- 积分
- 784
- 威望
- 784
- 金圆券
- 2734 PB
- 小红花
- 16
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB
- 积分
- 784
- 威望
- 784
- 金圆券
- 2734 PB
- 小红花
- 16
- 臭鸡蛋
- 0
- 法币
- 0 FB
楼主 |
发表于 2017-9-22 22:23
NDefines = {
NGame = {
START_DATE = "1936.1.1.12",
END_DATE = "2949.1.1.1",
MAP_SCALE_PIXEL_TO_KM = 7.114, -- Yes, we did the math
LAG_DAYS_FOR_LOWER_SPEED = 10, -- Days of client lag for decrease of gamespeed
LAG_DAYS_FOR_PAUSE = 25, -- Days of client lag for pause of gamespeed.
MAJOR_PARTICIPANTS_FOR_MAJOR_WAR = 3, -- Minimum number of major countries involved in a war to consider it major enough to not end the game even though the enddate has been reached.
MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_DAYS = 60, -- Useful if running the handsoff game. The popup messages that doesn't require the player respond will automatically hide after some timeout.
AIR_LOG_TIMEOUT_HOURS = 24, -- Data storring data
NDiplomacy = {
BASE_SURRENDER_LEVEL = 1.0, -- Surrender when level reached. valid 0-1
MAX_FEAR_VALUE = 100, -- Max fear value cap.
MIN_FEAR_VALUE = -100, -- Min fear value cap.
BASE_FEAR_FACTOR = 0, -- Base fear factor in % for opinion
MAX_TRUST_VALUE = 100, -- Max trust value cap.
MIN_TRUST_VALUE = -100, -- Min trust value cap.
BASE_TRUST_FACTOR = 100, -- Base trust factor in % for opinion.
MAX_OPINION_VALUE = 100, -- Max opinion value cap.
MIN_OPINION_VALUE = -100, -- Min opinion value cap.
BASE_TRUCE_PERIOD = 30, -- Base truce period in days.
TRUCE_BREAK_COST_PP = 200, -- Base cost in PP of breaking a truce by joining a war or accepting a call to war ( you cannot declare war yourself until the truce if up ), this is then multiplied by the time left on the truce ( so once half the truce is up it only cost 50% of this )
BASE_PEACE_ANNEX_FACTOR = 100, -- Base factor for annexation in %.
BASE_PEACE_PUPPET_FACTOR = 100, -- Base factor for puppet in %.
BASE_PEACE_LIBERATE_FACTOR = 100, -- Base factor for liberate in %.
BASE_PEACE_TAKE_UNCONTROLLED_STATE_FACTOR = 10.0, -- Base factor for taking state you do not control
BASE_PEACE_TAKE_FACTION_CONTROLLED_STATE_FACTOR = 125, -- Base factor for taking state you do not control, but someone in faction does
BASE_PEACE_FORCE_GOVERNMENT_COST = 100, -- Base cost for forcing a country to change government.
BASE_IMPROVE_RELATION_COST = 10, -- Political power cost to initiate relation improvement
BASE_IMPROVE_RELATION_SAME_IDEOLOGY_GROUP_MAINTAIN_COST = 0.2, -- Political power cost each update when boosting relations with nation of same ideology
BASE_IMPROVE_RELATION_DIFFERENT_IDEOLOGY_GROUP_MAINTAIN_COST = 0.4, -- Political power cost each update when boosting relations with nation of different ideology
BASE_GENERATE_WARGOAL_DAILY_PP = 0.2, -- Daily pp cost for generation of wargoals
WARGOAL_VERSUS_MAJOR_AT_WAR_REDUCTION = -0.75, -- reduction of pp cost for wargoal vs major at war.
