Imperator - Development Diary 6th of May 2019 开发日志49海军变动与宗教多样化牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Imperator - Development Diary 6th of May 2019Trin Tragula, Imperator
Hello and welcome to this development Diary for Imperator: Rome!大家好,欢迎各位来到本篇帝皇:罗马开发日志!
This will be the first diary where we go into more detail about what will be in the 1.1 "Pompey" patch. Today I will be talking about some of the changes coming to navies, and things we are doing to diversify religions.这是我们首篇深入1.1版本号庞培Pompey补丁的日志。今天我要说说一些海军机制的变动,以及我们准备如何丰富宗教机制。
As always with development diaries any numbers should be seen as temporary and are subject to tweaking.按开发日志传统,所有数值都是临时性的,并且未来可能会进行调整。Navies in the Imperator era帝皇:罗马时代的海战
Unlike Land combat, Naval combat in Imperator: Rome at release was in many ways inherited from its predecessor, EU: Rome. That system builds on ships having a chance of ships targeting other ships and dealing damage to them, sometimes even being able to deal damage to their own friends. The EU: Rome system also had only one type of ship, with modifiers representing the differences in naval design as well as tactics between the various parts of the map, most notably the discrepancy between naval philosophy between the eastern and western mediterrenean.和陆战不同,帝皇:罗马中的海战很多方面都继承自他的前辈欧陆风云:罗马。该系统建立于战舰有几率瞄准其他船只并对其造成伤害的基础上,甚至有时候能击中友军。欧陆风云:罗马也只有一种舰船,会以修正来体现地图上各地区国家的海军设计与战术的差异,比较突出的例子是地中海东西两界的海战思想导致的差别。
While functional, especially for small engagements, we felt this system did not adequately reflect the realities of Hellenistic and Roman naval combat. What were these realities then?虽然这个系统确实能够运作,尤其非常合适小规模海战,但我们觉得这并不能充分真实体现地中海两界的希腊与罗马双方海战的不同之处。但现实中这些差别又究竟是什么呢?
Detailed accounts of naval battles from the era are actually somewhat sparse. Historically navies were made up by a great variety of different types of ships, with different roles. Normally ships from this era are classified by the number of rowers in one section used to propel them. A three (or Triere) is bigger than a two but smaller than a six (Hexere) and would be used for different purposes.那个时代海战的详细记载说实话有些飘渺。历史上的海军有各类各式舰船,定位各不相同。一般来说,该时代的舰船大多靠船体的一侧有多少桨手来分级。三列桨座战船Triere比两列桨的要大但比六列桨座战船Hexere要小,而且负责的任务也不一样。
A directed naval battle would often involve galleys forming a line of battle, with the goal of preventing the opposing side from forcing through it. The primary ways for ships to engage were bombardment using arrows and artillery, boarding and ramming. Heavier ships would generally be taller, and harder to board. Ships heavier than 2's or 3's would also generally be “Cataphract” - covered - to protect from arrows.一场有指挥的海战通常先是让桨帆船组成战列线,目的是防止敌方舰船强行突破。舰船交战的主要方式是用箭矢与重器械进行抛射、接舷战以及撞角冲击。重型船只一般更高,且更难被接舷。比二列桨座、三列桨座更重的舰船一般也会有“全覆甲Cataphract”——就是防护板——来抵御箭矢。
Over time ships would grow bigger and bigger, especially in the confrontations between the big and very rich successor kingdoms in the eastern mediterranean. In the western mediterrenean ships would never be as big and with the ascendance of the Roman Empire the custom to build the bigger ships would be forgotten, with the battle of Actium generally being regarded as the end of the Big ship era.舰船随时间推移变得越来越大,尤其是在地中海东面,那些版图大国库足的继业者王国之间的对决会更加严重。但在地中海西面的舰船并不会长到这么大,而随着罗马帝国的崛起,巨舰传统将会被遗忘,亚克兴海战Battle of Actium则被视为巨舰时代的结尾。
