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[日志新闻] Imperator - Development Diary 17th of June 2019 1.1庞培补丁日志









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发表于 2019-6-20 16:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Imperator - Development Diary 17th of June 2019
Trin Tragula, Imperator

Hello and welcome to another diary for Imperator: Rome.

Today's diary is entirely devoted for showing of the patch notes for the coming Pompey patch, which we hope to release as an open beta on Steam and Gog in the not to distant future.



[color=inherit !important]帝皇:罗马开发日志 | 6/17 庞培补丁日志​shimo.im

### 1.1 Pompey ###

# New Features
# 新特性
- Civil Wars have been reworked to be based upon the disloyal power base versus the total power base of a country. Each character have a power base that depends on their holdings,commanded units, wealth, titles, governorship importance etc. This value is displayed in overview, character listings, character and family views.
- 内战系统重做,现在内战的触发将基于不忠诚势力与整个国家的权力基础Power Base的对比。每个角色的权力基础决定于其封地、指挥的军队、财富、头衔,统治者的地位等等。这个值显示在总览、角色列表、角色与家族界面中。
- Stability has been reworked to no longer be on a scale of -3 to +3, instead it ranges from 0 to 100, and gravitates naturally towards 50. Stability below 50 will give penalties to unrest, happiness and loyalty, as well as lowering the thresholds for civil wars and rebellions. Stability above 50 will benefit research, commerce, population growth, and will make the thresholds for civil war and rebellion higher.
- 稳定度重做,其范围不再是-3到+3,而是从0到100,并且会自动回落向50。稳定度低于50会受到动乱度、幸福度和忠诚度的惩罚,也会降低触发内战和叛乱的阈值。稳定度高于50将在研究、商业收入、人口增长方面受到加成,并且提高内战和叛乱触发的阈值。
- Increasing stability is no longer instant. Instead sacrifices to the gods will give an increase of Stability over time, and multiple sacrifices in short time will increase the rate of this increase.
- 增加稳定度不再是即时的。献祭众神将给予稳定度随时间增加的效果,短期内多次献祭将提高稳定度增加的速度。
- Added Coastal and River Terrain types for naval combat.
- 为海战增加了海岸地形和河流地形。
- Population Capacity now dictates how many pops can live in each city. Population capacity is primarily increased by things like climate, rivers, ports, but is also possible to increase through building granaries in a city. A city over capacity will get penalties from overpopulation but no city will grow over its cap naturally. Most things that previously affected population growth will now instead affect capacity.
- 人口容量Population Capacity现在决定每一个城市能居住多少人口。人口容量首先会因为气候、河流、港口等因素而提高,但也有可能通过在城市中建造粮仓而提高。一个超过容量的城市将会受到人口过多的惩罚,但没有城市会自动增长到超出人口上限。之前版本会影响人口增长的大部分因素现在也会影响人口容量。
- All countries can now convert religion if their high priest is of the new religion and a majority of the free pops in their capital also follow it. Republics require the approval of their Senate, Monarchies must have 70 Legitimacy and Tribes must have the approval of the Clan Chiefs.
- 所有国家现在都可以改变宗教信仰,前提是他们的大祭司是新宗教的信徒,而且他们首都大多数的自由民也信仰该新宗教。共和国改变宗教信仰的话需要元老院的批准,君主制国家必须有70正统性,部落则必须有氏族首领的同意。
- Seleucid bloodline trait now gives a bit of ticking province loyalty to better allow them to control a far flung empire.
- 塞琉古的血脉特性现在会给他们一点点省份忠诚度的加成,从而让他们可以去控制一个更广阔的帝国。
- All Religions now come with their own associated Omens, with their own effects.
- 所有的宗教现在都会有与其相对应的神谕,以及它们各自的效果。
- Added country specific Omens to a number of countries and some culture specific ones. More context specific Omens will keep being added in future patches.
- 在一些国家和一些特定的文化中添加了国家专属的神谕。更多基于历史背景的神谕将在未来的补丁中继续添加。
- Added Specific Omens for Hellenic countries following the Serapis Cult.
- 为信仰塞拉皮斯的希腊国家增加了专属的神谕。
- Every country in the world now has a “Heritage” providing it with passive benefits and a penalty. Heritages are dependent on the capital of the country but can also be specific to other circumstances.
- 现在世界上的每个国家都有传承Heritage,为其提供被动加成和惩罚。传承取决于国家的首都,但也可能是专属于其它特定情况。
- Added Country specific Heritages to: Rome, Sparta, Carthage, Phrygia, Macedon, Egypt, Seleucid Empire, Mauryan Empire, Judea, Tartessos, Byblos, Armenia, Epirus, Thrace, Rhodes, Athens, Etruria, Syracuse, Icenia, Arvernia, Atropatene, Tarentum, Argos, and Thebes.
- 为以下国家添加专属传承:罗马、斯巴达、迦太基、佛里几亚、马其顿、埃及、塞琉古帝国、孔雀帝国、犹地亚、塔特苏斯、比布鲁斯、亚美尼亚、伊庇鲁斯、色雷斯、罗德岛、雅典、伊特鲁里亚、叙拉古、爱西尼、阿维尔尼、阿特罗帕特尼、塔兰图姆、阿尔戈斯和底比斯。
- Added the possibility of on map eruptions for the following volcanoes: Vesuvius, Aetna, Ararat, Methana, Aragats, Argaeus Mons, Argaios Mons, Ausara, Bamni, Qarqar, Caucasus Mons and Iberia Mons. A volcano eruption will cause considerable damage to the local economy until cleaned up.
- 增加了以下火山在地图上喷发的可能性:维苏威火山、埃特纳火山、亚拉拉特火山、迈萨纳火山、阿拉加茨火山、埃尔吉耶斯山、阿盖乌斯山、奥萨拉火山、班尼火山、喀卡火山、高加索山和伊比利亚山。火山爆发将对当地经济造成相当大的破坏,直到清理干净为止。
- Added storms that can strike at sea, in deserts or during winter. Storms will cover a number of sea zones, or cities and will deal heavy attrition to present units. While a storm is ongoing it will be visible on the 3D Map.
- 在海上、沙漠或冬季会有风暴。风暴将覆盖许多海区或城市,并对现有单位造成严重的损耗。当风暴正在进行时,它将在3D地图上可见。
- Added Navigable Rivers. A navigable river can be forded at specific locations, which can be blocked like straits by a navy. Light ships will perform better than others in a river.
- 添加可通航河流。一条可通航的河流可以在特定的河段渡过,这些地方可以像海峡一样被海军封锁。轻型舰船在河中会比其他舰船表现得更好。
- Legitimacy is no longer instantly increased from a button press, but a stackable over time ticking improvement.
- 正统性不再是按下按钮即时增加的,而是随着时间的推移逐渐增加的。
- War Exhaustion is no longer a button to magically decrease it instantly, but instead works like the changed stability.
- 厌战度不再是按下按钮就魔法般即时减少的,而是和稳定度改变相同的方式运作。
- You can now embark & disembark armies while in a port, and you have a big enough navy.
- 你现在可以在港口让军队登船/下船,只要你在港口且有一个足够大的海军。
- You can now view foreign characters from the diplomatic view.
- 你现在可以从外交界面来查看外国角色了。
- Reworked the province view, adding more information, including pierchats of population.
- 重做了省份总览视图,增加了更多信息 ,包括人口的饼状图。
- You can now tell units to start building roads, and they will continue doing it as long as you have power, instead of stopping in each new location to await new orders.
- 你现在可以让部队开始修建道路,只要你还有点数,他们就会继续修建道路,而不是在每个新地点停下来等待新命令。
- Monarchies now have access to an Anabasis unit ability, which lets the ruler boost province loyalty in a province capital where he or she is present.
- 君主制现在可以使用一个远征Anabasis的部队能力,这能让统治者增加他/她出现在省份首府后的省份的忠诚度。