WARGOAL_WORLD_TENSION_REDUCTION = -0.5, -- Reduction of pp cost for wargoal at 100% world tension, scales linearly
WARGOAL_JUSTIFY_TENSION_FROM_PRODUCTION = 30.0, -- Base value scaled by production capacity of country compared to biggest country
MIN_WARGOAL_JUSTIFY_COST = 2.0, -- It always takes atleast 10 days to justify a wargoal
WARGOAL_PER_JUSTIFY_AND_WAR_COST_FACTOR = 1.5, -- Cost factor per nation at war with or justifying against
BASE_BOOST_PARTY_POPULARITY_DAILY_PP = 0.25, -- Daily pp cost for boost party popularity
BASE_BOOST_PARTY_POPULARITY_DAILY_DRIFT = 0.1, -- Daily amount of popularity that will be added by the activity.
BASE_STAGE_COUP_DAILY_PP = 0.5, -- Daily pp cost for staging a coup
BASE_STAGE_COUP_TOTAL_COST = 200, -- Equipment consume factor for stage coup.
NAP_EXPIRY_MONTHS = 48, -- NAPs expire after this many months
NAP_UNBREAKABLE_MONTHS = 12, -- NAPS cannot be broken for this many months
NAP_FORCE_BALANCE_RULE_MONTHS = 6, -- The NAP border force balance rule changes with this interval
NAP_BREAK_FORCE_BALANCE_1 = 2.0, -- 2-1 brigades along the border required to break NAP
NAP_BREAK_FORCE_BALANCE_2 = 1.0, -- 1-1 brigades along the border required to break NAP
NAP_BREAK_FORCE_BALANCE_3 = 0.5, -- 1-2 brigades along the border required to break NAP
VERY_GOOD_OPINION = 50, -- Threshold for a country that has a very good opinion of you.
VERY_BAD_OPINION = -50, -- Threshold for a country that has a very bad opinion of you.
TRADE_NEUTRAL_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.75, -- If Both fear and trust are 0, this is the neutral factor for trade
TRADE_OPINION_FACTOR_FACTOR = 1.0, -- How much the factor should effect the possible trade amount. Setting TRADE_NEUTRAL_OPINION_FACTOR to 1.0 and TRADE_OPINION_FACTOR_FACTOR to 0 means opinion does nothing in regards to trade.
DIPLOMACY_HOURS_BETWEEN_REQUESTS = 24, -- How long a country must wait before sending a new diplomatic request.
TROOP_FEAR = 1, -- Impact on troops on borders when deciding how willing a nation is to trade
FLEET_FEAR = 1, -- Impact on troops on borders when deciding how willing a nation is to trade
IC_TO_EQUIPMENT_COUP_RATIO = 0.1, -- Ratio for calculating cost of staging coup
VOLUNTEERS_PER_TARGET_PROVINCE = 0.05, -- Each province owned by the target country contributes this amount of volunteers to the limit.
VOLUNTEERS_PER_COUNTRY_ARMY = 0.05, -- Each army unit owned by the source country contributes this amount of volunteers to the limit.
VOLUNTEERS_RETURN_EQUIPMENT = 0.95, -- Returning volunteers keep this much equipment
VOLUNTEERS_TRANSFER_SPEED = 14, -- days to transfer a unit to another nation
VOLUNTEERS_DIVISIONS_REQUIRED = 30, -- This many divisons are required for the country to be able to send volunteers.
TENSION_STATE_VALUE = 5, -- Tension value gained by annexing one state
TENSION_CIVIL_WAR_IMPACT = 0.2, -- civil war multiplier on tension.
