英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 5/25 即将到来的共和国机制改动
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator: Rome Developer Diary - 25th of May 2020Trin Tragula, Game Designer - Imperator
Hello all!大家吼哇!
Today @Arheo and I will be covering the upcoming rework of republic government mechanics.今天@Arheo和我将会给大家讲讲即将到来的共和政府机制重做。
First up is Arheo:首先是由Arheo发言:
To begin with, I'd like to explain a bit about the process that led to the changes you'll hear about.作为开头,我想先解释一下在你们将要听到的这些改动背后的修改过程。
The republican senate mechanics began their life as a 'catch-all' government type that was intended to represent all democratic nations on the map. During development, we realised we wanted to be able to have the senate able to act as a core consideration in a republic player's game loop, by adding the ability for our Content Designers to add weights to individual actions, so that each faction could simulate an 'opinion', depending what you wanted to do.共和国元老院机制最开始是作为一种“笼统的”政府形式而存在的,用来代表地图上所有的民主国家。在游戏的开发过程中,我们意识到我们想要让元老院能够成为共和国玩家游戏循环中的核心关注部分。通过提升我们内容设计师的能力,让他们能够在游戏中为单个行动增加权重,每个派系都会根据你想要做的事情来模拟出一个“好感度”。
It succeeded in part; the senate could be manipulated if you knew where to look, yet it was often very unclear why the senate voted any given way, without scrolling through a yard of tooltips and numbers. Perhaps even more importantly, it became such a huge task to consider every time we wanted to add new character or diplomatic actions, that ultimately it had to go.这个改动成功了一部分;如果你知道要把注意力放在什么地方的话,你就能够操纵元老院了,不过如果你不去查看一堆提示栏和数据的话,就根本搞不清楚为什么元老院要这样或那样投票。也许更重要的是,每当我们想要增加一些新角色或者是外交行动的时候,现有机制会让它变成一项艰巨的任务。所以现在就是时候说再见了。
So we went back to the drawing board. I had several primary goals in mind for the faction rework:于是我们回到了白板。我脑海中有几个关于派系重做的主要目标:
That it should more accurately represent the political make-up of the roman senate
That the senate still had the ability to get in your way and be an important, distinctive part of republic gameplay
That we bring characters and votes more closely together
That factions are much more dynamic, and can, in future, be expanded upon to add all manner of new content to nations
I'll hand over to @Trin Tragula here, who'll explain quite how we went about fulfilling these aims.现在让我把话筒交给@Trin Tragula,他会给大家解释一下我们要怎么达到这些目标The Republican Senate共和国元老院
In a Republic the citizens of a state exercise power through an assembly and the most well known such assembly in our game is probably the Roman Senate.The historical senate did not have parties as such, but at any given time there would often be factions gathering senators around them. While all senators had the right to vote it was also not always the case that everyone made the choice of how to exercise that vote for themselves.在共和国里,一个国家的公民可以通过公民大会行使权力,而在我们的游戏中最有名的公民大会大概就是罗马元老院。历史上当时的元老院并没有类似于党派的概念,但是任何时候议会中都存在各种派系,想要把元老们纠集在一起。尽管当时每位元老都可以投票,但并不是在每次投票中,他们都会选择依照自己的意志投票。
Just as often a senator would vote to satisfy obligations that he might have to one of the more politically active members of the senate, or along friendship lines. Likewise any assembly made out of people will feature some that are more impressionable than others.元老们经常会用投票来履行自己对某些政治上更活跃的同僚所可能负有的义务,或是巩固他们之间的友好关系。同样的,任何由人组成的大会中都会有一些人比其他的要更容易受到影响。
