cools0812 发表于 2020-5-17 21:30

英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 5/11 叛乱机制改动

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator: Rome Developer Diary - 11th of May 2020Trin Tragula, Game Designer - Imperator
Hello and welcome to another Development Diary for Imperator: Rome.大家吼啊,欢迎来看本周的帝皇:罗马Imperator: Rome开发日志。
Today I am here to talk about Rebellions in the Hellenistic and Republican era, as well as some changes that we are making to the game to accommodate a more historical outcome.今天我会讲讲希腊化时代和罗马共和国时代的叛乱,以及我们为了让游戏走向更加贴合史实而做的一些改动。Rebellions in the era of Imperator: Rome帝皇:罗马游戏时代的叛乱 aftermath of a great deal of Rebellions?
In many ways the era in which our game is set is as much associated with the crumbling of Empires as it is the rise of Rome. Not long prior the Achaemenid Empire was crushed by Alexander the Great, and only a few decades ago his empire then broke apart into pieces, with small regional rulers carving out their own states from within the empire.在许多方面来说,帝皇:罗马游戏设定所处的时代既与旧帝国的崩溃相关,也同样与罗马的崛起相关。波斯的阿契美尼德王朝为亚历山大大帝所击溃之后不久,也就是游戏开始的短短数十年前,亚历山大大帝自己缔造的帝国也四分五裂,封疆领主自帝国中割据一方。
Likewise Rome itself faced local rebellions in various parts of the Empire, both while it was growing and in regions that had been under Roman rule for some time.再看罗马,罗马自己也面临着帝国各地的地方叛乱。无论是在其扩张征服的地区,还是在被罗马统治已久的地区,四处都有叛贼起事。
Rebellions are something we consider separate from the grand Civil Wars, where the goal was not to carve out a new state but for Roman politicians and generals to further their ambitions against the Republic itself. Such wars, in which every citizen was supposed to pick a side, we have the Civil War mechanic in the game.我们认为叛乱应当是同大型内战分割开来的内容,叛乱的存在不是为了割据出一个新的国家,而是为了使罗马的政客和将军们可以进一步实现其反对共和国的野心。而对于那种全体公民都必须选边站的战争,我们则会通过游戏中的内战机制进行模拟。
While there is perhaps room for improvement here it does in our opinion reasonably well portray things like the Civil Wars of Sulla or the Dynastic Wars in the Seleucid Empire.尽管内战机制可能还有改进的空间,但我们认为它还是很好地描绘了诸如苏拉内战和塞琉古帝国继承战争等内容。
Rebellions in the game on the other hand we have been less happy with. Up until now the rules for a Rebellion have been that once you have a high enough number of people living in disloyal provinces, all such provinces revolt at the same time, in one huge war.而对于游戏里的叛乱,我们就不甚满意了。截至目前,叛乱发动的规则就是,只要有足够数量的居民居住在不忠诚的省份里,所有这样的省份就会一股脑地揭竿而起,所有的叛军都会被并入同一场大型的战争之中。
This does perhaps seem to capture the way Alexander's empire broke apart all at once after his death, but perhaps not for the right reasons. While monarchies are famously unstable on succession, with many rulers spending the first time in power ensuring the loyalty of the provinces they inherited, it is doubtful that all the unhappy people would revolt in a coordinated way throughout your empire. There are very few such grand revolts to find in this era, or even other historical eras.这或许确实能反映亚历山大帝国在亚历山大死后分崩离析的场面,但并没有体现出其正确的原因。众所周知,君主制在继承上是很不稳定的,因此大多数统治者上位后的第一件事恐怕就是确保其接手的省份的忠诚,这就使得帝国内所有不满民众会整齐划一地协同叛乱这件事看起来很怪。在游戏中的这段时期,甚至是历史上的其他时期,这种大规模叛乱都是很罕见的。
The gameplay implications were also odd. It meant that expansion in itself was a good way to lower the risk of revolt, since the more land you owned, the more provinces would need to be disloyal before the rebels would dare try their luck.在游戏玩法上的体现也很奇怪。这意味着在当前机制下,扩张这条路竟然是降低叛乱风险的好办法。因为玩家拥有的领土越多,叛乱分子发动起义时需要的不忠诚省份数量也会增加,在未达到需要的数量之前叛乱分子是不敢起事的。
Rather than a number of small fires that can grow into big ones unless you put them out across a huge realm rebellions are currently either nonexistent or giant wars of independence for all the oppressed peoples in your entire empire.与那种假如不及时扑灭就会演变成全国大叛乱的星星之火不同,现在游戏中的叛乱要么不存在,要么就是那种帝国内所有被压迫人民共同举旗的巨型独立战争。Changes Rebellions in the Menander Update在米南德更新中对叛乱所做的改动叛乱风险
With the changes coming to how you handle cultures in the Menander update. With each culture in your empire having its own happiness rating within your country, making all of its pops more or less happy with your rule we are now able to offload more of the rebellion mechanic unto pops, but we don't want to do this by having entire cultures revolt together. This simply does not match the historical reality most of the time, and it is also not very enjoyable to play.通过我们在米南德Menander更新中对文化系统互动方法所作的改动,你的帝国内各个文化拥有了在你的国家里的独立的幸福度水平,从而使得属于对应文化的人口会对你的统治更满意或更不满意。现在我们可以将叛乱机制与人口更紧密地绑定在一起了,不过我们并不希望这会导致所有同一文化的人都一起反叛。这甚至既不符合绝大部分历史里叛乱的实际情况,也不能算是有趣的游戏体验。
