735997638 发表于 2020-6-7 12:18


Niko Partners高级分析师丹尼尔·艾哈迈德(Daniel Ahmad)在Twitter上强调了这一消息,并表示,新的“ Sakura Studio”分支将专注于创建控制台标题-尽管它将招聘在控制台,PC和移动平台上都有经验的人。 值得注意的是,网易将资源转移到了控制台领域,这家中国公司主要致力于开发和发布PC和移动游戏。 对于那些不熟悉这个名字的人,网易是亚洲市场上最大的玩家之一,并且与暴雪,CCP Games和Mojang合作,将诸如Diablo Immortal,EVE Online和Minecraft等热门游戏带到了中国。 该公司最近还投资了包括Bossa Studios和Behavior Interactive在内的其他开发商,并于去年在加拿大开设了一个研发部门,以进一步实现其成为全球业务的雄心。                                                                                                                                          ————来源:gamasutra June 5, 2020 | By Chris Kerr
Chinese game company NetEase has opened a new studio in Japan
Chinese game company NetEase has opened a next generation game development studio in Tokyo, Japan. Niko Partners senior analyst Daniel Ahmad highlighted the news on Twitter, and said the new 'Sakura Studio' branch will be focused on creating console titles -- although it'll be hiring folks with experience working across console, PC, and mobile platforms. It's notable to see NetEase funneling recourses into the console space, with the Chinese company having largely focused on developing and publishing PC and mobile titles. For those unfamiliar with the name, NetEase is one of the biggest players in the Asian market, and has partnered with Blizzard, CCP Games, and Mojang to bring popular titles like Diablo Immortal, EVE Online, and Minecraft to China. The company has also recently invested in other developers including Bossa Studios and Behaviour Interactive, and last year opened an R&D division in Canada to further its ambition of becoming a global business.

feng32 发表于 2020-6-22 02:48


maboning1997 发表于 2020-6-29 09:20

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