At the start of our game however, and for most of the timeline the trend in the east was to build greater and greater ships, with some truly huge galleys seeing the day of light. The use for these enormous ships (with 10 sections of rowers or more) remains a point of discussion to this day, William M Murray argues that these behemoths of the sea were more useful for siege craft, used for naval assaults on the many ports of the Aegean, the levant and Asia minor. Their big marine attachments, huge and very heavy high quality rams (a modern laboratory test concluded that the heavier rams in use in this era are impressive even in the light of modern engineering) used to capture ports, by forcing through floating barriers, as well as carrying full siege engines and catapults on board. The various ways to do the latter was something greek navies specialized in general in, with manuals written at the time for how to best conquer or defend a port by sea.不过在游戏开局以及我们时间线的大段中,东地中海地区的造船趋势会逐渐偏向巨舰,而且会造出某些真的算得上宏伟的桨帆船。这些庞大战舰(有些甚至有十个或更多的桨座)的定位直到今日仍是一个谜题,威廉·M·默里(译注:美国南佛州大学希腊史教授)认为这些海上巨兽更多地被用作攻城器械,她们曾用于突袭爱琴海、黎凡特与小亚细亚的诸多海港。舰上庞大的海军部队、厚实沉重的高质量撞角(在某个现代实验室测验中,曾得出那个时代的重型撞角甚至在当今现代工业的光辉下仍然足以令人惊叹)是用于攻占海港的,其方式是强行撞开漂浮障碍;同时还有在舰上配备了完整攻城器械与抛石机——这种战法整体上是希腊海军专精的,还有那个时代的手书记录来解释如何在海上以最高效的手段攻陷或保卫港口。
The super heavy ships (which in Imperator is considered to be anything above 8 sections of rowers) were never extremely common, but they did have a given place in the navies of the east and we have wanted to include them and their role, and so our rework is inspired by Murray’s work.超重型战舰(在帝皇:罗马中指的是任何具有8个桨座或以上的舰船)非常罕见,但他们确实在东地中海海军中占有一席之地,我们也希望能让她们加入游戏,于是我们以默里教授的研究为基础进行了重做。
Ships & Naval Battles舰船与海战
To better cover the variety and uses of navies will be forming a line of battle. As on land there will be a first row, a second row, and a flank. Ship types will be broken into 3 categories, and individual ship types will have strengths and weaknesses. Mainly the goal is to allow different roles for light and medium ships, based on their usage in the era.为了更好地体现多样性与不同定位,海军将会组成战列线。正如陆战一样,海军会组成第一列、第二列与侧翼。舰船会分为三个大类,每一类舰船都有各自的优劣之处。这个机制的主要目的,是基于该时代下舰船的实际定位来体现轻型与中型舰船的不同作用。
Light ships have high maneuver, allowing 1them to target opposing ships much further from their position in the line of battle, and can deal more morale damage. Medium ships have less maneuver range but are instead more resistant to damage. The Wood trade good will now be considered to represent access to great amounts of high quality ship building wood and no longer be necessary for the lighter ships, since these should generally be buildable by the wood that would be available in most cities even if it was not their primary export. The medium ships however still require access to wood, and importing wood helps the quality of all ships produced.轻型舰船的机动性更高,并能够让他们在战线中锁定远离自身位置的敌方舰船,同时能够造成更高的士气打击。中型舰船的机动范围小一些但能够承受更多伤害。木材贸易品现在代表着能否获得大量高质量的造船木材,而考虑到大部分港口城市就算没有木材作为主要出口品也应该能用木材建造轻型舰船,我们移除了建造轻型舰船对木材的要求。中型舰船仍然需要木材,而进口木材能够提高所有生产的舰船质量。
Heavy ships ("8s" and "10s") will have a very limited maneuver (with the 10s just able to target the ship directly in front of them). While they can deal a great deal of strength damage, and probably easily sink any given ship in front of them, they are likely to be swarmed and sunk or even captured if fighting without support against a great number of lighter ships. Heavy ships will however have access to 3 unit abilities (more on that below) and since their niche use was more common in the eastern mediterrenean they will require unlocking via military traditions. Traditions that do not unlock heavy ships will instead strengthen the use of lighter and medium ships.重型舰船(有8个或10个桨列座的船)的机动能力十分有限(10桨座船仅仅能瞄准正对她们的船)。尽管她们可以造成大量的强度损伤,并可能很容易就击沉任何她们面向的船只,但如果没有了大量轻型舰船的支援,这些重型舰船就很可能会蜂拥包围而被击沉,或者甚至被敌人俘获。不过重型舰船可以使用三种单位能力(详见下文),而且鉴于她们在历史上更多在东地中海出现,所以需要通过军事传统来解锁这些重型舰船。一些文化不能解锁重型舰船理念,那么就会以增强轻型舰船和中型舰船作为代替。
Lastly when possible ships will make use of cultural names, a Greek bireme will for instance go by the name of Lembos while an Illyrian or even Roman will be called a Liburnian.最后,我们会利用文化来尽可能为船只命名,例如一艘希腊的双层桨座战船bireme会被命名为莱博思Lembos,而一艘伊利里亚或者罗马的战船会被命名为利部耳尼亚Liburnian。
The Ship Types舰船种类
Light Ships: (High maneuver and Extra Morale Damage dealt, useful on flanks and possibly in first row) - Does not require Wood.
