Imperator - Development Diary - 27th of May 2019 开发日志52 内政管理改进牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator - Development Diary - 27th of May 2019Trin Tragula, Imperator
Hello and welcome to another Development Diary for Imperator: Rome!大家吼哇,欢迎来到又一篇帝皇:罗马的开发日志!
One of the things that we want to address in Pompey Patch is that we want to make the internal life of your country more visible. Today I will be talking about that, together with a number of improvements to internal management in the patch.我们想在庞培Pompey补丁中着手处理的其中一件事是,我们想让你国家的内部生活更加可视化。今天我们就要讨论这个,还有这个补丁中其它的一些关于内政管理方面的改进。Preferred Clan Retinue Units氏族亲兵的优先单位
While Clan retinues are a tool for your Clan Chiefs to assert their own authority, as well as a resource for your tribe when at war, it can at times be a problem that the Chiefs get to pick what unit types they recruit themselves. Since unit types are so important to the general balance of warfare tribes will in the Pompey Patch be able to specify which units that your Clan Chiefs are allowed to recruit to their armies (as well as how they deploy them) in their government view.氏族亲兵是氏族族长们维护自身权威的工具,同时也是你的部落在战争时期的资源,但他们有时也会成为麻烦,因为族长们会自行决定招募哪些兵种。因为兵种对战争的总体平衡性十分重要,在庞培Pompey补丁里,部落将可以在政府页面中指定氏族族长们允许招募到军队中的兵种单位(以及如何部署他们)。
Overall Clan Retinues have also been adjusted to be smaller than they currently are in release.总体上说,氏族亲兵的规模也被调整至比当前版本中更小的水平。Holdings Rework地产重制
One thing we were looking to improve in the 1.1 Pompey Patch is Holdings. In release Holdings are currently things you hardly interact with. While they provide income for your characters you have little control over how they acquire them and you have little reason to get invested in where someone currently owns holdings.地产Holdings系统是我们想在1.1版本号庞培Pompey补丁中改进的内容之一。在当前版本中,你几乎不会与地产机制产生互动。虽然地产会为你的人物提供收入,但你几乎不可以控制人物得到地产的方式,也几乎没理由去了解某人到底在何处拥有地产。
In Pompey we want holdings to be more relevant. They should be the base of power for many of your characters, and they should be the means by which those with no government employment get their income. They are intended as a way to reward characters or harm them, should you take them away. They will also tie a character more to the cities on the map in your empire.在庞培Pompey版本中,我们想要让地产机制更加重要。地产应该成为你许多人物的权力基础,也应该是那些没有政府公职的人物的收入来源。我们想把地产设计成一种奖赏人物的方式,或者你也可以是通过剥夺地产来妨害这些人物。同时,地产也会将人物与地图上你帝国的那些城市联系得更加紧密。
A Holding in Imperator is an estate in a city, with associated slaves, and a holding is always owned by a character. This provides the character with both income and increases their power base ( as described in this diary ).在帝皇:罗马中,一块地产是一个城市中的产业,城市的奴隶与其相关联,并且一块地产总是为某个人物所有。地产会为人物提供收入,并且会增加人物的权力基础(正如这篇日志中所说)。
For it to be possible for a character to have a Holding in a city, the city needs to have at least 10 slaves. An additional Holding in the same location can be added with every additional 10 slaves.要让人物可以在一座城市中拥有地产,该城市中需要有至少10个奴隶人口。同一个地点每有10个奴隶人口就可以新增一块地产。
Once a holding exist the 10 slaves associated with it cannot be moved, or promoted. But they can still starve.一旦存在一块地产,与之关联的10个奴隶人口就不能被移动或者提升。但是他们仍然可能会挨饿。
Characters will over time use their wealth to purchase holdings themselves, but you can also grant them directly to characters for a large loyalty boost. The number of holdings each character own at the same time is limited by their finesse skills, and when they die their children will inherit it.随时间经过,人物会自己使用他们的财富来购买地产。但是你也可以直接将地产授予一个人物,以带来大量的忠诚度提升。每个人物能同时拥有的最大地产数目受人物的智略属性限制,当人物死亡时他的孩子会继承他的地产。
Privately held holdings can be confiscated using the existing Proscription interaction, if you have imprisoned a character.如果你囚禁了某个人物,他私人拥有的地产可以通过使用现有的驱逐Proscription互动来没收。
Events, civil wars and other content will make use of a character's holding going forward.在将来,事件、内战和其它内容也会利用到人物的地产。New Governor Policies新的总督政策
In order to make it easier to redistribute your population, Pompey update will add two new governor policies, which will let you impact your population in your province in a way you prefer.为了让人口的重新分配更加容易,庞培Pompey更新会新增两个总督政策,这两个政策可以让你用自己喜欢的方式影响你的人口。
Centralize Population
This Policy reduces output from the province by 10%, as it will move one pop every 3rd month from a random city in the province, and put that pop in the capital city of the province, if the capital is below the population cap.
Decentralize Population
This also reduces the output from the province by 10%, and it moves one pop every 3 months from a higher populated city in the province to a lower populated city in the province, evening out the population in the province over time.
