When the winged hussars arrived! 当那翼骑兵杀到!
A cry for help in time of need, await relief from holy league 绝望之际八方求援,亟待神圣联盟前来解围
60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak 围困六十日夜,早已疲惫不堪
Sent a message to the sky, wounded soldiers left to die 呐喊响彻云霄,士兵流血牺牲
Will they hold the wall or will the city fall 古城能否逃脱陷落之劫?
Dedication 全力以赴
Dedication 誓死保卫
They're outnumbered 15 to one 一敌十五,实力悬殊
And the battle's begun 决战即将打响
Then the winged hussars arrived! 看那翼骑兵杀到!
Coming down the mountainside 万马奔腾,倾泻而下!
Then the winged hussars arrived! 当那翼骑兵杀到!
Coming down they turned the tide 力挽狂澜,势不可挡!
As the days are passing by and as the dead are piling high 城内每况愈下,城外尸横遍野
No escape and no salvation 既无出路,亦无救赎
Trenches to explosive halls are buried deep beneath the walls 城墙下的炸药早已堆积如山
Plant the charges there and watch the city fear “到处埋设炸药,坐看城市魂飞魄散!”
Desperation 走投无路
Desperation 四面楚歌
It's a desperate race against the mine 绝望中与引信赛跑
And a race against time 争分夺秒为求生存
Then the winged hussars arrived! 看那翼骑兵杀到!
Coming down the mountainside 万马奔腾,倾泻而下!
Then the winged hussars arrived! 当那翼骑兵杀到!