TENSION_NO_CB_WAR = 25, -- Amount of tension generated by a no-CB wargoal
TENSION_CB_WAR = 10, -- Amount of tension generated by a war with a CB
TENSION_ANNEX_NO_CLAIM = 3, -- Amount of tension generated by annexing a state you don't have claims on
TENSION_ANNEX_CLAIM = 2, -- Amount of tension generated by annexing a state you DO have claims on
TENSION_ANNEX_CORE = 1, -- Amount of tension generated by annexing a state that is your core
TENSION_PUPPET = 2, -- Amount of tension generated by puppeting (per state)
TENSION_GENERATE_WARGOAL = 1, -- Amount of tension generated by generating a wargoal against a country
TENSION_VOLUNTEER_FORCE_DIVISION = 0.5, -- Amount of tension generated for each sent division
TENSION_DECAY = 0.1, -- Each months tension decays this much
TENSION_SIZE_FACTOR = 1.0, -- All action tension values are multiplied by this value
TENSION_TIME_SCALE_START_DATE = "1936.1.1.12", -- Starting at this date, the tension values will be scaled down (will be equal to 1 before that)
TENSION_TIME_SCALE_MONTHLY_FACTOR = -0.005, -- Timed tension scale will be modified by this amount starting with TENSION_TIME_SCALE_START_DATE
TENSION_TIME_SCALE_MIN = 0.25, -- Timed tension scale won't decrease under this value
TENSION_JOIN_ATTACKER = 2, -- scale of the amount of tension added when country joins attacker side
TENSION_PEACE_FACTOR = 0.25, -- scale of the amount of tension (from war declaration) reduced when peace is completed.
TENSION_LIBERATE = -1, -- Amount of tension generated by liberating a country.
TENSION_CAPITULATE = 0.75, -- Scale of the amount of tension created by a countries capitulation.
GUARANTEE_COST = 25, -- Scale with the number of already guaranteed countries.
MP_NUM_WINNERS_FOR_PEACE_PAUSE = 1, -- Number of human players as winners needed for peace conference to pause and open for everyone in multiplayer, needs to fullfill MP_NUM_LOSERS_FOR_PEACE_PAUSE as well.
MP_NUM_LOSERS_FOR_PEACE_PAUSE = 1, -- Number of human players as losers needed for peace conference to pause and open for everyone in multiplayer, needs to fullfill MP_NUM_WINNERS_FOR_PEACE_PAUSE as well.
BASE_CONDITIONAL_PEACE_WARESCORE_RATIO = 0.5, -- Warscore ratio needed for the losing side to able to surrender.
BASE_CONDITIONAL_PEACE_MONTHS = 6, -- War length must be before a surrender i possible.
JOINING_NAP_WAR_PENALTY = 0.2, -- National Unity penalty for breaking non-breakable NAP
BREAKING_GUARANTEE_PENALTY = 0.2, -- National Unity penalty for breaking guarantee
PEACE_SCORE_PER_PASS = 0.2, -- When you pass in a peace deal you gain this percent of your original score
MAX_REMEMBERED_LEASED_IC = 1000, -- Maximum of leased equipment value that is remembered for opinion bonus
MAX_OPINION_FOR_LEASED_IC = 30, -- Positive opinion when remembering the MAX_REMEMBERED_LEASED_IC equipment
MONTHLY_LEASED_IC_DECAY = 35, -- How much of leased equipment is being "forgot" each month
OPINION_PER_VOLUNTEER = 3, -- Opinion bonus per one sent volunteer division
MAX_OPINION_FROM_VOLUNTEERS = 30, -- Opinion bonus per one sent volunteer division
MAX_PARTICIPANTS_FOR_MAJOR_COUNTRIES = 5, -- If we have more then x aggressors/defenders we only list major countries in tooltip for warscore progressbar or entry in world tension view
OPINION_FOR_DEMO_FROM_WT_GENERATION = -2.0, -- How much less do democracies like us if we generate world tension
NOT_READY_FOR_WAR_BASE = -50, -- AI should be unwilling to enter accept a call to war if not ready for war against the relevant enemies.
NOT_READY_FOR_WAR_VAL_PER_DAY_SINCE_CALL = 1, -- Value modifying the not ready base over time.
