英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 11/9 征召兵与军团
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator: Rome Developer Diary - 9th of November 2020Trin Tragula, Game Designer – Imperator
Hello and welcome to another Development Diary for the Imperator: Rome - Marius update. Today I will be talking a bit about one of the bigger changes coming to warfare, and how you raise armies in the game.大家好,欢迎来到又一篇帝皇:罗马——马略Marius扩展包的开发日志。今天我会来讲一讲游戏里战争机制的改变,以及如何在游戏里组建你的部队。Levies征召兵
For most of the era covered by the game, the armies of Rome and other major powers were mostly composed of levies. In the Republics of the Greco-Roman world the levy system was in many ways the foundation of democracy, based on the idea that someone who fights for their city also has the right to vote. While this was a versatile and cheap way to ensure that large armies could be mustered rapidly, the lack of professional soldiers also meant that it was hard to specialize armies and even harder to garrison far away provinces.在整个游戏覆盖的历史时间段内,罗马和其他主要大国的军队很大程度上都是由征召兵组成的。在希腊-罗马文化圈的诸多共和国里,征召兵制度在许多方面来说都是民主制度的基石,并基于这样一种理念:那些为自己城邦而战的人,也有权利投票。这确实是一种廉价快捷的征召方式,你可以用这种方法迅速拉起一支大军,但是你会因此缺乏专业士兵,这也意味着这支军队很难职业化,甚至没法派去遥远的省份进行驻防。
In the Marius Update there are no longer any permanent armies at start in most of the world (there are exceptions, we will return to those). Instead troops are raised in time of need directly from the non-slave pops of your empire.在马略Marius扩展包里,现在开局时世界上绝大多数国家都不再拥有常备军了(当然会有例外的,我们等会再讲他们),取而代之的是在需要的时候召集部队,并且需要直接从你帝国内的非奴隶人口中抽调人力进行补充。
https://pic1.zhimg.com/80/v2-2ddda8f3a1a406d9814906e800d8df54_720w.jpgScreenshot of the current version of the Levy interface.
当前版本征召兵界面的截图。Levy Size征召规模
Levies are raised on a Governorship basis, and only pops that belong to integrated cultures will be called up. Since all able-bodied men from that pop are now part of your armed forces, any pop that is part of the levy will stop contributing to the economy, until the levy is disbanded.能够征召的征召兵基于总督,而且只有已整合文化的人口会被召集起来。因为该人口中所有身体健全的男性现在都成为了你部队中的一部分,他们现在不会再为你的国家贡献经济,直到征召兵解散为止。
In addition to not producing income while levied, a pop that is part of a levy is exempt from migration, assimilation, conversion, and starvation. Perhaps most importantly, when a unit dies, so may it's associated pop!在被征召期间,除了不提供收入以外,该人口也无法进行迁徙、同化、改信或遭受饥荒。也许最重要的还是,人被杀,就会死,当这个部队被消灭时该人口也会被消灭!
Raising levies have no cost in itself apart from a small bump in War Exhaustion. Keeping the levy raised for a long time will incur a ticking War Exhaustion, similar to when you are at war in the current version of the game.除了轻微影响厌战度以外,召集征召兵这个行动本身没有任何费用。但长时间维持征召兵可能会让厌战度爆表,这跟当前版本游戏内的战争机制是一样的。
How many of the integrated culture pops that are mobilized if you choose to raise your levy is mainly dependent on two things: Current Military Reform Law (these have been revamped a bit for both Monarchies and Republics) and your current Economic Policy.如果你选择了召集征召兵,你能动员多少已整合文化的人口主要取决于两件事:当前的军事改革法(君主制和共和制略有不同),以及你当前的经济政策。
The latter may be preferable if you want to decrease or increase your levy size somewhat temporarily, while laws are better for your long term goals. Republican laws for levies tend to give slightly bigger numbers than those of the monarchies (who on the other hand have easier access to Legions - but more on those later).接下来也许你会想要短期内增加或减少你你的征召规模,然而法律往往是为了长期目标设置的。共和国法律会更倾向于提供给你比君主制规模稍大的征召兵部队(另一方面来说,君主制更容易组建军团,但是我们等会再说这个)。
https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-efe316d90be249973452ad0dbd751449_720w.jpgAn example of a law affecting levy size, the color coding is not final。
