cools0812 发表于 2019-2-12 02:43

Imperator - Development Diary 11th of February 2019 日志37 内战 附庸国

Hello everyone!

Today I am here to talk about Subject States and their loyalty in Imperator:Rome, how they interact with Civil Wars and Rebellions, as well as how supporting Rebels in a foreign country will work.

Civil Wars & Rebellions​
(Mauryan Civil War)​

As described in earlier Development Diaries, both Civil Wars and Rebellions depend on the loyalty of your provinces and of your characters.

[*]Civil Wars break out if 33% of the armed forces of your country is in the hands of disloyal Generals OR if 33% of your population resides in disloyal provinces. A Civil War breaks your country in two parts, locked in war until one capitulates.
[*]Rebellions break out if 20% of your population resides in disloyal foreign culture provinces. A Rebellion will break out rebel countries for the various disloyal foreign peoples in your country, in a Rebellion war where they aim to achieve independence.
(aftermath of a rebellion war in a particularly chaotic situation that I may or may not have helped along to get a good screenshot )

Subject States​

Subjects are countries that do not have the ability to perform their own diplomacy. Instead they have entered into an agreement with a more powerful country for protection: their Overlord. What this means will differ depending on the type of subject but there are some rules all subjects obey:

[*]Other than for Trade a subject can never enter into diplomatic agreements with other countries.
[*]When a country becomes a subject all their agreements with other countries are broken.
[*]The overlord and subject will always have military access to each others territory.
[*]Subjects have military access to the territory of other subjects of the same overlord.
[*]A subject can always leave a subject relationship by declaring war on their overlord.
In addition most subject types will pay some sort of resource to their overlord, how much and which one will depend on the subject type.

Most subject types have requirements that the overlord and the future subject need to fulfill in order for the relationship to be possible. These requirements are only checked on creation, but when they are no longer true (if a subject of a type that is required to be under a certain size should outgrow that size for instance), the relationship will be harder to maintain. Friction will start to manifest in the form of regular events between the two.

Subject Loyalty:

Each subject has a Loyalty value to its overlord. This value will modify how much payment is actually sent to the overlord and at low loyalty they may also join Rebellions and Civil Wars against the overlord.

Subject loyalty is a value between 0 & 100, where 100 signifies total loyalty.

Below a loyalty of 50 a subject state is considered disloyal:

[*]This reduces what it pays to overlord by up to 50% (at 0 loyalty)
[*]If a rebellion happens of this culture the subject will join that revolt.
[*]If a civil war happens and a state is disloyal it joins the revolting side.
Loyalty is affected by the relation between subject and overlord, by the comparative army size of the overlord and its subjects of the same culture, the comparative population size and by things like laws, and the Overlord’s Aggressive Expansion, Tyranny and Stability.

In time the overlord may want to directly integrate a subject. This requires relations at over 190 and will after a long period turn the entire subject country into directly owned territory by the overlord. Not all Subject Types can be integrated however. Some, like the tributary, are too loosely aligned with the overlord for such a thing to even be possible.

Supporting Rebels:​

This brings us to how you can destabilize a big empire. All Major Powers and above have a diplomatic action called “Support Rebels”. This lets you decrease the happiness of all pops that are not of the targeted country’s culture group by 20. This can potentially result in growing unrest and falling province loyalty in their country.

The country that supports the rebels will be expected to support, the rebels in action as well as words and should a Rebellion war break out they will be called in to defend the Rebels.

The country supporting rebels will, for the duration of their support suffer a -5 Diplomatic Reputation penalty and an Aggressive Expansion increase of 0.02 per month. Since Aggressive Expansion itself decreases foreign pop happiness, and can take some time to burn off, this means that Supporting Rebels is perhaps not a decision to take too lightly.

The targeted country will also have a permanent Casus Belli against the subversive country as long as it continues its support for their rebels.

Subject Types:​
With that we will move on to the types of Subjects that exist in the game. Many of them we have mentioned before in the various focus area Development Diaries.


Perhaps the most basic subject type in the game is the Tributary. This is a loose relationship where the subject is simply looking for protection in exchange for tribute. Unlike most other subject types the subject can at any time cancel a Tributary relationship, the only risk being that the former overlord will get a Casus Belli for the slight on their honor.

[*]Payment: 25% of income is paid to overlord monthly.
[*]Requirements: Any country can be a Tributary.
[*]Special Rules:
[*]Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
[*]This relationship does not cost a diplomatic slot.
[*]The Subject will not join in the wars of the Overlord.
[*]The Subject cannot be integrated diplomatically.
[*]The Subject can break the relationship diplomatically.


