Sunfer 发表于 2021-4-20 19:28

《荒野的呼唤》steam 4月20日更新

Bug Fixes(修复下列BUG):

[*]Very Common: Crash when ordering dog to track within 50m of a duck or goose corpse
[*]非常常见BUG: 命令狗在鸭子或鹅尸体 50 米范围内跟踪时崩溃

[*]Very Common: Incorrect ranking of trophies displayed in Hunter Profile menu. This issue is fixed for new harvests but is NOT retroactive

[*]Common: Unusable state of dog going into a slow motion state at level 15 of tracker trait
[*]Rare: Crash on joining multiplayer session
[*]罕见: 加入多人会话时崩溃

[*]Rare: Crash on startup on PC
[*]罕见: PC 上启动时崩溃
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查看完整版本: 《荒野的呼唤》steam 4月20日更新