# Dual Rulers
# 二元统治者
- Aristocratic Republics now have Co-Consuls. Co-Consuls provide power in attributes where they are better than the current ruler, and their ruling traits are applied to the country along with those of the primary ruler. Popularity of ruler is average of both of the Consuls, while corruption is the sum of their corruption.
- 贵族共和国现在有共治执政官。共治执政官在其属性比现任执政官更强的方面提供加成,他们的执政特征与第一执政官的执政特征一起适用于国家。执政官的人气是两个执政官人气的平均值,腐败是两个执政官腐败的总和值。
- Consorts: In Monarchies the consort of the ruler will now count as a co-ruler and give benefits to the country in the form of their stats supplanting the ruler’s if they are better. A consort with living children will get a ticking reduction of loyalty if the primary heir is not their child.
- 配偶:在君主政体中,统治者的配偶现在将被视为共治统治者,如果他们的属性更好,就会以其数据取代统治者数据的形式给国家带来好处。如果主要继承人不是他们的孩子,有在世子女的配偶的忠诚度将会不断下降。

# Province & City Improvements
# 省份与城市的改进
- Urban development interaction added for cities. Using the interaction increases local Civilization Capacity, as well as Civilization growth rate.
- 为城市增加了城市开发互动。使用该项互动可以提高当地的文明值上限,以及文明值的增长速率。
- You can now set what unit types your clan retinues should be. Changing will update retinues as well but strength is dropped to 0.
- 现在你可以设置你的部落亲兵的单位类型。改变这个的话将更新亲兵部队,但是其力量将下降到0。
- Added four Province-level investments, corresponding to each of the Power types: Population Output and Province Loyalty for Military Power, Building Slots for Civic Power, Local Import Routes for Oratory Power, Same Religion Pop Happiness for Religious Power
- 增加了四项省级投资,对应于每一种点数类型:人口产出和省份忠诚度对应军事点数,建筑槽位对应民政点数,本地进口线路对应雄辩点数,相同宗教的人口幸福度对应宗教点数。

# Naval Rework
# 海军重做
- Reworked Navies to form lines of battle and split Galleys into 6 classes with different roles, ranging from Light (Highly maneuverable and with a high chance to attempt to board) to Medium (all around balanced) and Heavy (Can only target ships directly opposed, withstand more damage and very hard to board). Heavy Ships are unlocked in some Military Tradition Trees (Persian, Indian and Greek) and can perform special unit abilities to help project power overseas. Navies now also make use of their own Combat Tactics and can shattered retreat to a friendly port.
- 重做后的海军战斗系统主要是由桨帆船组成战斗线。桨帆船将被分成6个等级,从而承担不同角色,从轻型(高机动性和轻易被接舷)、中型(各方面都较平衡)到重型(只能瞄准正对着的敌舰,能承受更大的伤害,很难被接舷)。重型舰船可以在一些军事传统树被解锁(波斯、印度和希腊),可以使用特殊的单位能力,以帮助向海外投射力量。海军现在也使用它们自己的战斗战术,而且可以分散撤退到一个友方的港口。
- Added Liburnian ship type in the Light Ship Category.
- 在轻型舰船类中增加了利部耳尼亚船型。
- Triremes now belong to the Light Ship Category.
- 三层桨座战船现在属于轻型舰船类别。
- Added Tetrere and Hexere Ship types in the Medium Ship Category.
- 在中型舰船类别里增加了四列桨座战船和六列桨座战船的舰船类型。
- Added Octere and Mega-Polyreme Ship types in the Heavy Ship Category.
- 在重型舰船类别里增加了八列桨座战船和巨型战船的舰船类型。
- Added Capture Port Naval Unit Ability allowing Heavy ships to capture unguarded adjacent ports.
- 增加了海军单位能力“占领港口”,允许重型舰船占领未设防的邻近港口。
- Added Port Raid Naval Unit Ability allowing Heavy Ships to create a breach in an ongoing adjacent port with an ongoing siege.
- 增加了海军单位能力“突袭港口”,允许重型舰船在正在包围中的邻近港口制造突破口。
- Added Port Assault Naval Unit Ability Allowing Mega-Polyremes to remove 1 fort level from an adjacent enemy port.
- 增加海军单位能力“强袭港口”,允许巨型战船从邻近的敌人港口移除一个堡垒等级。
- Added Naval Range: Naval Range is calculated from your closest owned port and any ship that goes out of range will take Attrition damage. Heavy Ships will take increased Attrition damage when out of range.
- 增加海军补给距离:海军补给距离从你拥有的最近港口开始计算,任何舰船超出范围将受到损耗伤害。重型舰船在距离之外会受到更多的损耗伤害。
- Ships can now be captured in Naval combat: A capture attempt will happen if a ship takes enough morale damage to retreat from the battle. Since Light ships primarily deal morale damage this means that they will get more chances to capture opposing ships. Success chances are however also based on chance: Light ships have -20% chance to successfully capture heavy ships, while heavy ships have a +20% chance to capture lights. Medium is +/-10% vs the other. Capture chance is further impacted by admiral Martial skill and national modifiers. Captured ships joins their new owner’s navy but will not take part in the ongoing battle. Number of captured ships will be shown in the combat report.
- 舰船现在可以在海战中被捕获:如果舰船在战斗中受到足够的士气伤害而撤退,就会发生一次捕获尝试。由于轻型舰船主要造成士气伤害,这意味着他们将有更多的机会捕获敌方舰船。然而,成功的几率也是基于另一个修正的:轻型舰船成功捕获重型舰船的几率为-20%,而重型舰船捕获轻型舰船的几率为+20%。中等舰船对其余两种是+/-10%捕获机会。海军提督的军事技能和国家修正会进一步影响这个几率。被俘获的舰船将加入新主人的海军,但不会参加正在进行的战斗。缴获舰船的数量将在战斗报告中显示。
- Pirates Reworked: Pirates can now be hired to supplement your navy in the Mercenary Tab. Unemployed pirates will eventually go on a raid, harming the economy of an unfortified target city before returning to their old home port. Any country can root out a pirate nest using a unit ability in enemy territory when at war, or in their own territory if they have banned piracy.
- 海盗系统重做:海盗现在可以在雇佣兵页面被雇佣来补充你的海军。没被雇佣的海盗最终会发动劫掠,也就是在返回他们原来的港口之前,破坏一个未设防的目标城市的经济。任何国家都可以在战争中使用单位能力在敌方领土上铲除海盗巢穴,如果他们已经禁止了海盗活动,也可以在自己的领土上铲除。

- Province Capitals are now fixed, and will never relocate naturally unless the city is lost in a war. Province capital can be moved by the player to another city in the same Province for a cost.
- 省份首府现在是固定的,除非城市在战争中沦陷,否则永远不会自然搬迁。玩家可以花费一定的费用将省份首府迁移到同一省份的另一个城市。
- Added the capability to release a subject country out of any owned Province, from the country overview screen.
- 添加了在国家概览界面中,从所拥有的省份中释放出附庸国家的功能。
- Country capital can now be moved for a power cost that is dependent on the difference in population between your current capital and the desired new location.
- 你现在可以花费点数来迁都。花费取决于你现在的首都的人口和你想要迁去的新地点的人口之间的差距。

# Holdings Rework
# 封地系统重做
- Characters can now hold multiple holdings, limited by their capabilities (mainly finesse). A city can also have multiple holdings, one for each 10 slaves present. Unowned Holdings can be granted to characters by the state or purchased by them over time. Holdings can also be confiscated by the state, lost to starvation, or lost if a city change hands, causing a loss of loyalty for their old owner (this loyalty modifier will last 5 years per lost holding).
- 角色现在可以控制多个封地,上限取决于他们的属性(主要是取决于智略属性)。一个城市也可以包含很多个封地,每10个奴隶产生一个封地。无主封地可以由国家授予角色,也可以随着时间的流动由他们所购买。持有的封地也可以被国家没收,因饥荒而丧失,或者一个城市易手,这将导致旧所有者因为失去封地而失去忠诚度(每失去一次封地,忠诚修正将持续5年)。
- A holding will provide its owner with income, boosting their personal wealth over time.
- 持有封地将为所有者提供收入,随着时间的推移增加他们的个人财富。
- If more than half of the Holdings in a city belong to a character on the Rebel side in a Civil War then that city will defect at the start of the conflict.
- 如果一个城市超过一半的封地属于内战中叛军一方的人物,那么这个城市将在冲突开始时叛变。
- It is no longer possible to move or promote slaves if it would mean the loss of a holding for a character.
- 如果将会导致某个角色失去封地的话,那么将不再可能移动或晋升奴隶。