举个例子,告诉你法律是如何影响征召规模的,颜色代码尚未完成。Levy Troop Composition & Troop Type征召部队组成与部队类型
Unlike the current version of the game, you do not have direct control over what kind of troops your levied armies contain. What kind of troops you get is instead dependent on the culture of the pops being raised, with each culture in the game having its own preferred troop type template.和当前版本的游戏内容不同,你没法直接控制你征召出来的部队的种类。取而代之的是,你的征召兵会基于人口文化生成,游戏内每种文化都有自己喜好的兵种模板。
This means that levied troops will vary greatly depending on where in the world you are raising them, and dependent on what cultures you have integrated. An Etruscan levy is going to be different from a Roman one, and a Macedonian levy will be different from a Carthaginian one.这意味着征召兵部队将会因为地理和文化原因而风格迥异。伊特鲁里亚人征召兵会和罗马人不同,马其顿人征召兵会和迦太基人不同。
In addition to being dependent on culture, the unit type maps to different pop types. A cohort of Heavy cavalry is going to be raised from Citizens or Nobles, whereas an Archer cohort would be coming from Freemen or Tribesmen.征召兵除了根据文化有所不同以外,还会根据人口种类有所不同。重骑兵大队只能从公民或者贵族阶层中征召,弓箭手大队经常来自于自由民或者部落民。
https://pic3.zhimg.com/80/v2-ada5b41cd72c0003d32ad692eef6c96a_720w.jpgA Persian Levy, raised in the hinterland of the Persis Governorship.
One thing this means is that if you move into a new region and integrate a culture there in order to gain access to their levies, you will likely also benefit from unlocking their military traditions, which are built to focus on strengthening the troops commonly levied for the cultures associated with it.这意味着如果你到达一个新的地区,为了特殊征召兵而整合当地的文化,你还会解锁当地的军事传统,从中获益。因为军事传统通常会增强当地特殊文化的征召兵。
https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-f5461ffd79e01196afe1b31b6af935e5_720w.jpgAs an example Persian Military Traditions have a branch that strongly focuses on Heavy Cavalry
Another effect of the levy system is that you will find that you will not always have the troops that you wish at your disposal. A levy in northern Italy or Gaul will see some nobles bringing chariots to the battlefield, in Arabia there will be camels, and so on. A general usually has to find a way to fight with the army he's got, rarely the one he wants. What we intend with this system is that players will have interesting challenges in the military development of their empire, with the nature of your armies evolving alongside your culture and geographical expanse.征召系统还会带来一个影响,那就是你会发现,你没法任意选择你的部队了。一支来自北意大利或者高卢的贵族征召部队会带着战车加入战场,在阿拉伯则会有骆驼,诸如此类。一位将军通常只能用他手头上的部队进行作战,而且通常不是他想要的部队。我们这么做,是想让玩家在发展他们帝国的时候,能在军事上体验一些有趣的挑战。在这个过程中,你军队的面貌也会随着文化和地理而改变。
https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-c1321c497e62c1efe8dec7f002ae0a51_720w.jpgThe Levy Commander征召指挥官
As was often the case historically, we have given the governor a greater military importance when it comes to Levies. The Governor of the Governorship from which the levy is raised will be considered the commander for all armies levied from there. This means that in addition to picking someone who is both capable and loyal enough for you to expect to be able to control them, you now need to take in account their military skills. Your governor is not only the one who will ensure taxes reach you on time, they are also the person who will lead your troops from the designated region.正如历史上一样,当涉及征召兵时,我们让总督在军事上有很重要的地位。来自该地区的总督在征召兵被调集时,会成为当地所有征召兵的指挥官。这意味着选择一位有能力且忠诚的总督尤为重要,因为你想要牢牢掌控他们,而且现在你需要考虑总督的军事技能了。你的总督不光要负责税款按时进账,他们现在还要带领你从特定地区征召而来的部队。Tribal Levies部落征召兵
