Imperator - Development Diary - 19th of November 开发日志25 - 国家理念,西北非
本帖最后由 cools0812 于 2018-11-20 17:42 编辑
Hello and welcome back to another Imperator Development Diary!
Today I will be talking about what National Ideas are in the game and also about the starting situation in the Southwestern part of the Mediterranean, the home of the mighty Republic of Carthage.
National Ideas
Much like in its predecessor, Europa Universalis:Rome, in Imperator you can tailor your country to your goals by picking national ideas. How many you can have active is dependent on your government type.
There are 36 different National Ideas that you can choose from (and they will be listed in this diary). Each idea has its own bonus and each belongs to one of four categories corresponding to the power types in the game. Selecting a new National Idea costs 50 Civic Power. Some are available to you at the start, others have to be unlocked by Advances during the course of the game.
As a rule Tribal governments can have two national ideas, while the more advanced government forms, like Republics and Monarchies, can have three (but there are exceptions to this rule).
Each government in the game comes with a base bonus specific to that government. There is also a secondary bonus for each government, that you will get if your country has ideas picked that correspond what is expected by the government form.
As you can see in the screenshot, Carthage is an Oligarchic Republic. This means that they can pick two Civic Ideas and one Oratory Idea, if they want their additional bonus.
For Rome, which starts as an Aristocratic Republic, this means it needs two Military Ideas and one Civic Idea to get the additional bonus.
National Idea Bonuses are of course still subject to change. Currently the National Ideas in the game are:
Military Ideas:
军事理念: Martial Ethos
Morale of Armies: +10%
Ensuring that our soldiers and veterans hold a prestigious place in the social hierarchy, is key to their contentment and loyalty.
尚武精神 陆军士气+10%
确保我们的士兵和老兵在社会上享有威望,是满足和保证他们忠诚的关键。 Thalassocracy (requires Martial Advances 6)
Morale of Navies: +20%
The sea affects the very rise of and fall of empires. Dominance in this theater is vital to our interests.
海洋与帝国的兴衰息息相关。主宰海洋对于我们的利益至关重要。 Elite Soldiery (requires Martial Advances 12)
Discipline: +5%
Over-reliance on a reactionary militia leaves a nation at great risk of invasion, coup or collapse. A well trained standing army, is sure to protect against these threats.
职业兵(需要12级军事进步) 训练度+5%
过度依赖落后的民兵会使国家饱受入侵,政变和崩溃的威胁,一支训练有素的常备军才能有效地保护我们。 Permanent Shipyards
Trireme Cost: -50%
Establishment of permanent shipyards capable of constructing vessels of war, will ensure that skilled shipwrights are always at our beck and call.
永久性船厂 战舰成本-50%
设立能够建设战船的永久性船厂,能确保技艺精良的船匠们时刻为国服务。 Conscription (requires Martial Advances 6)
National Manpower: +25%
Mandated military service for all those considered mature, is not only a duty - it is a privilege.
兵役制(需要6级军事进步) 国家人力+25%
全民兵役不仅仅是义务——更是特权。 Militarized Society (requires Martial Advances 12)
Army Maintenance: -33%
Navy Maintenance: -33%
A society which honors its warriors, is one in which the young will grow up proud and eager to serve.
军事化社会(需要12级军事进步) 海陆军维护费-33%
一个视自己的战士为骄傲的社会,才是会使年轻人为服役为荣的社会。 Ordered Retreat
Unit Reorganization Cost: -50%
Retreat can be far from dishonorable. Ensuring that all our warriors have a plan of action in the event of having to fall back, will result in a much quicker recovery when they do.
有序撤退 单位重组成本-50%
撤退不一定就是有损荣誉的。确保所有的战士提前准备好退却的行动计划,可以确保他们更快恢复实力。 Siege Training (requires Martial Advances 6)
Assault Ability: +15%
From oppida to forts, to walled cities, the world is full of fortified settlements. Adequately training our warriors to penetrate enemy walls will doubtlessly pay dividends.
攻城训练(需要6级军事进步) 强攻能力+15%
从城堡到要塞,再到城墙,世界上充满了设防据点。为我们的战士提供如何突破围墙的训练无疑会带来丰硕回报。 Support of the People (requires Martial Advances 12)
Hold Triumph Cost: -50%
Convincing our citizens of our national prowess is just as important as a victory itself.
