XQC001 发表于 2022-7-24 15:22

星球大战:旧共和国的创意总监将离开 BioWare

Game Update – Star Wars: The Old Republic

Hello SWTOR Community,

As many of you know, Star Wars™: The Old Republic recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary this past December, which is an incredible milestone for a game. On the heels of that anniversary, we released our seventh expansion, Legacy of the Sith, in February. Our next content update for that expansion, Game Update 7.1, is slated to be released on August 2nd. This update will incorporate a host of new content and fixes, including:

New daily mission arcs for Republic and Imperial players on the planet Manaan.
A challenging new Operation for 8-player teams.
Improvements to our Weapons in Outfitter system.
Key revelations about Darth Malgus and the Sith lord whose relics he has been pursuing.
We’re excited for you to experience all of this great content next month as our work to ensure Star Wars: The Old Republic remains a best-in-class MMO continues.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is known for its years of storytelling, and capturing players' hearts for over a decade now. All chapters must close in order for others to begin. We wanted to take the time to wish a fond and wholehearted farewell to Charles Boyd, our Creative Director, and talk about those who are taking the reins for the game after his departure. Charles has been with the company for 16 years and played a significant role in the game’s success. Star Wars: The Old Republic truly is something special and hitting our 10-year landmark together was remarkable. I would like to thank him for playing his part in making that happen; we will miss Charles as a friend and as a colleague and wish him all the best in his next adventure.

As expressed by Gary McKay, BioWare™ General Manager, “It’s always sad to see someone you appreciate go, but I wish Charles all the best in his next adventure. He leaves SWTOR in excellent hands with an incredible team that will carry forward our vision for the game. We are committed to SWTOR’s future as we continue to work on the next Dragon Age and Mass Effect.”

SWTOR’s Design Leadership Team is composed of talented, experienced developers who have also played pivotal roles in making the experience as special as it is:

Eric Musco, Lead Producer: Eric has been a member of the SWTOR team in a variety of roles over his 10+ years at BioWare. Long-time players may know Eric from his many years as The Old Republic Community Manager, but behind the scenes, Eric has been working as a Game Producer for several years. He looks forward to keeping our players' perspectives front and center as we continue to support and update SWTOR going forward.
Ashley Ruhl, Narrative Director: Ashley has made major contributions to SWTOR over the years, from building cinematic scenes for launch to returning to create some of the most pivotal scenes in Knights of the Eternal Throne, and most recently, has acted as the leader of our cinematic team through Legacy of the Sith. In her new role as Narrative Director, Ashley will oversee all of the game’s storytelling efforts as we continue to unfold the mysteries discovered in Legacy of the Sith.
Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, Lead Writer: Caitlin has been an indispensable contributor to SWTOR’s narrative team for almost eight years. Caitlin will carry our players’ ten-year-long personal Star Wars sagas forward with all of the new stories, characters, romances, betrayals, and impactful choices SWTOR is known for.
Alan Copeland, UX Director: Alan has been on the frontline of modernization in SWTOR, leading the team that is updating our UI/UX experience to make the game more clear, accessible, and fun to play.
George Smith, Gameplay Design Director: George has been a part of the SWTOR design team since well before launch, led our Operations team up through Shadow of Revan, and now oversees the full gameplay team.
The world of game development is always evolving and we’re excited to chart out the journey for Star Wars: The Old Republic going forward and share more about those plans with you soon.

- Keith

A Note From Charles Boyd, Creative Director

Even after almost sixteen years, I still can’t fully believe how lucky I’ve been to work on Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Star Wars galaxy has always been a huge part of my life since I was a kid, so getting to play a role in SWTOR’s growth from its initial vision to a colossal release and then an incredible live service for over a decade has been an amazing experience. The team’s passion, creativity, and dedication to this game are incredible; I don’t think I can ever fully express how much I’ve admired and appreciated working with them every single day.

As always, there are some exciting things in the works for the future of SWTOR - storylines and planets and gameplay and characters that I can’t wait to see come to life. I’m really looking forward to experiencing them all right alongside our players.

So to the team, to our longtime partners at Lucasfilm, and to all of you: thank you so, so much for this amazing journey. I may be moving on from the project, but the Old Republic will never leave my heart.

