cools0812 发表于 2019-12-19 16:33

英白拉多:罗马开发日志 | 12/16 1.3.2版本日志

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator Dev Diary 2019-16-12Arheo, Game Director, Imperator: Rome
Greetings, all!大家吼呀!
Today marks my first official dev diary as Game Director of this august project. Many of you have expressed interest in the direction I intend to take Imperator - this is a topic upon which I have made much thought. I:R is a game with huge potential; an era straddling the final days of the ailing yet proud Diadochi, as well as the storied ascent of Rome. The term 'map painting' describes Imperator well, though not only, perhaps, in the way it was originally intended. With the advent of I:R and subsequent updates, the expression of cultural or national identity upon the map became possible through the founding of cities, building of roads, and cultivation of pops - this is an area that I feel strongly about. To me, it is equally possible to paint the map on an internal level, as well as external, and it is paramount to see one's decisions reflected visually upon the fabric of the map.今天是我作为这个庄严项目的游戏总监正式发布首篇开发日志的日子。很多人都对我掌舵下的帝皇:罗马今后要走什么路线表达了浓厚兴趣——关于这个话题,我也有很多想法。帝皇:罗马是一款潜力巨大的游戏;这个时代横跨疲颓但骄傲的继业者诸邦最后的光鲜时日,以及罗马传奇般崛起的历程。“地图涂色”一词很好地描述了帝皇:罗马,尽管其兑现的方式并非完全符合起初的设想。随着帝皇:罗马的发布与随后的更新,通过建立城市、修建道路和教化人口的机制,使文化与国家的独特性得以在地图上体现——这对我来说是感触最深的方面。从个人角度讲,在内部或在外部给地图上色都是同样可能的,而将一个玩家的决策直观地反映在地图结构上是至关重要的。
The war game inside I:R at launch was a compelling simulation, and with the Cicero update, I feel that realm management reached a similar state. That simulation is the core that drives a PDS grand strategy game; Imperator is no different. With Livy, we began working on structure, using great families and missions to provide a framework to identify character and goal, respectively. For the future, we're still considering a multitude of ideas.在发布时,帝皇:罗马注重游戏内的战争模拟,而随着西塞罗Cicero更新发布,我认为领地管理达到了类似的状态。模拟的性质是驱动PDS大战略游戏的核心,而帝皇:罗马也不例外。自李维Livy版本开始,我们着手研究游戏结构,利用伟大家族和使命系统(译注:Missions遵照官方汉化译作使命,下同)来分别提供识别角色与目标的框架。对于未来,我们还有众多仍在推敲的想法。
To say that we have ideas, however, would be an understatement. There are so many things that I believe would fit perfectly into the world we're creating. Beginning in 2020, (and in no particular order or discrete timeline!), we'll be considering culture, religion, and warfare. These are all aspects of the game that are ripe for expansion and development, as well as systemic improvements for culture especially. Additionally, I'd like to retain the high level of communication and transparency that we've had with our fans, inasmuch as is possible. Your continued feedback is much appreciated.但要只是说我们有想法,那就是轻描淡写了。其中有很多东西是我相信可以完美地融入我们正在创造的世界中去的。自2020年开始(没有特定顺序或具体时间安排!),我们将考虑文化、宗教和战争。这些是游戏中已经成熟到可以进行扩展和开发的各方面,尤其要对文化进机制行系统性改进。此外,我想竭尽全力保持已有的与粉丝之间的高强度沟通和透明度。非常感谢各位的持续反馈。
As we end the year, however, we have an small patch for those of you that are enjoying the 1.3 update, which includes a host of balance changes and fixes. I'll hand over to Trin Tragula, who'll give you the rundown on what you can expect!不过年关将至,我们为那些中意1.3版本号更新的人提供了一个小补丁,其中包括大量的平衡性改动和修正。我将话筒递给Trin Tragula,他会给你简述一下可以期待看到的内容!版本号
Livy 1.3.2 went out as an open beta for the Livy Update last week and it contains a combination of tweaks and fixes to issues found in missions, as well as some extra stability fixes for crashes that some users experienced. Sometime in the near future, when we are content that this patch is working as we intend it will be released as a regular update on all platforms.在上周发布了作为李维Livy更新公开测试的Livy 1.3.2版本号,它包含了一系列针对在使命系统中发现的问题的调整和修复,以及对一些用户遭遇的崩溃的额外稳定修复。在不远的将来,当这个补丁运行得尽如人意时,它将作为常规更新在全平台发布。
Balance tweaks in 1.3.2:1.3.2版本号的平衡性调整:
