735997638 发表于 2020-6-7 12:27


索尼互动娱乐欧洲公司已因向PlayStation用户提出关于数字退款的“虚假和误导性”要求而被澳大利亚联邦法院下令支付350万美元的罚款。澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会(ACCC)于2019年5月针对索尼违反了《澳大利亚消费者法》(ACL),拒绝向四名声称自己购买的数字游戏有问题的消费者退款,从而对索尼提起诉讼。 “索尼欧洲制造误导性陈述四个消费者谁相信他们购买了有缺陷的PlayStation游戏,” 读取ACCC陈述。“发生这种情况的原因是,索尼的客户服务代表通过电话告诉他们,一旦下载了游戏或者购买后已过去14天,索尼欧洲公司便无需退还该游戏。”联邦法院还发现,索尼违反了ACL的规定,告知一位消费者除非得到游戏开发者的授权,否则无需退款,并向另一位消费者解释可以使用虚拟“ PlayStation货币”退款而不是现金。 ACCC主席Rod Sims解释说:“消费者担保权利不会在下载数字产品后失效,并且肯定不会在14天或游戏商店或开发者要求的任何其他任意日期后消失。”“索尼告诉这些消费者的说法是错误的,并没有反映出《澳大利亚消费者法》赋予澳大利亚消费者的消费者担保权。消费者可以直接从卖方那里获得重大缺陷的产品的维修,更换或退款,而不能简单地发送给产品开发人员。“如果消费者最初以这些方式之一付款,则消费者担保下的退款也必须以现金或汇款方式提供,除非消费者选择收取商店信用额。”简而言之,联邦法院同意ACCC的意见,在2017年10月至2019年5月之间,《索尼欧洲服务条款》暗示用户没有“关于所购买数字游戏的质量,功能,完整性,准确性或性能的消费者担保权”。 ”Sims补充说:“在线购买数字产品的消费者享有与在实体商店购买数字产品完全相同的权利。” “无论公司在世界哪个地方都设有总部,如果将其销售给澳大利亚消费者,都适用澳大利亚消费者法。”索尼欧洲公司现已承认了责任,并与ACCC共同向联邦法院提交了意见书,并将负担ACCC的法律费用。---------转自gamasutra,June 5, 2020 | By Chris Kerr谷歌翻译,会出现奇奇怪怪的感觉,英文原版在下面,有大佬愿意的话也可以翻译一下:Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe has been ordered to pay $3.5 million in penalties by the Federal Court of Australia for making "false and misleading" claims to PlayStation users with regards to digital refunds.The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) instituted proceedings against Sony in May 2019 for breaching Australian Consumer Law (ACL) by refusing to issue refunds to four consumers who claimed the digital games they had purchased were faulty. "Sony Europe made misleading representations to four consumers who believed they had purchased faulty PlayStation games," reads an ACCC statement. "This occurred when Sony’s customer service representatives told them over the phone Sony Europe was not required to refund the game once it had been downloaded, or if 14 days had passed since it was purchased."The Federal Court also found that Sony breached the ACL by telling one consumer that it didn't have to issue a refund unless it had been authorized by the game's developer, and by explaining to another that it could offer a refund in virtual 'PlayStation currency' instead of cash. "Consumer guarantee rights do not expire after a digital product has been downloaded and certainly do not disappear after 14 days or any other arbitrary date claimed by a game store or developer," explained ACCC chair, Rod Sims."What Sony told these consumers was false and does not reflect the consumer guarantee rights afforded to Australian consumers under the Australian Consumer Law. Consumers can obtain a repair, replacement or refund directly for products with a major fault from sellers and cannot simply be sent to a product developer."Refunds under the consumer guarantees must also be given in cash or money transfer if the consumer originally paid in one of those ways, unless the consumer chooses to receive store credit."In short, the Federal Court agreed with the ACCC that between October 2017 and May 2019, Sony Europe's Terms of Service implied that users did not have consumer guarantee rights "regarding the quality, functionality, completeness, accuracy or performance of their purchased digital games.""Consumers who buy digital products online have exactly the same rights as they would if they made the purchase at a physical store," added Sims. "No matter where in the world a company has its headquarters, if it is selling to Australian consumers, the Australian Consumer Law applies."
Sony Europe has now admitted liability and made joint submissions to the Federal Court with the ACCC, and will be contributing to the ACCC's legal costs.
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查看完整版本: 索尼因向PlayStation用户发布“误导性”退款建议而被罚款350万美元