轻型舰船:(拥有高机动以及额外的士气伤害,在侧翼很有效,在第一排也有一定的作用) – 不需要木材建造。
1.Liburnian: Uncovered Bireme. Cheap. Very light ship. Very quick. Used by Pirates near our start but is later one of the main Roman war vessels. Deals low damage against all but has Extra Morale Damage dealt. 6 Maneuver allows targeting ships far away in battle.
2.Trirere: Could historically be covered or uncovered. Light ship but heavier than the Liburnian Biremes. Also very Quick. A bit more expensive and takes more damage than the Liburnian. 4 Maneuver
Medium Ships: (Fours &, Fives, Sixes & Sevens) - Better staying power but much slower. Historically these are ships that would go prow-to-prow. Much more efficient at both Ramming (strength damage) and Boarding. Vulnerable to the sides against lighter ships. Requires Wood.
中型舰船:(拥有4、5、6或7列桨座) – 略微增加了强度,但速度大幅变慢。历史上这些船只会对齐船头地并排行驶。这样在冲击(造成强度伤害)和登船阶段就会更有效率。在和轻型船只对峙时会易受到伤害。需要木材建造。
1.Tetrere/Trihemiolia: Cataphract with Four Rows. More costly and for a long time the standard ship in any navy. Does not excel at anything but is also not bad at anything. 3 Maneuver
2.Hexere: Cataphract. 6 Rows. Much Slower but still in widespread use for much of the era. Extra Strength Damage dealt 1 Maneuver.
Heavy Ships: (Eights, Nines, Tens up to Sixteens and Forties) Extremely expensive. Huge Rams, fitted with Catapults and siege weapons. Vulnerable to being isolated and attacked from many sides. Stopped being used entirely around the end of our game but during the greek era could make up as much as 30% of a fleet. Requires Military Traditions to unlock.
重型舰船:(8、9、10、16甚至40列桨座) 非常昂贵,造成巨大伤害,配备全副覆甲和攻城武器。在被孤立时很容易会受到来自不同方向的伤害。虽然在我们游戏结束的时代这种船已经几乎停用了,但在希腊时代一个舰队30%的构成仍来自这些重型船只。这些重型战船需要军事传统来解锁。
1.Octere: Heavy and Expensive. The warelephant of the seas. Takes less strength Damage. Deals more damage against all. 0 Maneuver (so cannot engage unless opponent is directly in front of it).
2.Mega Polyreme: Extremely Expensive. Represents ships of size 10 and up. Withstands more strength damage. Can create a breach on a seaside fort. 0 Maneuver.
Capturing ships俘获舰船
When a ship reaches 0 morale while not yet being at 0 strength there is a chance it will be captured. Capture chance will be based on the type of ship that was targeting the removed ship and the removed ship itself. Mediums and heavies have slightly higher chances to capture lighter ships, but since lighter ships deal more morale damage they will get more chances to capture ships overall. A fleet of only light ships is far more likely to take a higher number of prizes in any given battle.当一艘船的士气降至0但强度尚未到0时,就会有被俘获的可能。俘获的几率取决于与被俘船对峙的舰船种类和被俘舰船本身。中型和重型舰船有略高的概率捕获轻型船只,但由于轻型舰船会造成更多的士气伤害,所以总体上她们有更高的几率俘获船只。在任意一场海战中,由清一色轻型舰船组成的舰队更可能在交战中夺得一大笔额外战利品。
A captured ship is still removed from battle but will be added to the opposing navy that the capturing ship belonged to.一艘被捕获的舰船仍然会从战斗中移除,但会被加至敌对舰队的编制中。
Naval Tactics海军战术
With more ship types available the Tactics system is going to be used at sea as well. Depending on your composition different tactics will have varying efficiency. Choice of tactic can also affect how likely the battle is to result in the capture of ships.随着更多不同种类船只出现,战术系统也将应用在海战上。基于你不同的组合,不同的战术会带来不同的效益。战术的选择也会在一定程度影响战斗中舰船的俘获结果。
Naval Power Projection Unit Abilities海军力量投射部队能力
Capture Port: Unit ability that can be used by a navy that has 5 Heavy Ships in it. Takes direct control over an unfortified port. Useful for establishing a beachhead before a full on naval invasion.
