dfdlyh2016 发表于 2019-4-23 02:41

Imperator - Development Diary - Easter Monday 2019 复活节开发日志47

本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2019-4-25 11:40 编辑


Imperator - Development Diary - Easter Monday 2019


Welcome to another Development Diary for Imperator: Rome!

Since today is Easter Monday, which is a public holiday in Sweden, this will be a shorter diary than we usually go for.
The release of the game is also rapidly approaching and we are looking forward to see what you all think about what it is we have been working on!


In these days up to release we are already working on some new things for a post release patch, but that is nothing we are ready to talk about just yet.

Once you have gotten used to the game some of you will no doubt have your own ideas and desires for what could be expanded upon, some may have come across bugs that we had not found. We will be on the lookout for both in the period after release, and I want to take this opportunity to advertise the opening for a suggestion subforum here where you can let us now about things you feel we should make more out of. Be that regional flavor or more gameplay oriented things.


That was all for today, next diary we write will be after release and may contain some more interesting things about what lies ahead


hell--fire 发表于 2019-4-25 11:35

本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2019-4-25 11:39 编辑

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