cools0812 发表于 2019-1-29 22:45

Imperator - Development Diary 28 of January 2019 日志35 部落政体与高卢

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator - Development Diary 28 of January 2019Trin Tragula, Imperator
Hello and welcome to another Developer Diary for Imperator:Rome!大家吼哇,欢迎来到新一篇帝皇:罗马的开发日志!
Today we will be talking about the third form of government, after Republics and Monarchies. Even though this is the last of the three types it is far from the least common. Tribal Chiefdoms, Kingdoms and Federations make up the grand majority of the countries in Imperator and Tribal countries exist in all locations from western Europe, to Arabia and the Caucasus to the interior of India all the way to the Burmese border.今天我们会讲到,除共和国和君主制之外的第三种政府形式。虽说它是三种政府里面的最后介绍的一种,但其绝不是稀少的类型。从西欧到阿拉伯,从高加索到印度内陆,再到缅甸边界的各处地带中,部落酋邦制Tribal Chiefdoms、部落王国制Tribal Kingdoms以及部落联盟制Tribal Federations是大多数国家的政府形式。
We will also show you the region of Gaul and tell you a bit about the state of it at our start in the game.我们还将向读者们展示高卢地区,并告诉大家一些该地区在游戏开局时的状态。Clan Leaders & their Retinues​部族首领与其亲兵
The base premise for the tribal government is that authority is shared. When a ruler dies the new ruler will be elected from among a number of Clan Leaders, all whom command their own Retinues of loyal troops. Changing any Laws at all in a tribe requires that your Clan Leaders are loyal, and doing so will reduce the loyalty of all Clan leaders but the king.部落制政府的根本前提是权力的共享。一个统治者过世之后,新统治者将从一定数量的部族首领Clan Leaders之中选举出来,这些族长们指挥着忠诚于自己的亲兵Retinues部队。在部落中,改变任何法律都要求你的全部部族首领必须处于忠诚状态。改变法律后会降低除了统治者以外所有族长的忠诚度。
Clan Retinues are recruited and reinforced by the Clan Leaders themselves, without using the manpower pool of the country and are also cheaper to upkeep. Since retinue troops are always loyal to their Clan Leader, these armies will also make it harder to rely on the loyalty of your Clan Leaders the bigger they are. Their presence also means that there are always armies ready to provoke a civil war, should you not be able to maintain the loyalty of your Clan Leaders.Every Tribal country will have at least 3 Clan Leaders, with more added for each country rank the country attains.部族亲兵Clan Retinues由部族首领自行招募与补充,不会消耗国家的人力储备,维护费也更便宜。因为这些亲兵永远效忠于部族首领,而他们的部队规模越大,就会越发使得部族首领的忠诚度靠不住。这些部队的存在同时也意味着,一旦你没法保持部族首领的忠诚度,就会一直存在着一支随时准备挑起内战的军队。每个部落制国家都有至少三个部族首领,国家的国家等级每升一级,族长的数量会继续增加。
- 我们就这么干吧。
- 也许奥提凯特·科庇迪乌斯才是对的。
The first thing that will come to mind when looking at a government type that affects this many countries, in as many regions is always going to be how similar they really are to eachother. Clearly a Tribal Kingdom can mean one thing in southern Hispania and something very different in Scandinavia or even on the faraway border between Burma and India.当大家看到同一种政府形式影响了这么多国家、存在于这么多地区之中,脑海中第一个想法肯定是它们彼此之间的相似性。但很明显的是,南伊比利亚与斯堪的纳维亚的部落王国相比,甚至是遥远的缅甸与印度边界的部落王国可能完全不同。
Indeed, just "how tribal" a country is, and in what way can vary wildly. Often it might even do so within the same region. It is also not necessarily static over time. Many things will pull a state towards being more or less settled and more or less centralized towards the authority of its capital settlement.确实,一个国家是有多么的“部落化”,在哪些方面“部落化”,可能天差地别。在同一个地区内也常常大不相同。随时间流逝国家的情况也不是一成不变的。很多因素会导致一个国家更多或更少地定居,或者更大或更少地将权力集中于首都定居点中。