Port Raid: Unit Ability that can be used on a fortified port with an ongoing siege by a navy that has one Heavy Ship at above 95% strength in it. Creates a breach immediately. Reduces strength of Heavy Ship by 30%.
Port Assault: Unit Ability that can be used on a fortified port with 1 fort level by a navy that has one Hyper Galley at full strength in it. Reduces that fort by one level and reduces strength of the Hyper Galley to 20%.
Naval Range海军范围 mapmode screenshot to illustrate the extent of range.
All countries will now have a naval range, calculated from their closest owned port. While naval range will be somewhat forgiving ships in navies that go outside of their naval range will take heavy attrition.所有的国家现在都有海军范围了,自该国最为接近的港口开始起算。尽管海军范围并非强制性限制,但超出这个范围的海军中的舰船将受到严重的损耗。
Navigable Rivers可航行的河流 screenshot of navigable rivers, these rivers will have a different look to more clearly show them as navigable though they do not right now.
While most rivers would not have been fit for the galleys of this era to make much use of them some rivers will now be navigable. For land units such a river will have to be crossable at fording points (similar to straits). Land provinces adjacent to a great river will also have an increased population capacity (more on that in a later diary).虽然大多数河流都容纳不了这个时代的桨帆船,但为了充分利用某些河流,一些河流现在可以通航了。对陆地单位而言,该河必须在涉渡点(类似海峡)才可供穿行。与大河毗邻的陆地省份也将增加人口容量(之后的日志会有更多关于此的内容)。
Naval Terrain海域地形 of naval terrain in the simple terrain mapmode.
Not all sea areas are created equal. In Pompey patch there will be 3 different terrain types which also have an effect on which ships are more efficient there and in some cases may confer a defender advantage.并非所有海域都生而平等。在庞培Pompey补丁中,将有3种不同的地形类型,这些地形类型也会影响哪些船只在哪里效率更高,并且在某些情况下可以赋予防守方优势。
Open Sea: No combat modifiers
Coastal Sea: Used in archipelagoes and in areas adjacent to land, defender advantage.
River Terrain: Navigable rivers will favor the defender and greatly favor lighter ships.
To summarize these changes to naval battles the goal we aim for is for Naval combat to be more dynamic and for what type of navy you want to build to be more of a choice and dependent on your circumstances.总结海军战斗的这些变化,我们的目标是让海军战斗变得更加动态,为你所希望建立的海军提供更多的类型供选择,并取决于你的实际情况。
We also want it to have a stronger relation to how naval battles were fought and theorized in the era, and make it possible for navies to play a role in projecting your military ability overseas, as was done by the successor commanders such as Demetrius Poliorcetes. If you want to spend the resources on it you should be able to build a naval force adept at capturing islands and ports which should be especially useful in the Aegean. Making maintaining a navy more meaningful both offensively and defensively.我们还希望它与此时代海军战斗的实践和理论有更强的关系,并使海军能够在海外投射你的军事能力,正如围城者德米特里Demetrius Poliorcetes这样的继业者指挥官所做的那样。如果你想在这上面花费资源,你就应该能够建立一支擅长占领岛屿和港口的海军部队,这在爱琴海尤其有用。使得维持海军更有意义,无论在攻击时还是防守时。
Omens & Religions预兆和宗教 Omens for a Mauryan empire with very low Religious Unity/Omen Power.