A Feudatory is a city state that has obligated itself to follow the lead of a larger and more influential country in the same culture group. Historically these are countries that would often have been part of some sort of League with their overlord’s other subjects, in many ways this is a privileged subject type, if one with large obligations.

Feudatories provide manpower to their overlord and are expected to take part in their wars. Historical examples are the Roman Socii, the Punic cities of North Africa under Carthage or the the city leagues in Aegean under the Antigonids in Phrygia.

[*]Payment: 35% of manpower income is paid to overlord monthly.
[*]Subject must not have more than 10 cities.
[*]Overlord must have more than 20 cities.
[*]Overlord and subject must be of same culture group.

[*]Subject gets 5% less citizen happiness and -10% Army Maintenance Cost.

[*]Special Rules:
[*]Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
[*]This relationship does not cost a diplomatic slot.
[*]The subject will join the wars of the overlord.
[*]The subject can be integrated diplomatically.
[*]The subject cannot cancel this relationship diplomatically.

Vassal Tribe

A Vassal Tribe is a Tribal Kingdom, Chiefdom or Federation that has a close relationship to a nearby stronger Civilized state. For the Tribal State this means a significantly easier route towards civilizing, as it will increase both the countrywide level of Civilization and the growth of it in all their cities. The Tribal state in turn pays with its manpower to the overlord who will also promise to protect them. Historical subjects of this type would be the Numidian kingdoms to Carthage and various states on the border with Rome.

[*]Payment: 15% of manpower income is paid to overlord monthly.
[*]The subject must be Tribal.
[*]The overlord must not be Tribal
[*]The Overlord must have a higher civilization rating in their capital than the Subject does in theirs.
[*]Overlord must not have 10 or more tribal vassal subjects already.

[*]Overlord gets 3% more Tribesman Happiness per Subject of this type.
[*]Subject gets 10% higher country civilization cap.
[*]Subject gets 1 monthly civilization growth.

[*]Special Rules:
[*]The Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
[*]The Subject will not join in the wars of the overlord.
[*]The Subject cannot be integrated diplomatically.
[*]Does not cost a diplomatic slot.
[*]The Subject can cancel this relationship diplomatically.

Client State​

Client states are in some ways more tightly integrated with their overlord, but unlike the Feudatories they are not necessarily of the same culture and they don’t enjoy a privileged status in the same way. Client States will in most cases be the result of a war. A client king is separated from a governor mostly by his level of autonomy and having local ties to the ruled country.

[*]Payment: 25% of monthly income.
[*]Subject must not have 150 cities or above.
[*]Must not be tribal.
[*]Overlord must not be tribal.

[*]Subject gets -5% Ruler Popularity Gain.
[*]Subject gets +10% global commerce modifier.

[*]Special Rules:
[*]The Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
[*]The Subject can only trade with overlord.
[*]The Subject will join in the wars of the overlord.
[*]The Subject can be integrated diplomatically.
[*]The Subject costs a diplomatic slot for overlord.


Satrapies are a special type of subject that is only available if the junior party belongs to the Persian Military Traditions. A Satrap is in some ways similar to a governor but is expected to have greater authority, bigger obligations, and a more imposing realm. As having powerful Satraps is an expectation in the east a few of them will also help with maintaining the Legitimacy for their overlord kingdoms.

Satrapies are notoriously independent minded and troublesome. Events will periodically require interacting with to keep Satraps happy.

[*]Payment: 50% of monthly income.
[*]The subject must have Persian Military Traditions.
[*]The subject must have more than 40 cities.
[*]The Overlord must have 150 cities or more.
[*]Subject must be a monarchy.
[*]Overlord must be a monarchy.

[*]Overlord will get 2% Monthly Legitimacy per Satrapy.

[*]Special Rules:
[*]Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
[*]The Subject will join in the wars of the overlord.
[*]The Subject can be integrated diplomatically.
[*]The Subject costs a diplomatic slot for overlord.
[*]The Subject cannot cancel the relationship diplomatically.