For this reason all Tribes make use of a Centralization scale that goes from -100 to +100. Centralization will change from your actions such as laws you enact, or your reactions to what clan leaders do.因此,所有的部落都会启用中央集权度Centralization数值,范围在-100到+100之间。中央集权度会根据你的行为发生变化,例如你颁布的法律、对部族首领行为的反应等。
There is however no direct way to change the Centralization value, using power or money for instance, it is only adjusted as a result of your actions and over time.然而游戏中没有直接改变中央集权度的方法,比如说花钱或者使用点数是行不通的。中央集权度只会因为你的行为而改变,或者是随时间改变。
At Negative Centralization your Tribe is less centralized, it will have more influential clan chiefs, bigger retinues, higher Tribesman output and will make it possible to morph into a Tribal Chiefdom, able to perform Tribal Migration (we will talk more about Migration and how it works in a later developer diary).中央集权度为负时,你的部落权力将更加分散,会出现更有影响力的部族首领、更大规模的亲兵部队与更高的部落民产出,也将有可能使国家变为部落酋邦制,能够进行部落迁徙Tribal Migration(在之后的开发日志中,我们会再谈到迁徙以及迁徙的一些机制)。
Positive Centralization gives discount to Converting Tribesmen to Freemen, decreases the size of Clan Retinues, and most importantly increases the Country Civilization value, the cap that all cities under your control will gravitate towards. A higher civilization value in your capital, together with the appropriate laws, will eventually make it possible to reform out of being a tribe, morphing into a Republic or Monarchy.中央集权度为正时,将人口从部落民转换成自由民的花费将更小,亲兵部队的规模会更小,最重要的是将增加国家文明值Country Civilization Value,这个值是你治下的所有城市文明值都会逐渐与之趋平的值的上限。如果首都具有较高的文明值以及有合适的法律,最后玩家就可以通过改革来脱离部落,变为共和制或者君主制。
As mentioned before, apart from its impact on research, a higher Civilization value in your cities will make more tribesmen unhappy to live in them (while Citizens and Freemen will feel more and more at home) meaning that the tribesmen will start being less productive and be more prone to generate unrest.像之前提到过的那样,除了文明值对科研有影响之外,城市中文明值越高,部落民就越不愿意居住在其中(而公民和自由民则更舒适),这意味着部落民的生产力会开始下降,更容易产生叛乱度。
At the start of the game the Centralization levels of Tribal countries all around the map will differ, they start well into the negatives for the Germanic tribes for instance, while others like Turdetania in Hispania, starts with significant positive Centralization.在游戏开局时,地图各处部落的中央集权度各有不同。例如日耳曼部落开始时集权度为负,而像伊比利亚的图尔蒂塔尼亚开局时就有显著的正值。
In other words: as a tribe you can attempt to move your country towards being a Republic and a Monarchy, and making use of the more stratified pop types such as Freemen or Citizens while alienating your Tribesmen who will produce less and potentially even generate unrest.换句话说:作为部落,你可以尝试着把你的国家引向共和制或者君主制的轨道,利用更加阶级化的人口类型,例如自由民和公民,同时这会疏远你的部落民人口,他们的生产力会下降,潜在地产生叛乱度。
You can also decrease Centralization, share power with the other Clan Leaders and build a country where Tribesmen pops are happier and more productive while Freemen and Citizens will contribute less and likely generate unrest.你也可以降低中央集权度,与别的部族首领们分享权力,创造一个使部落民要更幸福更多产、而自由民和公民则产生不了什么贡献的情况,同时他们可能会产生叛乱度。