大众支持(需要军事进步12级) 凯旋式成本 -50%
Civic Ideas:
民政理念 Standardized Construction
Build Cost: -30%
Build Time: -30%
As our nation begins to require more and more civic buildings, it has become apparent that a standardized method of planning and construction would greatly reduce the cost and time invested.
标准化建筑 建造成本 -30% 建造时间 -30%
随着国内民政建筑需求越来越多,很明显标准化的设计和建造会极大节约材料与时间成本。 City Planning (requires Civic Advances 6)
Build Slots: +1
Fitting buildings within a walled city becomes much more of an issue as population sizes grow. Adopting a grid-based approach to city planning will allow us to better account for available building space.
城市规划(需要6级民政进步) 建筑槽+1
随着人口增长,在城墙内如何规划建筑的问题变得越来越大。使用网络状的城市规划能使我们更有效率地使用建筑用地。 Central Urban Spaces (requires Civic Advances 12)
Province Loyalty: +0.03
Enlargement and renovation of the central forum within our capital will provide for additional civic building opportunities. It is of paramount importance that our subjects are proud of their capital.
城市中央空间(需要12级民政进步) 行省忠诚度+0.03
首都中心集会场所的扩建和翻新会为我们提供更多的市政建筑空间。让下属行省以首都为豪是极其重要的。 Complex Tariffs
Commerce Income: +33%
Whilst a simple tax on goods passing through our territory may be popular; a complex system will allow us to maximize revenue.
复杂关税 商业收入+33%
虽然对在我们国家境内流通的货物只课一个税是很普遍的,但一个复杂的关税系统可以最大化我们的收入。 Patronized Trading Posts (requires Civic Advances 6)
Capital Import Routes: +3
Keeping a firm financial interest in the various trading outposts within our nation will allow us to exercise greater control over the flow of certain goods we deem valuable.
资助贸易站(需要6级民政进步) 首都进口路线+3
确保我们境内贸易站的经济利益可以使我们更好地控制我们认为有价值货物的流通。 Institute Tariff Exceptions (requires Civic Advances 12)
Province Import Routes: +1
Giving our cities greater leniency in tariff control will enable them to attract better investments.
关税豁免(需要12级民政进步) 行省进口路线+1
给予我们城市更加仁慈的关税控制能让他们更容易吸引投资。 Tax Farming
Global Slave Output: +20%
By shifting responsibility for tax collection to third parties, we can make far greater budget calculations, as well as avoid certain unfortunate responsibilities.
保税制 全国奴隶输出+20%
通过将税收的职责交给第三方,我们可以获得更多的预算,同时避免不必要的责任。 Land Appropriation Reform (requires Civic Advances 6)
Move Freemen Cost: -50%
Move Slaves Cost: -50%
Private ownership of land is a necessity. However, it is clear that where the state requires the use of certain territories, it must have the power to relocate those inhabiting them.
土地私有制是必要的,然而当国家需要征用土地时,必须要有能力迁移居住在那里的人。 Grain Stockpile (requires Civic Tech 12)
Population Growth: +0.10%
Nobody can predict a bad harvest. We could, however, prepare for it. By always saving a surplus of grain, we would avoid starvation during particularly unfortunate seasons.
粮食储备(需要12级民政进步)人口增长 +0.10%
Oratory Ideas
雄辩理念 Sanctioned Privileges
Monthly Corruption: -0.1
By agreeing to look the other way from time to time, we can lessen our reliance on using currency as a tool for bribery.
认可特权 每月腐败 -0.1
通过时常默许特权的存在,我们可以减少使用货币进行的贿赂。 Strategic Propaganda (requires Oratory Advances 6)
Wrong Culture Happiness Penalty reduced by 15%
By coordinating lines of communication with key members of the political, religious and civic spheres, we have the perfect tool to manipulate popular opinion.
通过协调沟通政治,宗教和民众领域的关键成员,我们拥有了操纵大众意见的完美工具。 Legislative Reform (requires Oratory Advances 12)
Wrong Culture Group Happiness Penalty reduced by 15%
The institution of a standardized code of practice, while not necessarily changing the way our government operates, will surely calm the dissenters in our nation.
在不改变政府运行方式的前提下制定行为守则,一定能够安抚我们国家的异见者。 Military Administration
Military Tradition Cost: -33%
By merging a clear, ordered bureaucratic framework into our military hierarchy, it becomes far easier to coordinate large military reforms.
