cools0812 发表于 2019-5-21 22:03

Imperator - Development Diary - 20th of May 2019 开发日志51- 新的贸易,蛮族,传承
牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator - Development Diary - 20th of May 2019Johan, EVP Creative Direction
Hello and welcome to another development diary for the free Pompey update! This time we'll talk about new benefits to playing tall, and also discuss changes to barbarians, slaves and much more.大家好呀,这又是一篇讲庞培Pompey免费更新的开发日志!这次我们要讲的是那些种田不扩张的玩家所能享受到的新加成,同时顺便聊聊对蛮族、奴隶以及其他东西的改动。Trade Changes贸易改动
We have done some changes to trade that may not seem that impactful to you at a glance, but gives us more tools in making the game deeper and more flavorful.我们对贸易系统做出了一些改动。虽然乍看上去你们可能会觉得这对游戏并不会产生特别显著的影响,然而实际上这却使得我们能够制作出更有深度、更有特色的游戏。
We removed the sources of easy extra trade routes in all provinces, as it was too powerful, and was a no-brainer to always go for those, and they also made for a huge snowball of trade.我们移除了所有省份的容易获得的额外贸易路线,因为这实在是太强力了,总是这样玩的话就成无脑游戏了,而且还会对贸易产生滚雪球效应。
We also made trade entirely handled as a province activity, and not a city activity. While each city provides some commerce from its citizens, the income from commerce is handled at a province level, so you can see the income from a trade-route at the one place it happens.我们还把贸易彻底改为省份层面上的行为,而不是城市的行为。虽然每座城市都能从其公民处产生一些商业收入,但商业带来的收入却是在省份层面上计算的,这样的话你就能在贸易路线发生的地方看到其带来的收入了。
We removed the hardcoded benefits on a trade that were going to be exported, and instead we have 2 unique modifiers increases the value of your foreign imports and your foreign exports. The economic policy for commerce is now used for whether you want to strength your benefits from exports or your benefits from imports.我们移除了硬编码的出口贸易增益,相反我们通过2项独特的修正以增加向外国进出口贸易的价值。玩家可以更换商业政策,从而决定到底是增强进口的增益还是出口的增益。Improving your Provinces增强你的省份
One problem we identified was the lack of options at times when playing tall, and that you had too much resources that you had no use for when you were not busy conquering. Now he have added 4 new province level abilities, that each cost 400 power of its given type, and starts a process that 2 years later will give you a permanent bonus to that province. These can then be repeated as much as you like, but you can only have one process going on in a province at the time.我们已经发现了一个毛病,当玩家只想种田不扩张的时候,就会发现可做的事情实在太少了,如果玩家不想扩张的话,大把大把的资源对其而言都毫无用处。所以我们现在为游戏增加了4种新的省份层面的能力,每种能力将要花费400点对应点数,在2年之后该省份便会获得一个永久加成。你可以无限次重复这一过程,但在同一时间同一省份只能触发一遍这种过程。
Install Provincial Procurators - Military Power for 2% Population Output and 0.01 Monthly Province Loyalty
任命省份行政官员 – 用军事点数换取2%的人口产出和每月0.01的省份忠诚度增长

Promote Infrastructure Spending - Civic Power for +1 Building Slot.
加大基建开销 – 用民政点数换取建筑槽+1。

Entice Business Investments - Oratory Power for +1 Import Routes
招商引资 – 用雄辩点数换取进口贸易路线+1。

Make Religious Endowments - Religious Power for +3% State Religion Happyness in Province
宗教捐献 – 用宗教点数换取省份中的国教人口幸福度+3%。
There are also other ways to do these State Investments, other than spending lots of power. There are events and decisions, like country-forming, that will give you an amount of free state investments, which is then used instead of the power cost.玩家除了将点数挥霍出去之外,还有其他方法能够投资国家。这里就是事件和决议,比如说成立国家,能够为玩家带来一定数量的免费国家投资,无需消耗点数。
Also, there are three different abilities you can do in each city.此外,还有三种新功能能够在每座城市里实现。
Move Capital - First of all, you can move your capital to that city, for a large cost of civic power cost, where it becomes cheaper to move to a bigger city, and more expensive to move to a smaller city.
迁都 – 首先你可以以大量的民政点数为代价将首都迁移到另一座城市,目的地城市越大所需民政点数越少,反之目的地城市越小所需民政点数越多。

Relocate Provincial Capital - You can change which city is the capital city of a province for 50 civic power . Province Capital will be set at start of the game, and only change otherwise if conquered by another nation.
重设省份首府 – 你可以以50点民政点数为代价以改变某个省份的省份首都,省份首都在游戏开局时是固定的,只有当被其他国家征服时才会改变。

Coordinate Urban Development - Pay 100 Civic Power to start a process that at the end of 2 years time, you will get +1 local civilization in that city until the end of the game. This can be repeated as much as you want, but you can’t do it more than once in a city at the same time.
协调城市发展 – 花费100点民政点数以触发一段为期2年的流程,2年之后玩家将会获得当地文明值+1的永久加成。玩家可以无限次地重复这段流程,但在同一时间同一城市只能触发一段该过程。
Buildings have changed with the population rework mentioned earlier, and by the trade rework mentioned today.随着我们之前提到的人口系统重做和今天说到的贸易系统重做,我们也对建筑做出了改动。
Marketplaces: +10% Tax Income from City

