英白拉多:罗马特别开发日志 | 12/12 Johan卸任IR总监
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译A New Consul in Rome!Johan, EVP Creative DirectionArheo, The Doctor, Wearer of Hats and Hitman-Narrator
Imperator was the first game in many years where I was fully hands-on. I did the original design, the software architecture and coded most of the core game mechanics by myself, before we got a team assigned to the project.帝皇:罗马是这么多年来第一个我完完整整经手过的游戏。我做了初始设计、软件架构,亲自编写了大部分游戏核心机制的代码,在我们有一个团队被委派到这个项目之前。
Now, with three major updates into the game's life-cycle, the time to pass the torch has come.现在,三个主要更新已经被加入到游戏的生命周期之中,现在到了该传递火炬的时候了。
Reason one is because I have found someone that can take this game further: Peter Nicholson, known as Arheo here on the forums, has been working on the project since its early beginnings, and knows Imperator front to back. He started as a content designer first, as a creator of so much interactive content in the game, and now he's going to do a fantastic job as Game Director. I hope you'll join me in welcoming him!原因之一是,我找到了某个可以把这个游戏带得更远的人:Peter Nicholson,在论坛这里也被称为Arheo,自从启动初期他就开始在这个项目里工作,并且对帝皇:罗马这个游戏可谓如数家珍。他一开始最初是内容设计师,作为游戏大量互动内容的创作者;现在他则要接手游戏总监的绝妙工作。我希望你能和我一样欢迎他的到来!
Reason two is that I am going to step in as Game Director for Europa Universalis IV. I have a lot to share with you about that, but I will save that for another post so as not to steal too much of Peter's well-deserved spotlight.原因之二则是,我将要踏上EU4游戏总监的道路。关于此事我有很多要和你们分享的,但还是留到另一篇帖子再说吧,我不能抢走太多Peter亮相所应得的风光。
Why will Peter do a great job?为什么Peter能做得很棒?
He learned to program on his own during the development on Imperator.
He has an enormous amount of interesting ideas that he prototypes himself.
He has a track record of making great improvements to the game.
So what has Peter done so far since post-launch?所以,自游戏发布后至今Peter都做了些什么?
In Pompey, he was the one behind the new power base mechanics, the new character schemes, and the province and government investments.在庞培Pompey更新中,他是为新的权力基础机制、角色密谋机制、省份和政府投资机制做出贡献的一员。
In Cicero, Peter did the food mechanics, the redesign of laws, and the new cities and settlements mechanics.在西塞罗Cicero更新中,Peter做了粮食机制、对法律的重新设计,以及新的城市和聚落机制。
For Livy, he has been working as the acting Game Director, where he has been in charge of the game, while being responsible for our new mission system and overseeing the design of our other features.在李维Livy更新中,他作为代理游戏总监工作,彼时他已经负责掌控游戏开发,并且负责我们新的新任务系统,还要监督我们其他特性的设计开发。ArheoArheo的话
Some of you may have noticed my involvement with the project from an early stage; indeed, I've worked on Imperator since very shortly after it was conceived. I've always had a deep fascination with the hellenistic era, and I'm incredibly excited to have been given the opportunity to take I:R onwards to explore new things within the world we have created.各位中的一些人已经注意到我从初期阶段就已经牵涉进这个项目了。确实,在帝皇:罗马的构想形成后不久我就参与到开发之中。我对希腊化时代一直有着很深的遐想,而我也非常激动能有机会带领帝皇:罗马前进,去探索我们创造的世界中的新事物。
A large part of what I will be doing in the coming months is developing the narrative and identity of Imperator as a whole; exploring what makes the game unique, as well as giving core parts of the game their own I:R 'twist'.接下来几个月我要做的事情中,有很大一部分是与游戏整体叙事和特色的开发相关的,是要去探索什么东西使得这个游戏变得独一无二,以及给游戏核心部分以它们自己的“IR特色”。
It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge that I:R had a troubled birth - those of you who remain up to date with the additions and changes we've made since launch will hopefully be aware of the strides we have taken in this regard: I intend to continue development with the momentum and direction you have grown to expect.如果我不承认帝皇:罗马有些难产的背景,那将是我的失职——你们中那些自发布以来一直持续关注最新状况和改动的人,将有望了解到我们在这方面所取得的进步:我打算继续以你们所期望的动力和方向,进行游戏的开发。
Ultimately, I feel humbled as well as proud to have been entrusted with the care of Imperator, a game which the community has had a large role in shaping. Your feedback and thoughts are immensely important to us, and I have every intention of cultivating the relationship between we as developers, and you as community and audience.最后,对于能被委任来掌管帝皇:罗马,我感到既诚惶又自豪,社区在塑造这个游戏的过程中扮演着重要角色。你的反馈和想法对我们非常重要,并且我非常乐意培养作为开发人员的我们和作为社区及受众的你们之间的关系。
振奋人心啊,IR有救了,eu4药丸啊 公审jhon啊 普大喜奔。。。。。。。{:4_160:} 普大喜奔。。。。。。。{:4_104:} 小牧误国啊 {:4_185:}{:4_185:}{:4_185:}{:4_185:}{:4_185:}{:4_185:} 卧槽,他终于滚了么{:4_108:} IR有救了,EU药丸了。 老妖怪总算滚了{:4_98:}