In a tribal country political leadership is shared between a number of Clan Chiefs, with the rulership of the country passing between them with each succession.部落制国家往往是由数个氏族酋长共治的,统治权在酋长之间交替世袭。
In previous versions of Imperator Clan chiefs have also had 1 permanently raised Clan Retinue with a number of units under their command, increasing their Power Base as well as giving the player cheap troops.在之前的版本当中,氏族酋长们有一支常备的氏族亲随部队,随时供他们指挥,这可以增强他们的基础力量,同时也给玩家提供了更便宜的部队。
In the Marius update, Tribal Retinues will no longer exist. Tribes will also never have access to Legions, unlike Monarchies and Republics.在马略Marius扩展包中,部落亲随不存在了。同时不同于君主制或共和制,部落永远都不能组建军团。
When levies are raised in a Tribal Country they will attempt to converge into at least as many armies as there are Clan Chiefs, granting command of one army to each stakeholder in the Tribe. This means that for a small tribe the raised levies can result in 3 quite small armies, similar to how retinue sizes are currently quite small.当部落国家召集征召兵时,他们会试图集结成数支部队,每个酋长指挥一支自己部落的军队。这意味着小部落召集征召兵时会出现三支小部队,和目前亲随的规模差不多一样小。
All troops that are raised in a tribe will also start out with personal loyalty to one of the clan chiefs, meaning that clan chief powerbase will spike in times of war when levies are called. After the war, when levies are disbanded they will turn into loyal veterans (similar to how loyal troops already do when disbanded in the current version of the game), increasing the power base of your clan chiefs with every war you fight, until that clan chief dies and a new chief takes their place.所有部落里刚召集出的部队初始都会效忠于某个氏族酋长个人,这意味着在战时调集征召兵时,氏族酋长的权力也会激增(与当前版本忠诚部队解散时类似),同时每次战斗都会强化氏族酋长的权力,直到他们去世,新酋长继位。
Clan chiefs not leading an army (for instance if you wish to merge your tribal levies, or if their army was destroyed) when you are at war will get a sharp loyalty penalty since they are not allowed to act out their authority like they expect. Clan chiefs in command of an army on the other hand will receive a substantial loyalty increase, for as long as the war lasts. We hope the task of forging a strong, united tribal army that can challenge the established empires, despite a measure of internal strife and disunity, will be an interesting challenge for the player.如果氏族酋长不再领兵(例如你希望合并部落征召兵,或者他们的军队被消灭了),而此时正在战时,你将会受到巨大忠诚度惩罚,因为不让氏族酋长领兵会被认为是不尊重他们的权威,不按他们的喜好行事。换而言之,如果氏族酋长正在指挥一只部队,那么他们会得到大量忠诚度增长,直到战争结束。我们希望铸造一个强大团结的部落军队,让他们能挑战一个强大的帝国,尽管他们内部会有一些冲突和不团结。我们认为这对玩家来说是一个有趣的挑战。Legions - A Permanent Army军团——常备军
Does the introduction of Levies mean we have no military commanders or permanent armies anymore? That we will now never have any control over what troops we bring to war? Not at all. As hinted before, the permanent army is not gone completely, but as in history it will only enter the scene gradually - and only for Monarchies and Republics. It will see its return in the form of a feature we call Legions, permanent armies of the kind that the Roman Legion system developed into after the Punic wars and brought into the Imperial era.是否征召兵就意味着我们再也没有专门的指挥官和常备军了?我们再也没法控制我们在战争中指挥什么部队了?并不是这样。正如前文所讲到的,常备军没有完全消失,但是会如历史中一样,只会逐渐加入游戏——而且只有君主国和共和国可以组建。他们会以新的形式返回游戏,我们称之为军团,这是一种常备军制度,例如在布匿战争后组建直到罗马帝国时代的罗马军团。
We will be talking more about Legions, their composition and specialization, and the way that they will follow you throughout a campaign in a future development Diary.在接下来的开发日志里,我们会进一步讨论有关于军团的组成和职业化,以及他们会如何追随您的脚步四处征战。
翻译:Strategemata校对:Parapinakes 三等文官猹中堂
先占沙发,再看内容 感觉ir组要开始发力了 非常感谢翻译... {:4_132:}翻译真心给力!加油 感谢牧游社的汉化,感觉IR机制正在越来越丰满,也许是时候下回来了 刚发售那一周我就说过,军队模式不改我是不会在IR上浪费时间的,现在看来终于要改了?不过如果还是1000一队的脑残设定,还是别浪费时间了{:4_116:} 感谢牧有汉化翻译