PEACE_MIN_SCORE = 0.3, -- Value how much of your score you are always allowed to take
TAKE_STATES_PUPPET_COST_MULT = 0.5, -- Cost multiplier for feeding states to a puppet that you have created, assuming the puppet currently owns the states
TAKE_STATES_LIBERATE_COST_MULT = 0.5, -- Cost multiplier for feeding states to a country that has been liberated, assuming the country has cores on the states
TAKE_STATES_CHANGE_GOV_COST_MULT = 0.5, -- Cost multiplier for feeding states to a country you are changing government on, assuming they currently own the states
TAKE_STATES_GIVE_CORE_TO_SUBJECT_MULT = 0.5, -- Cost multiplier for feeding core states to a subject
RESOURCE_SENT_AUTONOMY_DAILY_BASE = 0.0, -- If puppet provides resources to its master they increasy their autonomy by at least this amount
RESOURCE_SENT_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = 0.005, -- If puppet provides resources to its master they increasy their autonomy by the resources factored by this
WAR_SCORE_AUTONOMY_BASE = 0.0, -- Value added if any war score is contributed by puppet
WAR_SCORE_AUTONOMY_FACTOR = 0.6, -- If puppet generates war score it get a boost to independence
LL_TO_OVERLORD_AUTONOMY_DAILY_BASE = 0.0, -- If puppet lend leases equipment to overlord of at least same tech level as they have, they gain autonomy
LL_TO_OVERLORD_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = 0.05, -- If puppet lend leases equipment to overlord of at least same tech level as they have, they gain autonomy
LL_TO_PUPPET_AUTONOMY_DAILY_BASE = 0.0, -- If overlord lend leases equipment to puppet of higher tech level as they have, puppet losses autonomy
LL_TO_PUPPET_AUTONOMY_DAILY_FACTOR = -0.01, -- If overlord lend leases equipment to puppet of higher tech level as they have, puppet losses autonomy
AUTONOMY_FREEDOM_FROM_CAPITULATE = 0.5, -- if overlord capitulate you get this
AUTONOMY_LEVEL_CHANGE_PP_COST_BASE = 50.0, -- Base cost of changing level of autonomy
AUTONOMY_LEVEL_CHANGE_PP_ANNEX = 300, -- Annexation cost
AUTONOMY_LEVEL_CHANGE_PP_FREE = 300, -- Break free cost
MAX_SCORE_DIFF_TO_CHANGE_AUTONOMY = 10, -- The max diff between current freedom score and the cap for next or previous level allowed for changing
MASTER_BUILD_AUTONOMY_FACTOR = -0.7, -- scales autonomy gain from construction by this
VICTORY_POINT_WORTH_FACTOR = 10, -- multiplier when calcualting proince worth (surrender)
VICTORY_POINT_WORTH_FACTOR_WARSCORE = 0.2, -- multiplier when calcualting province worth with autonomy/warscore
IDEOLOGY_JOIN_FACTION_MIN_LEVEL = 0.3, -- ideology limit required to join faction
JOIN_FACTION_LIMIT_CHANGE_AT_WAR = 0.5, -- if in defensive war this or your modifier is counted as limit to join factions (so if you have 80% join limit this now means you can join at 50%)
LICENSE_ACCEPTANCE_OPINION_FACTOR = 0.2, -- Opinion modifier for acceptance of license production requests.
LICENSE_ACCEPTANCE_PUPPET_BASE = 20, -- Acceptance modifier for puppets requesting production licenses.
LICENSE_ACCEPTANCE_TECH_DIFFERENCE = 5, -- Acceptance modifier for each year of technology difference.
LICENSE_ACCEPTANCE_TECH_DIFFERENCE_BASE = 20, -- Acceptance base for tech difference
LICENSE_ACCEPTANCE_SAME_FACTION = 20, -- Acceptance modifier for being in the same faction
NCountry = {
EVENT_PROCESS_OFFSET = 20, -- Events are checked every X day per character or province (1 is ideal, but CPU heavy)
BASE_RESEARCH_SLOTS = 2, -- Base number of research slots per country.