In the Roman Senate those who voted without speaking were often referred to as "Pedarii" since voting was often conducted by Senators moving from one side of the assembly to the other to show their support or disagreement with the current speaker, and any politically ambitious Senator would have to have earned the trust of a number of such pedarii. Senate politics was often as much about how many others you could mobilize around you as it was about high ideas and ideologies.在罗马元老院中,那些只投票不说话的人通常被称为“佩达利”(译注:拉丁语中“脚”的意思),这是因为投票的过程需要元老们从元老院的一边移动到另一边,以表示他们对正在发言者的支持或是反对;任何有政治野望的元老都需要得到一定数目的 “佩达利”的支持。元老院政治更多是关乎你能够动员多少你身边的人,而不是崇高的理想或是意识形态。
Which is not to say that ideals were unimportant in politics, no senate relies only on favors to function, but the system that has been in the game up until now has been relying on parties always voting exactly along the lines of an imagined ideology on every issue, when in reality this influence is less direct and influential politicians could most of the time get support for their ideas based on a combination of trust and individual merit.这并不说明理想在政治中就不重要,而元老院也不是仅仅依靠人情世故就能够正常运作的。不过现在游戏中的机制却确实依赖于各个派系,这些派系在投票中总是依照着想象出来的意识形态,但在现实之中,这种影响并没有这么直接,而那些有影响力的政治家们在很多时候取得支持,靠的是信任和个人魅力的集合。
In the Menander update we have revamped the party system altogether. Gone is the large number of generic parties that corresponded to vague ideas and instead we have gone with parties that correspond to political groupings of the era. This also means that we now have 3 parties at any given time for you to balance, with their membership and influence more in flux. Rather than trying to map the parties to issues you care about we have also tried to make the issues the parties care about matter to you (more on that below).在米南德Menander更新中,我们翻新了党派系统。数量众多的与模糊不清的意识形态相对应的通用党派已经不复存在,取而代之的是与那个时代的政治集团相对应的派系。这也代表着游戏中现在任何时候都有至少三个党派来让你保持游戏平衡,而它们的成员和影响会更加不稳定。党派不再会跟着你关心的事情来走,我们尝试着让党派所关心的因素成为你需要考虑的要点(详见下文)。Parties党派
The Roman Parties are based on the political groupings that existed in the later part of the life of the Republic though they do not mimic them exactly:罗马的党派是基于共和国后期确实存在过的政治集团而创造出来的,尽管并没有照搬照抄后者:
This party represents primarily aristocrats of ancient pedigree. They oppose the rise of New Men and the influence of common people on the senate. The Optimates believe that the populares are a destructive force that will wreck the ancient privileges and traditions of the republic.该党派主要代表着拥有古代血统的贵族,他们反对新人的崛起和平民在元老院内的影响力。贵族派相信平民是一种破坏性的力量,会破坏共和国古老的特权和传统。
The Boni try to strike a balance between looking to the needs and wants of the poor masses, while still preserving stability and acting through gradual reform. They believe that the way forward is through the senate, and using the existing rules, rather than radical reform and empowering popular movements. The boni believe they are looking out for the best of the country as a whole instead of supporting any particular group in society. Their opponents believe they will favor the status quo at any cost.直面贫苦大众的需求和欲望,同时还要维护稳定和稳健推动改革,好人派试图在这两者之间寻求平衡。他们坚信前进的道路必须经由元老院,利用现有的律令规则,而不是激进的改革或者赋权大众的运动。好人派相信他们所做的是从国家整体出发以大局为重,而不仅仅是扶持社会中的某个特定团体。对手则认为他们会为维持现状而不惜一切代价。
In Roman historiography the Boni and Optimates are often used as synonyms. Here we use them to separate those that seek to protect and preserve the ideals of the old Republic, such as Cicero, from those that more purely seek power on the behalf of those already privileged.在罗马史学中,好人派常常与贵族派被当作同义词混用。而我们在这里之所以将它们分开,是将诸如西塞罗等力图保护和维系旧共和国理念的群体,与那些天生后浪却还总是想着扩张自己特权的人区分开来。