军政体系 军事传统成本-33%
通过在军队中并入一个清晰有序的行政体系,进行大规模的军事改革将变得更容易。 Patronized Scholars (requires Oratory Advances 6)
Invention Cost: -20%
Embracing a reputation as a nation where scholars are to be lauded as well as patronized, is sure to yield rewards in the future.
成为一个鼓励赞美学者美誉的国家对我们未来的发展是有益处的。 Functional Bureaucracy (requires Oratory Advances 12)
Enact Law Cost: -33%
We cannot expect our citizens to simply become aware of changes in the way we run our nation - instituting a framework of bureaucrats, representatives and messengers is vital to spread word of our decisions.
我们不能指望我们的公民轻易地意识到我们国家运行的变化,因此建立一个官僚,代表和使者可以有效地传达我们的决定。 Permanent Ambassadors
Diplomatic Relations: +1
In certain diplomatic circumstances, it may benefit us to have a member of government installed as a permanent representative in the courts of our peers.
常驻大使 外交关系+1
在特定的外交环境下,在我们友邦的宫廷派遣一个永久的代表是有好处的。 Casus Belli (requires Oratory Advances 6)
Aggressive Expansion Impact: -33%
Whatever our true intent, foreign tolerance for our wars is always greater if we have a legitimate reason for conquest. Being seen as protectors of liberty is often reason enough.
宣战理由(需要6级雄辩进步) 侵略扩张影响-33%
不管我们真实的目的是什么,如果我们有一个合理的战争借口,其他国家对我们战争的容忍度总会更高。被视作自由的卫士总是能提供足够的合理性。 Hospitium (requires Oratory Advances 12)
Improve Opinion Maximum: +33%
The duty of the host should be extended to all those who visit our nation. Especially those whom we wish to persuade...
宾至如归(需要12级雄辩进步) 关系改善上限+33%
Religious Ideas
宗教理念 State Religion
Call Omen Cost: -25%
Incorporating our faith as a state entity will have significant political advantages.
国教 预兆召唤成本-25%
将信仰与国家结合会有极大的政治益处。 Religious Calendar (requires Religious Advances 6)
Omen Duration: +100%
Feast days, festivals and holidays can be used to reinforce the importance of certain annual events. Setting these dates strategically, will have a positive effect on our nation.
宗教历法(需要6级宗教进步) 预兆持续时间+100%
宴会,节日与假日可以用来提升特定年度事件的重要性。将这些日子确定下来,对我们的国家有积极的影响。 Mandated Observance (requires Religious Advances 12)
Omen Power: +50%
Making religious observance a compulsory activity, will instill a healthy respect for the divine in our populace, from a young age.
强制仪式(需要12级宗教进步) 预兆力量+50%
使宗教仪式成为一个必须的活动,可以让我们的人民从小就对神明充满敬畏。 Haruspicy
Sacrifice to the Gods Cost -33%
Reading the signs in the entrails of animals has a long history. With a willing haruspex, we could hold festival days at opportune moments, and further manipulate popular opinion at will.
肠卜仪式 祭祀神明成本-33%
阅读动物内脏的符号有很长的历史了,通过肠卜,我们可以在合适的时机举行庆典,进一步改变民众的想法。 Tolerance of Pagans (requires Religious Advances 6)
National Unrest: -2
The number of pagan, hybrid, or purely foreign religions making their way into our territory is vast. Allowing individuals the right to privately practice their own religion is sure to result in a more tolerant society.
容忍异教徒(需要6级宗教进步) 全国叛乱-2
来到我们土地上的异教徒,多信仰者和其他宗教的教徒数量巨大,允许他们私下里进行他们自己的宗教行为可以构建一个更加宽容的社会。 Institutional Proselytism (requires Religious Advances 12)
Convert Pop Cost -33%
By amending our religious canon to mandate active proselytism, we should find that much of the work in converting pagans is done for us.
通过修改我们的宗教经典来主动劝诱改宗,我们会发现很多转化异教徒的工作已经完成了。 Origin Myth
Ruler Popularity Gain: +50%
It would give our leadership much greater authority, if we were to suddenly discover that the origins of our nation can be traced back to the heroes of old...
起源神话 统治者支持度获得 +50%
如果我们能将我们国家的起源追溯到古老的英雄时代,我们能为我们的统治者获得更多权威。 Divine Mandate (requires Religious Advances 6)
Monthly Tyranny: -20%
Convincing our religious leaders to make a proclamation in support of our nation's divine mandate, will allow us to get away with making some of the more... controversial decisions, more easily.