# Ledger
# 统计表
- Ledger: Added a ledger with a sortable overview of data about the player country as well as other countries in the world. Pages include:
- 统计表:增加一个包含可分类总览的统计表,显示玩家和世界上其余国家的统计数据。页面包括:
- Countries: Lists all countries in the world, together with relevant statistics, army sizes, military traditions, heritages, stances, etc.
- 国家:世界上所有国家的列表,包含相关数据。如陆军规模、军事传统、传承、外交立场等等。
- Rulers: Lists all current rulers in the world, and lets you interact with them.
- 统治者:世界上所有当前统治者的列表,并且允许你和他们互动。
- Provinces: All Provinces in the currently played country, listed with pops, trade routes, loyalty as well as tax and commerce income.
- 省份:当前游玩国家的所有省份,列明人口、贸易路线、忠诚度、税收、贸易收入。
- Inventions: Lists all currently bought inventions in the current country.
- 发明:列出当前国家目前完成的所有发明。
- Our Rulers: lists all former rulers of the current country.
- 我国统治者:列出当前国家所有的旧统治者。

# Government Interactions
# 政府互动
- Government Interactions: Added the concept of Government Interactions. Actions you can take in the government view that are dependent on your current government type:
- 政府互动:增加政府互动的概念。你可以在政府界面中采取此类行动,取决于你当前的政体类型。
- Monarchy Government Interaction: Summon War Council, usable once every 10 years, allowing you to choose a free claim on neighboring territory at the cost of the loyalty of one or more officers.
- 君主制政府互动:召集战争议会。你可以每十年使用一次,赋予你对某个相邻地区的免费宣称,代价是一个或多个官员的忠诚度。
- Monarchy Government Interaction: Demand Oaths of Allegiance, costing 200 Oratory and Religious Power, and yielding +25 Primary Heir Attraction for 5 years.
- 君主制政府互动:要求宣誓效忠。花费200点雄辩和宗教点数,5年内逐步增加第一继承人的支持度。
- Monarchy Government Interaction: Hold Games has been converted to a Government interaction for monarchies and tribes, allowing your ruler to participate in the games.
- 君主制政府互动:举办比赛。举办比赛已经被转换为一个君主制和部落政体的政府互动,允许你的统治者参加比赛。
- Monarchy Government Interaction: Patronize the Arts, costing 300 Civic power, and yielding 5% Primary Culture Happiness and 0.01% Global Civilization Gain per month, for 5 years
- 君主制政府互动:赞助艺术。花费300点民政点数,5年内逐步增加主流文化幸福度和每月文明值获取。
- Republic Government Interaction: Empower Civic Faction decreases build cost by 15%, but increases populist influence by 0.25 per month for 5 years. Costs Civic Power and is cheaper to perform if the Civic Party is in power.
- 共和制政府互动:授权民政派系。降低15%建造花费,但5年内每月民粹派系影响力增加0.25。如果民政派系当权的话,该互动民政点数花费会更便宜。
- Republic Government Interaction: Empower Military Faction increases discipline by 2.5%, but increases populist influence by 0.25 per month for 5 years. Costs Military Power and is cheaper to perform if the Military Party is in power.
- 共和制政府互动:授权军事派系。增加2.5%训练度,但5年内每月民粹派系影响力增加0.25。如果军事派系当权的话,该互动军事点数花费会更便宜。
- Republic Government Interaction: Empower Mercantile Faction decreases Create Trade Route Cost by 25%, but increases populist influence by 0.25 per month for 5 years. Costs Oratory Power and is cheaper to perform if the Mercantile Party is in power.
- 共和制政府互动:授权商业派系。降低创建贸易路线花费25%,但5年内每月民粹派系影响力增加0.25。如果商业派系当权的话,该互动雄辩点数花费会更便宜。
- Republic Government Interaction: Empower Religious Faction decreases Convert Pop Cost by 25%, but increases populist influence by 0.25 per month for 5 years. Costs Religious Power and is cheaper to perform if the Religious Party is in power.
- 共和制政府互动:授权宗教派系。降低皈依人口花费25%,但5年内每月民粹派系影响力增加0.25。如果宗教派系当权的话,该互动宗教点数花费会更便宜。
- Republic Government Interaction: Empower Populist Faction decreases monthly corruption of all characters by 0.05 per month, and reduces Populist Faction Influence by 0.5 per month for 5 years. Costs gold, and requires a Populist Consul.
- 共和制政府互动:授权民粹派系。每月降低所有角色腐败0.05,5年内每月民粹派系影响力降低0.5。花费金钱,并且需要民粹派系的执政官当权。
- Tribal Government Interaction: Assembles Raiding Parties costs 200 military and 200 oratory power, increasing Enslavement Efficiency by 10% for 5 years.
- 部落制政府互动:集结掠夺部队。花费200点军事和雄辩点数,5年内增加奴役效率10%。
- Tribal Government Interaction: Encourage Tribal Migration which will decrease the Centralization of a Tribal Nation, but cause 5 pops to move out of your realm, into a nearby province (preferring empty provinces).
- 部落制政府互动:鼓励部落移民。使5名部落人口迁出你的国家前往邻近省份,同时降低集权度。
- Tribal Government Interaction: Tribes can also make use of the Hold Games and “Hold War Council” interactions.
- 部落制政府互动:部落也可以使用举办比赛和召集战争议会的互动。

# Macrobuilder
# 批量建造
- Macrobuilder Improvements: The Macrobuilder to promote, assimilate or convert Pops, as well as constructing buildings will now show the expected return of each action to give you providing better information to decide what action to take. You can also sort your available target cities on these numbers to find the most ideal spot for performing the chosen action.
- 批量建造改进:晋升、同化和皈依人口的批量建造,以及建造建筑的批量建造现在将会显示每个行动的预期收益,以为你提供更好的信息来决定采取哪个行动。你也可以按可用目标城市的收益数字进行分类,以决定采取此类行动的最好地点。

# Gamebalance
# 游戏平衡
# Economy
# 经济
- Removed the free Capital Trade Route for all countries, instead the mid setting for Trade taxation will now provide 1 extra capital Trade Route.
- 取消所有国家的免费首都贸易路线,改为贸易税收政策设为中等将会提供一个额外的首都贸易路线。
- Lax Taxation is now -50% tax
- 宽松税收现在是-50%税收。
- Reworked how commerce work, so it primarily a province income.
- 改变商业收入的运作方式,使其成为省份的主要收入。
- Commerce Economic Policies now impact how much you get from imports vs exports.
- 商业经济政策现在影响你从进口和出口中获得的收益。

# Governments
# 政府
- Non Scripted rulers at start of the game now have 50 popularity, no longer tanking starting legitimacy
- 游戏开始时的非脚本设定的统治者现在有50的人气,不再是初始正统性的值。
- Electable Governments can now be set to have an minimum age for its elections.
- 可选举的政府现在设定为有其选举的最低年龄。
- Health now impacts electability in republics.
- 健康现在影响各共和国的胜选能力。
- Endorse Party cost up to 50 from 25, and Tyranny down from 5 to 2.
- 支持党派的点数花费从25增加到50,暴政度增加从5降至2。
- Republics now only have 1 law reducing unrest like other government forms.
- 各共和国现在只有一项法律来减少动乱度,就像其他政府形式一样。
- Disloyal Co-Rulers and Consorts now increase power costs by up to 25% at 0 loyalty up from 0% at 50 loyalty.
- 不忠的共治统治者和配偶现在增加点数花费,从忠诚度为0时增加25%,到忠诚度为50时增加0%。
- Friends of the ruler in a Monarchy will now have a strong preference for Primary Heir.
- 君主制统治者的朋友现在会强烈偏好支持其第一继承人。
- A family married to ruler or heir in a monarchy will have a strong preference for primary heir.
- 在君主制中与统治者或继承人联姻的家族会强烈偏好支持其第一继承人。
- Characters preferring other heirs now has less of an impact on Legitimacy.
- 支持其他继承人的角色现在会对正统性有轻微影响。