That was all for today. Next week we will be back for a closer look at Tribes and one of our Tribal regions.

xcfjj 发表于 2019-2-12 02:48


Artemisia 发表于 2019-2-12 02:51


cools0812 发表于 2019-2-12 19:50

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator - Development Diary 11th of February 2019Trin Tragula, Imperator
Hello everyone!大家吼!
Today I am here to talk about Subject States and their loyalty in Imperator:Rome, how they interact with Civil Wars and Rebellions, as well as how supporting Rebels in a foreign country will work.今天我要讨论的是帝皇:罗马中的附属国Subject States和其忠诚的相关内容,包括他们如何参与内战与叛乱,以及支持外国叛军的机制如何运作。Civil Wars & Rebellions​内战与叛乱 Civil War
As described in earlier Development Diaries, both Civil Wars and Rebellions depend on the loyalty of your provinces and of your characters.正如在先前开发日志中所描述的那样,内战与叛乱都基于省份与人物的忠诚度。
Civil Wars break out if 33% of the armed forces of your country is in the hands of disloyal Generals OR if 33% of your population resides in disloyal provinces. A Civil War breaks your country in two parts, locked in war until one capitulates.

Rebellions break out if 20% of your population resides in disloyal foreign culture provinces. A Rebellion will break out rebel countries for the various disloyal foreign peoples in your country, in a Rebellion war where they aim to achieve independence.
叛乱会在20%人口定居于异文化不忠省份时爆发。叛乱会分离出各类不忠的异文化民族的叛军国家,而一场叛乱战争的目的则是谋求该族群的独立。 of a rebellion war in a particularly chaotic situation that I may or may not have helped along to get a good screenshot.
一场相当混乱且我有可能为了截一张好图而干预了的内战的结果。Subject States​附属国
Subjects are countries that do not have the ability to perform their own diplomacy. Instead they have entered into an agreement with a more powerful country for protection: their Overlord. What this means will differ depending on the type of subject but there are some rules all subjects obey:附属国是那些无法独自进行外交的国家。相对的他们选择与一个更强的国家达成协议以换取其保护,即其宗主国。其意义会随不同的附属类型而变,但有些是附属国通用的规则:
Other than for Trade a subject can never enter into diplomatic agreements with other countries.

When a country becomes a subject all their agreements with other countries are broken.

The overlord and subject will always have military access to each others territory.

Subjects have military access to the territory of other subjects of the same overlord.

A subject can always leave a subject relationship by declaring war on their overlord.
In addition most subject types will pay some sort of resource to their overlord, how much and which one will depend on the subject type.另外大部分附属类型的附属国都会给他们的宗主国支付某类资源。支付什么以及支付多少取决于他们的附属类型。
Most subject types have requirements that the overlord and the future subject need to fulfill in order for the relationship to be possible. These requirements are only checked on creation, but when they are no longer true (if a subject of a type that is required to be under a certain size should outgrow that size for instance), the relationship will be harder to maintain. Friction will start to manifest in the form of regular events between the two.大多数附属类型都有宗主国与其之后的附属国必须满足的一些要求。这些要求仅会在建立关系时检查是否达标,不过一旦不满足要求(比如某个附属类型要求属国大小低于某一规模,则会因发展过度而不达标),从属关系便很难维持。两国之间会逐渐出现以常规事件表现的摩擦。
Subject Loyalty附属国忠诚度​Each subject has a Loyalty value to its overlord. This value will modify how much payment is actually sent to the overlord and at low loyalty they may also join Rebellions and Civil Wars against the overlord.每个属国都有对其宗主国的忠诚度值。这一值会调整实际向宗主支付的收入量,而低忠诚度则可能导致附属国加入针对宗主国的叛乱与内战。
Subject loyalty is a value between 0 & 100, where 100 signifies total loyalty.附属国忠诚度是介于0与100的值,100代表着绝对忠诚。
Below a loyalty of 50 a subject state is considered disloyal:低于50忠诚度的属国会被视作不忠:
1. This reduces what it pays to overlord by up to 50% (at 0 loyalty)