The "men of the people", claim to act in the interest of the common people such as indebted farmers, poor aristocrats and veterans that could not adapt to life after war. The Populares oppose the Optimates in almost every way. They are happy to overthrow old traditions and the privileges of the few, to empower and enrich the many and those who can sway them.这些“人民的元老”声称是应广大民众的利益而行事,这里的广大民众包括负债累累的农民、落魄贵族,以及难以适应战后生活的老兵。平民派几乎在所有事项上都与贵族派唱反调。他们极其愿意推翻旧传统和少数人的特权,从而赋权和致富更大多数人以及那些巴结他们的人。Votes & Party Membership投票与党派成员
In the Menander update the votes that the parties of the Senate wield are no longer dependent on discrete modifiers, instead they come from the characters that are part of its membership.在米南德Menander更新中,元老院的各个党派在行使其投票权时将不再收到各种毫不相关的修正的影响,相反的是,投票结果会取决于作为党派成员的各个角色。
Every character in a country will now have a Senate Influence rating, and when added together for all characters in a party this determines how many votes a party has.现在,国家内的各个角色都将会有一项元老院影响力Senate Influence数值,而把党派里全部成员的比值相加就能够得到该党派拥有多少票数。
How much Senate Influence each character has can vary greatly. With some being good for many more votes than others. This means that it will now be possible to handle a particularly troublesome party by trying to get rid of their influential members. Should such a character abandon one party for another it will also now have a much more deeply felt effect.各个角色所能拥有的元老院影响力相当因人而异。影响力高的角色就能较其他拥有更多的票数。这就意味着,现在想要处理某个特别麻烦的党派,可以通过试图解决掉其中有影响力的成员。如果某个影响力巨大的成员抛弃其原来的党派而转投其他,所能产生的效果也会更为沉重。
The Senate influence of a character is based on their power base. But it is also modified by a number of factors, such as traits (an Orator will have increased influence, as will characters with high popularity) or jobs.某个角色的元老院影响力取决于他们的权力基础。但同样还受到一系列的因素修正,比如说特质(由于演说家特质会使得角色拥有更高的人气,所以其影响力会更高)或者职位。
A character being made governor or general will see their influence sharply reduced, despite their now increased power base as it is hard (if not impossible) to exert influence over the Senate when you are not in the capital.被任命为总督或者将军会导致角色的权力基础提升,但他们的影响力却会大打折扣,这是由于他们的人已经不在首都,从而很难(或者甚至无法)将其影响力施加于元老院之上。
Likewise the factors that contribute to a character changing their party membership have been revisited, with their personality traits and social standing now playing a much bigger role in where their loyalties lie. Some further examples to illustrate this are is that some characters that are less independent minded will tend towards supporting the party of their Head of Family, while others would shun the party of their Head of Family for exactly that reason.相类似的是,我们也重新审视过那些会导致角色更改党派成员身份的因素,现在角色的个人特质和社会立场会对他们向哪派效忠起到更大的作用。这里还有些用来展示这项改动的例子,就比如说某些没那么独立思考的角色会倾向于支持其家族首领所在的党派,而另一些人则可能正是因为那是其家族首领所在的党派才拒绝加入。Party Approval & Abuse of Power党派认可度与权力滥用