# Characters
# 角色
- Inspire Disloyalty now reduces loyalty of target by 0.5 per month.
- 鼓动不忠现在会以每月0.5的速度降低目标的忠诚度。
- Increased base amount children per couple by +1.
- 每对夫妇的基本子女数量增加+1。
- Tweaked some traits
- 调整了一些特质。
- Governor finesse skill now impact the output in a province.
- 总督的智略能力现在影响一个省的产出。
- Loyalty now impacts effect of office holders.
- 忠诚度现在影响官职拥有者带来的加成。
- Loyalty now impacts how well researchers perform!
- 忠诚度现在影响研究者的表现!
- Loyalty of generals, admirals and governors is now dropping slowly by default for Major Powers & Great Powers.
- 强权和列强的将军、提督、总督的忠诚度现在会默认地缓慢降低。
- Disloyal employed characters can no longer be dismissed or imprisoned. Instead they need to be brought to trial, potentially sparking a civil war.
- 不忠的受雇角色现在不能被解雇或监禁。相反他们需要被审判,但这可能会引发内战。
- Random Characters now gain 2 traits instead of 3 traits.
- 随机角色现在获得2个特质,而不是3个。
- At least one other family member that is not head of family will now always marry.
- 现至少有一个非家族族长的家族成员会保持已婚状态。

# Units
# 单位
- Boarding Tactics is now +10% Ship Capture Chance.
- 登船战术现在+10%的舰船俘获几率。
- Changed lots of trireme_cost to ship_cost
- 将很多trireme_cost更改为ship_cost。
- Changed some attrition modifiers to impact weights of units instead.
- 将一些损耗修正改为单位权重影响。
- Clan leaders that get regular cohorts loyal to them will make them into retinues.
- 氏族族长现在如果让步兵大队忠诚于他,就会把该单位变为亲兵。
- Enslaved Efficiency from unit modifiers are now considered as well when enslaving.
- 当奴役时,从单位修正获得的奴役效率现在也被计算在内。
- Exiled retinues at strength 0 will now disband.
- 强度为0的流亡亲兵将解散。
- Reduced impact from troops on unrest from -5 to -4.
- 部队对动乱度的影响从-5降低到-4。
- Reduced size of clan retinues a fair bit, and they are now less likely to grow beyond average supply limit in home areas.
- 部落亲兵的规模减少了不少,而且他们现在不太可能超过本土地区的平均补给上限。
- Reward Veterans: removed oratory cost, increased gold cost to 6x monthly income
- 奖励老兵:移除雄辩点数花费,增加为6个月金钱收入的花费。
- Attrition reduction modifiers is now applied AFTER cap is applied.
- 降低损耗的修正现在将在计算补给上限后再应用。
- Chariots are now more efficient against Archers and Light Infantry.
- 战车现在对抗弓兵和轻步兵更高效。

# War & Peace
# 战争与和平
- AE reduction from high AE is -3 instead of -5
- 高侵略扩张带来的AE降低值为-3而不是-5。
- Tweaked combat prediction to be more accurate
- 调整战斗预测从而使其更准确。
- Battle Result can now have a larger impact on wars, and not always +1/-1.
- 战斗结果现在可以对战争产生更大的影响,而不总是+1/-1。
- Some war declarations like truce breaking and/or no-cb wars will now also incur some Aggresive Expansion
- 一些宣战,如打破休战和/或无CB战争,现在也会导致侵略扩张增加。


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-6-20 16:50 | 显示全部楼层

# Technology
# 科技
- Tweaked technology ahead of time to be MULTIPLIED on speed.
- 调整领先于时代的科技惩罚,使其对速度做乘数。
- There is now a behind on tech speed multiplier that increases your tech speed.
- 现在存在一个增加你的科研速度的落后科研速度乘数。
- Technology is now 33% more costly to get.
- 科技现在要贵33%。
- Reduced a few loyalty increases from inventions.
- 减少一些从发明增加的忠诚度。
- Reduced benefits on happiness from inventions.
- 减少发明带来的幸福度加成。

# Traditions
# 传统
- Agema Military Tradition now reduces Heavy Cavalry Cost.
- 近卫队(希腊传统的第一个)军事传统现在降低重骑兵的成本。
- Greek Tradition bonuses to mountains now instead apply to hills.
- 希腊传统的山地奖励现在适用于丘陵。
- Levantine traditions now give 10% Naval morale instead of 5% (so in line with other traditions).
- 黎凡特传统现在给予10%的海军士气,而不是5%(从而与其他传统保持协调)。
- March of the Eagles (+10% Land Morale) is now a finisher for latin tradition countries.
- 雄鹰进军(增加10%陆军士气) 现在是拉丁传统国家的关门奖励。
- North African Traditions now reduce War Elephant Cost.
- 北非传统现在降低了战象成本。
- Triplex Acies Tactic now available as second tradition for latin countries.
- 三线阵战术现在对拉丁国家第二个军事传统可用。

# Cities & Provinces
# 城市与省份
- Your own Forts and Friendly Zone of Control now saves you from attrition due to winter and terrain.
- 你自己的堡垒和友军的控制区域现在可以让你避免因为冬天和地形产生的损耗。
- Country Capital now has one extra building slot.
- 国家首都现在有一个额外的建筑槽。
- Rome and its surroundings now has more Farmlands.
- 罗马及其周边地区现在拥有更多的农田。
- Marketplaces no longer boost commerce income, but instead gives +10% tax income. - 市场不再增加商业收入,而是提供+10%的税收收入。
- Provinces that are isolated and not adjacent to other provinces in your country now get a small loyalty hit.
- 在你的国家,那些被孤立的和不毗邻其他省份的省份现在会遭受轻微的忠诚度惩罚。
- Each road in a city now gives a minor boost to civilization growth
- 城市的每条道路都会轻微促进了文明值增长。
- Each port in a province now adds +1 trade route to that province.
- 省份的每个港口现在增加到该省的+1贸易路线。

# Mercenaries
# 雇佣兵
- Tweaked Mercenaries to be less numerous and a bit more spread out.
- Can no longer recruit mercenaries that have not recovered their strength.
- mercenaries marching home to their home position will not reinforce.
- 雇佣兵返回家园的途中不会得到增援。
- mercenary maintainance increased by 50%
- 佣兵维护费增加50%
- Mercenary Captain is now a status that gives +5 martial while they have a mercenary company
- 现在雇佣兵首领是一个状态,会在该人物拥有一个雇佣兵部队时,给予其+5的军略能力加成。
- Mercenaries that would have been stackwiped now charge their disband fee from employer, and leaves his employment.
- 将被消灭的雇佣兵现在会向雇主收取遣散费,并离开他的工作岗位。

# Pops
# 人口
- Assimilation and Conversion of pops now cost 30 Monarch Power.
- 同化和皈依人口现在花费30君主点数。
- Unrest no longer causes negative population growth. (no spiral of doom)
- 动乱度不再导致人口负增长。(不再恶性循环)
- Colonization can now be done over two seazones.
- 殖民现在可以跨越两个海区来完成。
- Slaves are now far more distributed over your empire, and looks at holdings of general as well.
- 奴隶现在在你的帝国中更加分散了,因此封地的分布也更加分散。

# Tradegoods
# 贸易货物
- Glass now increases local civilization.
- 玻璃现在增加当地文明度。
- Precious Metals is now city loyalty.
- 贵金属现在增加城市忠诚度。
- Spices are now for citizen output, while dye is for citizen happiness.
- 香料会增加公民产出,染料会增加公民幸福。
- Surplus of wood in capital is now +50% ship building speed, and export is +20% in ship building speed.
- 首都的木材盈余现在+50%造船速度,出口会+20%造船速度。