To make matters a bit more complicated most regions, even at start, will have a mix of pop types. There are few regions where you would only have tribesmen at the start of the game, even as a tribe.让事情更加复杂的是,即使在游戏开局时,大多数地区的人口都是各个人口种类的混合。在开局时即使作为一个部落国家,也很少有什么区域是只有部落民的。
As the only pop type unaffected by civilization levels Slaves from warfare can always help augment your economy, though other things, not least their foreign culture or culture group might still make them somewhat unruly in some circumstances.作为唯一一个不受文明等级影响的人口种类,战争中俘虏来的奴隶总可以促进你经济的增长。但显然奴隶的外国文化与文化组等因素可能会使他们在某些情况下难以驾驭。Gaul​高卢
In between three of the regions we have covered in earlier developer diaries, Britannia, Hispania and Italy, lies the region of Gaul. In 450 AUC / 304 BCE the Gallic people are present in many theaters far beyond Gaul itself, there are Gallic tribes in modern Germany, in the Balkans and Gallic mercenaries served on many sides in the Successor wars from Egypt and Syria to Thrace. Not long after our start date such Gallic tribes would also descend on Greece and Anatolia on their own behalf, creating the new region of Galatia in the process (but more on that in a later diary).在我们之前的开发日志中讲到的不列颠尼亚、西班牙与意大利三个地区之间,就是高卢Gaul地区了。到罗马建城后450年/公元前304年时,高卢人出现在高卢以外的众多战区,在现代德国境内、巴尔干半岛上都有高卢人的部落,在继业者战争中,高卢人的雇佣兵在从埃及、叙利亚到色雷斯的各方都有参战。在我们游戏开始日期之后不久,这些高卢部落也会亲自袭击希腊和安纳托利亚,在途中创建了新的加拉太Galatia地区(关于这个在之后的日志中会讲到)。
Gaul itself is at our start divided into a number of regions and tribes. Our data on this place and time is not perhaps as greatly detailed as what we know of the Greek and Roman world but Gaul as hinted at earlier neither was Gaul isolated from the wider Mediterranean world.在游戏开始时,高卢被分成了数个地区和部落。我们关于这个地方和时间段的数据可能没有希腊和罗马世界那么详细,不过正如早些时候我们所提示的那样,高卢并没有孤立于大地中海世界之外。
The vast majority of countries are Tribal kingdoms at start, and some are part of larger tribal identities that, like previously described in Spain, can form into bigger Tribal Federations. On the Centralization scale these Gallic tribal kingdoms are all on the positive side of the middle.游戏开始时,这里的绝大部分国家都是部落王国,而其中有一部分国家有着更大的部落身份认同,因此可以组成部落联盟,就像我们之前在西班牙部分讲过的一样。在文明值的数值上来说,这些高卢的部落王国都是中间正值。
Transalpine Gaul​山外高卢
Transalpine Gaul, eventually Gallia Narbonensis under the Romans, is close to Italy and the Mediterranean. For centuries Etrurian, Phoenician and Greek merchants have been trading with these states and by 304 BCE there are a number of Greek trading settlements along the coast, centrally led by the city of Massalia which traditionally had close ties with Syracuse.山外高卢,这一最后成为罗马统治下的纳尔榜南西斯高卢Gallia Narbonensis地区,离意大利和地中海很近。几个世纪以来,来自伊特鲁里亚、腓尼基和希腊的商人们一直和这里的国家有贸易往来。公元前304年的时候,这里的海岸沿线已经有一些希腊的贸易定居点了。这些定居点主要由马萨利亚Massalia(即日后的马赛),一个一直和锡拉库扎Syracuse有着密切联系的城市所领导。
In time Transalpine Gaul would become the first part of the greater Gallic region on this side of the alps to be integrated into the Roman Republic, and where Gallo-Roman culture really began to grow.最后,山外高卢将会变成阿尔卑斯山一侧的大高卢地区第一个被整合进罗马共和国的部分,也将成为高卢-罗马文化真正开始发展的地区。
Starting Countries

