cools0812 发表于 2019-1-15 14:37

Imperator - Development Diary - 14th of January 2019 开发日志33 - 继承,两河流域

Hello and welcome to another development diary for Imperator:Rome!

Today I will be talking about Monarchies and associated things such as Heirs, Legitimacy, Succession Crises and other fun things.

In a monarchy authority lies with the ruler, or Monarch. The monarch has as close to absolute authority as any ruler can get in Imperator:Rome. Unlike in a Republic the ruler sits for life, and in a Monarchy you are able to change laws, interact with foreign countries and use whatever character interactions you wish without approval of a senate.​

While a Monarch has the authority to act without asking for approval their subject characters will still react to their actions if they do not approve of them. Legitimacy is a value between -100 and +100 and models the perceived right for the Monarch to rule their country.

For the monarchies that exist in Imperator:Rome at the start of the game this was highly relevant as they were almost all established in this generation. None of them have a firm number of supporters, and many of them (like Egypt or the Seleucid Empire) have a population that consider them to be foreigners.

Legitimacy directly impacts the loyalty of all characters in the country as well as the happiness of all Freemen.

At 0 Legitimacy all characters in a Monarchy are capped at 50 loyalty (out of the normal 100), and at negative Legitimacy they will suffer a ticking loyalty reduction. Legitimacy also directly impacts the cost of enacting laws.

Legitimacy is gained from acting as a good monarch, most importantly:

[*]Ruler Popularity
[*]High Stability
[*]The Skill of your currently employed Court Philosopher
Legitimacy is reduced by anything that threatens popular support for the monarchy, most importantly:

[*]Low Ruler Popularity
[*]War Exhaustion
[*]Ruler Corruption
[*]The number of employed characters that prefer another successor than the current heir to succeed (we will talk more about this below).

To help increase Legitimacy you can also at any time use a government action to Strengthen Legitimacy by 10 for a cost of 25 Civic Power and 5 Tyranny. There are also various indirect ways, like Holding Games, that increase popularity and therefore indirectly Legitimacy.
Succession Laws​

In a monarchy a new ruler is not elected but will instead inherit power upon the death of the old monarch. The method for this inheritance depends on which of these succession law the country follow. The family of the current ruler is always preferred over non-family members.

[*]Agnatic: Inheritance is in age order, with preference to male children of ruler.
[*]Agnatic-Cognatic: Inheritance in age order, children of ruler are preferred without preference in regards to gender.
[*]Agnatic Seniority: The male siblings of the Monarch will inherit before any children.
[*]Egyptian Succession: Children of ruler are preferred in order of age regardless of gender. Members of the royal family will marry their own family members (including sibling to sibling).​

Successions are not always as easy as the described laws would imply. There are many examples of conflicts over who would inherit, sometimes tearing even great and otherwise stable kingdoms apart.

In the government view the 4 most likely characters in the country to inherit will be displayed at all times (including the current heir) together with their loyalty and the strength of their claim (according to the succession law).​

Every character in a Monarchy also has a Preferred Heir out of these four. Most of the time this will be the current heir, but depending on things like friendships, skills or lack of loyalty, they can prefer one of the other heirs.

Any possible successor apart from the current heir will have a ticking negative modifier to their loyalty and will normally do what they can to assemble money and supporters for the day the current monarch dies.

Apart from increasing loyalty and attacking the causes for someone preferring another heir you can ask them to support your preferred heir. As long as their loyalty is at least 50 this drastically increases their support for your current heir for a cost of 25 Oratory Power.

Upon succession the current heir will become the new Monarch with a starting Legitimacy of 60 plus 20 times the religious Unity in the country. It is further reduced by 2 points for each employed character that supported another heir.

As you can see the expected future Legitimacy of an heir as king will always be shown in the Government View.