With statesmanship you are rewarded for keeping someone employed, as they will only reach their full potential if given the sufficient experience within the government apparatus.凭借政治才能,玩家在持久聘用某些人时会收获回报,因为只有在政府机构中积攒足够的经验,他们才能发挥全部的潜能。
The effect at launch during 1.3 Livy was quite harsh however, with many characters never getting near their full potential.但是,其效果在1.3版本号李维Livy发布时相当恶劣,许多角色永远都不能发挥其全部的潜能。
In 1.3.2 the base output of many offices have been tweaked to account for statesmanship, and the Finesse attribute on characters will also help produce a steady increase of Statesmanship for those with a strong inclination for government work.在1.3.2版本号中已对许多官职的基本产出进行了调整,来配合其政治才能,并且角色的智略属性也将帮助那些倾向内政工作的人稳定地提高他们的政治才能。
When stability was reworked some time ago, and made to decay towards the middle, the intent was that you should over time experience periods of good stability, where everything is going your way, and bad stability, which are veritable slump periods for your country.稳定度在前段时间进行了重新设计,并使之会朝中间值衰减,其目的是国家应该随着时间的推移经历一段国泰民安的高稳定度时期,然后进入到低稳定度时期,这对国家来说是真正的衰退时期。
The decay has however been too quick, which means it never really mattered too much when you gained or lost stability as it would always rapidly return to the middle ground.但是衰减速度太快了,这意味着无论玩家获得或失去稳定度,它从来都无关紧要,因为它总是会迅速返回中间值。
In 1.3.2 we have slowed the decay of stability, which should allow you both longer periods of well being as well as longer periods of crisis.在1.3.2版本号中,我们放慢了稳定度的衰减速度,这既让玩家享受更漫长的良好状态,也使玩家需要挺过更漫长的危机时期。
Units & Food:单位与粮食:
With Livy the food system was expanded to allow armies to carry food and to use stored food to mitigate attrition, with taking provincial capitals in order to secure food supply in hostile territory now being an integral part of warfare.李维Livy更新后,粮食系统得到了扩展,允许军队携带食物并使用储备食物来减轻耗损,为了确保在敌占区的食物供应,攻占省会已经成为战争的一部分。
In the balance patch we have looked again at how much food units can carry, and at the cost for the supply trains that are now vital for any drawn out siege or campaign in hostile territory.在平衡补丁中,我们再次研究了单位究竟可以携带多少粮食,以及补给车队单位的成本,现在这些补给车队单位对在敌占区进行的任何漫长围城及战役都至关重要。Fixes in版本号的修复
The patch fixes a number of crashes that some experienced on startup, as well as some minor improvements to performance.此次补丁修复了一系列某些人在开局时会遇见的崩溃,以及对性能做了一些小型改进。
Livy saw the introduction of a new mission system, as a way to guide expansion but primarily also to deliver scripted content such as event, alternate history and meaningful interaction with things that are not directly covered by game mechanics.李维Livy更新见证了新的使命系统的引入,这是一个引导扩张的方法,但最重要的是它也是推送脚本编写的内容的方法,例如事件、架空历史和有趣互动,这些内容没有直接被游戏机制覆盖到。
As with any new system the release to the general public has unearthed some issues in mission design that we now begin to address (especially for the General missions).与任何新系统一样,向公众发布的版本中也发现了使命设计中的一些问题(特别是对于通用使命而言),我们现在开始解决这些问题。
The 1.3.2 patch will take care of most of the oversights reported in the general missions reported to date, as well as a number of issues in the missions for Carthage and Rome.1.3.2版本号补丁将处理迄今为止报告上来的通用使命中的大部分疏忽,以及迦太基和罗马使命中的许多问题。
Highlights include picking more sensible regional capitals for the development mission, as well as a fix for the demand that you grow olives in the wild wastes of Scandinavia. The general conquest mission will also no longer abort when you succeed too well with it.补丁的亮点包括为发展使命选择更明智的地区首府,以及修复需要你在斯堪的纳维亚半岛的荒野废土中种植橄榄的任务要求。当你成功完成通用的征服使命后,它也不会再中止。
For a full list of mission related fixes see the changelog at the end of this post.有关使命系统修复的完整列表,请参阅本文末尾的改动日志。
1.3.2 also contains a number of smaller fixes to various things, all which can be found in the log below:1.3.2还包含对各种问题的一些较小的修复,所有这些修复都可以在下面的日志中找到:
Full Changelog:

