英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 1/13 展望未来
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator Dev Diary, 1/13/2020 : The FutureArheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome
My thanks for bearing with us over the holidays, the team has had a good break, and we're back and ready to begin the 1.4 Archimedes update for Imperator: Rome.感谢各位陪伴我们度过了假期,开发组得到了充足良好的休息,我们也正式回归工作并做好投入帝皇:罗马1.4版本号阿基米德Archimedes更新开发的准备了。
Before I go into a little more depth as to what you might expect in the first part of 2020, I'd like to address what some of you may already have noticed. Our previous roadmap indicated that 1.4 (previously titled Cassander) would be an weighty expansion to I:R - we've taken the decision to change our tack a little here. This is in part due to the success of the 1.2 and 1.3 updates: the ambitious release cadence we achieved in order to be able to bring the radical changes and additions contained therein, is something that we feel suits Imperator well, and is a practice I would like to keep up.在深入2020年初第一阶段各位可以期待的内容之前,我想先阐述一些各位或许已经注意到的东西。先前规划图里提到1.4版本号(原定名字为卡山德Cassander)将是帝皇:罗马的一个重量级拓展包——我们决定稍稍调整一下这个定位。这是由于1.2和1.3版本号更新的成果所影响:我们当前做到这种规模可观的发布节奏是能够带来大幅度改动与其中包含的附加内容,我们认为这很符合这个游戏,也是我希望保留的一种做法。
What does this mean?这啥意思?
Well, in practical terms, you can expect to see smaller, more frequent updates than some of our sister titles. We believe that we can provide a more engaging experience for our players by having the opportunity to react to feedback with relative haste (the development of the 1.2 Cicero update, for example), which in turn gives us the chance to focus on individual, core themes on a per-update basis.说人话地具体讲,各位可以期待相较其他姐妹作品规模更小且更频繁的更新了。我们认为,确保能相对及时地处理玩家反馈并做出调整,能为玩家群体提供更具有吸引力的游戏体验(比如1.2版本号西塞罗Cicero更新),而这也相应地让我们有机会基于单个版本更新而专注投入单个核心主题。
Does 'more updates' mean more paid DLC than we're used to on ?你这个“更多更新”是暗示类似[其他P社游戏]那种老掉牙的更多付费DLC吗?
Simply put; no. As we'll be producing more frequent updates, not all of them will have a price tag. Content packs accompanying free updates is a model that I believe serves us well, and gives players the greatest amount of choice and flexibility as to how they spend their money.简单来说:不是。当下我们着手开发的更频繁的更新包里,并不是所有都带着标价。我认为付费内容包伴随有一个免费更新是很不错的商业模式,这也在玩家如何投入金钱上提供了最大程度的选择与灵活度。
Does this mean Imperator is dead?这是说帝皇:罗马已经凉了吗?
Absolutely not. We're committed to Imperator - we believe there is huge potential in both the era and game. Indeed, the I:R team seems to have mysteriously grown over the holidays.肯定不是。我们仍然潜心投入于游戏——毕竟我们认为本游戏与其时代背景都还有很大的开发潜力。当然,开发组在假日期间也有不可思议的成长。
I've pre-empted these questions, and I expect some of you to have more. I’ll do my best to answer those which I can in this thread.我预先回答了一些问题,也认为各位还有更多想问的事情。我会尽己所能在本帖中回复。
Moving on, we come to the subject of 2020. I wanted to give you an update as to our plans for the first few updates this year, however before I do, I must stress that any and all plans are subject to change - the level of communication and feedback we've had with you on our previous updates makes me confident that transparency is the only way forward here, but it should be with the understanding that the realities of development sometimes hit unexpected turns.接下来我们就要进入关于2020年的话题了。我希望能给各位提供关于我们本年度首批更新计划的信息,但在此之前我必须强调,所有计划仍有改动的可能——先前更新相关的反馈与交流的深入程度,使我坚信有话直说的透明度是推进这个游戏开发的唯一路径,但大家应当了解并体谅游戏开发时不时会遇到意料之外的转变这一事实。
To aid our planning, we've split each update cycle into something we're calling a 'season'. Giving each season a rough theme allows us to better focus on key parts of the game in need of improvement, without committing to a discrete number of updates or releases.为了协助开发规划,我们将每一个更新周期分为所谓的“季度Season”。每个季度会有对应的概览主题,让我们能更好地专注于游戏需要改善的关键部分,而不是埋头于一系列不相干的更新和发布。
Season 1: Religion and Culture第一季度:宗教与文化
My intention is that the Archimedes update will focus heavily on expanding the religious gameplay options. We'll be overhauling omens, allowing and promoting hybridisation of religions and pantheons, the dedication of holy sites, and many more features tied to the religious theming of the Archimedes update.我对阿基米德更新的规划意图集中于拓展宗教方面的游戏选择。我们会重制神谕,允许并推动宗教与万神殿的混合、圣地的祝圣活动,以及同在阿基米德更新中许多与宗教主题相关的内容。
In addition, we'll be taking some time to rework character loyalty as a more organic system and squashing some oft-requested minor features.另外,我们会另投入一些时间重做人物忠诚度并将其转为一个更加有机的机制,并带入一些大家经常要求的次要机制内容。
The second major part of this release naturally looks towards culture. It's too early to tell you exactly what you can expect to see here, but to me, the lack of ability to promote cultural diversity is something I believe needs improvement.第一季度发布的第二个主要部分着眼于文化方面。要告诉各位具体可以期待什么还有些早,但从我个人角度来说,游戏缺乏对文化多样性的体现这方面是我认为需要改进的部分。
Other themes for the Menander update are likely to include Subjects, unrest/rebellions, and more.米南德更新的其他内容有可能包括附庸、叛乱/叛军,以及其他内容。
Does this mean you won't touch until it's part of a season?这是说你们在相应季度之前不会着手弄[某项特性]了?
Not necessarily. Themes and seasons are a focus, not a restriction.不一定,季度与其主题是专注方向,不是限制规范。
What's after Season 1?第一季度之后是啥?
Well, it's a little early to say. -However-, what I can do is give you the intended theme for S2: Warfare.呃,现在要说定有点早。但是,我可以告诉各位第二季度规划的主题:战争。
To conclude, I'm aware that many of you like meaty, detailed Dev diaries that explain features on a mechanical level. This is not something we've forgotten, and next week we'll dive into the details of the Archimedes update to look at Deities and Pantheons.总的来说,我很清楚诸位中大多数都喜欢内容丰富、细节到位,而且在机制层面详细阐述内容的开发日志。我们当然没有忘记这一点,而下周我们就会深入阿基米德更新,并了解关于神祗与万神殿的细节。
As we lack any exciting screenshots to show you due to the recent holidays, I felt it would be a good time to prove that team Imperator is also team CAT (featuring an assortment of team cats):由于假期刚刚结束导致我们手头没有什么令人激动万分的游戏截图。我觉得当下是证明帝皇:罗马开发组也是响当当猫派的好时机(包括一众不同品种的猫猫):
“推动宗教与万神殿”?意思是有宗教融合了?第二季度规划的主题:战争?意思是那个一对一的战斗方式要改了?搜嘎,罗马大大有希望了!{:4_104:} 展望未来{:4_104:}蠢驴你加油 看了最新的日志,据说是现在的宗教系统要推倒重做,国家征服了哪个地方,就可以把那个地方的保护神纳入万神殿,然后可以选择4个主神获得相应的神谕加成,非常好的改进,新总监做得很棒!{:4_99:} 一年免费更新,P社这态度不错