Just as before the parties of the Senate will be able to vote on many of the actions you take, and will be able to obstruct the rule of a weak consul. As seen above their power to support or obstruct your actions hinges on the influence of their members. Their willingness to support you however is no longer dependent on the action being taken. Instead every party will now have an approval value, reflecting the favor you have gathered with this party through your actions as a ruler. If you give land to heads of families the Optimates will approve, but if you hold triumphs for Minor Characters they will lose approval. Members of the Boni will applaud upholding the ideals of the Republic, while Populares and Optimates will both favor curtailing them in various ways.正如之前那样,元老院的党派将能够对你所采取的许多行动发起投票,并且还能够对实力薄弱的执政官的统治造成阻碍。如上图所示,他们支持或者阻碍你行动的能力象征着其成员的影响力。然而,他们支持你的意愿却并不取决于你所要采取的行动。相反,每个党派现在都有一个认可度值,是用来反映你在统治者任内的所作所为对该党派积攒的人情关系的。如果你封赏领土给家族首领,贵族派就会认同你,但如果你为次要角色举行凯旋式,他们对你的认同度则会降低。好人派的成员会在你高举共和理念时鼓掌,而平民派和贵族派则想要你以各种各样的方式对他们卑躬屈膝。
Ideas and political intrests thus remain very important to the functioning of the Senate, but you can also reliably muster support for your actions by ensuring that all parties get to do at least some of what it is they want.因此,理念和政治利益仍然对于元老院的运作来说相当重要,但通过确保各个党派都至少能得到某些他们想做的东西,你还是能很有把握地为你的行动争取到支持的。
Approval is useful since it determines how parties will vote. As long as you have sufficient approval from the parties in your Senate you can do _almost_ anything (the current Support you have in the Senate is something you can always see in the top bar).由于认同度会决定各个党派的投票结果,因此它还是很有用的。只要你能够在元老院中获得足够的认同度,你就能够几_乎_随_心_所_欲(你随时都可以在顶部工具栏看到当前你在元老院中享有的支持)。
Should you abuse this power however it may come back to harm you, the parties have opinions on everything you do and if you use their votes to do things they do not approve of they are unlikely to support you in the future.然而,如果你滥用权力的话,也有可能会反过来伤到自己。各个党派对你所做的全部事情都会形成自己的看法,而如果你利用他们的投票来做些他们不认同的事情,以后他们可能就会不再支持你了。
This is especially true if you stop them from pushing through their Party Agendas...这尤其会发生在你阻碍他们推进其党派议程时...
Party Agendas & The Consular Veto党派议程与执政官否决权
At any given time every party in your Senate will have an Agenda that they wish to see fulfilled. These are always visible in the government screen and can range from quite reasonable things like improving the infrastructure in some province to far less easily accommodate things such as the changing the laws, or confiscating land from Heads of Family.任何时候元老院中任何的党派都将有一项他们希望实现的议程。玩家总可以在政府界面查看这些内容,而其中可能包括像提高某些省份的基建水平这样的非常合理的事,也可能会有像改变法律或没收家族首领土地这样不易处理的东西。
Sometimes the parties will even propagate for the declaration of war on other countries.有时候党派甚至会鼓吹向其他国家宣战。
Should you at any time fulfill the Agenda of a party you will have their gratitude, in the form of a nice boost to their approval in the Senate.如果你在某个时候实现了某项党派议程,你将获得他们的感谢,感谢的形式是在元老院里大大增加他们对你的认可度。
You cannot however rely on the parties staying silent about their Agendas. If one of their members holds the consulship they will expect to be able to fulfill their Agenda. As long as there is sufficient approval you can be sure that the party in power will try to push its Agenda through the Senate. When this happens you will be presented with a choice of either allowing it or using the Consular Veto, which will stop the agenda from being pushed through during this term.然而,你不能每时每刻指望各个党派对其议程不闻不问。如果他们中的某位成员把持着执政官职位,他们就会认为自己有能力实现他们的议程。只要有足够的认可度,你肯定能看到执党派试图在元老院推动其议程的通过。当这种情况发生时,你将会有一个选项,要么允许,要么行使执政官否决权,在任期内执政官否决权会阻止该议程在元老院中被通过。
Opposing the ruling faction can be costly however. Using the veto against the ruling faction will see their approval plummet, in a way that may be hard to recover in a timely manner.然而对抗执政派系将会代价高昂。行使否决权反对执政派系将使他们对你的认可度骤降,骤降到可以说在某种程度上很难及时恢复。