神圣使命(需要6级宗教进步) 每月暴政 -20% -
说服宗教领袖来宣布对我们国家神圣使命的支持,能使我们做出不受欢迎决定时受到的阻力更小。 Loyalty to the State (requires Religious Advances 12)
Monthly Loyalty: +0.05
Loyalty to our leader should imply loyalty to the state. Loyalty to the state, by extension, implies loyalty to the Divine.
本帖最后由 cools0812 于 2018-11-20 17:36 编辑
Northwest Africa:
As in previous diaries we will also take a closer look at one of the geographical regions covered by the game today. This time we will leave the ongoing struggles of the Diadochi to instead inspect the starting situation of what would become Rome’s most famous rival, the Republic of Carthage.
In 304 BCE the Western Mediterranean has for centuries been subject to excursions by Greek and Phoenician traders and colonists. In time many of the cities founded by the latter have grown to form a strong and powerful league, led by the Great city of Carthage.
We have previously discussed the influence of Carthage in the developer diary on Italy. On the African continent this influence is even greater. It is the uncontested ruler of the seas, while relying on its many subject cities and the inland Numidian kingdoms to provide for its armies.
The Sicilian invasion led by Agathocles have, however, made two things apparent.
First: Some of the Carthaginian allies would happily support an invader.
Second: The Carthaginian empire is so thinly spread that it can be hard to respond quickly and adequately to an invasion.
Modern Tunisia, Africa to the Romans, was in some ways a very different place in 304 BCE. This lush agricultural landscape is a great exporter of Grain and agricultural goods, as well as base metals, spices and the famous Tyrian Purple dye that the Phoenicians have become so known for. The inland is in the hands of Carthaginian governors while the coastlines are controlled by the many cities that make up the Carthaginian sphere of influence.
Starting Countries:
[*]Carthage: Carthage is not the oldest Phoenician settlement in the region, but over time it has become the richest and most influential. It is the undisputed leader of the Punic world and all other Phoenician self ruling cities are expected to obey and contribute to the common armies and navies. Much like the Roman Republic many of its constituent cities still retain a significant amount of autonomy. As mentioned in a previous diary, in the wake of Agathocles invasion the Carthaginian general Bomilcar tried to proclaim himself Tyrant over the city. With his execution Carthage has formally done away with the monarchy and is now only ruled by the council of elders and its Suffetes. When needed, Carthage has had no problem mustering great armies. Mostly it has been doing so by relying on the many armies of its subject states and by using its strong financial clout to enlist mercenaries from the entire Mediterranean world. A practice that is very different from its future rival in Rome.
[*]Utica: Plutocratic Republic just north of Carthage itself. One of the oldest and richest Punic cities, Utica is perhaps more prestigious than Carthage itself in some ways. Over the years it has however been eclipsed by the rise of the great city to its south, relegated to pay the part of a supporting ally. Utica starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Kerkouane: Ancient Plutocratic Republic just east of Carthage, controls the closest mainland ports to Sicily and Cossyra. Kerkouane is perhaps best known for having been totally destroyed by Rome during the Punic wars. Kerkouane starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Hadrumetum: Rich trading city, one of the main ports of the Byssatis region, would become the capital of the area after Roman conquest. Hadrumetum and the other cities of Byssatis all joined Agathocles in the recent invasion of Africa. At our start Hadrumetum is a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Leptis: Later known as Leptis Minor or Leptis Parva. Oligarchic Republic south of Hadrumetum in the Byssatis region. Leptis starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Thapsus: Another city of Byssatis, built by a natural source of Salt Thapsus is another Phoenician trading colony that has become part of the expansive Carthaginian state. Thapsus starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Achola: Phoenician Oligarchic Republic in southern Byssatis. Unlike the other cities of Byssatis, Achola did not join Agathocles in the recent Sicilian war in Africa. Achola starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
Emporia & Tripolitania:恩波里亚和的黎波里塔尼亚
South of the main cities of Carthage lie the regions of Emporia and Tripolitania. Both are groups of cities that send their tribute to Carthage together. While the region isn’t as lush and rich as the Carthiginian heartland these states are still relevant as exporters of Fish Sauce, purple dye and salt. Closer to the Sahara and its oases they are also more subjected to raids from the peoples within it.
