BUXIANGQIMINGZI 发表于 2020-10-27 16:20

群星更新2.8 机翻

Hello everyone!

We are rapidly approaching the release of Necroids, the next species pack coming for Stellaris. Yesterday we announced that Necroids will be released next week on Thursday the 29th of October.

Necroids will be released together with the 2.8 ‘Butler’ Update. As we promised next week, here's the full list of the patch notes.


Necroids Species Pack Features
* Added a new Necroid pre-scripted Empire.
* Added a new Phenotype with 16 new portraits (15 normal + 1 robot) of spooky scary Jeffoids Necroids.
* Added a new City Set and room backdrop for Necroids.
* Added a new dark and eerie Ship set.
* Added a new Advisor Voice.
* Added three new Civics: Death Cult, Reanimated Armies and Memorialist.
* Added Necrophage, a new Origin.

2.8.0 "Butler" Features
* Added new Gestalt Governor Leader Traits: Amplifier and Mindfulness - both increase Administrative Capacity in relevant Pop Jobs.
* Systems spawned during the game (e.g. precursor ones) will now usually have two hyperlanes instead of one.
* Added a new experimental DirectX11 support launch command (“-dx11”).

* Gestalt empires can no longer build the Hyperlane Registrar starbase building as they have no use for it.
* The Oracle's admin bonus now grants +10% more admin cap instead of just +20.
* Observation Post Indoctrination events now have a 540 day cooldown before they can fire again.
* Terraforming Candidate is now a bit more common in the early game.
* Terminal Orbit anomaly's reward has been buffed slightly.

Stability & Performance
* Greatly improved startup and load times.
* Optimised the refugees system to perform fewer duplicate checks.
* Fixed an OOS related to armies created from Pops.
* Fixed an OOS happening if someone is hotjoining while a country is marked for destruction.
* Fixed an OOS with planet modifiers related to species crossbreeding.
* Fixed an OOS with Federation Fleet Capacity.
* Fixed a source of false positive OOS.
* Fixed a CTD when transferring a save file during hotjoin.
* Fixed a CTD that might happen when the outliner is updating certain elements when borders are updating.
* Fixed a CTD when planets are removed and have active construction.
* Fix CTD in Colonize window after dismantling shipyard.
* Disabled AlienFX/LightFX since it has been reported to have issues and might cause a CTD/freeze when starting the game (at 30% loading).
* Added a "hardoos" option that adds extra checksums to make it easier to catch causes for OOS.
* Fixed an OOS when you find a precursor civ. event and an observer is present at game start
* Tick time optimization (more efficient parallelisation (game go vroom vroom)).

* Fixed some Settings UIs having overrunning text in some non-english languages.
* Fixed overlapping text in Empire Modifiers tab in some non-english languages.
* The Curators' "goodbye" option is now always placed at the bottom of the option list.
* Envoys can't be reassigned to the same location.
* You can now only resettle your primary species away from planets with culture shock.

* The AI is more willing to lower federation centralization if they are the federation president. They now care if Cohesion and Monthly Cohesion are negative.
* Crisis AI will now be more likely to seek honorable alternatives to doomstacks (i.e. it will split its fleet up a bit more).
* AI will now refill starbase modules and buildings if they are destroyed.
* AI now handles FTL inhibitors better, new fleets will now try to assign each fleet to the closest most valuable objective.
* AI should now handle Colossi correctly again. Fear will keep the local systems in line.
* AI empires with the Void Dwellers origin are now more likely to choose the Voidborne ascension perk.
* AI in Mercantile stance is now less likely to close borders.
* AI now builds branch offices where it can rather than trying again and again to go on a world where there's already a branch office.
* Fleet AI should not abort orders for defensive fleets like merging.
* Fixed Fleet AI getting stuck in a regroup loop if some fleets cannot reach the system for regrouping.
* Make sure AI fleets stop when issued orders to merge.

* You can now use [ ] localisation commands in building descriptions.
* Added trigger num_assigned_jobs = { job = <key>/unemployed value > 2 }.
* Added is_ambient_object_type trigger.
* It is now possible to use scope variables in the create_message effect.
* ideal_planet_class trigger now works in pop and species scope, and also accepts a planet scope as the right hand side argument.
* Added remove_starbase_building and remove_starbase_module effects.
* Added change_colony_foundation_date = <number of days> effect.
* Trigger has_available_jobs now works.
* Added set_ship_prefix effect for country scope.
* Added set_adjective effect for country scope.
* change_government now has a cooldown = yes/no toggle (default is yes).
* Added effect set_government_cooldown = integer/default/no.
* added the miss


Necroids将与2.8“ Butler”更新一起发布。正如我们在下周承诺的那样,这是补丁说明的完整列表。


*添加了新的表型,其中包含16张新的怪异可怕的Jeffoids Necroids人像(15张普通+ 1个机器人)。
*为Necroids添加了新的City Set和房间背景。

*添加了新的实验性DirectX11支持启动命令(“ -dx11”)。

*格式塔帝国无法再使用Hyperlane Registrar星库,因为它们已无用。
*甲骨文的管理员奖金现在增加了+ 10%的管理员上限,而不是+20。

*已禁用AlienFX / LightFX,因为据报道存在问题,并且在启动游戏时(加载30%时)可能会导致CTD /冻结。
*添加了一个“ hardoos”选项,该选项添加了额外的校验和,以使其更容易捕获OOS的原因。
*滴答时间优化(更有效的并行化(游戏室vroom vroom))。

*修复了Empire Modifiers选项卡中某些非英语语言的重叠文本。

* AI现在可以更好地处理FTL抑制剂,新机队现在将尝试将每个机队分配给最接近的最有价值的目标。
* AI现在应该再次正确处理Colossi。恐惧将使本地系统保持一致。
* AI处于商业立场,现在不太可能关闭边界。
* AI现在在这里建立分支机构,而不是一次又一次地尝试进入已经有分支机构的世界。

*添加了触发器num_assigned_jobs = {job = <key> / unemployed value> 2}。
* Ideal_planet_class触发器现在可以在流行和物种范围内使用,并且还可以将行星范围作为右侧参数。
*添加了change_colony_foundation_date = <天数>效果。
* change_government现在具有一个冷却时间= yes / no切换(默认为yes)。
*增加了效果set_government_cooldown =整数/默认值/否。

克哈炮王蒙斯克 发表于 2020-11-2 13:10


kylinzhang 发表于 2020-11-4 10:40

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