Succession Crisis​​

At the time of succession, if any of the possible successors that did not gain the throne are at less than 33% loyalty, they will make their displeasure known by assembling an army of as many loyal troops as they can afford.
As this is a loyal army, and they are disloyal, you will be unable to give orders to this army and unable to detach the pretenders from it. The presence of these armies is likely to drive the country towards a civil war, either immediately or in the long run.
To the end of disarming this threat you have special character interactions no pretenders:

[*]Encourage Deserters: Allows you to reduce the pretender army size.
[*]Make Mercenary: For a very large sum of gold you can send a pretender off to be a Mercenary, along with their loyal troops. This will eliminate the threat to you internal stability, for now.
Meanwhile foreign countries will have also have a new character interaction available, to spend money and military power on increasing the size of the Pretender army.

Persia ​

Today we will talk about one of the greatest kingdoms of Imperator:Rome in terms of size and population.

Before Alexander began his campaign Persia was the center of the Achaemenid Empire, which stretched from Greece to India. The larger region had by then been the center of more than one high culture and its influence on surrounding regions is hard to overstate. With its fall to Greek conquerors however the entire region has seen the beginnings of Hellenization. Perhaps more than anywhere else Alexander the great founded Greek settlements, appointed a mix of Greek and local officials and encouraged intermarriage.

After the death of the great conqueror Persia and Mesopotamia has changed hands between different successors multiple times, with its current master, Seleucus, taking over Babylon from Antigonus with just a few trusted men not long ago.

With a background that would not make him a likely candidate for such greatness Seleucus has spent the last years cleaning out the Satraps left in charge of greater Persia by Antigonus, before running right into another rising dynasty in India, Chandragupta Maurya.

As the game starts Chandragupta, who had previously overrun most of northern India, ending the Nanda empire, has taken control over the Indian satrapies that was once part of Alexander’s Empire.

The Mauryas now threaten to invade Persia, potentially distracting the Seleucids from the greater conflict with Antigonus in the west.

Mesopotamia & Assyria​
The Euphrates and Tigris have been the core of many civilizations and empires, most recently the Persian, Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian ones, and in many ways this region remains the economic and political core of the Seleucid Empire. Babylon is where Alexander died, and it is not far from Babylon that Seleucus have begun to build his great new capital Seleucia Magna.

Starting Countries:​

[*]Seleucid Empire: Great Macedonian Kingdom with the recently crowned Seleucus as king. While Seleucus and his son Antiochus has campaigned extensively among the Persian satrapies, replacing any disloyal governors with trusted men, the kingdom is a cosmopolitan mix of cultures and religions. Macedonian cities founded by Alexander remain interspersed with Chaldean, Persian and Bactrian subjects, most of whom know very little of politics in Seleucia Magna. The first decision that the Seleucid Empire will have to make is how to deal with the brewing conflict in the east. Historically Seleucus would sign away most of the eastern satrapies on the Mauryan border in exchange for a lasting peace and a high number of Indian War Elephants. Animals that played a decisive part when eventually defeating Antigonus troops in Phrygia. At the start of the game the Seleucid Empire will be faced with a similar choice, they can choose to sign away a large portion of land, for a long truce, or resume war with the huge Mauryan Empire in India.
[*]Adiabene: Small Assyrian kingdom in Upper Mesopotamia/Assyria. As a former Persian vassal Adiabene has seen many overlords come and go in the last decades. With Seleucus occupied with the grand politics of the successors as well as the hostilities at the Mauryan border Adiabene has mostly been left to their own devices. At start Adiabene is a tributary of the Selucid Empire
Media & Persis​
The Iranian plateau, and the regions of Media and Persis was the core of the old Persian empire. A large number of famous Achaemenid cities such as Ecbatana and Persepolis remain centers of commerce and power here and a large number of Persian soldiers, artisans and nobles remain the dominant group in a region that they have populated for hundreds of years.

The Zagros mountains that separate Mesopotamia from this region is also a great barrier and with a few exceptions it has been left to fend for itself as the macedonian grandees struggle for control over the Argead Empire.

In the period preceding the start of our game Seleucus and his son Antiochus has subdued the governors, satraps and cities of this region, bringing them under closer control and installing their own loyal men, but Media and Persis will remain a region that central power will have to keep a close eye on to keep in line.