# Barbarians
# 蛮族
- Barbarian Hordes have no attrition in unowned provinces.
- 蛮族部落在无主的省份没有损耗。
- Barbarians are no longer clever enough to use zone of control propagation.
- 蛮族不再聪明到使用控制区域来增殖。
- Barbarians now use the cultural graphics type of their commander
- 蛮族现在使用他们指挥官文化的图像类型。
- Barbarians reinforce twice as quick when not sieging.
- 蛮族在不攻城时的补充速度增加到两倍。
- Barbarians that have not fought in a battle will never accept surrender.
- 没有打过仗的蛮族是不会投降的。
- Barbarians will now grow in size as they take over provinces containing tribesmen.
- 现在如果蛮族占领的省份里居住有部落民,蛮族将扩大其规模,。
- Removed potential strength from barbarian negotiations.
- 从和蛮族的谈判中移除潜在力量的修正。
- Reworked the size of barbarian spawns to take population, and particularly tribal population into account, instead of always being 1 cohort per barbarian power.
- 基于人口数量重新调整蛮族产生的数量,特别是考量部落民人口,而不是总是每一点蛮族力量对应一个蛮族大队。

# Other
# 其它
- Tweaked lots of trireme_* modifiers to use common naval modifiers
- 调整了很多trireme_*修正项,并使用普通的海军修正项。
- countries now get +50 loyalty in all current loyal states when they end up in a civil war OR a rebellion.
- 当结束内战或叛乱时,国家现在将从所有忠诚的省份得到+50忠诚。
- Reduced wrong culture happiness for outlawing Judaism to -10% from -25%
- 将非法犹太教的错误文化幸福度从-25%降低到-10%。
- Integration speed is now boosted by 0.05 per parent nation Rank
- 每个母国等级将提高合并属国的速度0.05。
- Selling a city now removes your claim from it.
- 卖掉一座城市,你将不再拥有这座城市的宣称权。

# AI
# Economy
# 经济
- AI less likely to pick the low wages option.
- AI更不可能选择低工资的选项。
- Made AI relinquish certain economic policies when in a deficit.
- 让AI在出现赤字时放弃某些经济政策。
- Constrained AI overspending during distress a bit (it led to a much shorter deficit period than DEFICIT_YEARS).
- 在经济困难时期限制AI的过度支出(这将缩短赤字期长度)。
- AI will no longer run at low maintenance if neighbor with player and not allied.
- 如果AI与玩家相邻且并未结盟,将不再在低维护费状态运转。

# Diplomacy
# 外交
- Upped AI's tendency to negotiate for military access.
- 增强了AI谈判军事通行权的倾向。
- War balance acceptance can now not go below -40. (Added define PEACE_ACCEPTANCE_WAR_BALANCE_CAP).
- 战争平衡接受度现在不能低于-40。 (添加定义PEACE_ACCEPTANCE_WAR_BALANCE_CAP) 。
- AI will use shorter paths if not worried about safety of army/navy.
- 如果不用担心陆军/海军的安全,AI将使用更短的路径。
- Substantial Land Lost - If demanding 20% or more of a country's cities in a peace deal, they have an extra -10 acceptance.
- 大量土地损失——如果在和平协议中占要求一个国家20%及以上数量的城市,他们有额外的-10接受度。
- Fixed bug in AI military access calculation that made it take longest rather than shortest path of countries negotiated with.
- 修正了AI军事通行权计算的错误,该错误使得它需要与处于最长而非最短路径上的国家谈判。
- AI may now prefer to plan/declare wars adjacent to countries already declared on so it doesn't have to move its troops as much.
- AI现在可能更喜欢在已经宣战的国家附近发动战争,这样它就不用频繁调动军队了。
- AI no longer accepts all vassalization offers. (Buggy diplo action serialization.)
- AI不再全盘接受所有的附庸提议(有bug的外交行动序列) 。
- AI now improves relations with nations they want to trade with.
- AI现在会改善他们想要与之贸易的国家的关系。
- AI now knows how long time integration takes and that it's probably not worth waiting for it prior to declaring war.
- AI现在知道整合需要多长时间,而且考虑在宣战前等待是否值得。
- AI pays off barbarians if they get out of control.
- 如果蛮族失去控制,AI可能会向他们纳贡。
- AI settles barbarians whenever possible.
- AI会尽可能地解决蛮族。
- AI uses Enforce White Peace
- AI会使用强制白和平。
- AI will no longer insult or support rebellion on you unless they have an extremely untrustworthy personality.
- AI不会再侮辱你或是支持你国家的叛军,除非他们有极端不值得信任的特性。
- AI will no longer insult or support rebels on an ally unless they have an untrustworthy personality.
- AI不会再侮辱盟友或是支持盟国的叛军,除非他们有极端不值得信任的特性。
- AI will only integrate subjects they have a border with.
- AI现在只会合并与其接壤的附庸国。
- The largest most recent land battle (with weight decaying over time) will if won by a nation increase their War Enthusiasm by 10.
- 最近如果一个国家赢得了近期最大规模的陆战(权重随着时间的推移而减少),那么这个国家的战争热情将提高10。

# Military
# 军事
- Tweaked AI in a number of cases that should result in fewer suicides (fingers crossed).
- 调整了某些特殊情况下的AI,应该会导致更少的自杀(划个十字,阿门)。
- Tweaked AI tactic selection to be a bit more likely to use the best choices.
- 调整AI战术选择,他们更有可能使用最好的选择。
- More accurate war length prediction with ML and incentive to choose shorter wars in planning.
- 更准确的战争长度预测,并鼓励AI选择规划较短的战争。
- Fixed AI detach from unit.
- 修复AI单位的脱离。
- Fixed a reason for AI forgetting that it's about to go to war, thus messing up its preparations.
- 修正了AI忘记即将开战从而打乱了备战工作的原因。
- AI handling of barbarians tweaked to avoid excessive treasury draining. Also fixed up strike teams to work more as intended instead of constantly running around as huge blobs of troops. Which should also help with handling Barbarians.
- 调整AI处理蛮族的能力,以避免过多的国库枯竭。同时也修复了进攻部队,让他们更加按照计划运行,而不是一支大部队像无头苍蝇一样到处乱跑。 这也有助于AI对付蛮族。
- AI builds fewer regular troops when manpower pool is being drained. (Added define ARMY_BUDGET_MANPOWER_REDUCTION.)
- AI doesn't try to merge units into those with disloyal generals.
- AI不会试图合并单位给那些不忠的将军。
- AI evaluation of units now take damage taken/done factors into account as well.
- AI对单位的评估现在也考虑到其所造成/受到的伤害。
- AI now ignores barbarians they have paid off.
- AI现在将忽略已经获得他们纳贡的蛮族。
- AI now uses Recruit To to gather up newly recruited regiments a bit more effectively.
- AI现在使用征召来更有效地集结新招募的兵团。
- AI should be faster in starting to attack into a city a friend is attacking into in some cases.
- 在某些情况下,AI会更迅速地开始攻击一个盟友已经在攻击的城市。
- AI should no longer immediately go for a respawned enemy retinue.
- AI不会再立即去寻找一个刚刚重建的敌人亲兵部队。
- AI troops will now attempt to move closer to war target before declaring if they have a land path. This should save some time for them.
- AI部队现在将尝试尽可能靠近有陆路可通的战争目标,然后再宣战。这将为他们节省一些时间。

# Misc
# 杂项
- Improved AI Legitimacy handling.
- 改善AI对正统性的处理能力。
- AI can use scripted GUIs if ai_is_valid evaluates to true and ai_chance is above 1 for actions requiring a price to be paid (for which it is the plan value), or above 0 (specifying probability of happening) for other actions.
- 如果ai_is_valid赋值为真,AI可以使用脚本GUIs,并且对于需要付出成本的操作ai_chance大于1(也就是plan值), 或者对于其他操作ai_chance大于0(指定发生的概率),则AI也会使用脚本GUIs。
- AI demands surrender of barbarians whenever possible.
- 只要有可能,AI会要求蛮族投降。
- AI now checks if the omen can actually be called.
- AI现在会现在检查神谕是否可用。

# Interface
# 界面
# Alerts
# 提醒
- Clicking the "unassigned titles" notification will now open the offices tab
- 点击“未分配的头衔”通知现在会打开官职页面。
- Added an alert for when you can enact a decision.
- 增加了当你可以采纳一项决议时的提醒。
- Barbarian alert will now ignore paid off barbarians.
- 蛮族提醒现在会忽略已经纳贡过的蛮族。
- You now get an alert if you have free idea slots
- 如果你有一个空闲理念槽的话,你现在会收到一个提醒。

