cools0812 发表于 2020-11-18 20:31

英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 11/2 界面重做(第二部分)

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator DD #106 - UI rework part 2jiroro, Recruit
Good day, Jiroro here!大家吼,这里是Jiroro!
The UI rework is moving along nicely. We still have things to do before we can call it finished but it's starting to come together. Since the last time I posted, we've polished and refined the UIs and their components, so if you look closely you'll notice some differences from last time. Personally, I have a pet peeve about alignment and spacing in UIs - or lack thereof - so I'm trying to set aside some time for polish too. It's been really cool to read your comments on my previous Dev diary (#102) because it turns out most of your feedback matches well with what’s currently on my to-do list.UI重做目前进展顺利。在完成之前,我们还有很多事情要做,但是这些事情已经开始全面开展了。自从我上次发帖以来,我们已经对UI和它们的组件进行了打磨和改进,所以如果你仔细瞅一下,就会发现和上次有一些不同。就我个人而言,我对UI的对齐和间距——或者说它缺乏对齐和间距——略微有些不满意,所以我也在努力留出一些时间来改善。能读到大家对我之前的开发日志#102的评论感觉真的很不错,因为事实证明,你们的大部分反馈与我目前手头上的待办事项都非常吻合。
Sooo, today I'm back again to share some UIs.就是这样,今天我们要再回过头来分享一些UI。
First up we have some new additions to the Nation Overview.首先我们给国家总览界面增加了一些新东西。
You've seen this UI before, but what's new here is that you can enable or disable the alerts for individual Nation Decisions now! This is something I wanted to add for quite some time now, so it's great to have it in. Some of the decisions you simply care a little bit less about. Now you can toggle them on or off as you please.你之前已经见过这个UI了,但现在这里新加了点东西,就是你现在可以启用和禁用单个国家决议的提醒了!这是一个我早就想加入的功能,我很高兴终于鼓捣进去了。有一些决议你确实不会那么关心的,现在你可以随心所欲地开启或关闭它们的提醒。
Previously you've seen the Nation Overview with Provinces as a list at the bottom of the view. We made it into its own tab, called "Management" for now. More space for Provinces was definitely needed. In the Province Management tab, you might notice there are two ways of viewing your Provinces now: The regular Provinces list as well as grouped by Governorships. Grouping by governorship makes a lot of sense, but one problem is that you wouldn't be able to sort as freely on Province level this way. We are exploring how it feels. For now, we have both lists available.之前你看到的国家总览界面中,省份作为一个列表列在界面的底部。我们把它做成了单独的标签页,暂时叫做 “管理”。留出更多的空间给省份是绝对必要的。在“省份管理”的标签页中,你可能会注意到现在有两种方式来查看你的省份:常规的省份列表和按总督分组的省份列表。按总督分组是很有意义的,但有一个问题是,你不能在省份一级随心所欲地进行排序。我们正在探索按总督分组列表这种形式的效果如何,但目前来说,我们有两种列表可供选择。
Next up is a little something in the Macro Builder:接下来我们看看批量建设的一些新东西:
Now, you can cancel or destroy buildings from the Macro Builder, just right-click on the territory on the map in this mode. It makes a lot of sense to be able to do that here.现在,你可以在批量建造中取消建设或摧毁建筑,只要在这个地图模式下右键点击相应领地。我觉着这样设计是合理的。
Final peek for today is Religion view. Here's how it looks:今天的最后一个内容是宗教界面。这是它现在看起来的样子:
We are letting the descriptions for treasures and Deities take up more space, which makes me so happy. More of that flavor! We're also adding different images depending on the tier of Holy Site (tier is based on Territory rank just like before) and place them as background images in the UI. The close ups are one of the tier 1 as well as tier 3. Our artists have some serious talent, all this gorgeous art really makes the UI come alive!我们让圣物和神祇的描述文本占据了更多的空间,这让我很开心。这带来了更多风味性的内容!我们还根据圣地的等级增加了不同的图片(就像之前一样,圣地等级是基于领土等级的),并将它们作为背景图片放在UI中。下面展示了一些第1级圣地以及第3级圣地的图片。我们的美工相当有才,这些华丽的美术作品让UI变得更加生动。
That's all from me for this time around. Have a great week everyone and talk to you soon!这就是今天的全部内容了。祝大家这一周过得愉快,很快就会再和大家见面讨论了!

翻译:Strategemata校对:Parapinakes 三等文官猹中堂

3233鬼扯 发表于 2020-11-21 18:42


Heuu 发表于 2020-11-25 18:45

好看多了 期待~~~

沙漠之泪 发表于 2020-12-10 04:57

这个看来 是在用心做啊 好期待!!

weasdfzxc 发表于 2020-12-16 20:29

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