https://pic2.zhimg.com/80/v2-9ad08fcdfe3ca2cff0006666e3809bed_720w.jpg贵族派议程 – 对阿普利亚作战
- 阿普利亚将陨落。
- 让贵族派为他们的战争高呼吧,但剑指阿普利亚真不是什么好主意。(帕利乌斯行使其执政官否决权:罗马失去贵族派的50.00认同度。)More Republics, More Parties更多的共和国,更多的党派
This Diary has focused on the Roman parties but we are revamping the system for all Republics in the game. Menander will also feature 3 new parties for other Republics, which are more inspired by the world of Greek Politics, but also more general since they need to work in many parts of the world.这篇日志着重关注的是罗马的党派,但我们正在改进的是游戏中所有共和国的机制。米南德Menander更新将给其他共和国添加3个全新的党派,这些党派更多地受希腊政治世界的启迪,但也相当通用,毕竟它们需要在世界上众多地区发挥作用。
These parties are:这些党派是:
The Oligarchs寡头派
This party represents the richest members of your society, as well as the ancient noble families. They seek to increase their wealth and power and are less afraid of making use of the masses to reach their goals than the Roman Optimates are.该党派代表着你社会中最富有的成员,也代表着古老的贵族世家。他们寻求提升自己的财富与权力,而且相比罗马贵族派,他们更不害怕利用民众来实现自身的目标。
The Democrats民主派
Democrats seek to preserve the freedoms of the citizens in their society, they are less focused on personal honor than the Roman populares but just as intent on acting against the interests of the Oligarchs.民主派寻求维护他们社会中公民的自由,相较于罗马平民派,他们不那么注重个人荣誉,但是同样专注于对抗寡头派的利益。
The Traditionalists传统派
The traditionalists are focused on avoiding disturbing the gods and preserving the privileges of the priesthood. They are no pacifists but they will oppose the sacking of holy sites of your religion and will in general take a conservative position on many things. Where the Boni yearn for the old Roman virtues and the founding principles of the Republic the Traditionalists are far less concerned with such political ideals.传统派专注于避免惊扰众神并且维护神职人员的特权。他们不是和平主义者,但他们会反对对你所信奉的宗教圣地进行劫掠,并且通常在诸多事项上采取保守姿态。比起罗马的好人派向往古罗马美德和共和国建国理念,传统派对这种政治理想的关注要少得多。
Since we want to take the time to make them special we have for now focused on making the Roman parties perform as we want, and adding a reasonable general setup for the other (largely but not only Greek) Republics. It was important to us that even these generic parties should model real life social struggles and interest groups, since that was in our opinion one of the major failings of the old system.由于我们想抽点时间让这些内容变得特别,所以到目前为止我们的注意力放在让罗马党派像我们所期望那样运行,以及给其他共和国(主要是但不只是希腊)加入一个合理的通用设定。对我们来说重要的是,即使是这些通用党派也应当能够模拟现实中的社会斗争以及利益群体,毕竟在我们看来这曾是旧系统中一个主要缺陷。
In the future however we want to add more country or culture specific parties to Republics around the world. Something this new system should lend itself well to support.无论如何,我们希望在未来为世界各地的共和国添加更多国家专属或者文化专属的党派。新机制应该能够很好地为这些内容提供支持。
As usual anything you see here is subject to change to some degree even if the underlying mechanics described are accurate for the current state in development.和往常一样,就算我们现在对内在机制的描述相较于当前的开发状态来说是准确的,但你在这里看到的任何内容都可能在某种程度上发生改动。
Whether you are playing with the Roman parties or the more general ones we think these changes significantly change how Republics play and we hope you will enjoy it.无论你游玩的是罗马的党派,还是其他更通用的党派,我们都认为这些改动会显著地改变共和国的游戏流程,希望你会喜欢。
翻译:一只走地鸡 斯普特尼克 黑夜龙人校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂
超赞{:4_163:} 用脚投票......那一共也是罗马? 希望特殊政体能多些,增加游戏性 独裁呢?????????????????{:4_182:} 像统治者{:4_97:}{:4_97:}{:4_97:} 谢谢分享666666