# Map
# 地图
- Simple Terrain Map Mode now displays terrain types in Ocean, Lake and River Zones when zoomed out.
- 简单地形地图现在在拉远时会显示海洋、湖泊和河流区域的地形种类。
- The on-map widgets should now elide long names, rather than let them overflow.
- 地图上小窗口现在会省略长名字,而不是让它们溢出。
- Added a new mapmode widget when zoomed in, for the population mapmode.
- 为人口地图模式放大时增加一个新的地图模式小窗口。
- Added in red striped in the population mapmode for provinces that are above capacity.
- 在人口地图模式中为超过容量的省份增加红色斜线。
- Sea gulls will now appear around ports as well as potential ports in uncolonized land, signifying the potential for a port in that location.
- 海鸥会出现在港口,以及未殖民的潜在港口的周围,以表明该地可能有一个潜在港口。

# Misc
# 杂项
- Reworked colonisation to not be a UI, but an automatic sending of a pop.
- 重做殖民使其不再是一个界面,而是自动送出一个人口。
- Clicking the top bar resources will now open the corresponding interface
- 点击顶部栏的资源现在也会打开相应界面。
- When moving pops, the target provinces are now sorted by amount of pops in them.
- 当移动人口时,目标省份会按照其人口数目分类。
- The "+" and "-" characters outside of the keypad can now be used to alter game speed.
- 字母键盘外的“+”和“-”现在也可以用于改变游戏速度。
- Pressing Enter will now save the game in the save menu.
- 在存档菜单中按下Enter现在会存档。
- changed minimum resolution to 1080p
- 将最小分辨率改为1080p。
- Wage tooltip in economy screen is now sorted.
- 经济界面的工资提示栏现在有分类了。
- Separated land & navy building menus
- 将陆军和海军建造菜单分开。
- Split Army & Navy stats into two seperate tabs in the military view.
- 在军事界面中将陆军和海军数值分为两个独立的标签页。
- Show changes in province values when building buildings and when promoting/converting/assimilating pops in tooltips and in macrobuilder
- 当建造建筑或晋升/皈依/同化人口时,在批量建造的提示栏中显示省份数值的变化。
- Added more details to revolt & civil war tooltips to explain why.
- 在叛乱和内战的提示栏中增加更多细节信息来解释为什么。
- Added the generals wages to the unitview maintenance info
- 在单位界面的维护费信息中增加将领工资。
- Added tooltips for when a country is too small for a civil war.
- 为国家太小无法触发内战增加提示栏。
- Clarified governor policy tooltip to include mention of it being useful to purge barbarian strongholds.
- 总督政策提示栏进一步解释使用其能够用于清除蛮族据点。
- War Exhaustion is now displayed in the top bar!
- 厌战度现在也显示在顶部栏中!
- Added mouse panning & focus on combat to settings menu
- 在设定菜单中增加了鼠标追踪和集中于战斗的选项。
- Replaced the work 'Rank' with rank icon in diplomacy interface nation list (SUL-4107)
- 在外交界面的国家列表中将“Rank”替换为等级图标。
- Add shortcurs for mercenary view and macro builder
- 为雇佣兵界面和批量建造增加快捷键。
- Added font icon for hotkey 'Z', and added both space and pausbreak as hotkeys for pause. It'll now show the spacebar font icon in the tooltip.
- 为快捷键“Z”增加字体图标,将空格键和Pausbreak键都作为暂停的快捷键。在提示栏中会显示空格键的字体图标。

# Macrobuilder
# 批量建造
- Improved Map Tooltips for building buildings through the macrobuilder.
- 改进批量建造建筑时的地图提示栏。
- Show breakdown of cost in price tooltip in the macro builder
- 在批量建造的提示栏中显示详细的花费构成。

# User Modding
# 用户模组
# New Functionality
# 新功能
- Character-Interactions can now have province and country select targets.
- 角色互动现在能以一省或一国角色为选取目标。
- TimedModifiers now keep track of how long they have been active, to be used for progress bars.
- TimedModifiers现在会追踪它们被激活了多久,以在进度条中使用。
- Omens can now have triggers, so different countries can have different omens.
- 神谕现在可以有触发器,这样不同国家就能有不同神谕。
- Tyranny, Warexhaustion and Aggresive Expansion can now be set in prices (together with power, manpower, gold & stability.)
- 暴政度、厌战度和侵略扩张现在也能被设置成价格(和点数、人力、金钱、稳定度一样)。

# Effects
# 效果(略)

# Modifiers
# 修正项(略)

# Triggers
# 触发器(略)

# Scopes & Lists
# 作用域和列表(略)

# UX
# 用户体验(略)

# Other
# 其它(略)

# Setup & Script
# 设定和脚本
# Decisions
# 决议
- Form Arcadia can now only be formed by someone with an Arcadian tag or Arcadian Capital City.
- 建立阿卡迪亚的决议现在只能由具有阿卡迪亚Tag的国家或者拥有阿卡迪亚地区首都的国家执行。
- Form Arcadia and Form Achaea are now mutually exclusive from one another.
- 建立阿卡迪亚和建立亚该亚的决议现在互斥。
- Seleucids can now found Antioch and not only Seleucia Pieria.
- 塞琉古现在可以建立安条克城而不仅仅是塞琉西亚佩里亚。
- Forming a nation now grants between 2 and 5 Free Province Improvements, based on the size/difficulty of the formable.
- 成立一个国家现在给予2-5个免费的省份改进,基于成立国家的大小/成立难度。

# Events
# 事件
- More events now make use of portraits for involved characters.
- 更多的事件现在会使用相关角色的肖像。
- Added more Dynamic Historical Events for Carthage.
- 为迦太基增加了更多动态历史事件。
- Added more Dynamic Historical Events for Italic Minors.
- 为意大利小国增加了更多动态历史事件。
- Added more Dynamic Historical Events for Rome.
- 为罗马增加了更多动态历史事件。
- Added events relating to Slavery.
- 增加了与奴隶制有关的事件。
- Added events relating to Dual Rulers in Monarchies and in Aristocratic Republics.
- 增加了在君主制国家或贵族共和国中与共治统治者有关的事件。

# Setup
# 设定
- Added Regnal Numbers to Macedon, Odryssia, Dardania, Sparta, Armenia, Bosporan Kingdom and Epirus
- 为马其顿、俄德律西亚、达耳达尼亚、斯巴达、亚美尼亚、博斯普鲁斯王国和伊庇鲁斯增加了君主世代数。
- Fixed Turdetania and Edetania, so they are Iberic rather than Druidic.
- 修正了图耳得塔尼亚和厄得塔尼亚的宗教,现在它们不是德鲁伊教,而是伊比利亚多神教了。
- Fixed Albania, Pontus, and Gutonia country cultures and Gutonian starting capital
- 修正了阿尔巴尼亚、本都、顾托尼亚的国家文化和顾托尼亚的起始首都。
- Fixed Scythia, Maeotia and Kharesmia being the wrong primary culture.
- 修正了斯基泰,迈俄提亚,卡勒斯米亚错误的初始文化。
- Changed the religion of some Aestuian pops to be Matrist rather than Tuistic
- 将一部分埃斯提亚人口的宗教改为母神教而不是图伊斯托教。
- Changed three tags in the eastern Alps to be Hellenic rather than Druidic, to fit the population under their rule.
- 将东阿尔卑斯地区的三个国家从德鲁伊教改为希腊多神教,以与其治下的人民相适应。
- Corrected a Barbarian Spawn Point in Eastern Arabia.
- 改正了东阿拉伯地区的一个蛮族产生点。
- A number of starting rulers with a military past now have more impressive character statistics.
- 一些有军事背景的初始统治者会有更加鲜明的角色属性。
- Made horses more prevalent in Southern Italy and Greece while reducing their numbers slightly in Western Europe and Britain.
- 让马在南意大利和希腊更多,轻微减少其在西欧和不列颠的数量。