A big change in the Pompey patch is that Disloyal Employed characters such as office holders and commanders can no longer be dismissed. Instead there is a new character interaction to bring someone to Trial. The starting chance of success will be dependent on a number of things, among them how corrupt the character is, or how large their power base is.庞培Pompey版本中的一个大变动就是,官职所有者与指挥官等受聘角色不忠后不能再直接解雇。取而代之的是,有新的角色互动来对某人进行审判。初始成功几率会基于一系列因素,其中包括该角色腐败程度,以及其权力基础大小。
The actual trial itself however is an event chain in which your actions will affect the outcome. Bringing someone to Trial may also misfire and a failed trial may lead to the accused character using their power base to ignite a Civil War.而实际的审判本身则是一个会由玩家角色的决定影响其结果的事件链。对某人进行审判也有可能走火,而一场失败的审判或许会导致被指控角色利用其权力基础发动一场内战。Create Mercenary创建佣兵团
In a monarchy you can at any point send away a loyal member of the Royal Family to be a mercenary in foreign service. This potentially gets rid of family members that could be troublesome in the future, but it is not a permanent fix. The mercenary prince may well return one day with expectations on their new home life after their foreign adventures.君主制下,玩家可以在任何时间点将一个忠诚的皇室成员送离成为佣兵团并在境外服役。此行动基本可以排除某些将来可能带来麻烦的家庭成员,但并不是彻底解决的手段。佣兵王子在国外冒险后,或许会期待在故乡的新生活而回来。
With that I will leave the word to @Arheo to talk about the new Schemes system:到此为止,我会把话筒交给@Arheo,让他谈谈新的密谋系统。Schemes密谋
Character events in Imperator have been a great source of fun from the inception of the character system. A surprising amount of events occur for characters in a court or country, and can have a variety of effects from murder to jailbreaks.帝皇:罗马里的人物事件是开启人物系统以来的一大游戏乐趣之源。宫廷或国家里的角色可以遇到数量令人惊奇的事件,其效果囊括谋杀到逃狱等种种效果。
This said, it became clear from feedback after launch, that these events were rarely being experienced, and when they were taking place, did not provide enough (if any) feedback to the player. In an effort to make these more visible, as well as to provide a framework for additional and future work on the character system, we have reworked the Ambition system to act as a tool for expressing a variety of character-focused content. You may not have realised, for example, that a number of your more brawny characters engage in underground pit-fighting on an occasional basis; or indeed, that your powerful senators have been stealing from one another behind your back.虽然如此,但根据发售后的反馈来看,明显的是,这些事件很少被体验到;就算它们触发了,也没能给玩家提供足够(甚至任何)反响。为了让这些内容更加可视化,并为人物角色系统提供一个框架来塞入额外及将来的开发内容,我们重做了野心系统,并让它能作为一个表现各种以人物为中心的内容的工具。比如,玩家可能不知道,你手下一些更壮硕的人物时常参与地下斗殴;亦或是一个势力雄厚的元老也在你背后偷着拉帮结派。
Mechanically, schemes are a type of ambition that a character can perform, having a clear goal (for example, to assassinate a political rival, or purchase a holding), and a finite duration. The target and duration of a scheme will be displayed in the character menu, and be visible in the character tooltip.从机制上来讲,密谋属于人物可以执行的一种野心,具有一个明确目标(比如暗杀政治对手或购入一块地产),以及一定持续时间。密谋的目标与持续时间会显示在人物菜单上,以及在人物提示框上可见。
The outcome of a scheme can vary, and you may find yourself responding to more character events than before, however the frequency of this is being closely monitored by the system to prevent being constantly bothered by popups.密谋的结果多种多样,玩家可能会发现自己遇到的人物事件比以往更多,不过事件频率会处于系统严密控制下,防止不断蹦出来的提示。
Whilst primarily a vessel for displaying the web of subterfuge that goes on in a court, the player will also be able to interact with certain schemes to assist or interfere, or in some cases, convince a character to drop their scheme altogether.虽然这个机制主要用于表现宫廷中小手段与阴谋的网络,但玩家也可以与特定密谋进行互动并提供协助或是进行干涉,或是其他情况下说服一个角色完全放弃自己的密谋。
In addition to this, a player’s Ruler has a selection of schemes available to them, accessed through the character interactions menu. These are designed to address existing issues, and enhance some of the new features coming in 1.1.另外,玩家扮演的统治者也有一系列可选密谋,并通过人物互动面板访问。设计这些的目的是整治已存问题,并加强在1.1版本号中会加入的新内容。Ruler Schemes统治者密谋
Since your ruler is a character more closely tied to your country you are able to pick what schemes they pursue. Including:因玩家所选的统治者与该国关系更紧密,因此你能够选择他们会计划出怎样的密谋。包括:
Siphon Funds: The ruler will attempt to divert state funds to enlarge their personal wealth.
Influence Character: If there are characters in your country that are more gifted than your current monarch you may attempt to influence them to put their expertise to use.
Assassinate Character: Among the schemes you can adopt for your ruler is one to assassinate someone, either abroad or in your own country.
Prove Legitimacy证明正统性
In monarchies the ruler can try to improve their legitimacy by researching their lineage. While any type of research will increase the perceived legitimacy of your ruler there is also a small chance of discovering a long lost link to one of the blood lines in the game, if you are Hellenic.君主制下的统治者可以通过追溯先祖族谱来提高其正统性。虽然任何类型的追溯研究都能提高玩家统治者的表面正统性,但也有小几率能查清与游戏中的血脉遗失许久的关联,前提得是希腊文化。
翻译:一个幽灵 zzztotoso校对:三等文官猹中堂 万豪顿
感谢分享!!!!!!!!!! 嗯,不错{:4_135:} 很不错,如果正式版出来就有这些就好了 匡扶汉室累了,来瞧瞧有什么动作,什么时候出东亚再玩····