Starting Country:​

[*]Media Atropatene: Middle size Iranian kingdom in northern Media that predates the greek successor kingdoms by a fair bit and while he was considered one of the vassals of Alexander the Great his kingdom has since broken off as an independent entity. Media Atropatene is relatively rich for its size and its ruler, Atropates, is an influential man in the region as well as one of few remaining Iranian rulers at the start of the game.

Gardener·Long 发表于 2019-1-16 12:33


sean0962 发表于 2019-1-16 15:48


cools0812 发表于 2019-1-16 23:56

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

Imperator - Development Diary - 14th of January 2019Trin Tragula, Imperator
Hello and welcome to another development diary for Imperator:Rome!大家吼啊,欢迎来到帝皇:罗马的新一篇开发日志!
Today I will be talking about Monarchies and associated things such as Heirs, Legitimacy, Succession Crises and other fun things.今天我们来聊一聊君主制Monarchies和一些与其相关的内容,比如继承人Heirs、正统性Legitimacy、继承危机Succession Crises和其他有趣的事情。
In a monarchy authority lies with the ruler, or Monarch. The monarch has as close to absolute authority as any ruler can get in Imperator:Rome. Unlike in a Republic the ruler sits for life, and in a Monarchy you are able to change laws, interact with foreign countries and use whatever character interactions you wish without approval of a senate.在君主制中,权力归于统治者,或者说君主。帝皇:罗马里的君主拥有和任意统治者比起来都不逊色的近乎绝对的权力。与共和国不同,统治者终身掌权,并且在君主制中你可以在未经元老院批准的情况下改变法案、与外国接触,并执行你想要的任意角色互动。
While a Monarch has the authority to act without asking for approval their subject characters will still react to their actions if they do not approve of them. Legitimacy is a value between -100 and +100 and models the perceived right for the Monarch to rule their country.尽管君主有权在不经同意的情况下采取行动,但如果他的臣属角色们持反对意见,那么他们也会对此作出反应。正统性是介于-100到+100之间的一个数值,用于模拟人们对其君主统治的观感好坏。
For the monarchies that exist in Imperator:Rome at the start of the game this was highly relevant as they were almost all established in this generation. None of them have a firm number of supporters, and many of them (like Egypt or the Seleucid Empire) have a population that consider them to be foreigners.对于帝皇:罗马开局时存在的君主制国家而言,正统性是很重要的,因为这些国家几乎都是在这一代内才建立起来的。这些君主都没有数量可靠的支持者,反而有很多国家(像埃及和塞琉古帝国)的君主被其统治的人民认为是外国人。
Legitimacy directly impacts the loyalty of all characters in the country as well as the happiness of all Freemen.正统性直接影响国内所有角色的忠诚度以及所有自由民的幸福度。
At 0 Legitimacy all characters in a Monarchy are capped at 50 loyalty (out of the normal 100), and at negative Legitimacy they will suffer a ticking loyalty reduction. Legitimacy also directly impacts the cost of enacting laws.当正统性为0时,君主制国家的所有角色忠诚度都被限制在50(而非正常的100)以内,而且在负正统性时还会遭受忠诚度逐渐降低的惩罚。正统性也直接影响颁布法案的花费。
Legitimacy is gained from acting as a good monarch, most importantly:表现得像个明君就会获得正统性,比较显著的有:
Ruler Popularity

High Stability

The Skill of your currently employed Court Philosopher
Legitimacy is reduced by anything that threatens popular support for the monarchy, most importantly:任何威胁到民众对君主支持度的事情都会降低正统性,比较显著的有:
Low Ruler Popularity

War Exhaustion

Ruler Corruption
The number of employed characters that prefer another successor than the current heir to succeed (we will talk more about this below).现在聘用的人物角色中更喜欢另一个继任者而非当前继承人的人数(我们接下来会谈到这个)。
To help increase Legitimacy you can also at any time use a government action to Strengthen Legitimacy by 10 for a cost of 25 Civic Power and 5 Tyranny. There are also various indirect ways, like Holding Games, that increase popularity and therefore indirectly Legitimacy.为了提升正统性,你可以随时花费20民政点数使用政府决议来提升10正统性,同时获得5残暴度。还有很多间接方法比如举办比赛,这可以提高支持度从而间接提升正统性。
Succession Laws​继承法
In a monarchy a new ruler is not elected but will instead inherit power upon the death of the old monarch. The method for this inheritance depends on which of these succession law the country follow. The family of the current ruler is always preferred over non-family members.在君主制中,新统治者不是选举产生,而是在旧君主去世后才继承权力。继承的方式取决于这个国家采用的继承法。现任统治者的家族成员总是比外人要更优先。
Agnatic: Inheritance is in age order, with preference to male children of ruler.