- Charles

宝贝q 发表于 2022-8-6 16:33


eveSky 发表于 2022-8-6 19:35

游戏更新 - 星球大战:旧共和国

您好 SWTOR 社区,

众所周知,《星球大战》:旧共和国最近在去年 12 月庆祝了它的 10 周年纪念日,这对于一款游戏来说是一个令人难以置信的里程碑。在那个周年纪念之后,我们在二月发布了我们的第七个资料片《西斯的遗产》。我们对该扩展包的下一个内容更新,游戏更新 7.1,计划于 8 月 2 日发布。此更新将包含大量新内容和修复,包括:

共和国和帝国玩家在 Manaan 星球上的新每日任务弧。
一个具有挑战性的 8 人团队的新行动。
改进了我们的 Outfitter 系统中的武器。
我们很高兴您能在下个月体验所有这些精彩内容,因为我们将继续努力确保《星球大战:旧共和国》仍然是一流的 MMO。

《星球大战:旧共和国》以其多年的讲故事而闻名,十多年来一直俘获玩家的心。所有章节必须关闭才能让其他章节开始。我们想花时间向我们的创意总监查尔斯·博伊德(Charles Boyd)致以衷心的告别,并谈谈他离开后掌管游戏的人。查尔斯已经在公司工作了 16 年,并在游戏的成功中发挥了重要作用。 《星球大战:旧共和国》确实很特别,一起达到我们 10 年的里程碑意义非凡。我要感谢他为实现这一目标而发挥的作用;作为朋友和同事,我们会想念查尔斯,并祝他在下一次冒险中一切顺利。

正如 Gary McKay 所说,BioWare™总经理,“看到你欣赏的人离开总是很难过,但我希望查尔斯在下一次冒险中一切顺利。他将 SWTOR 留在了一支出色的球队中,这支球队将推动我们对比赛的愿景。随着我们继续致力于下一个龙腾世纪和质量效应,我们致力于 SWTOR 的未来。”

SWTOR 的设计领导团队由才华横溢、经验丰富的开发人员组成,他们在使体验变得如此特别方面也发挥了关键作用:

Eric Musco,首席制作人:Eric 在 BioWare 工作的 10 多年里一直是 SWTOR 团队的成员,担任过各种角色。资深玩家可能从 Eric 多年担任旧共和国社区经理时就认识了他,但在幕后,Eric 一直担任游戏制作人多年。他期待在我们继续支持和更新 SWTOR 前进的过程中,将我们玩家的观点保持在前沿和中心位置。
Ashley Ruhl,叙事导演:多年来,Ashley 为 SWTOR 做出了重大贡献,从制作电影场景以供发布,到回归创作一些《永恒王座骑士》中最关键的场景,最近,她担任了 SWTOR 的领导者。我们的电影团队通过西斯的遗产。在她作为叙事导演的新角色中,Ashley 将监督游戏的所有故事讲述工作,同时我们将继续解开在《西斯遗产》中发现的谜团。
Caitlin Sullivan Kelly,首席作家:Caitlin 近八年来一直是 SWTOR 叙事团队不可或缺的贡献者。 Caitlin 将带着所有新的故事、角色、浪漫史、背叛和 SWTOR 闻名的有影响力的选择,将我们玩家长达十年的个人星球大战传奇带到未来。
Alan Copeland,UX 总监:Alan 一直站在 SWTOR 现代化的前线,带领团队更新我们的 UI/UX 体验,以使游戏更清晰、更容易上手、更有趣。
George Smith,游戏设计总监:George 早在发布之前就一直是 SWTOR 设计团队的一员,他带领我们的运营团队完成了《Shadow of Revan》,现在负责监督整个游戏团队。

- 基思

创意总监查尔斯·博伊德(Charles Boyd)的说明

即使在将近 16 年之后,我仍然无法完全相信自己有多么幸运能够参与《星球大战:旧共和国》的制作。自从我还是个孩子以来,《星球大战》星系一直是我生活的重要组成部分,因此在 SWTOR 的成长过程中发挥作用,从最初的愿景到巨大的发布,然后是十多年来令人难以置信的现场服务,这真是太棒了经验。团队对这款游戏的热情、创造力和奉献精神令人难以置信;我认为我永远无法完全表达我对每天与他们一起工作的钦佩和感激。

与往常一样,SWTOR 未来的作品中有一些令人兴奋的东西——故事情节、行星、游戏玩法和角色,我迫不及待地想看到它们的出现。我真的很期待与我们的球员一起体验它们。


eveSky 发表于 2022-8-6 19:59


eveSky 发表于 2022-8-6 20:00


创意总监查尔斯·博伊德(Charles Boyd)的说明

即使在将近 16 年之后,我仍然无法完全相信自己有多么幸运能够参与《星球大战:旧共和国》的制作。自从我还是个孩子以来,《星球大战》星系一直是我生活的重要组成部分,因此在 SWTOR 的成长过程中发挥作用,从最初的愿景到巨大的发布,然后是十多年来令人难以置信的现场服务,这真是太棒了经验。团队对这款游戏的热情、创造力和奉献精神令人难以置信;我认为我永远无法完全表达我对每天与他们一起工作的钦佩和感激。

与往常一样,SWTOR 未来的作品中有一些令人兴奋的东西——故事情节、行星、游戏玩法和角色,我迫不及待地想看到它们的出现。我真的很期待与我们的球员一起体验它们。


- 查尔斯

天草ひかり 发表于 2022-8-7 10:55

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