VP_TO_SUPPLY_BASE = 1, -- Bonus to supply from a VP, no matter the level
VP_TO_SUPPLY_BONUS_CONVERSION = 0.1, -- Bonus to supply local supplies from Victory Points, multiplied by this aspect and rounded to closest integer
SUPPLY_FROM_DAMAGED_INFRA = 0.3, -- damaged infrastructure counts as this in supply calcs
SUPPLY_BASE_MULT = 1, -- multiplier on supply base values
SUPPLY_BONUS_FROM_INPUT = 0.25, -- % of supply bonus from input area.
SUPPLY_PATH_MAX_DISTANCE = 15, -- When supply route reach more than X nodes, the manpower+equipment delivery speed reach 100% penalty.
POPULATION_YEARLY_GROWTH_BASE = 0.015, -- basic population growth per year, used for monthly manpower gain
RESISTANCE_STRENGTH_FROM_VP = 0.001, -- How much strength ticking speed gives each VP score.
RESISTANCE_STRENGTH_FROM_UNIT = 0.001, -- How much strength ticking speed is reduced from each unit in state (multiplies subunit value resistance_suppress)
RESISTANCE_STRENGTH_FROM_NEIGHBORS = 0.5, -- Multiplies how much resistance can spread from one state to its neighbors, a state will spread whatever is highest of its victorypoints resistance increase or half of any of its neighbors spread, multiplied by this
RESISTANCE_DECAY_WHEN_NO_GROWTH = 0.005, -- Resistance will fall by this much each day if there is nothing increasing it ( no VPs and no spread from neighbors )
REINFORCEMENT_DIVISION_PRIORITY_COUNT = 3, -- How many priority stages we have in division template? 0)Reserves, 1)Normal, 2)Elite.
REINFORCEMENT_DIVISION_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 1, -- Each template by default is 1)Normal
REINFORCEMENT_THEATER_GROUP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 1,-- Each theater group by default is 1)Normal
REINFORCEMENT_THEATRE_PRIORITY_COUNT = 3, -- Same as with divisions...
REINFORCEMENT_DELIVERY_SPEED_MIN = 0.6, -- The distance from the supply region to capital should affect the speed only a little bit. Main factor for penalty is overcrowded areas, and not the route length.
REINFORCEMENT_EQUIPMENT_DELIVERY_SPEED = 0.3, -- Modifier for army equipment reinforcement speed
REINFORCEMENT_MANPOWER_DELIVERY_SPEED = 10.0, -- Modifier for army manpower reinforcement delivery speed (travel time)
REINFORCEMENT_MANPOWER_CHUNK = 0.1, -- Chunk size of manpower reinforcement delivery, in % of total manpower needed by the template.
EQUIPMENT_UPGRADE_CHUNK_MAX_SIZE = 10, -- Maximum chunk size of equipment upgrade distribution per update.
COUNTRY_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0, -- Weight of the country score.
ARMY_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 0.15, -- Based on number of armies.
NAVY_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0, -- Based on number of navies.
AIR_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 0.1, -- Based on number of planes (which is typically a lot).
INDUSTRY_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0, -- Based on number of factories.
PROVINCE_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 0.1, -- Based on number of controlled provinces.
NUCLEAR_PRODUCTION_SCALE = 365, -- +1 nuclear_production gives 1 nuke per year
NUCLEAR_BOMB_DROP_UNITY_EFFECT_MAX_INFRA = 0.2, -- Reduce enemy national unity on nuking a province, the value scales with infrastructure up to this number
NUCLEAR_BOMB_DROP_UNITY_EFFECT_MAX_VP = 3, -- National unity will be scaled down if there's less VP than this in the province
RESOURCE_ORIGIN_PRIORITY = 1, -- Default convoy priority for resources shipped internally
RESOURCE_EXPORT_PRIORITY = 1, -- Default convoy priority for export trade
RESOURCE_LENDLEASE_PRIORITY = 1, -- Default convoy priority for export lend lease
SUPPLY_CONVOY_FACTOR = 0.25, -- How many convoys each supply needs
CONVOY_RANGE_FACTOR = 1, -- how much range affects convoy need
LOCAL_MANPOWER_ACCESSIBLE_FACTOR = 0.5, -- accessible recruitable factor base
LOCAL_MANPOWER_ACCESSIBLE_NON_CORE_FACTOR = 0.02, -- accessible recruitable factor base
STATE_CONTROLLER_VP_RATIO_FLIP = 0.5, -- If current state controller has less share than this of state total and no armies in it the state changes controller
DEFAULT_NATIONAL_UNITY = 0.7, -- Default national unity if not scripted otherwise.
