Mummy, Pyramid, Pharaoh curse, religiousceremonies, the unique charm of ancient Egypt has attracted generations of theimagination This book was found in an archaeological NAR - silent palette asthe main line, discuss various important aspects of ancient Egyptiancivilization, from despotism to Pharaoh's mummy, from hieroglyphs to the headof the animal God, to show us a panoramic view of the ancient egyptians. Pyramidology explains the case ofEgyptology. One of the most obvious subjects of the heated debate over theyears is why Pyramid has taken the form they have done, implying the purpose oftheir service. A useful starting point is that thepyramidal shape is the height of the monument, probably the most robust way, areasonable explanation, as the most efficient use of building resources and thegreatest possibility of long-term stability. A very enduring myth of Pyramid and Joseph- the biblical story, as early as the fifth century AD, the Rome writer Juliushonnrius showed that they were the granary of joseph. In the case of the Pyramid technology, inthis section, the author presents one of the most heated topics, which is why"Pyramid" serves as their form, and this recommendation serves thepurpose of them." Then he built the Pyramid, and he also said theunfavorable situation for many people to ignore them, (1) colonization ofaliens from space and (B) ancient Egyptian tradition, emerged from thepreviously unknown civilizations. Pyramid is a good example, obviously endlessdesire, explanation is imaginative. Then, using a very lasting myth, Pyramidconnects with the biblical story, Joseph explains how to build Pyramid. In thisarticle, there are two opinions about Pyramid, one is the big Pyramid, which iscarried out by the non Egyptian invaders under the guidance of God, and theother is the Pyramid built during the flood period of noah. As far as I amconcerned, I agree with the last one because it is truer than the other. Theform of Pyramid and the astronomical contract. Partof the problem, in this part, the author puts forward a few figures, such asAkhenaten, Nefertiti, or Cleopatra, perhaps they are Egyptian icons and images.In this article, the main talk about akhenaten. The author thinks thatAkhenaten's reign, fourteenth Century BC, is the most unusual religion and artof Egypt's New Kingdom phase (1550-1069), if not the era of the pharaohs".He is a long face, bulbous chin, thick lips, and potbellied figure, ap