Massalia: Oldest and most influential of the Greek settlements in Gaul. Massalia is not just one city but also controls the coastal cities of Antipolis, Tauroention and Agathi. It is also in a defensive league with Emporion and Hemereskopeion in Hispania. Nonetheless Massalia is far from strong. It depends on maintaining good relations with the surrounding Gallic states or being able to afford mercenaries to fight for its cause. Preferably both. Merchants from Massalia are said to have traveled far and wide throughout Gaul, and Massalian coins have been found throughout the region.

Salluvia: Gallic and Ligurian tribal kingdom surrounding Massalia. One of the first peoples subdued by Rome when it expanded into the region.

Deciatia: Small Ligurian tribe just east of Massalia, controlling the thin strip of land between the Salluvi and the Oxybi.

Oxybia: Another small tribal kingdom of Ligurians, on the coast between Antipolis and Deciatia.

Vocontia: Gallic Tribal kingdom of medium strength, east of the river Rhone. Stronger than many of the southern tribes and would retain some autonomy under Roman rule as a Roman ally.

Albicia: Small Gallic tribe in the hills between Vocontia and the coastal Tribes.

Tectosagia: Volcae tribal kingdom on the border of Aquitania centered on the city of Tolosa (modern Toulouse). Supposedly took part in the raids into Anatolia, with some of the raiders settling in Galatia. Regardless this is one of the stronger Gallic states in the region.
特克托萨基亚:位于阿基坦尼亚边境的沃尔卡人部落王国,其中心是城市托洛萨Tolosa (现今图卢兹)。据说参与了对安纳托利亚的突袭,而其中一些入侵者定居在加拉太。不管怎样,它是该地区最强大的高卢国家之一。

Sorbonia: Another Volcae tribal kingdom west of Tectosagia, has a coastal port and also borders Massalias exclave Agatha.

Arecomicia: Medium sized Volcae Tribal kingdom west of the Rhone.

Rutenia: Tribal kingdom just south of the Massif Central mountains with ample access to base metals and stone. Despite their closeness to the Arverni they do not seem to have been subservient to them at any point.
鲁腾尼亚:位于中央高原Massif Central山脉南部的部落王国,有着大量的基本金属和石头资源。尽管他们与阿维尔尼人关系密切,但他们似乎从未臣服于阿维尔尼人。

Arvernia: In many ways the most powerful tribal kingdom in southern Gaul. Would in time grow to be a regional hegemonic power before Roman conquest. Controls important sources if Iron and Precious Metals and stands ready to expand its influence at our start.

Helvia: Small celtic kingdom in the highlands west of the Rhone. Rich in both Precious and Base Metals.

Allobrogia: Larger Tribal kingdom between the Rhone and lake Geneva. Would oppose the Romans together with the Salluvians and the Arverni, part of the tribe also allegedly helped Hannibal cross the alps during his march to Italy.

Segusiavia: “The victorious”, small but strong tribal kingdom around modern Lyon. Rich in metals and with a strong economy. Segusiavia conducted trade even before Roman conquest with the Phoenicians and Greeks and, like the Arvernians, coined their own money.

Caturigia: Small Alpine Tribal kingdom guarding a number of the important passes between Italian Gaul and Transalpine Gaul. After centuries of mixing the population is both Celt and Ligurian.

Ceutronia: Another Celtic Alpine kingdom, north of the Caturigi. The Ceutroni were willing to defend their mountain passes. Both Caesar and Hannibal did in their times pass through these lands.
South eastern Gaul is closely associated with the Vasconian tribes in northern Hispania. Like them it is supposed that the Aquitanians may be related to the later day Basque population and they are described as Romans as more similar to the people on the other side of the Pyrenees in their customs and laws. This region is rich in both Gold and Silver, and is often described as rich and prosperous. At our start it is also, like the rest of Gaul and Hispania, divided into a number of tribal states of equal strength.高卢东南部与西班牙北部的瓦斯科涅人部落有着密切的联系。和瓦斯科涅人一样,人们认为阿基坦尼亚人也可能和后来的巴斯克人有些联系。这两个部落也经常被称作罗马人,因为他们的习俗和法律更像比利牛斯山脉另一边的人们。这个地区金银资源丰富,常被人称为富庶之地。在游戏开始时,阿基坦尼亚也像高卢和西班牙的其他地区一样,被分成了几个实力相当的部落国家。
Starting Countries

Santonia: Medium sized Tribal kingdom with an economy built on the export of salt and wine.

Pictonia: Strong Tribal kingdom north of the Santones. Skilled shipbuilders and exporters of both Timber and boats. Assisted Caesar during his wars in Gaul and Pictones fought both for and against Vercingetorix.