FRONT_PROVINCE_SCORE = 20, -- Max province score of a front. Used for the hostile troop alert
FRONT_PROVINCE_SCORE_HOSTILE_TROOPS = -1, -- If province score in a front is below this value we are losing territory, and hostile troop alert will show.
MAJOR_IC_RATIO = 3, -- difference in total factories needed to be considered major with respect to other nation
MAJOR_MIN_FACTORIES = 35, -- need at least these many factories to become a major
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_DIFFERENCE = 3.0, -- Max difference in intelligence levels between countries
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_DATA_DEVIATION = 1.0, -- Max deviation in estimating default espionage values ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_MILITARY_DATA_DEVIATION = 1.0, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy military units amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_NAVY_DATA_DEVIATION = 0.3, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy ships amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_AIR_DATA_DEVIATION = 1.0, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy air planes amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_INDUSTRY_DATA_DEVIATION = 0.4, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy industry amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_CONVOY_DATA_DEVIATION = 0.3, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy convoys amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_MANPOWER_DATA_DEVIATION = 0.4, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy total manpower amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MAX_INTELLIGENCE_FIELDED_MANPOWER_DATA_DEVIATION = 0.35, -- Max deviation in estimating enemy fielded manpower amount ( 0.0 - 1.0 )
MIN_MANPOWER_RATIO = 0.15, -- Min manpower ratio to show manpower alert
ARMY_IMPORTANCE_FACTOR = 5.0, -- Army factor for AI and calculations
VICTORY_POINTS_IMPORTANCE_FACTOR = 5.0, -- State victory points importance factor for AI and calculations
BUILDING_IMPORTANCE_FACTOR = 3.0, -- State building importance factor for AI and calculations
RESOURCE_IMPORTANCE_FACTOR = 0.1, -- State resource importance factor for AI and calculations
INTERPOLATED_FRONT_STEPS_SHORT = 2, -- Performance optimization - The amount of steps for interpolated fronts. Non-AI countries got full interpolated fronts, the rest has optimized version of it.
MIN_AIR_RESERVE_RATIO = 0.33, -- Min manpower ratio to show air reserves alert
THEATRES_BIND_BORDER_DISTANCE = 25000, -- Map distance (before sqrt) between the center of the borders that determines if theatres should be bound or not.