Agnatic-Cognatic: Inheritance in age order, children of ruler are preferred without preference in regards to gender.

Agnatic Seniority: The male siblings of the Monarch will inherit before any children.

Egyptian Succession: Children of ruler are preferred in order of age regardless of gender. Members of the royal family will marry their own family members (including sibling to sibling).
Successions are not always as easy as the described laws would imply. There are many examples of conflicts over who would inherit, sometimes tearing even great and otherwise stable kingdoms apart.继承并不总是像法律描述的那样容易。由谁来继承引发冲突的栗子数不胜数,有时甚至可能撕裂原本伟大而稳定的王国。
In the government view the 4 most likely characters in the country to inherit will be displayed at all times (including the current heir) together with their loyalty and the strength of their claim (according to the succession law).系统会在政府界面中一直展示本国4个最可能继承的人物角色(包括当前继承人),同时展示的还有他们的忠诚度和宣称强度(根据继承法判定)。
Every character in a Monarchy also has a Preferred Heir out of these four. Most of the time this will be the current heir, but depending on things like friendships, skills or lack of loyalty, they can prefer one of the other heirs.君主制下的每个角色都会在上述四个角色中有自己的偏好继承者Preferred Heir。大多数时候这个人选是当前继承人,但若受到好感度、技能或缺乏忠诚度等因素影响,他们也可能偏向于另一位继承人。
Any possible successor apart from the current heir will have a ticking negative modifier to their loyalty and will normally do what they can to assemble money and supporters for the day the current monarch dies.除了当前继承人之外,任何可能的继任者都会获得一个持续的忠诚度惩罚,并且通常会尽可能地为了君主驾崩的那一天而募集资金与支持者。
Apart from increasing loyalty and attacking the causes for someone preferring another heir you can ask them to support your preferred heir. As long as their loyalty is at least 50 this drastically increases their support for your current heir for a cost of 25 Oratory Power.为了保证顺利接任,除了增加角色们的忠诚度、攻击他们喜欢其他继承人的原因之外,你可以要求他们去支持你偏爱的继承人。只要他们的忠诚度不低于50,玩家就可以花费25点雄辩点数大大增加他们对当前继承人的支持度。
Upon succession the current heir will become the new Monarch with a starting Legitimacy of 60 plus 20 times the religious Unity in the country. It is further reduced by 2 points for each employed character that supported another heir.完成继承后,现任继承人将成为新的君主,其开局正统性为60再加上该国宗教团结度数值的二十倍,而每有一个聘用的角色支持另外的继承人就会减少2点正统性。
As you can see the expected future Legitimacy of an heir as king will always be shown in the Government View.正如你所看到的,未来将登基的继承人的正统性将会展示在政府视图中。
Succession Crisis继承危机近期由托勒密·拉吉德一世“救世主”Ptolemy Soter Lagid(译注:希腊语Soter即Saviour,因此常译作托勒密索特尔;Lagid为其父姓,Ptolemaic Dynasty常作the Lagids/Lagidae)之死引发的局势不稳已造成了权力真空,某些富于心计的觊觎者们都渴望来争夺权力。
- 诚然为多事之秋。
At the time of succession, if any of the possible successors that did not gain the throne are at less than 33% loyalty, they will make their displeasure known by assembling an army of as many loyal troops as they can afford.在继承王位时,如果有失利的其他继承人忠诚度低于33%的话,他们就将尽其所能组建一支忠诚的军队来表达他们的愤懑。
As this is a loyal army, and they are disloyal, you will be unable to give orders to this army and unable to detach the pretenders from it. The presence of these armies is likely to drive the country towards a civil war, either immediately or in the long run.由于这是一支向该继承人个人效忠的军队,而他们不忠于玩家角色,你将无法向这支军队下达命令,也无法将其与觊觎者分开。这些军队的存在可能会立即或在长远的未来推动国家走向内战。
To the end of disarming this threat you have special character interactions no pretenders:为了解除这个威胁,你有特殊的角色互动来消除觊觎者:
Encourage Deserters: Allows you to reduce the pretender army size.