Lemovicia: Tribal kingdom in the highlands of central Gaul. Rich in precious metals and allies of the Arverni.

Andecamulensia: Small tribal kingdom in modern Limousin, closely related to the Lemovici.

Petrocoria: Small tribal kingdom in modern Dordogne. Exports Iron.

Nitiobrogia: Small tribal kingdom north of the Aquitanian states.

Aquitanian Tribes: Like in Hispania there are a number of existing tribal kingdoms at our start that consider themselves to be part of a greater Aquitanian tribal identity. Should any of these rise to prominence well enough the Aquitanian tribes may form a more powerful Tribal federation, incorporating the other states.
Tarbellia 塔贝利亚
Sibuzatia 希布扎提亚
Bigerrionia 比杰利翁尼亚
Tarusatia 塔鲁萨提亚
Vocatia 沃卡提亚
Cocosatia 科柯萨提亚
Viviscia 维维西亚
Auscia 奥斯西亚
Consorannia 孔索拉尼亚

cools0812 发表于 2019-1-29 22:46

Historically often an even greater region Gallia Celtica encompasses most of Central Gaul east of the Seine. This is in some ways the core of the Gallic cultural region and was where the not too distant raid on Rome itself originated. This is also the place where the combined armies of the Gallic states would be defeated at Alesia, marking the end of an independent Gaul.在历史学上,塞纳河以东(译注:疑为有误,应是塞纳河以西)的高卢中部通常被归于一个更大的克尔提卡高卢Gallia Celtica地区(译注:拉丁语,即凯尔特高卢Celtic Gaul,此处遵照国内通译作克尔提卡)。某种意义上这里是高卢文化区的核心,也是尚未过去太久的洗劫罗马(390BC)的起源之地。也正是在该地区的阿莱西亚,高卢联军被击败,标志着高卢独立的终结。
Starting Countries

Parisia: Small tribal kingdom by the Seine, centered round the region where Lutetia would later be founded, the precursor of the modern city of Paris. Subjects to the Senoni.

Senonia: Larger tribal kingdom along the Seine. Overlords of the Parisi. Known to the Romans perhaps most of all because they are the tribe which Brennus led to sack Rome just 80 years prior to the start of our game.

Mandubia: Small tribal kingdom centered on the fortified city of Alesia, which would later be the site of the last stand of the Gallic coalition against the Romans. In 304 BCE the Mandubii are not an important tribe however, reliant on the good will of their neighbors for their continued existance.

Tricassia: Another small tribal kingdom on the Seine, centered around what would later become Troyes.

Lingonia: Relatively strong tribal kingdom on a commercial and cultural crossroads in eastern Gaul, closely related to the Lingones is Italy. The Lingones of Gaul are known for their skills in ironworking and agriculture.

Sequania: Strong Tribal kingdom on the upper Saone river. Rivals of the Aedui. Also took part in the gallic disaster in Rome 80 years prior to our start, would eventually play a key part in the Roman conquest of Gaul.

Aeduia: Tribal kingdom to the west of their hereditary enemies, the Sequani.

Biturigia: Tribal kingdom north of Arvernia. Like many other tribal kingdoms mentioned here the Bituriges are known for their skills at iron and stoneworking.
North eastern Gaul, including the regions that make up modern Brittany, was known as Armoria. This region is perhaps most known for its close ties to the British isles both commercially and culturally. The Armorican tribes also speak a language that is more closely related to that of Britannia. Like most of Gaul Armorica is divided among a number of tribal states in 304 BCE, some of which have the Armorican culture and language in common and might form into a larger united entity.高卢东北部(译注:疑为有误,应是西北部),包括现在构成布列塔尼的地区,被称作阿莫利卡。该地区与不列颠诸岛的商业与文化联系或许更为有名。阿莫利卡诸部落说的语言也和布列塔尼亚语密切相关。像高卢一样,公元前304年的阿莫利卡也分裂为一系列部落国家,其中的一些拥有共同的阿莫利卡文化和语言,也有可能成立更大的联合体。
Starting Countries​