# Map
# 地图
- Fixed units not having the correct rotation when stationary
- 单位在驻扎时会正确地轮换。
- Added more greek cities in the Seleucid Empire.
- 为塞琉古帝国增加了更多希腊城市。
- Added Navigable River Zones in the Nile Delta, the lower Rhine, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus, Ganges and Echedoros.
- 在尼罗河三角洲,下莱茵河,幼发拉底河,底格里斯河,印度河,恒河和加利科斯河(译注:该河流注入赛尔迈湾,位于希腊东北部色萨利、马其顿区以及哈尔基季基半岛之间)中添加了可通航的河段。
- Added new cities in Cappadocia, Egypt, Babylonia, the Rhineland and Cyprus.
- 在卡帕多基亚,埃及,巴比伦尼亚,莱茵兰和塞浦路斯增加了新城市。
- All volcanoes are now named. Volcanoes can now be searched for in the province finder by typing “Volcano”.
- 所有火山现在都被相应地命名。现在可以通过省份查找器输入“火山”查找。
- Volcanoes are now more clearly visible on the map, with a big caldera as a sign of volcanic presence.
- 火山现在在地图上显示得更加清晰,会有很大的火山口作为火山存在的标志。
- Changed names of cities east of Carthage to better fit reality.
- 改变了迦太基在东方的一些城市的名称以更贴近现实。
- Fixed all the single pixels in areas being incorrect
- 修正了各区域出错的像素点。
- Atmospheric fog has been tweaked to be less opaque and adapt more with zoom level and camera tilt.
- 减小了大气中雾气的不透明程度,并使其更加适应于缩放程度和镜头倾斜角度。

# Bugfixes
# Bug修复
# Stablity & Performance
# 稳定性与性能
- prevent crash when trying to play sfx without event info, log and error instead
- 防止在显示特效时没有事件信息引发的游戏崩溃,现在会报错并生成日志。
- Fixed crash from older saves
- 修复载入旧版本存档时的游戏崩溃。
- Fixed potential crash when doing peace treaties
- 修复缔结和平协定时可能引起的游戏崩溃。
- Fixed potential crash when returning to lobby in multiplayer
- 修复在多人游戏中返回游戏大厅可能引起的游戏崩溃。
- Fixed potential crash when unit constructions finish
- 修复单位建造完成时可能引起的游戏崩溃。
- Fixed CTD in ownable_provinces list.
- 修复在ownable_provinces列表发生的崩溃跳出。
- Fixed CTD when dismissing governor in non-capital province
- 修复解雇非首都省份总督时发生的崩溃跳出。
- Optimized script events & country score calculation
- 优化脚本事件和国家得分计算。
- Fixed issue where game sometimes hangs for a very long time
- 修复游戏长时间瘫痪的问题。
- Fix for random deadlock when saving game
- 修复游戏存档时随机卡死的问题。

# Multiplayer & Out of Syncs
# 多人游戏与失去同步
- Fixed Potential Out os Syncs related to Combat.
- 修复与战斗有关的可能会失去同步的问题。
- Fixed out of sync related to AI.
- 修复与AI有关的失去同步的问题。
- Fix objectives oos in ai threat map caused by only deleting first matching entry in an unordered map
- 修复在AI威胁地图模式中,在未排序时选择删去最相匹配的国家时导致的用户端失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by checksumming ironman manager
- 修复由校验和与铁人模式管理导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by incorrect reading of scripted gui ai power estimations
- 修复因为错误地读取脚本化UI中的AI力量估算导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by province isolation being recalculated on client when loading save from host
- 修复当主机载入存档时,用户端的省份孤立与否被重新计算而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by setting NeverGiveUpTradeSurplus from unsyncrhonized code
- 修复在未同步化的编码中设置不要放弃贸易盈余而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by unsynced parts of ai being included in ai checksum
- 修复因为在AI校验中包括了未同步部分的AI而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by battle names being saved localized
- 修复由于战斗名称被存储在本地而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos caused by wrong kind of random in ai pop promotion planning
- 修复因为在AI人口提升计划中错误种类的随机而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix oos when switching language while playing in a multiplayer session
- 修复由于在多人游戏中更改语言导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fix potential oos caused by imprisoning dead characters
- 修复由于逮捕已死亡角色可能导致的失去同步的问题。
- Fixed OOS caused by localized family names being used in synchronized code
- 修复因为在未同步的代码中使用本地化的姓而导致的失去同步的问题。
- Don't break alliances on hotjoin
- 游戏已经开始后热加入游戏不会打破原有联盟了。
- Fix an issue where a player hotjoining back in after dying would instantly game over
- 修复了玩家在灭国后重新加入热游戏会导致游戏立即结束的问题。
- Remove combat location post-read fix since that could cause OOS
- 移除了可能会导致失去同步的战斗地点读取后修复。

# Game Mechanic Bugs
# 游戏机制错误
- recruitment cancelled by lack of resource now is properly refunded.
- 由于缺乏资源而取消的部队招募现在会正确地返还资源了。
- ships can no longer become loyal.
- 船只现在不能变为忠诚了。
- zero strength barbarians will now disappear.
- 蛮族力量为0时蛮族则会立即消失。
- religious unity is recalculated when you convert the religion of a pop.
- 当你转化一个人口的宗教信仰后会重新计算宗教统一度。
- Capital bonus is now only shown when you actually get it from a trade.
- 现在只有当真正地通过贸易获得首都加成时,该项加成才会显示出来。
- You now get new inventions when you get new technology from events, unit abilities and other effects.
- 通过事件、单位能力和其他效果得到新科技现在会使你获得新发明。
- Removed hardcoded wealth stealing of banished characters (wealth still stolen through script).
- 移除被放逐角色的硬编码的财富偷取(财富依然可以通过脚本编写而偷取)。
- Can no longer remove disloyal commanders from their armies
- 不再能从军队中移除不忠诚的指挥官了。
- Fixed bug where in some cases a 'zero' navy or army could exist
- 修复了有时候0人的海军和陆军仍然存在的bug。
- Fix has_law trigger returning true for inactive law groups, causing Princeps event to fire too often
- 修复了因为存在没有启用的法律组而使得has_law触发器回到true,导致第一公民事件触发得太频繁的问题。
- Fix owns_or_subject_owns trigger problem causing subjects being able to snatch some decisions from their overlord
- 修复owns_or_subject_owns触发器让附庸从领主手中抢走决议的问题。
- Fix party conviction being several magnitudes too large when loading an ironman save
- 修复当读取铁人存档时,党派变大了几级的问题。
- Fix to Intervene War failing.
- 修复干涉战争失败的问题。
- Fixed an issue where the paid off barbarian would just stand still.
- 修复了纳贡过的蛮族就站着不动了的问题。
- Flanksize on units are now saved and loaded properly.
- 侧翼的单位现在可以正确储存和读取了。
- Fixed the oldest child not always inheriting the throne for relevant succession types
- 修复了相关继承法中,长子不能永远继承王位的问题。
- The game will no longer resend all diplomatic messages to the player thats been saved, each time the game is loaded.
- 存档后每次读取时,游戏不会再重新提示所有的外交信息。
- The last pop can now die!
- 最后一个人口现在可以死掉了!
- Characters now consider all titles they have, so party leaders will no longer cause their family to be scorned.
- 角色现在会考虑到所有的全部头衔,所以当党派领袖不会让家族受到鄙视了。
- Battle Prediction is no longer shown for when paid off barbarians would be in same province as you.
- 当你与已经纳贡过的蛮族将要行进到同一个省份时,不会再显示战斗结果预测了。
- Can no longer settle the same barbarian tribe endless amount.
- 不能让同一个蛮族部落定居无数次了。
- Dismiss from Office now works again.
- 开除官员现在重新可用了。
- Don't allow clan retinues on ships to gain new cohorts past the transport capacity
- 部落亲兵在海运时无法获得超过运输上限的新军团。
- Overrun will now give proper combat ends.
- 占领现在会给出正确的作战结果。
- Prevent migrant units from moving into water
- 移民单位不能移动到水里去了。
- Removed auto-divorce when someone goes abroad.
- 某人出国不再会导致自动离婚了。
- Make sure transferred subjects join revolter in civil war
- 被转移的附庸会正确地在内战中加入叛军了。


