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Imperator Dev Diary, 2/24/2020 Arheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome
Welcome back for this week's Imperator dev diary. 欢迎来到本周帝皇:罗马的开发日志。
Today, I'm going to be talking a little bit about the three mysterious boxes that a few of you picked up on when we took a look at the new Religion View wireframe the other week. 今天,我会稍稍介绍一下三个神秘的小方框,在前几周我们聊起新的宗教界面线框图的时候,眼尖的人可能都已经看到它们了。
Linked strongly to Holy Sites, the Sacred Treasures system will be included as part of the Archimedes update. We will be including a set of general treasures for all owners of I:R, and a set of treasures as part of the Content Pack, with a Greek theme, as per the rest of the pack. 圣物Sacred Treasure系统与圣地Holy Site紧密相关,所以也会作为其中一部分被包含在阿基米德Archimedes更新当中。我们将要添加的一部分圣物是所有帝皇:罗马的玩家都能玩到的,还有一系列圣物是包含在新内容包里面的,后面说到的这些圣物将会是与内容包的其它部分相同的希腊风格的。
Sacred treasures will appear in holy sites around the world, and are intended to represent famous or important artefacts that were known or presumed to have been revered in the ancient world. 圣物会在世界各地的圣地出现,是用来表示在古典世界里或有名或贵重,因而备受尊崇的人造物品,它们可能确有其物,也有可能是道听途说的存在而已。
It's important to note here, I think, what treasures are not. Just as with the deities and omens, we're keen to stress the importance of belief and ritual in antiquity, rather than treating these items as 'magical' in nature. The vast quantity of carved/written requests for blessings or even curses that are still found by archaeologists at temples and holy places dating to antiquity, shows that religion was a hugely relevant, almost transactional, part of life. 我觉在这里事先说明一下还是很重要的,要讲清楚哪些功能是圣物没有的。正如我们对诸神和神谕的理解相同,我们想做的是,强调宗教信仰和仪式在古典世界的重要性,而不是把它们当作真正的“魔法”。考古学家常在庙宇和圣地这些地方发现大量从古代遗存下来的、以雕刻或书写形式呈现的祈福或诅咒。这些发现证明,宗教是古代人生活中高度相关的、甚至是事务性的一部分。
How will they work? 圣物系统有哪些功能?
Every holy site will have a number of slots for sacred treasures, represented as above in the religion view. This corresponds to the 'level' of the holy site, which in turn corresponds to the city status of the territory in question. A settlement will be able to sport one artefact, two in a city, and up to three in a metropolis. 在上文中的宗教视图中就可以看到,每一个圣地都有若干的槽位,用来存放圣物。槽位的数量与圣地的“等级”相关,而圣地的“等级”又与所处城市在领地地位有关。聚落会有一个槽位、城市会有两个、而大都会则有三个。
I'm keen that treasures are considered unique. Treasures will be created at the beginning of the game, and there will be a finite number. Where the Pythia in Delphi might begin with a brazier of Oleander, you will not find 45 Braziers of Oleander doing the rounds 100 years into the game. 圣物可以说是独一无二的,这点我很喜欢。圣物会在游戏开始时生成,而且还数量有限。例如,在游戏开始时,德尔菲的神谕所可能会生成1个夹竹桃火盆;而你是绝对不会发现在游戏开始100年后竟然出现了45个夹竹桃火盆这种事情的。
Treasures themselves will exert a provincial effect, applying a modifier to all territories within the province in which they reside. This makes it very relevant where your holy sites are located, and which city status they possess. 圣物本身会带来一个省份效果,为所处省份内所有领地提供一个修正。这也就是说,圣地的位置选在哪里,城市的等级有多高,这些问题都会很关键。
Naturally, putting all your eggs in one basket can have a down side. Treasures are fair game for looting, and the desecration of a holy site by a unit will pass all contained treasures to the looting nation. 自然,把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里多少会有些坏处。对劫掠者来说,圣物是极好的猎取物;当圣地被敌军单位亵渎之后,该处所有的圣物都会被运送至劫掠者的国家去。
Treasures can only be actively placed in holy sites which represent gods currently worshiped in your pantheon, and treasures present in holy sites of other deities will have no effect. To add a level of commitment to your choices, you will be unable to remove a treasure unless the holy site is desecrated (possible through the Religion View screen). 只有当圣地所代表的神祇正被供奉在你的万神殿之中时,放置的圣物才能激活;不被万神殿供奉的神祇,祂们圣地里的圣物不会产生任何效果。为了给你的选择增添些承诺的意味,除非该圣地遭到了亵渎,你无法将圣物从某个圣地中移出(你可以通过宗教界面做到这点)。
Can't we just stack these to crazy levels? 我们就不能把圣物的效果叠加到很高很高吗?
To an extent. We're addressing this in a couple of ways. Firstly, the various pop output bonuses for Capital, Capital Province and Capital Region are being cut down significantly. Secondly, by tying treasure slots to city status, you would need to have 4 metropolises in one province in order to stack the maximum number of treasure slots. This makes it theoretically possible, but a significant logistical challenge to feed and supply a fully decked out province. 这个效果是有一定程度限制的。我们会通过好几种方式来设定程度范围。其一,针对首都、首都省份、首都宗教的各种人口产出增益都被大幅削弱了。其二,因为圣物槽的数量是与城市地位相关的,要堆出圣物槽的最大数量,你得在一个省份中拥有四个大都会。在理论上是可行的,但是要供养如此一个省份会对你的物流系统带来严峻的挑战。
Can we mod these? 我们可以做这方面的Mod吗?
You most certainly can. Time allowing, I will also be looking into allowing characters to benefit from possessing treasures, replete with character effects. Nota bene: I have no current plans to enable the character aspect of the sacred treasures system in the base game. 当然可以。只要时间允许,我会去尝试让人物也能因拥有圣物而获得收益,以及各种人物的影响等。注意:我当前还没有在游戏本体中加入人物与圣物互动的内容的计划。
Next week, we'll be showing off some more missions that will be coming as part of the Magna Graecia content pack, as well as an interaction with the deity mechanics that I hinted at a few diaries ago. 下周,我们会介绍更多随着大希腊Magna Graecia内容包而来的任务内容,以及与神祇机制的互动,关于这个互动的内容,我早在之前某篇开发日志中就埋下了伏笔。
翻译:一个幽灵 校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂
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