Starting Countries:
[*]Tripolitania: Named for three cities (tri-poleis) of Sabratha, Oea and Leptis Magna, Tripolitania is an Oligarchic Republic with considerable autonomy and surprising economic muscle for its location. Far from the Carthaginian homeland it has had to care for its own protection against Greeks and Numidians alike. Tripolitania starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Emporia: Named for what it is, Emporia is a region of cities that provide the Carthaginian lands with goods from the desert peoples as well as from coastal manufacturing centers. Like Tripolitania, and unlike many of the other Punic cities, it has often found the need to defend itself against desert raiders using its own resources. Emporia starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
[*]Musulami: The first of the Numidian Tribal Kingdoms we will mention today. Musalami is the smallest of the tribal states in the Carthaginian sphere. In exchange for protection and trade the Musulami provide Carthage with soldiers and manpower for their wars. Musulami starts as a Tribal Vassal of Carthage.
While the power of Carthage can be felt even here, as the city controls a fair number of the trade ports of the region, Numidia is largely a region controlled by big tribal federations. The Massylians have often entered into arrangements with Carthage, selling their manpower and their cavalry for the right of trade and protection, but their main rival and diplomatic focus is the great Massaesylian tribal constellation further west.
At the northern end of the Sahara this region is also at times subjected to raids from desert peoples.
Should the conflicts between the Numidian kingdoms come to an end, and the region be unified, it may pose a credible threat to other states in the area. Especially Carthage, with its nearby capital and its control of almost all the ports of the Numidian region.
Starting Countries:
[*]Massylia: Tribal kingdom in modern Algeria and Tunisia. The Massylians have for a long time provided the Carthaginians with troops and military resources for their wars. In the recent invasion by Agathocles they switched sides however and joined with the Greek invaders. Only when they realized how small the invading army actually was did the Massylians again switch sides, back to their Carthaginian overlords, an incident that Carthage would do much to forget. Massylia starts as a Tribal Vassal of Carthage.
[*]Massaesylia: Tribal Kingdom in modern Algeria. Historically a rival of the other Numidian kingdom Massylia, but unlike them the Massaesylians are not aligned with Carthage. Making its capital in a former Carthaginian trade post in Siga the Massaesylians themselves often trade directly with the nearby Iberians and Mauritanians. Massaesylia starts independent and unaligned.
[*]Iol: Small Plutocratic Republic in the ancient city of Iol, just west of the northern Carthaginian litoral. Maintaining close ties with the local peoples Iol is the westernmost city of significance at our start date. Iol starts as a Feudatory of Carthage.
Metagonia & Mauretania
The deep forests of the Riff is home to many North African Elephants. A species now extinct but which was famously used as a Carthaginian beast of war. Mauretania and Metagonia are in many ways wild and untamed regions to the Greeks, Romans and Carthaginians.
While Carthaginian trade posts dot the coastlines even here, the main powers are the kings of Mauritania and the Massaesylian federation.
Starting Country:
[*]Mauretania: Not much is known about this tribal kingdom until much later in our era when it interacts with the newly unified Numidian state. At the start Mauretania occupies the northern parts of what is today Morocco. Expansion without coming into conflict with Carthage will be hard, as they control all ports in this region. Population allowing, there is however a region that is still not settled by any state (even if populated by Mauretanian tribesmen).
That was all for today. I will be back next Monday with another Development Diary.
又是机制加地区的一篇日志,看来开发进展顺利? 接下來應該是伊比利半島? 浓浓的古代欧陆风云的气息 npk480 发表于 2018-11-20 20:31
thwthwthw 发表于 2018-11-21 01:15
就是这个味道才赞啊{:4_118:} 目前来看,改进程度不如CK2对1的程度大,最大的亮点还是在最初就已经展示过的地图,目前的各区域介绍日志只是把地图拆开再细捋一遍,没有什么亮点,后面不知有无更多亮点可以展示 guqi5 发表于 2018-11-23 11:38
目前来看,改进程度不如CK2对1的程度大,最大的亮点还是在最初就已经展示过的地图,目前的各区域介绍日志只 ...
欧陆罗马的系统本身还是挺好玩的,最大的问题就是地图方面。刚出来的版本应该是eur系统+引入的eu4和vic2系统,肯定还不甚完善,未来还是需要DLC才能做得更好的。我个人更期待有一些像m&t和Vef这样极具深度的mod出现。 迦太基和他的舔狗们 大帝第 发表于 2018-11-25 01:06
结果后来一个一个背叛迦太基~噗噗个噗 hell--fire 发表于 2018-11-24 20:16
欧陆罗马的系统本身还是挺好玩的,最大的问题就是地图方面。刚出来的版本应该是eur系统+引入的eu4和vic2 ...