As was mentioned in Johan's Design Corner post yesterday another thing we want to achieve in the Pompey patch is to give more variety in how different countries play. One of the things we will be doing to achieve this is the addition for base country bonuses for religions, so a Tuistic state will for instance have an easier time migrating their pops while Canaanite countries may have an easier time setting up new trade routes.正如Johan的昨日雄文中提到的那样,我们想要在庞培Pompey补丁中实现的另一件事是让不同国家的游戏方式更加多样化。我们为实现该目标将要做的一件事是为宗教增加基础国家加成,因此例如图伊斯托Tuistic国家将更容易地迁移他们的人口,而迦南多神教Canaanite国家可能更容易建立新的贸易路线。
We will also be Omens depending on your religion and culture meaning that depending on which religion your country is you will be able to leverage different advantages from your religious establishment.我们也将让预兆基于你的宗教和文化,这意味着取决于你国的宗教信仰,玩家将能够利用源自宗教机制的不同优势。
This means that Buddhists and Kemeticists will have completely different Omens to pick from but it does not only extend to different religions. Roman and Greeks also no longer share all their Omens, and should Egypt adopt the Serapis cult they will get a different set from the base Egyptian Omens. Some countries also have access to special Omens from their patron deities.这意味着佛教徒和埃及多神教徒Kemeticists将有完全不同的预兆可供选择,但这不只延伸到不同的宗教上。罗马人和希腊人也不再共享他们所有的预兆,如果埃及采用塞拉皮斯Serapis崇拜,他们将得到与基础埃及宗教不同的一套预兆。一些国家也可以从他们的守护神那里获得特殊的预兆。
The system, which is fully moddable, and supports as many special cases as you could want.该系统是完全可MOD化的,支持玩家想要的尽可能多的特殊情况。 Roman Omens - more familiar in many ways than the ones for Buddhism.
目前的罗马预兆 - 在许多方面比佛教的那个更为大家所熟悉。 of the Omens available to Egypt after adopting the Serapis Cult.
Converting Religion转换宗教
On release only a handful of countries (mainly the Dharmic countries, Bactria and Egypt) could easily switch their country religion. With religions now being more different a more generalized approach has been taken to changing state religion, especially as a number of countries in this era did adopt a foreign religion.在发布时,只有少数几个国家(主要是达摩诸国、巴克特里亚和埃及)可以很容易地改变他们的国家宗教。随着宗教现在变得愈发不同,我们已经采取了更为普遍的方法可以来改变国家宗教,特别是在这个时代的很多国家确实皈依了外来宗教。
As long as you have at least one character in your country of a foreign religion you will be able to see what it would take to change to that character's religion. The requirements currently are:只要你的国家中有至少一个外来宗教的人物角色,你就能看到皈依那个角色的宗教需要什么条件。目前的要求是:
A majority of the free (non slave) pops in your capital must follow the new faith.
In a Republic your senate must approve.
In a Monarchy you must have at least 70 legitimacy.
In a tribe the clan leaders must approve.
Your High Priest, Pontifex, or equivalent must follow the new Religion.
The effects of switching religion can be far reaching, so it is not always a decision to be taken lightly however.转换宗教的影响可能是深远的,因此并不是能草率做出的决定。
All character that do not already follow the new faith will lose 20 loyalty.
The ruler and loyal members of their family will convert to the new religion along with the 6 most prominent loyal characters in the country.
For a period you will enjoy more efficient religious conversion to help establish the new faith (as long as this bonus is active you cannot change your faith again).
That was all for today, but far from all of the things that are planned for the Pompey patch. Next week @Johan will be back to talk about some changes to internal politics.今天就到这里,但这远非庞培Pompey补丁中计划的全部事情。下周@Johan将回来讨论内政的一些改动。
翻译:zzztotoso 平山奈奈 参商朔望校对:万豪顿 三等文官猹中堂
或许等着抄mod就完事了吧 海军系统还是值得期待的。
脚汗要是还沿用eu4的搞法,估计做个10个dlc也没法还原当时的宗教情况 本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2019-5-9 22:22 编辑
Sabbah 发表于 2019-5-7 23:17
我也不知道不停的 ...
如果“玩家想要的都可以通过mod实现”,那是再好不过的了。eu4这两年我没开过一次原版局,点数系统太恶了。只有加上mod的eu4才是真正的欧陆风云。还是期待罗马能出现vef或者m&t这样的mod 感谢大佬翻译