Instead we want rebellions to be affected by things like cultural happiness, but ultimately depend on the happiness of your pops, as they exist in your provinces. When the people of a province has had enough they should rebel, with the possibility of said rebellion growing if more nearby provinces join the independence war.实际上我们所希望的,是叛乱会被诸如文化幸福度等因素影响,但最终决定叛乱爆发与否的还是各省内人口本身的幸福度。而当一省内民众忍无可忍后,他们便会发动叛乱,这场叛乱(独立战争)可能会随着周边省份的加入而不断扩大。
In the Menander Update Rebellions have been reworked to this end. The national rebellion progress bar has been removed completely and instead the loyalty of each province, dependent on the happiness of the pops living there, is what determines when a rebellion breaks out. The rebels will not wait for a better time to strike, once their patience is up they will declare independence and take their chances.这就是米南德Menander更新后叛乱在游戏中的样子。国内叛乱进度条被完全移除,取而代之的是由当地人口幸福度决定的各省忠诚度,由其来决定叛乱会何时爆发。所以叛乱分子并不会寻机而动,一旦失去了耐心他们便会立即起义并宣告独立。 declares independence
使者来自 坎帕尼亚
Just as before the main contributing factor for province loyalty is unrest, and unrest still comes from the unhappy pops you have in the territories within each your provinces. Together with the cultural happiness changes described in last week's diary this means that if you treat a culture wrong you may well still see the pops of that culture coming out in Rebellion, but it also means that province that is being particularly harshly taxed will have a much shorter patience, and may well rebel from that alone.就和之前一样,省份忠诚度的主要影响因素是叛乱度,而叛乱度则由省份内领地的不满意人口决定。结合上周的文化幸福度改动来说,这就意味着,如果你没有好好对待某种文化的人口,那么你就有可能会见到他们发动叛乱;但同样也还意味着,如果你对某个省份课以重税,省内的民众会更容易失去耐心并掀起他们自己的叛乱。
When a province revolts it will form a new country, with the local culture and religion that was dominant in the state as its new state culture and state religion. This new country will immediately be thrown into an independence war, with the goal of securing its future independence. Should more provinces in your empire rebel, they will join the ongoing war if they are of the same culture, or start new individual ones if they are not.当省份叛乱时,它将建立起一个新的国家,当地的主要文化和宗教将会成为该国的国家文化和国教。这个新国家将立即加入到独立战争中,为捍卫其未来的独立而战。如果你的帝国内有更多的省份叛乱,而且它们又是属于同一文化的话,那它们都会参与进这场进行中的战争里,否则便独自开战。
While an independence war as a rule starts as a small revolt it can still grow into a bigger rebellion with more and more states throwing off the yoke and joining the ongoing war. This is especially likely if the reasons for the unhappiness that caused the revolt was tied to the low cultural happiness of a culture, rather than something more local.尽管独立战争通常以小型叛乱开始,但它仍可能发展成更大规模的叛乱,会有越来越多的省份摆脱枷锁并被卷入到战争中。如果叛乱起因的低幸福度与某种文化的低文化幸福度紧密相关,而不是由于其他什么更本地化的原因的话,则该种情况尤为可能。 province joins the independence war
使者来自 弗里吉亚、帕卡提亚纳
Lastly the independence war itself has been updated, instead of a supremacy war, where the way to get a ticking war score over time is to defeat as many as possible of the opponents troops, an independence war now uses a new war goal specific to rebellions.最后我们还更新了独立战争本身的机制,它不再是作为一场霸权战争,即需要尽可能击败更多的敌军以不断获取战争分数,独立战争现在将采用专属于叛乱机制的全新战争目标。
The rebels are still the aggressors, but they war goal of the independence war is now capturing and holding the rebel capital (consequently it is the capital of the original rebel country that must be defended if more countries join a rebellion). Overall what this means is that in order to put down a rebellion the old owner must bring the fight to the rebels, and the rebels themselves will be able to succeed by just defending themselves, rather than by annihilating all forces of their old oppressors.叛乱者仍然是战争进攻方,但独立战争的战争目标现在是占领且坚守住叛乱的首都(所以如果更多国家参与到这场叛乱中,必须要坚守的将是初始叛乱国家的首都)。这意味着,为了扑灭一场叛乱,前任领主必须全力同叛军作战,同时叛乱方只通过坚守就能获取胜利,不必歼敌百万、消灭旧日压迫者的所有军队。 independence war in action