2. If a rebellion happens of this culture the subject will join that revolt.

3. If a civil war happens and a state is disloyal it joins the revolting side.
3. 如果爆发内战,不忠的附属国会加入叛军。
Loyalty is affected by the relation between subject and overlord, by the comparative army size of the overlord and its subjects of the same culture, the comparative population size and by things like laws, and the Overlord’s Aggressive Expansion, Tyranny and Stability.忠诚度受附属国与宗主之间的关系、两方军事实力比值、其他同文化附属国数量、两国人口数量比值以及诸如法律、宗主国的侵略扩张、残暴度与稳定度等方面所影响。
In time the overlord may want to directly integrate a subject. This requires relations at over 190 and will after a long period turn the entire subject country into directly owned territory by the overlord. Not all Subject Types can be integrated however. Some, like the tributary, are too loosely aligned with the overlord for such a thing to even be possible.某些情况下宗主国或许会打算直接合并某个属国。这一行动要求关系高于190,在很长一段时间后将整个属国转为宗主国的直属领地。不过并非所有附属类型都可以合并。有些类型,比如朝贡国(狗)与宗主国的关系太松散,以至于无法进行此类行动。
Supporting Rebels支持叛军
This brings us to how you can destabilize a big empire. All Major Powers and above have a diplomatic action called "Support Rebels". This lets you decrease the happiness of all pops that are not of the targeted country's culture group by 20. This can potentially result in growing unrest and falling province loyalty in their country.这一行动涉及到如何使一个的庞大帝国变得不稳定。所有强权Major Powers及以上级别的国家拥有“支持叛军Support Rebels”的外交行动。这会让玩家降低目标国家非本国文化的所有人口20点幸福度。这可能导致该国的动乱逐渐增长且降低各省份的忠诚度。
The country that supports the rebels will be expected to support, the rebels in action as well as words and should a Rebellion war break out they will be called in to defend the Rebels.叛军会期盼执行了支持叛军行动的国家不仅在言语上更要在行动上支持他们;而在叛乱爆发后这些国家则会被叛军召唤参与战争。
The country supporting rebels will, for the duration of their support suffer a -5 Diplomatic Reputation penalty and an Aggressive Expansion increase of 0.02 per month. Since Aggressive Expansion itself decreases foreign pop happiness, and can take some time to burn off, this means that Supporting Rebels is perhaps not a decision to take too lightly.支持叛军的国家会在期间受到-5外交威望的惩罚以及每月侵略扩张+0.02。由于侵略扩张本身就会降低外族人口的幸福度,且要消除其影响需要一段时间,意味着支持叛军是一个需要三思后行的决策。
The targeted country will also have a permanent Casus Belli against the subversive country as long as it continues its support for their rebels.目标国同时也会在该国支持叛军期间获得对其永久的宣战理由。Subject Types附属类型
With that we will move on to the types of Subjects that exist in the game. Many of them we have mentioned before in the various focus area Development Diaries.至此我们将转向游戏中存在的附属类型。其中有不少已经在以往聚焦地区的各篇开发日志中提到过了。
Perhaps the most basic subject type in the game is the Tributary. This is a loose relationship where the subject is simply looking for protection in exchange for tribute. Unlike most other subject types the subject can at any time cancel a Tributary relationship, the only risk being that the former overlord will get a Casus Belli for the slight on their honor.或许游戏中最基本的附属国类型就是朝贡国。这是一种松散的关系,进贡国只是寻求用贡品来换取保护。与大多数其它类型的附属国不同,朝贡国可以在任何时候取消附属关系,唯一的风险是前任宗主国将获得战争借口,因为他们的名誉受到了侮辱。
Payment: 25% of income is paid to overlord monthly.

Requirements: Any country can be a Tributary.

Special Rules:
Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
This relationship does not cost a diplomatic slot.
The Subject will not join in the wars of the Overlord.
The Subject cannot be integrated diplomatically.
The Subject can break the relationship diplomatically.
A Feudatory is a city state that has obligated itself to follow the lead of a larger and more influential country in the same culture group. Historically these are countries that would often have been part of some sort of League with their overlord’s other subjects, in many ways this is a privileged subject type, if one with large obligations.盟邦是一种有义务接受同一文化组中更大更有影响力的国家所领导的城邦。历史上看,这种国家通常与其宗主国的其他附属国一道隶属于某种联盟的一部分,在许多方面上来看是一种有特权的附属国类型,这建立在一个附属国具有较大义务的假设前提上。
Feudatories provide manpower to their overlord and are expected to take part in their wars. Historical examples are the Roman Socii, the Punic cities of North Africa under Carthage or the the city leagues in Aegean under the Antigonids in Phrygia.盟邦为他们的宗主国提供人力,并被要求参与宗主国的战争。历史上的例子是罗马条约同盟the Roman Socii、迦太基治下的北非布匿城邦联盟及在佛里几亚的安提柯治下的爱琴海城邦联盟。
Payment: 35% of manpower income is paid to overlord monthly.

Subject must not have more than 10 cities.
Overlord must have more than 20 cities.
Overlord and subject must be of same culture group.

Subject gets 5% less citizen happiness and -10% Army Maintenance Cost.

