You are diablo, a cyborg living in the the futuristic city of Zail. You have a bionic arm and a holoband. You're walking down the dark city streets while neon lights flash brightly above you. As you pass an alley you see a cloaked figure sitting outside. They flick their wrists and a burst of fire ignites the cloth on his chest, before he slashes his arm and a red stream of blood flies across the alley.
You say "what the fuck?"
You hear a voice in your head: "What did you say?""I said what the fuck are you doing?""I'm cutting my arm.""... you're what?""I'm ... I'm what?""Why are you standing there with your mouth open? Run away!"You take off and hear the figure chasing you.
You shooting.
You turn the corner into a small ally and slam your door. You look around and notice you are completely alone. The neon street lights illuminate your apartment.You sit on the floor and dial your neighbor's phone, but there is no answer. You try their door and find it locked. You notice a note on the door that says:Sorry, I have gone out. Do not enter my apartment.You shrug and decide to get some sleep before work in the morning.
2.无意义回复:纯数字,纯字母 (例: 666666666、ASDFGHJK等类似的内容),纯表情,连续回帖三连以上,或者不同帖子大量复制粘贴一样的回复等不尊重发帖作者的行为均可能会被版主定义为无意义回复,请注意不同版主的执法尺度。
3.严禁调侃时政:例:严禁注册 我国领导人名作为ID,禁用我国当代领导人头像(禁止“各类暴力膜”), 禁谈政治、时事, 各区版规都有所不同,详细请到版区阅读。(ps:实际上各区都严禁谈论政治,只是某些区问题较突出,新人们要特别注意)
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以上就是最基本的原则,当然新人最好还是先看一下条例 【会员严禁发表与回复的内容】{:4_189:}