# Game Balance:
# 游戏平衡性

- Base Stability Decay is now halved.
- 基础稳定度衰减现在减半。

- Aggressive Expansion decay from Foreign Minister & Praetor offices increased from -0.01 to -0.015 per skill point.
- 外交大臣和政务官每点技能值提供的侵略扩张衰减从-0.01增加到-0.015

- Aggressive Expansion decay from Arbitrator office is now -0.01.
- 财政总管带来的侵略扩张衰减现在是-0.01.

- Omen Power from the High Priest & Augur offices increased from 2% to 3% per skill point.
- 大祭司和占兆师每点技能值带来的预兆威能从2%增加到3%。

- National Tax bonus from Steward & Tribune of the Treasury offices changed from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- 总管和财政护民官每点技能值带来的国家税收奖励从1%改为1.5%。

- Tribesmen Happiness from the Elder office increased from 1% to 1.5% per skill point.
- 长老每点技能值带来的部落民幸福度从1%增加到1.5%。

- Characters now receive a monthly Statesmanship increase from their Finesse skill.
- 角色现在会从他们的智略属性中收到每月的政治才能增长。

- Supply Trains now cost 16 gold to construct, and their maintenance is therefore also higher.
- 补给车队现在花费16金币来建造,因此他们的维护费现在更高。

- Horse Archers now carry more food (up to 3 from 2.4).
- 弓骑兵现在能携带更多粮食(从2.4增加到3)。

- Elephants now deal more damage to Heavy Infantry (up to 1.4 from 1.3) and less damage to Light Infantry (down to 1.3 from 1.5).
- 战象现在能对重骑兵造成更多伤害(从1.3增加到1.4),对轻骑兵造成更少伤害(从1.5降低到1.3)。

- Stability gains from events reduced by around 30% across the board.
- 从事件中获得稳定度现在总体上减少了30%。

- AI tribal nations will now only reform their governments if they have at least 25 Civilization in their capital.
- AI部落国家现在只有在其首都至少有25文明值时才会改革他们的政府、

# Complete Soundtrack DLC
# 完成音乐DLC

- Three new songs added: Tyros, The Mediterranean, and The Punic Wars.
- 新增3首歌曲:蒂罗斯、地中海、布匿战争。

# Bugfixes
# 捉虫子

Stability & Performance:

- Fixed startup crash related to shadowmap resolution setting.
- 修复与阴影地图解析度设定相关的开局崩溃。

- Fixed crash related to using the back button to negotiate with barbarians.
- 修复在和蛮族协商时使用返回按钮导致的崩溃。

- Fixed two more rare crashes related to ingame popups and account login.
- 修复两个更罕见的崩溃,与游戏内弹窗和账户登录有关。

- Slightly improved performance related to ai threat calculations.
- 稍微改进了与AI计算威胁度相关的性能。


- Fixed mods being unable to load localization files.
- 修复模组不能加载本地化文件的错误。


- Fixed game not applying Naval Damage Taken modifiers correctly.
- 修复了游戏不正确应用海军受到伤害修正的问题。

- Fixed Slave Raid naval unit ability being available to everyone.
- 修复海军单位的掠劫奴隶能力对所有人可用的问题。

- Fixed problem where countries would not be properly called into wars which affected both humans and AI.
- 修复了国家不会被正确地召唤加入战争的问题,这个问题既影响人类玩家也影响AI。

- Adoption will now exclude prisoners in all cases (instead of just some cases).
- 收养将在任何情况下都排除囚犯(而不是只在某些情况下)。

