Imperator - Development Diary - 5th of August 2019 开发日志 领地等级,粮食系统
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator - Development Diary - 5th of August 2019Arheo, The Doctor, Wearer of Hats and Hitman-Narrator
Greetings all!大家吼啊!
Now that the summer hiatus is over, dev diaries for the Cicero update will be getting back into full swing, starting with the explanation of a few features that we've been tinkering with recently.现在暑假已经结束,西塞罗Cicero更新的开发日志终于也可以全速回到正轨了,让我先从这几天我们正在捣鼓的一些新内容讲起吧。
To start with, we'll be taking a look at the introduction of the categorization of Territories. Prior to 1.2, all our base level administrative units were known as Cities. As part of the redesign here, our collective noun for these will now be Territories.首先,我们准备引入领地Territories分类的概念。在1.2版本号之前,帝皇:罗马中最小最基础的行政区划是城市Cities。而作为对游戏重新设计的一部分,我们对这些区划的统称现在将会是领地Territories。
A Territory can be assigned any one of the following categories:一个领地可以划归以下种类:
Settlement: Representing a sparsely populated area of land, settlements have penalties to output, migration speed, and poptype ratio. Settlements will only support one building, but will have their own unique set of powerful buildings, so you can specialize them accordingly.
City: Cities have a large bonus to population capacity, and will act as focal urban centers for your empire. Cities will be able to support all the buildings you’ve grown accustomed to in the Cicero beta thus far, but will feel a lot more unique as a result of their scarcity. Cities will also have a penalty to trade good production - they will tend to consume, rather than create, resources.
Metropolis: A metropolis can be designated when a city reaches a large number of pops, and are considered the peak of a city’s urban evolution. A metropolis will not have access to any unique buildings, but will improve living conditions for certain pop classes.
Settlement Buildings
Latifundia: 40% Local Slave Output, 25% Local Population Capacity. Latifundia are limited to territories where Mines are not applicable.
Mine: -5 Local Slaves Per Good, 25% Local Population Capacity. Requires Marble, Stone, Precious Metals, Base Metals or Iron.
Farm: +50% Local Food Modifier, -5 Local Slaves Per Good, -10% Freemen Ratio, 25% Local population Capacity. Requires Vegetables, Grain, Fish or Livestock.
Hill Fort: 20% Local Freemen Happiness, 40% Local Freemen Output, 25% Local Population Capacity.
Provincial Legation: 75% Migration Speed Modifier, 20% Local Pop Assimilation Speed.
As is appropriate for the era, cities will be able to be founded from settlements, allowing you to shape the world to your own desire.正如历史上的那个时代一样,帝皇:罗马中的城市可以由聚落发展而来。如此,玩家能更随心所欲地塑造游戏世界。
An important part of this rework is the visual appearance of territories on the world map. Whereas previously, each territory showed buildings appropriate to the population of said territory, only Cities and Metropolises will now do so:对世界地图中各领地画面表现的改动也是这次重做工作的重点之一。以前,每一个领地区划上都会显示与其人口规模相对应的建筑模型,现在只有城市与都会领地才能显示了。
To accompany the cities rework, we are introducing a Food mechanic, to simulate the importance of a constant supply in the ancient world.为了配合城市系统重做,我们更引入了粮食Food机制,以便模拟稳定的食物供给在古典世界的重要性。
A modicum of food will be produced by all territories depending on their terrain type. Food itself will be stored on a Province level, and consumed by the pops living within the Province, based on their type.每个领地都会根据其地形的不同而生产一定量的粮食。同一省份的领地所生产的粮食会被汇总并被省内的人口食用,消耗基于他们的种群类型。
In the beginning of the game, most Provinces will likely be able to sustain their own population, however, as the population of territories increase and more cities are founded, they will start taxing the food supply of a Province greatly.游戏刚开始时,大多数省份都是可以自给自足的。但随着人口的增长与新城市的建立,食物补给会逐渐开始捉襟见肘。
This brings me to the more intriguing aspect of the food supply system. Various trade goods such as Grain, Fish, Livestock, and Vegetables, will now provide a flat increase to monthly food. These will be traded in the same way as before, however, the importance of these goods to large cities should not be understated. As a burgeoning urban area such as Latium begins to grow, more and more food will be needed to sustain the population there.对我来说,粮食补给系统更有趣的还在后面。之前版本的诸多贸易商品例如谷物、鱼类、牲畜、蔬菜现在不仅仍是贸易商品,还可以为粮食月供给量提供直接增益。因此,这些货物对大型城市的重要性将不容小觑。例如拉丁姆这样快速发展的城市区就需要大量的粮食以供养城中的庞大人口。
Of course, food is not solely a negative consideration. Province food storage can be enhanced by constructing granaries in constituent Cities or Metropolises. Bonuses to population growth and local defensiveness within the Province will be applied for every 12 months of stored food present in the Province Food Supply. Empires focusing on 'wide play' will not find the need to interact with this to a large degree, or at most, to focus on the core Provinces within their realm.当然,粮食系统并不是专门用来刁难玩家的。只需在城市与都会内修建谷仓就可以提升省份粮食储量,而省份粮库里每多出12个月的余粮的话,该省份就会获得一个人口增长与本地防御增益。而对于那些一心只想着“开疆拓土”的帝国来说,他们甚至都可以不怎么打理这个粮食储存的机制,或者说他们只需关照自己的核心省份就行了。
Naturally, food ties in strongly to warfare, with friendly units who would otherwise take attrition instead consuming a relative amount of food within a Province. Additionally, if a Province Capital falls to an enemy, they will be able to use the food supply to prevent attrition for their own troops.自然,粮食与战争是密不可分的。现在己方单位只有在获得一定数量的所在地省内粮食补给时才能免除损耗的影响。并且,倘若省份首府落入敌手,省内的粮食补给也将提供给敌军使用,减少敌军所受的损耗。
Sieges, blockades, and occupation will reduce the food production of a Territory, which, in the case of Provincial Capitals, will also reduce any imported food, eventually starving a Province of its food supply. If supply reaches 0, a severe penalty will be applied to all cities within the state, rendering them much easier to siege, and increasing the migration speed of pops within the Province.一个领地的粮食生产能力会因其被围城、封锁以及占领而下降。而假如被围城、封锁或占领的是省份首府,则进口的粮食也会有所损失,并最终导致该省份粮食储备耗尽,省份陷入饥荒。假如粮食供给降至0,省份内的所有城市将受到巨大的惩罚,使其更易攻破,省内人口迁移速度也将同时增加。
As a secondary consideration, being over the population capacity in a territory will no longer be quite as severe as it previously was. It will gradually decrease the migration attraction in a territory, and can be considered more of a soft cap than before.作为一个次要的考量,我们还做了一个小修改。现在领地内的人口超限不会再像以前一样严重了,它会逐渐减少该领地的移民吸引,并且人口容量比以前更加像是一个软性上限。
翻译:狸狸狸狸狸校对:zzztotoso 三等文官猹中堂
真的是整整一个月啊,时隔了一个月终于出新的日志了 wjj623485446 发表于 2019-8-6 23:54
{:4_120:}瑞典蠢驴放完暑假回来辣 {:4_104:}建筑方面还是这么少吗 依然还是半成品啊, :lol看日志很令人期待