Training Camp: +10% Manpower

Fortress: +1 Fort Level

Granary: +5 Population Capacity
Now some of these may make you go "wtf?", I like to point out that granaries just dont give +5 pop capacity in most cases.. As there are modifiers like Grain giving +10%, Adjacent to Major River +50%, Warm Climate +90% etc...这里的一些内容可能会让你想说“搞毛啊”,而我想指出的是在绝大部分情况下粮仓带来的效果可不仅仅是+5人口容量的...因为还有其他的修正,像是谷物产出+10%、临近主要河流+50%、气候温暖+90%等等...Barbarian Rework蛮族重做
A lot of things regarding Barbarians work similar to have they did in the original EU: Rome, and that was just not good enough anymore. In Pompey you will now see the following changes to barbarians.蛮族系统中很多内容跟欧陆风云:罗马原版的运作机制是相似的,这实在算不上足够好(厚脸皮无所畏惧)。在庞培Pompey补丁中玩家将能见到如下对蛮族做出的改动:
Paid off barbarians will no longer loot your territory.

Barbarians that have not fought in a battle will never accept to surrender.

Barbarians will no longer care about “potential strength” when you negotiate with them, only about armies in the same general area.

Barbarians are no longer clever enough to use zone of control propagation, even if they do take a fort.

Barbarian have no longer any attrition in unowned provinces.

Barbarians reinforce twice as quick when not sieging.

Barbarians will now grow in size as they take over provinces containing tribesmen.
如果蛮族控制的省份有部落人口的话,蛮族将会成规模增长。Zone of Control Changes要塞控制区域改动
There have also been two major advantages to friendly zone of control in Pompey. First of all, they now protect against all the nasty things barbarians do on your territory, but most importantly, friendly zone of control now protects against the attrition you get from bad climate. This makes is so that you don't lose half your army because you live in a desert, nor will you take a huge hit every single winter as a german tribesman.在庞培Pompey补丁中,我们对要塞控制区域做出两处重大改动。首先它可以防止那些蛮族在你的领土上做一些恶心事,然而更重要的是,要塞控制区域现在能够将你从坏天气带来的损耗中解放出来。这将使得你不再会因为居住在沙漠当中就无缘无故失去一半部队,作为德意志部落民也无需在每个冬天都承受沉重打击。Slaves Distribution奴隶分配
We did some changes to slave distribution in Pompey, in that each time you take a city, the amount of possible cities getting slaves are far larger, and not weighted towards 50% reaching your capital. Now it will consider more provinces the bigger your nation is, and also add in ports, and not just provincial capitals, and cities where the commander has holdings etc, to get a better spread.我们在庞培Pompey补丁中对奴隶分配也做了些改动。这次改动之后,每当你攻陷一座城市,可能获得奴隶配额的城市数量将远远高于现在版本,而且到达首都的奴隶也不再是50%的权重。现在只要国家越大,系统就会把更多的省份以及把港口也纳入奴隶分配计算中;同时在城市方面,除了省份首府以外,指挥官有领地的城市也在范围之内,这样能把奴隶分配得更均匀。Heritages传承
One of the biggest complaints we had with the release was that nations felt the same. While we had a wide variety of countries, with different populations and governments, there needed to be a bit more of identity to them. Even if any city state on Crete would have a great number of similarities with other City states on the same island, there were also differences. This is why we are adding Heritages to the Pompey Update.自从游戏发售以来,我们所收到的其中一个最大的抱怨就是所有国家玩起来都差不多。虽然游戏中存在大量不同的国家,又有着不同的人口和政府,但国家之间依然需要更多的区分度。即便克里特岛上的城邦之间确实应该存在许多相似之处,但差异也还是应该存在的。这就是我们要在庞培Pompey补丁中加入一系列传承Heritages的原因。
A Heritage has 2 benefits and 1 drawback, so give a sort of identity to your country. There is a dozen different generic heritages that depends on your geographical position, for instance you would get Seafaring Heritage if you start with a port, and Desert Heritage if your capital has desert terrain.每个传承将会提供2个增益和1个惩罚,这样的话在某种程度上也算是为不同国家增添特色了。游戏将取决于地理位置给予一大票不同的通用传承,比如说如果你的国家开局时自带港口,那你就能获得水手传承,而如果首都有沙漠地形则是沙漠传承。
Over 20 countries will have unique Heritages in Pompey, and we will keep adding more in future patches. Some are for powers that have their glory days behind them while others are for countries that would rise to become influential in the future. As an example here are some that we have added for Egypt, Carthage, Syracuse and Athens:在庞培Pompey补丁中,超过20个国家将会获得特有的传承,而我们在未来的补丁中还会继续添加更多。有些传承是为那些已经辉煌不再的国家设计的,而另一些则是给未来即将变得举足轻重的国家的。作为例子,这里是我们为埃及、迦太基、叙拉古以及雅典新增的传承:托勒密埃及传承

翻译:斯普特尼克 zzztotoso校对:万豪顿 三等文官猹中堂

黑色守望 发表于 2019-5-21 22:35


chen139886 发表于 2019-5-22 00:21


Artemisia 发表于 2019-5-22 07:59

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