Make Mercenary: For a very large sum of gold you can send a pretender off to be a Mercenary, along with their loyal troops. This will eliminate the threat to you internal stability, for now.
Meanwhile foreign countries will have also have a new character interaction available, to spend money and military power on increasing the size of the Pretender army.与此同时,境外国家也将有新的角色互动可用,他们可以花费金钱和军事点数来增加觊觎者军队的规模。Persia波斯
Today we will talk about one of the greatest kingdoms of Imperator:Rome in terms of size and population.今天我们将讨论帝皇:罗马中在规模和人口方面最伟大的王国之一。
Before Alexander began his campaign Persia was the center of the Achaemenid Empire, which stretched from Greece to India. The larger region had by then been the center of more than one high culture and its influence on surrounding regions is hard to overstate. With its fall to Greek conquerors however the entire region has seen the beginnings of Hellenization. Perhaps more than anywhere else Alexander the great founded Greek settlements, appointed a mix of Greek and local officials and encouraged intermarriage.在亚历山大开始他的战役之前,波斯是从希腊延伸到印度的阿契美尼德帝国的中心。那时帝国的广阔疆域已经成为不止一种高级文化的中心,其对周边地区的影响无与伦比。然而随着沦陷于希腊征服者后,整个地区已经开始了希腊化。亚历山大大帝在此建立的希腊人定居点也许比其他任何地方都要多,他任命混合了希腊人和当地人的行政官员队伍,并鼓励跨族通婚。
After the death of the great conqueror Persia and Mesopotamia has changed hands between different successors multiple times, with its current master, Seleucus, taking over Babylon from Antigonus with just a few trusted men not long ago.在伟大征服者死后,波斯和美索不达米亚在不同的继业者之间多次转手,它的现任主人塞琉古率其少数心腹在不久前夺取了安提柯的巴比伦。
With a background that would not make him a likely candidate for such greatness Seleucus has spent the last years cleaning out the Satraps left in charge of greater Persia by Antigonus, before running right into another rising dynasty in India, Chandragupta Maurya.塞琉古的背景不太可能让他成为伟大帝国的继业者,在撞上印度另一个正在兴起的旃陀罗笈多的孔雀王朝Chandragupta Maurya之前,他在过去的数年中一直在清理安提柯留下掌管大波斯的总督们。
As the game starts Chandragupta, who had previously overrun most of northern India, ending the Nanda empire, has taken control over the Indian satrapies that was once part of Alexander's Empire.游戏开始时,先前主宰北部印度大部分地区、终结难陀帝国Nanda empire的旃陀罗笈多Chandragupta已经控制了曾经为亚历山大帝国一部分的印度总督区。
The Mauryas now threaten to invade Persia, potentially distracting the Seleucids from the greater conflict with Antigonus in the west.孔雀王朝现在威胁要入侵波斯,可能会使塞琉古从与西方的安提柯的更大规模的冲突中分散精力。
Mesopotamia & Assyria美索不达米亚与亚述
The Euphrates and Tigris have been the core of many civilizations and empires, most recently the Persian, Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian ones, and in many ways this region remains the economic and political core of the Seleucid Empire. Babylon is where Alexander died, and it is not far from Babylon that Seleucus have begun to build his great new capital Seleucia Magna.幼发拉底河和底格里斯河是许多文明和帝国的核心,最晚近的则是波斯人、新亚述人和新巴比伦人,在许多方面这个地区仍然是塞琉古帝国的经济和政治核心。巴比伦是亚历山大逝世的地方,塞琉古已经着手在离巴比伦不远的地方建立他的伟大新首都:大塞琉西亚Seleucia Magna。数十年前,亚历山大大帝远征印度,把帝国的疆域拓展到印度河流域。然而,继业者之间接连不断的战争却使得东部行省独立于帝国的统治之外、虚弱无比。
- 让我们开始与孔雀王朝谈判吧。
- 我们绝不会向他们提出这样的建议!
Starting Countries