POLITICAL_POWER_CAP = 2000.0, -- Max amount of political power country should have
RESISTANCE_IMPORTANT_LEVEL = 0.05, -- Level when resistance becomes dangerous
MIN_MAJOR_COUNTRIES = 7, -- MIN_MAJOR_COUNTRIES countries with most factories will be considered as major countries
ADDITIONAL_MAJOR_COUNTRIES_IC_RATIO = 0.7, -- Countries will also be considered major when having more factories that the average of top MIN_MAJOR_COUNTRIES countries' factories times ADDITIONAL_MAJOR_COUNTRIES_IC_RATIO
BASE_TENSION_MAJOR_COUNTRY_INDEX = 1, -- Which major country should be considered the base country when scaling generated world tension. 0 is the country with the most factories, 1 is the second most-factories country etc. This number has to be lower than MIN_MAJOR_COUNTRIES
MIN_NAVAL_SUPPLY_EFFICIENCY = 0.1, -- Min ratio when supplies will be considered delivered from the capital by naval path
PARADROP_AIR_SUPERIORITY_RATIO = 0.7, -- Min ratio of air superiority for paradropping
STATE_VALUE_BUILDING_SLOTS_MULT = 4.0, -- The Value of each building slot in a state ( Value is used to determine costs in peace conference and PP cost to occupy )
STATE_VALUE_RESEOURCE_MULT = 0.2, -- The Value of each resource in a state ( Value is used to determine costs in peace conference and PP cost to occupy)
STATE_OCCUPATION_COST_MULTIPLIER = 0.01, -- Multiplier for state value to PP cost for occupation
STATE_VALUE_NON_CORE_STATE_FRACTION = 0.5, -- If a state is not a core we assume we will get 50% of the factory slots
INVASION_REPORT_EXPERATION_DAYS = 30, -- Invasion experation days
MIN_FOCUSES_FOR_CONTINUOUS = 10, -- Focuses needed to unlock continuous focuses
AUTONOMOUS_TOTAL_SCORE = 4000, -- Total score for autonomous scale
AUTONOMOUS_SPILLOVER = 0.025, -- Total score that can be saved to reach next level
CIVIL_WAR_INVOLVEMENT_MIN_TENSION = 0.5, -- base value of world tension to involve other sides to the civil war
UNCAPITULATE_LEVEL = 0.1, -- if we reclaim this much and our capital we reset capitulate status
NProduction = {
MAX_EQUIPMENT_RESOURCES_NEED = 3, -- Max number of different strategic resources an equipment can be dependent on.
MAX_CIV_FACTORIES_PER_LINE = 15, -- Max number of factories that can be assigned a single production line.
EFFICIENCY_LOSS_PER_UNUSED_DAY = 1, -- Daily loss of efficiency for unused factory slots ( efficiency is tracked per factory slot in the production line )
MAX_LINE_RESOURCE_PENALTY = 90, -- Max penalty factor for production lines lacking strategic resources in %.
RESOURCE_PENALTY_WARNING_CRITICAL_RATIO = 0.8, -- Switch to red progress bar if penalty is over threshold
BASE_FACTORY_SPEED = 5, -- Base factory speed multiplier (how much hoi3 style IC each factory gives).
BASE_FACTORY_SPEED_MIL = 5, -- Base factory speed multiplier (how much hoi3 style IC each factory gives).
BASE_FACTORY_SPEED_NAV = 2.5, -- Base factory speed multiplier (how much hoi3 style IC each factory gives).
BASE_FACTORY_START_EFFICIENCY_FACTOR = 10, -- Base start efficiency for factories expressed in %.
BASE_FACTORY_MAX_EFFICIENCY_FACTOR = 50, -- Base max efficiency for factories expressed in %.
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_GAIN = 1, -- Base efficiency factor.
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_BALANCE_FACTOR = 0.1, -- Factory efficiency balancing factor
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_VARIANT_CHANGE_FACTOR = 90, -- Base factor for changing production variants in %.
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_PARENT_CHANGE_FACTOR = 50, -- Base factor for changing production parent<->children in %.
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_FAMILY_CHANGE_FACTOR = 70, -- Base factor for changing production with same family in %.
BASE_FACTORY_EFFICIENCY_ARCHETYPE_CHANGE_FACTOR = 20, -- Base factor for changing production with same archetype in %.
BASE_CONSUMER_GOODS_NEED_FACTOR = 50, -- Base factor for the consumer goods need of civilian factories in %.