Armorican Tribes: There are a number of tribal states in Armorica that consider themselves part of a bigger Armorican tribal identity and which may come to incorporate the others if they grow to be powerful and influential enough to unite the region. The economy and culture of these tribes are all closely tied to that of Britannia. The Armorican Tribes Include:
Redonia 雷东尼亚
Venellia 维内利亚
Osismia 奥西斯米亚
Venetia 维内蒂亚
Curiosolita 古里奥索里塔
Diablintia 狄亚布林提亚
Lexovia 勒克索维亚
Eburovicia 埃布罗维瑟西亚

Namnetia: Small Tribal kingdom centered around their capital on the Loire, eventually this city would be called Namnetum, the fore-runner of modern day Nantes. The kingdom is rich in all kind of metals and, like the Armorican states such as Osimisia to the north it was part of the trade zone around the British channel.

Aulercia: Small tribal kingdom to the east of Namnetia.

Carnutia: Medium sized powerful and fortified Tribal Kingdom just at the border of the Gallia Celtica region. Would in time become subjected by the nearby Belgae Remi.

Esuvia: Obscure tribal kingdom in modern Normandy.
In his famous division of the Gallic lands in three Julius Caesar describes Belgica as the northernmost part of Gaul, a region covering modern north eastern France as well as the Low countries. Gallia Belgica encompasses the lower Rhine as well as a large part of the coast towards Britannia and would come to have exchange customs, people and goods with both the Germanic and Pretani regions.在他那知名的高卢三分法中,尤里乌斯·凯撒将比尔吉卡描述为高卢最北部的地区,覆盖现代法国东北以及低地国家。比尔吉卡高卢包括莱茵河下游以及大部分朝向不列颠尼亚的海岸,并将同时与日耳曼和普列塔尼(即凯尔特语中的不列颠)地区交流文化、交换人口和货物。
Caesar also claims that the Belgae people are the bravest and most dangerous of the Gauls. Gallia Belgica is also closer to the Germanic tribal states, most likely influencing both customs, and trade as well as resulting in occasional warfare and raiding. Like Gauls elsewhere the Belgae also spread to other regions, settling in Britannia during the period covered by the game.凯撒还宣称比尔及人是高卢最勇敢最危险的人群。比尔吉卡高卢更接近日耳曼的部落国家,最可能是同时受到文化和贸易的影响,后者伴随着偶尔的战争与劫掠。就像其他高卢人一样,比尔及人也扩散到了其它地区,在游戏覆盖的年代中曾经定居于不列颠地区。
Starting Countries

Treveria: On the border of the Celtic and Belgic parts of Gaul Treveria is a strong Tribal Kingdom in the far eastern part of Gaul. During the Gallic wars they would make a name for themselves for their strong military ability, especially for their cavalry.

Remia: Strong Tribal kingdom north of Treveria, centered on the large city of Durocortum. Would come to expand their influence over a wider region, acquiring subject tribes further into Celtic Gaul.

Belgae Tribes: There are a number of tribes in Gallia Belgica that consider themselves part of a larger tribal identity. If any of the Belgae tribes should grow powerful and influential enough they may unify the Belgae tribes into a tribal federation. Enjoying more efficient government as well as the voluntary submission of a number of the other Belgae Tribes.
Menapia 门奈比亚
Eburonia 埃博隆尼亚
Morinia 莫里尼亚
Viromanduia 维洛曼度亚
Nervia 纳尔维亚
Aduatucia 阿杜雅都契亚
Cugernia 库热尼亚
Suessionia 苏埃西翁尼亚
Bellovacia 贝洛瓦契亚
Ambiania 安比亚尼亚
Caletia 卡莱提亚
That was all for today. I will be back with another Developer Diary next Monday!这就是今天的全部内容。下周一我会带着另一篇开发日志回来的!

翻译:一个幽灵 一只走地鸡 子炎君校对:万豪顿 三等文官猹中堂

hell--fire 发表于 2019-1-30 22:47


Hamakaze 发表于 2019-1-30 23:40


中華狼 发表于 2019-2-3 01:05

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查看完整版本: Imperator - Development Diary 28 of January 2019 日志35 部落政体与高卢