Seleucid Empire: Great Macedonian Kingdom with the recently crowned Seleucus as king. While Seleucus and his son Antiochus has campaigned extensively among the Persian satrapies, replacing any disloyal governors with trusted men, the kingdom is a cosmopolitan mix of cultures and religions. Macedonian cities founded by Alexander remain interspersed with Chaldean, Persian and Bactrian subjects, most of whom know very little of politics in Seleucia Magna. The first decision that the Seleucid Empire will have to make is how to deal with the brewing conflict in the east. Historically Seleucus would sign away most of the eastern satrapies on the Mauryan border in exchange for a lasting peace and a high number of Indian War Elephants. Animals that played a decisive part when eventually defeating Antigonus troops in Phrygia. At the start of the game the Seleucid Empire will be faced with a similar choice, they can choose to sign away a large portion of land, for a long truce, or resume war with the huge Mauryan Empire in India.

Adiabene: Small Assyrian kingdom in Upper Mesopotamia/Assyria. As a former Persian vassal Adiabene has seen many overlords come and go in the last decades. With Seleucus occupied with the grand politics of the successors as well as the hostilities at the Mauryan border Adiabene has mostly been left to their own devices. At start Adiabene is a tributary of the Selucid Empire
Media & Persis米底亚与波斯
The Iranian plateau, and the regions of Media and Persis was the core of the old Persian empire. A large number of famous Achaemenid cities such as Ecbatana and Persepolis remain centers of commerce and power here and a large number of Persian soldiers, artisans and nobles remain the dominant group in a region that they have populated for hundreds of years.在伊朗平原上,米底亚和波斯地区是曾经的波斯帝国的核心。大量著名的阿契美尼德城市,比如埃克巴坦那Ecbatana和波斯波利斯Persepolis,依然还是贸易和霸权中心。在该地区繁衍生息数百年的繁多波斯士兵、工匠以及贵族也还是这里的核心团体。
The Zagros mountains that separate Mesopotamia from this region is also a great barrier and with a few exceptions it has been left to fend for itself as the macedonian grandees struggle for control over the Argead Empire.将美索不达米亚与此地区分割开来的扎格罗斯山脉也构成了一道极好的屏障。由于马其顿的大人物们都忙于争夺对阿吉德帝国Argead Empire(亦即亚历山大帝国,亚历山大大帝出自马其顿阿吉德王朝Argead Dynasty)的控制,除了一小部分特例之外,这里的绝大部分区域都处于自治状态。
In the period preceding the start of our game Seleucus and his son Antiochus has subdued the governors, satraps and cities of this region, bringing them under closer control and installing their own loyal men, but Media and Persis will remain a region that central power will have to keep a close eye on to keep in line.在游戏开始前,塞琉古跟他的儿子安条克已经成功制服了此地区的各个统治者、总督,完成了对城市的征服,他们通过在城市中安插自己人使得城市能够处于更加强有力的控制之下。然而,米底亚和波斯依然需要中央权力的密切关注才能实现有效制约。
Starting Country

Media Atropatene: Middle size Iranian kingdom in northern Media that predates the greek successor kingdoms by a fair bit and while he was considered one of the vassals of Alexander the Great his kingdom has since broken off as an independent entity. Media Atropatene is relatively rich for its size and its ruler, Atropates, is an influential man in the region as well as one of few remaining Iranian rulers at the start of the game.

翻译:子炎君 参商朔望 斯普特尼克校对:万豪顿 三等文官猹中堂

狗球姓名于乱世 发表于 2019-1-18 08:45


hell--fire 发表于 2019-1-18 09:53

本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2019-1-18 10:03 编辑

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查看完整版本: Imperator - Development Diary - 14th of January 2019 开发日志33 - 继承,两河流域