EQUIPMENT_BASE_LEND_LEASE_WEIGHT = 1.0, -- Base equipment lend lease weight
EQUIPMENT_LEND_LEASE_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 0.01, -- Base equipment lend lease factor
ANNEX_STOCKPILES_RATIO = 1.0, -- How much stockpiled equipment will be transferred on annexation
ANNEX_FIELD_EQUIPMENT_RATIO = 0.25, -- How much equipment from deployed divisions will be transferred on annexation
ANNEX_CONVOYS_RATIO = 0.15, -- How many convoys will be transferred on annexation
MIN_POSSIBLE_TRAINING_MANPOWER = 100000, -- How many deployment lines minimum can be training
MIN_FIELD_TO_TRAINING_MANPOWER_RATIO = 0.75, -- Ratio which % of army in field can be trained
CAPITULATE_STOCKPILES_RATIO = 0.5, -- How much equipment from deployed divisions will be transferred on capitulation
INFRA_MAX_CONSTRUCTION_COST_EFFECT = 1, -- Building in a state with higher infrastructure will reduce the cost of shared buildings.
PRODUCTION_RESOURCE_LACK_PENALTY = -0.05, -- Penalty decrease while lack of resource per factory
MIN_LICENSE_ACTIVE_DAYS = 30, -- Min days for license to be active
BASE_LICENSE_IC_COST = 1, -- Base IC cost for lended license
LICENSE_IC_COST_YEAR_INCREASE = 1, -- IC cost equipment for every year of equipment after 1936
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_BASE_SPEED = -0.25, -- base MIC speed modifier for licensed equipment
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_TECH_SPEED_PER_YEAR = -0.05, -- MIC speed modifier for licensed equipment for each year of difference between actual and latest equipment
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_TECH_SPEED_MAX_YEARS = 4, -- Maximum years for MIC speed modifier
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_SPEED_NOT_FACTION = -0.10, -- MIC speed modifier for licensed equipment for not being in faction
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_UPGRADE_XP_FACTOR = 2.0, -- XP cost for upgrading licensed equipment
LICENSE_EQUIPMENT_SPEED_NO_LICENSE = -0.50, -- Penalty for producing non licensed equipment
CONVERSION_SPEED_BONUS = 2.0, -- Modifier to the production speed when converting equipment
NTechnology = {
MAX_SUBTECHS = 3, -- Max number of sub technologies a technology can have.
BASE_RESEARCH_POINTS_SAVED = 30.0, -- Base amount of research points a country can save per slot.
BASE_YEAR_AHEAD_PENALTY_FACTOR = 2, -- Base year ahead penalty
BASE_TECH_COST = 100, -- Base cost for a tech. multiplied with tech cost and ahead of time penalties
MAX_TECH_SHARING_BONUS = 0.5, -- Max technology sharing bonus that can be applied instantly
LICENSE_PRODUCTION_TECH_BONUS = 0.2, -- License production tech bonus
NPolitics = {
BASE_LEADER_TRAITS = 3, -- Base amount of leader traits.
MAX_RANDOM_LEADERS = 1, -- Maximum amount random leader to have per party.
BASE_POLITICAL_POWER_INCREASE = 2, -- Weekly increase of PP.
ARMY_LEADER_COST = 5, -- cost for recruiting new leaders, 'this value' * number_of_existing_leaders_of_type
NAVY_LEADER_COST = 5, -- cost for recruiting new leaders, 'this value' * number_of_existing_leaders_of_type
GOAL_COST_FACTOR = 1.0, -- Multiplayer for cost of political goals
LEADER_TRAITS_XP_SHOW = 0.05, -- Amount of XP a trait needs to be shown in tooltips of a leader.
REVOLTER_PARTY_POPULARITY = 0.4, -- Revolter party loses 80% popularity when the civil war breaks out
MIN_OVERTHROWN_GOVERNMENT_SUPPORT_RATIO = 0.4, -- Min possible support for new government after puppeting the government
NUM_OCCUPATION_POLICIES = 4, -- Number of potential occupation policies
DEFAULT_OCCUPATION_POLICY = 1, -- Defaullt value for occupation policy
INSTANT_WIN_REVOLTER_POPULARITY_RATIO = 0.4, -- Min party popularity for instant win in one province state
INSTANT_WIN_POPULARITY_WIN = 50, -- New party popularity