军事派 做大...其实罗马还是比较真实的...军事派想在共和条件下 做大 ,阻力还是很大的...
除非常年的战争 和 庞大的军队..让共和国的权利逐渐落到军人手里.. 虽然军事派的加成很利于战争,但是容易不稳,外交也容易卡住。
你必须在你要哪个派系和元老院要哪个派系取得平衡。You will have to walk a fine line between what faction you want in power and what the Senate wants.
除了民粹派,在游戏的不同士气每个派系当权执政都有他的特定好处。At some point in the game there is an advantage in having each type of faction ruling the senate, except populists.
但是,我发现留一些民粹派席位在有时还有挺不错的。However, I have found a few populist seats in the senate being a benefit at certain times.
For example; when your factions don’t procreate or grow up fast enough. During those lean times you can use a few populists to conquer the world and govern a few provinces.
When more characters show up in your factions, you can use the populist a second time for subversion diplomacy.
六、元老院派系意见 Faction Opinion 与 通过外交行动
绿色就是元老院 派系意见起码60%通过,黄色就是 元老院派系意见 派系意见 40-50%通过 ,红色就是 元老院派系意见 低于40%通过。
Sometimes, the player can still force through a decision, which is marked with a yellow symbol left of the button. However, the Consul will lose some popularity from this.
说明: 在执政官人气值100%的情况下,执政官所在派系支持执政官一切外交行动;在执政官人气值0%的情况下,执政官担任派系领袖,所在派系支持执政官一切外交行动;
As a rule of thumb, the military faction will approve of declarations of war and oppose poor peace treaties,
2)、商业派议员通过要贸通和开商路的决策,还有支持叛乱、亵渎圣地、诱惑总督、暗杀等间谍决策。 the mercantile faction will approve of more trade,
3)、公民派议员想和同文化的国家搞好关系 the religious faction will want good relations with brothers of the same culture,
4)、宗教派议员想和同国教的国家搞好关系 the religious faction will want good relations with brothers of the faith,
5)、民粹派议员反对一切决策,除了和谈。 and the populists are opposed to almost everything except peace.
Every political faction has a certain predisposition towards certain actions ("Faction Opinion"). This is then further modified by your ruler being:
1)、执政官和该派系领袖同个家族,会适当提高该派系支持决策的机会。 Part of the same family as the faction leader. This will give you a moderate bonus.
2)、执政官和该派系领袖是朋友 ,会稍微提高该派系支持决策的机会。 A friend of the faction leader. This will give you a small bonus.
I'd check the current balance of power in the senate. Which faction is the strongest? If their leader gets into power and is reasonably popular, you'll be able to do almost anything, so you can try getting that man into the consulship so you can break the tribute.
You can also try damaging your relations with Magna Graecia by supporting rebels and such until they just get so fed up with you that they break the tribute themselves.
https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/f ... age-4#post-10711491