- Fixed local modifiers being used in Nabatean and Helot Heritages, which made them do nothing.
- 修复了纳巴泰传承和赫罗特传承使用的当地修正的问题,这个问题使其毫无作用。

- No longer possible to teleport armies between Athens and Keos.
- 不再能在雅典和科斯岛之间传送军队。

- Orontid family now properly a great family in Armenia.
- 奥龙斯特家族现在正确地成为亚美尼亚的一个伟大家族。

- Fixed all remaining food vanishing when detaching a supply train.
- 修复了当分离一个补给车队单位后所有剩下的粮食都消失的问题。

- Made it impossible to adopt Mercenary captains.
- 使收养雇佣兵队长变得不可能。

- Olympic competitors can no longer form families while they are competing, leading to that family then being dispersed over the entire Mediterrenean world.
- 奥林匹克选手现在不再能在竞赛时组建家族,导致这个家族遍布整个地中海世界。


- Fixed badly scripted mission requirements for the Roman task to subdue Greece.
- 修复了要求罗马征服希腊的任务中脚本编写错误的使命要求。

- Fixed bad tooltip in Roman Mission relating to Crete.
- 修复了罗马使命中与克里特相关的错误提示框。

- Fixed problem with the Roman Mission events relating to acquiring subjects in Italy.
- 修复了罗马使命中关于在意大利获得附庸事件的一些问题。

- Fixed problem with Roman Mission tasks to befriend a tribe not finding appropriate countries for their events.
- 修复了罗马使命的任务中要求与一个部落友善、但却在事件中找不到合适部落国家的问题。

- Carthaginian mission bonus for same culture happiness reduced from 50% to 15%.
- 迦太基使命将领中对相同文化幸福度的加成从50%降到15%。

- Fixed the generic conquest mission aborting if you conquered every last territory in the region it targeted.
- 修复了如果你征服了目标地区所有陆地时导致通用征服使命不可用的问题。

- Fixed bug where Musalamii would not properly turned to a client state in Carthaginian missions if they civilized before the mission was completed.
- 修复了穆苏拉米在迦太基使命不会正确地变为一个附属国的问题,如果在这个使命完成前他们就成功地开化了的话。

- Fixed problem with selection of Governorship capital for the General Development Mission.
- 修复了通用发展使命选取总督首府时的问题。

- Fixed problem related to the dominant culture in the governorship capital changing mid-mission.
- 修复了总督首府的主流文化在使命进行过程中发生变化相关的问题。

- Fixed problem with mission task wanting you to appoint a governor but in fact never actually considering that requirement fulfilled.
- 修复了使命的任务中要求你指派一个总督、但实际上从来不计算要求已经得到满足的问题。

- Fixed issue with mining mission tasks being able to target a place where the Mining mission could not be done and therefore bypassing immediately.
- 修复了采矿使命的任务把一个无法完成任务的地点作为目标地点导致这个任务立即被跳过的问题。

- Fixed problem where some tasks would sometimes bypass immediately in a mission.
- 修复了使命中的某些任务有时候会立即跳过的问题。

- General development mission will no longer require only Olives for your slaves but instead Olives or Wood since Olives can be quite hard to come by in Scotland, India or even Germany.
- 通用的发展使命将不会只为你的奴隶要求橄榄油,而是会要求橄榄油或木材,因为橄榄油在苏格兰、印度甚至是德意志都很难获取。

# Interface
# 界面

- Fixed the game failing to display last names for minor characters in the minor event window.
- 修复了游戏无法在小型事件窗口中显示次要角色的姓氏的问题。

- Fixed Spanish localization having no information about what trade good a trade offer was for, or where it came from.
- 修复了西班牙语本地化文本中没有关于贸易请求是要贸易什么货物以及从哪里来的信息。

- Fixed badly linked text for event about Roman Eagles.
- 修复了罗马之鹰相关事件中错误的链接文本。

- Fixed a number of failed references to Family names.
- 修复了一系列家族名字中的无效索引。

##### Patchnote End #####

翻译:参商朔望 三等文官猹中堂校对:三等文官猹中堂

hell--fire 发表于 2019-12-19 22:28


xxx1648 发表于 2019-12-21 16:38


zsm323 发表于 2019-12-22 15:08

要说什么 当然是支持支持再支持
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