Special Rules:
Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
This relationship does not cost a diplomatic slot.
The subject will join the wars of the overlord.
The subject can be integrated diplomatically.
The subject cannot cancel this relationship diplomatically.
Vassal Tribe附庸部落
A Vassal Tribe is a Tribal Kingdom, Chiefdom or Federation that has a close relationship to a nearby stronger Civilized state. For the Tribal State this means a significantly easier route towards civilizing, as it will increase both the countrywide level of Civilization and the growth of it in all their cities. The Tribal state in turn pays with its manpower to the overlord who will also promise to protect them. Historical subjects of this type would be the Numidian kingdoms to Carthage and various states on the border with Rome.附庸部落是一种与附近较强大的文明国家有着密切的关系的部落王国、部落酋邦或部落联盟。对于部落国家而言,意味着这是一种更容易实现文明化的途径,因为它将同时提高国家文明值水平以及其治下所有城市的文明值增长。这种部落国家作为回报向宗主国提供它的人力,宗主国也承诺保护他们。历史上,这种类型的附属国是迦太基的努米底亚王国和与古罗马接壤的各式国度。
Payment: 15% of manpower income is paid to overlord monthly.

The subject must be Tribal.
The overlord must not be Tribal
The Overlord must have a higher civilization rating in their capital than the Subject does in theirs.
Overlord must not have 10 or more tribal vassal subjects already.

Overlord gets 3% more Tribesman Happiness per Subject of this type.
Subject gets 10% higher country civilization cap.
Subject gets 1 monthly civilization growth.

Special Rules:
The Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
The Subject will not join in the wars of the overlord.
The Subject cannot be integrated diplomatically.
Does not cost a diplomatic slot.
The Subject can cancel this relationship diplomatically.
Client State附庸国
Client states are in some ways more tightly integrated with their overlord, but unlike the Feudatories they are not necessarily of the same culture and they don’t enjoy a privileged status in the same way. Client States will in most cases be the result of a war. A client king is separated from a governor mostly by his level of autonomy and having local ties to the ruled country.附庸国在某些方面与他们的宗主国联系更加紧密,但与盟邦不同,二者不一定是同一种文化,附庸国也不会以同样的方式享有特权地位。在大多数情况下,附庸国是战争后的成果。附庸国王与总督的主要区别是其自治程度以及与被统治国的地方联系。
Payment: 25% of monthly income.

Subject must not have 150 cities or above.
Must not be tribal.
Overlord must not be tribal.

Subject gets -5% Ruler Popularity Gain.
Subject gets +10% global commerce modifier.

Special Rules:
The Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
The Subject can only trade with overlord.
The Subject will join in the wars of the overlord.
The Subject can be integrated diplomatically.
The Subject costs a diplomatic slot for overlord.
Satrapies are a special type of subject that is only available if the junior party belongs to the Persian Military Traditions. A Satrap is in some ways similar to a governor but is expected to have greater authority, bigger obligations, and a more imposing realm. As having powerful Satraps is an expectation in the east a few of them will also help with maintaining the Legitimacy for their overlord kingdoms.总督区是一种特殊类型的附属国,仅在被附属的一方属于波斯军事传统时才可用。(阿契美尼德式的)总督Satrap在某种程度上类似于总督/省长Governor,但会有更强的权威、更大的义务和更广阔的领土。由于帝国希望东部拥有强大的总督镇守疆土,他们中的一些人也将有助于维持他们宗主国的正统性。
Satrapies are notoriously independent minded and troublesome. Events will periodically require interacting with to keep Satraps happy.总督区因自行其是和制造麻烦而声名狼藉。事件将定期要求宗主国与之进行互动,以保持总督愉快。
Payment: 50% of monthly income.

The subject must have Persian Military Traditions.
The subject must have more than 40 cities.
The Overlord must have 150 cities or more.
Subject must be a monarchy.
Overlord must be a monarchy.

Overlord will get 2% Monthly Legitimacy per Satrapy.

Special Rules:
Overlord will protect the subject if it is attacked.
The Subject will join in the wars of the overlord.
The Subject can be integrated diplomatically.
The Subject costs a diplomatic slot for overlord.
The Subject cannot cancel the relationship diplomatically.
That was all for today. Next week we will be back for a closer look at Tribes and one of our Tribal regions.这就是今天的一切内容了。 下周我们将重新审视部落以及我们的一个部落地区。
Bouns: Imperator Dev Clash Map (Tuesdays 15:00 CET)附录:开发组员大战地图

翻译:zzztotoso 参商朔望校对:三等文官猹中堂 万豪顿

chen139886 发表于 2019-2-12 19:52


RhInEs 发表于 2019-2-13 22:58

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查看完整版本: Imperator - Development Diary 11th of February 2019 日志37 内战 附庸国