英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 2/10 动态圣地机制
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator Dev Diary, 10th of February 2020Arheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome
Hi all,大家吼啊。
As the eagle-eyed amongst you noticed last week, I included a subtle hint upon the subject of today's DD.眼尖的读者在上周日志可能注意到了,我辗转暗示了本次开发日志的主题。
Accompanying the Deity rework that you have already been introduced to, we're working on a dynamic Holy Sites feature. In keeping with the organic way that Pantheons and deities work, we wanted holy sites to be entirely within player control - something you could dedicate, destroy, and utilise, without having a strict, pre-existing list of sites from day 1.除了已经介绍过的神祇Deity重做之外,我们还在忙活开发名为动态圣地的功能。为了让它保持跟神祇与万神殿运作方式的匹配,我们希望圣地能够完全由玩家掌控——一种可以专门投入、摧毁或利用的东西,而且不是开局第一天就直接弄好的一系列已有固定地点。
How will they work?它们是如何运作的呢?
Any territory can be designated a Holy Site to a Deity which exists as part of your pantheon, and which does not currently have a designated Holy Site. The territory needs to be of the same dominant parent religion as the deity, and there will be a substantial cost for doing so. There can only be one holy site for a deity in the world (consider them a parent temple): if you want to acquire the site for a deity in your pantheon yet it is owned by someone else, you’ll need to resort to more violent means.任何领地都能够被指定成万神殿所供奉中的某位神祇的圣地,前提是这位神祇目前还没有指定圣地。这片领地的主流宗教需要与神祇相同,而且指定圣地的花费也相当高。世界上每位神祇就只能有一处圣地(把它当作宗庙就好):如果你想要取得你在万神殿里正在供奉的神祇所属的圣地,但它偏偏又被其他国家所拥有,那你就只能诉诸武力手段了。
If you own and control the holy site dedicated to a deity, the passive and active effects of that deity will be increased. They will have a 'level' which is tied directly to the city status of the territory in which they are placed. This ties into some further goodies which I'll explain more about in a future diary.如果你占领并控制住某位神祇的圣地,这位神祇的主动和被动效果都会增长。增长是有不同“等级”的,该等级与圣地所处的城市状态直接相关。它还与其他另一些内容相关,我会在未来的某篇开发日志中谈到的。
You can, of course own holy sites dedicated to Deities that are not part of your pantheon, though you will receive no additional bonuses for doing so.当然,你也可以控制住并非在你的万神殿中所供奉的神祇的圣地,不过你并不会因为获得额外的加成。
What about historical sites?那史实圣地呢?
There will be a bunch of pre-scripted holy sites such as the temple of Apollo at Delphi, or the Asclepeion at Epidaurus. Many deities will not have pre-scripted sites.游戏里会自带一大堆事先在脚本里编写好的圣地,就比如说德尔菲的阿波罗神庙,又或者是在埃匹达鲁斯的阿斯克勒庇俄斯神殿(译注:希腊神话中的医神)。但绝大部分神祇都不会有事先编写好的圣地。
Can we destroy holy sites, once they’re created?在创建出圣地之后我们还能毁坏掉它们吗?
You will be able to desecrate holy sites, effectively removing the dedication for ephemeral bonuses, and allowing the site to be rededicated elsewhere. This will harm your relations with countries who worship this deity as part of their pantheon.你是可以亵渎圣地的,这会移除该地的奉献并获得短暂加成,同时也使得玩家可以将其他地方重新奉献给神祇。这样做会损害到你跟在万神殿里供奉那位神祇的国家之间的关系。
As a bonus, here's a WIP wireframe of how your new Religion View might look, after the 1.4 update:作为彩蛋,这里是张还在开发中的线框模型,你可以看到在1.4版本号更新后新的宗教界面是什么样的。
Next week, we'll be back to have a look at some of the Missions that will be coming as part of the paid Content Pack: Magna Graecia, that will accompany the 1.4 release, as well as a look at the revised holdings mechanic, which contains a new take on character land ownership.下星期我们会回头看看随着1.4版本号发布而来的付费内容包大希腊Magna Graecia中的部分任务,同时还会看看改动过后的地产机制,后者将包含全新版本的人物土地所有权。
翻译:斯普特尼克校对:zzztotoso 三等文官猹中堂
感觉还行,什么时候能有 基督教 哦~ wayne0901 发表于 2020-2-15 21:32
感觉还行,什么时候能有 基督教 哦~
不可能吧,这个游戏结束时间都没到公元后 wayne0901 发表于 2020-2-15 21:32
感觉还行,什么时候能有 基督教 哦~
不可能吧,这个游戏结束时间都没到公元后 本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2020-2-17 13:30 编辑
游戏设定里面没有基督教 另外我有个可怕的想法,像犹太教这样的一神教,原始佛教那样的无神论,难道也会有万神庙系统?如果犹太圣殿里面把万能的真主和雷神宙斯一起供奉,我鸡皮疙瘩都要起来了..................... 另外我有个可怕的想法,像犹太教这样的一神教,原始佛教那样的无神论,难道也会有万神庙系统?如果犹太圣殿里面把万能的真主和雷神宙斯一起供奉,我鸡皮疙瘩都要起来了{:4_97:}.......... hell--fire 发表于 2020-2-17 13:32
另外我有个可怕的想法,像犹太教这样的一神教,原始佛教那样的无神论,难道也会有万神庙系统?如果犹太圣殿 ...