735997638 发表于 2020-6-7 12:22


Valve已宣布,Steam夏季游戏节已从6月9日推迟到6月16日。该音乐节原定于14日举行,现在将持续至22日。 这则消息通过Valve的一封电子邮件传到了Gamasutra,该电子邮件正好包含一行。“ Steam游戏节已改期为6月16日星期二至6月22日。” 就是这样,那是电子邮件。 夏季游戏节本身的延迟并不奇怪。所有其他准备取代常规E3预览合奏的活动都宣布推迟,其中大多数都归功于当前的“ Black Lives Matter”抗议活动,并且需要优先考虑正义而不是宣传电子游戏。 但是,Valve没有给出这样的原因。瓦尔(Valve)也没有对“黑色生活问题”抗议活动发表任何声明。如果还没有这么多其他开发商说出来并向致力于促进种族正义的组织捐款,那么后一个事实通常不会引起如此极端的关注。 瓦尔(Valve)还因仇恨集团的传播和在Steam上缓和种族歧视而放松的态度而受到批评。在过去的两个月中,Fortress 2团队的玩家显然也面临着种族歧视的游戏机器人。 看到Valve的紧随性突然被应用到已经引起大小游戏开发者支持的事业上,这是不寻常的。 GI.Biz的丽贝卡·瓦伦丁(Rebekah Valentine)与电影节上的一些开发人员进行了交谈,他们说,他们赞成延迟,但只能在新闻界的同一个窗口中找到。 Gamasutra已与Valve联系以寻求进一步评论。我们会在响应时更新此故事。 —————转自gamasutra,June 5, 2020 | By Chris Kerr 谷歌翻译,会出现奇奇怪怪的感觉,英文原版在下面,有大佬愿意的话也可以翻译一下:Valve has announced that the Steam Summer Game Festival has been delayed from June 9th to June 16th. The festival, which was originally set to run through the 14th, will now run through the 22nd. This news came to Gamasutra by way of an e-mail from Valve, which contained exactly one line. "The Steam Game Festival has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 16th thru June 22nd." That's it, that's the e-mail. The delay of the Summer Game Festival itself isn't surprising. Every other event that was set to replace the usual E3 preview ensemble has announced its postponement, most of them crediting the current Black Lives Matter protests, and a need to prioritize justice over video game hype. However, Valve has not given such a reason. Nor has Valve made any statement about the Black Lives Matter protests. The latter fact would normally not be cause for such extreme concern if so many other developers had not already spoken out and made donations to organizations working to advance racial justice. Valve also has faced criticism for the propogation of hate groups and a lax approach to moderating racial slurs on Steam. Team Fortress 2 players have apparently been facing a flood of racist in-game bots in the last two months as well. It's a little unusual to see Valve's tight-lipedness suddenly be applied to a cause that has found support among game developers big and small. GI.Biz's Rebekah Valentine has spoken to some developers included in the Festival, who've said they're in favor of the delay but only found out in the same window that the press did. Gamasutra has reached out to Valve for further comment. We will update this story when it responds.

since9539 发表于 2020-6-11 16:38

不是说只是个活动吗 不是stream夏促 好像是因为icantbreath 所以延后了{:4_182:}

天辉下路一塔 发表于 2020-6-11 21:14

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查看完整版本: Valve推迟了Steam夏季游戏节,没有任何理由