使用道具 举报








Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

37222 PB
3396 FB


 楼主| 发表于 2019-6-20 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
# Text & UX
# 文本与体验
- Improved Disreputable Dalliance tooltip and fixed scope issues with banish and child scopes
- 改进“有失体统的调情”事件的提示框,修复放逐和儿童相关的作用域问题。
- corrected tense for death message!
- 修复死亡消息的时态语法!
- Header for outliner should now be properly centered in all languages
- 所有语言的大纲标题现在都正确地居中了。
- When having no siege progress, the text will no longer be all upper case.
- 如果没有围城进度,文本将不会全部都是大写。
- Attrition in unit window now only has 1 decimal and a percentage sign.
- 部队损耗窗口现在只有一位小数和一个百分比符号。
- Fixed the word 'equilibrium' being misspelt in the stability tooltip.
- 修复了稳定度窗口中equilibrium单词拼错了的问题。
- Increased width of textfield in account creation interface to fit non-English localization
- 增加了创建账户界面的文本框长度,以适合于非英语文本。
- Fixed message about traderoute giving bonus to entire province when it should just be the capital.
- 修复了应该给予首府加成的贸易路线消息显示成给予整个省份加成的问题。
- Fixed some values showing too many decimals.
- 修复了一些数值显示太多位小数点的问题。
- Fixed top-right corner of topbar visually overlapping score indicator
- 修复了顶部栏右上角计分器溢出可见的问题。
- The fourth trait displayed in the Characters & Families tab should now properly show a tooltip when hovered.
- 角色和家族页面显示的第四个特质,现在会在悬停时正确地显示出一个提示框。
- Added dynamic culture name for PROV123 "Iguvium / Icuvium"
- 为PROV123省份增加动态文化名Iguvium / Icuvium。
- Fixed spelling error in alert for scorned family.
- 修复了被鄙视家族的提示中的拼写错误。
- Fixed spelling error in Spanish localization, Caño (sprout) to Daño (damage)
- 修复了西班牙本地化文本中的拼写错误,Caño (sprout)改为Daño (damage)。
- Fixed spelling error of 'Inventos' in TECHNOLOGY_MENU
- 修复了TECHNOLOGY_MENU中的Inventos拼写错误。
- Fixed type in PROVINCE_TOOLTIP_players, "Treasurey" -> "Treasury"
- 修复了PROVINCE_TOOLTIP_players的拼写错误,Treasurey改为Treasury。
- Minor loc fix to a Hellenic Flavor event
- 希腊特色事件中的一些文本小修复。
- Modifier icons in province interface should no longer overflow, instead they overlap when more than 7
- 省份界面的修正项图标现在不会溢出了,当超过7个的时候就会折叠起来。
- The "No Deficit!" text should be properly centered now, and deficit modifiers should elide when too long.
- “没有赤字”的文本现在会正确地居中,而赤字修正如果过长的话就会自动截短。
- Tooltip for Economy interface button in topbar no longer references converting power to gold
- 顶部栏经济界面的按钮提示栏不再显示将点数换为金币。
- Fixed unit morale damage/strength damage done shown in red instead of green in macro builder.
- 修复了批量建造器中单位的士气/强度杀伤显示为红色而不是绿色的问题。
- Entries in the message log will now elide if longer than two rows
- 消息日志中的条目如果超过两行的话就会自动截短。
- Fixed missing localization for DECISIONOTHER_* strings
- 修复了DECISIONOTHER_*键值中丢失的本地化文本。
- Fixed missing string for PEACEACCEPTOTHER_ALLY_LOG for all languages
- Fixed "sexy" Russian province names into something less sexy.
- 修复了一些“性感”的俄罗斯省份名字,变得不那么“性感”了。
- Fixed outdated description of inventions in tutorial.
- 修复了教程中过时的发明描述。
- Fixed tooltip when no corruption progress
- 修复了当前没有腐败进度的提示框。
- Fixed case where country name would contain unlocalized text
- Fixed spelling error of "Deceanglia"
- 修复了Deceanglia的拼写错误。
- Fixed a few spelling errors "lead by" is now consistently "led by".
- 修复了一些将led by弄成lead by的拼写错误。
- Fixed issue with the “Man of Action” event triggering.
- 修复了“实干家”事件的触发问题。
- Fixed broken scopes in English, Chinese and Spanish loc for dip_friends_rivals.11.desc
- 修复了dip_friends_rivals.11.desc事件的英文、中文和西班牙文本中损坏的作用域指称。
- Fixed bug where provinces couldn't be searched for when playing with Russian or Chinese language
- 修复了在以俄文或中文游玩时一些省份无法被搜索的问题。
- Fixed incorrect promote scopes in German/Spanish governor policy tooltips
- 修复了德文和西班牙文中总督政策提示框里错误的作用域指称。
- Fixed scope issue with Man of Action
- 修复了实干家事件的作用域问题。
- Fixed a spelling mistake in an invention.
- 修复了一个发明中拼写错误。
- Fixed various minor errors in the Pyrrhus events.
- 修复了皮洛士事件中的数个小错误。
- Improved localization for military alliance acceptance message
- 改进了接受军事同盟消息中的一些本地化文本。
- Added some missing Russian Localization.
- 增加了一些丢失的俄文文本。
- Description for Punic Ascendance now correctly mentions requiring to play as Carthage
- 布匿霸权的描述中现在正确地提到需要游玩迦太基才能获得成就。

# Misc
# 杂项
- Updated a number of events that had triggers that were very hard to meet, they should now trigger more regularly.
- 更新了一些难以满足触发条件的事件,现在它们应该能更常规地被触发。
- Fixed ships sometimes flickering in ports
- 修正船只有时候在港口里闪烁的事件。
- After losing, observing is no longer seen as playing an ironman game
- 在失败后,观察者模式不再被视为正在游玩铁人模式。
- Enabling debug mode will now recalculate the version checksum
- 允许debug模式将会重新计算版本校验码。
- Fixed the Colossus of Rhodes fire being visible on the flat map
- 修复了罗德岛巨像的火焰能够在扁平地图上看到的问题。
- Fix cultural clothing gene modifiers always overwriting random factor with 0
- 修复了文化衣着修正总是用0覆写随机因子的问题。
- The port of Appolonia is now linked to the proper sea-zone
- 阿波罗尼亚的港口现在会与正确的海域连接了。
- Stopped Etruria selling themselves to Carthage.
- 阻止伊特鲁里亚将他们自己卖给迦太基。
- Fixed world conquer achievement not possible
- 修复了世界征服者的成就不可能完成的问题。
- Forming Cyprus now requires you to be suitably small.
- 成立塞浦路斯现在要求你规模适当的小。
- Added check that both involved characters can get friends and rivals when adding friends or rivals.
- 当添加朋友或宿敌时,增加检验确认相关角色能否获得朋友或宿敌。
- Added missing age check to ip_monarchy.15
- 为ip_monarchy.15增加了丢失的年龄检查。
- Prevent subject nations from having civil wars
- 防止附庸国发生内战。
- The 'Bottleneck' tactic should now play a sound when chosen
- 阻滞战术在选择时会播放声音。
- Achievement checking for the Alexandria Lighthouse now functions even if the most ambitious version of the lighthouse was built.
- 检查亚历山大灯塔的成就现在会正常运作,即使建成的是最雄心勃勃的灯塔也是如此。
- Fixed Lofty Notions not giving office if target already had one
- 修复了崇高信念事件在目标人物已经有一个官职时没有给予官职的错误。
- Fixed bug which made Media unable to form.
- 修复无法成立米底的错误。

#### Patchnote End ####
6/19 Edit: The Pompey patch is now Live as an open beta on Steam and GOG.


It is available as a beta branch for the game that you have to opt into yourself on your chosen platform.


Please try it out and get back to us with feedback on the changes in the patch and/or any issues with them.


Known Issues:


Achievements can't be gained in this version currently
Some localization is not ready in non-English languages

Note: One of the changes in this patch is that the in game Console has been disabled by default. To enable it, launch the game using -debug_mode launch command.


Older saves will not be valid with 1.1.


翻译:Frost 加百列 一个幽灵 三等文官猹中堂

校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂


使用道具 举报








Rank: 4Rank: 4

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发表于 2019-6-21 01:36 | 显示全部楼层
天呐,辛苦了,真是好长。。。。。 果然粪作要改好难

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发表于 2019-6-21 09:50 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-6-21 15:05 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

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发表于 2019-6-22 18:16 | 显示全部楼层
这是 文明?!

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