What about the problems of monarchs on succession? Since I used it as an example above I will add that in monarchies provinces now take a small one time hit to loyalty whenever succession occurs.那有关君主制继承的问题呢?由于我之前将它当作例子,我这里就再插一句,只要发生君主继承,君主制国家的省份现在都会承受一次忠诚度的小冲击。Unrest不满值
Another problem with the old rebellion system is that unrest plays too many roles. Unrest mainly comes from unhappy pops living in a territory, and its main effect is to reduce the loyalty of the province that territory is in. This much is something we like.旧有的叛乱机制还有一个问题,就是不满值在游戏里起了太多作用了。不满值主要来源于生活在某片领地上不满的人口,而它的主要影响则是减少该领地所在省份的忠诚度。这些内容是我们喜欢的。
But unrest also has a number of other effects such as reducing manpower, taxes, etc, often the very things that the low happiness of your pops have already caused.但不满值还有诸多其他影响,例如减少人力、税收等等,这些结果通常已经由你的人口的低幸福度产生过了。
In the Menander update we have streamlined unrest a bit. It will now almost only come from one source: Unhappy pops.在米南德Menander更新里,我们已经直播过些不满值的内容了。现在,它将只会来源于一种途径:不满的人口。
Unrest will also no longer have any effect on the economy of a territory in itself at all. When you see unrest in a province what you see is how rebellious it is. Currently it does still have an effect on things like assimilation, migration and conversion however, this is subject to change still.不满值将不再对该领地的经济产生任何影响。当你浏览某个省份的叛乱度时,你便是在了解这个省份叛乱的可能性。它目前还存在其他影响,作用在诸如同化、移民和改信等内容上,但这些还有待改动。 as it currently stands in the internal build

Existing things that affected unrest directly have now all been converted either to something that affects happiness or other things when that makes sense.现有能直接影响到不满值的因素,已经被全部修改为要么影响幸福度、要么是影响其他有意义的东西。What about subject countries?那么附庸国家呢?
We will get back to subject countries in a future diary. For now I will say that when a rebellion breaks out a subject country of the right culture can join the independence war just like rebellious states can, given the right circumstances. The new independence war goal is also available for all subject countries against their overlord, with its focus on the aggressor surviving by defending themselves, rather than by defeating all armies of their former overlord.我们会在今后的日志里回到附庸国家的话题。目前我可以表示,当一场叛乱爆发时,如果形势恰当的话,一个有着相同文化的附庸国家可以同叛乱省份一样加入到该独立战争里。新的独立战争目标还对所有反抗宗主国的附庸国家适用,这个战争目标要求作为进攻方的他们保卫好自己,而不再是击败他们前任宗主国的所有军队。That was it for today!以上便是今天的内容啦!
I hope that you will enjoy these changes, which we are now busy trying out and balancing. As usual any numbers you see in the text or in screenshots are to be considered work in progress.我希望你们能好好享受这些改动,我们正加班加点地对其进行测试和平衡。和往常一样,任何你们在文字或截屏里面看到的数字,都应当被认为是还在施工当中。

翻译:狸狸狸狸狸 西野鱼竿校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂

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