Imperator - Development Diary #20 - 8th of October 2018 开发日志20-二合一 everyone and welcome to the 20th development diary for Imperator. This time it is almost two development diaries in one. First we’ll talk about governor policies, and then we’ll delve into the north african military traditions.
Governor Policies
Every governor will when he is assigned to a province, select a policy he wants to pursue for his reign. The policy picked depend on the personality of the governor, but also on the setup of the province. Not all policies are necessarily beneficial to you as a player, so you can always overrule what policy the governor should have, but that comes at a cost in loyalty of the governor.
You can of course change policy as many times as you want in a province, as long as the governor is loyal enough before changing it, but a disloyal governor will change it to benefit himself.
Here are the current policies we have in the game.
Acquisition of Wealth - Reduces tax and commerce income by about 10% of the province, while enriching the governor.
积累财富 - 行省税收和商业收入减少10%,让总督中饱私囊。
Religious Conversion - Adds some minor unrest, but the governor have a chance to convert the religion of a pop each month, depending on his zeal.
宗教传播 - 增加少量动荡,但总督每月都有一定几率同化一个pop的宗教,几率由他的狂热决定。
Cultural Assimilation - Adds some minor unrest, but the governor have a chance to convert the culture of a pop each month, depending on his finesse.
文化同化 - 增加少量动荡,但总督每月都有一定几率同化一个pop的文化,几率由他的技巧决定。
Bleed Them Dry - increases unrest and reduces population growth dramatically, while increasing income from the province, and also give some to the governor.
榨干钱财 - 显著增加动荡和减少人口增长,增加行省收入,并让总督分润一部分。
Borderlands - Increases Manpower and Defensiveness of the province.
边疆 - 增加行省人力和防御。
Encourage Trade - Allows another import route to the province and increases commerce income, for a small decrease in loyalty.
鼓励贸易 - 增加一条通到行省的贸易路线,增加商业收入,少许降低忠诚。
Social Mobility - Reduces output of citizens by 20%, while there is a chance for the governor to change the type of a pop towards a balance of citizens, slaves & freemen, depending on the governors charisma.
社会流动性 - 公民产出减少20%,总督有几率改变一个pop的阶层,使得人口阶层结构趋向平衡,几率由他的魅力决定。
Local Autonomy - Increases Happiness of pops, while reducing their output.
本地自治 - 增加pop幸福度,降低产出。
Civilization Effort - Increase civilization in the province.
文明开化 - 增加行省文明水平。
Governor policies are designed to get indirect influence over provinces, while having a trade off, where constantly micro-managing it is not beneficial.
Of course, all are moddable, and you can make as many of these as you’d like.
North African Military Traditions
So, time to take a look at another military tradition tree, and this time the North African one, which is available to the north african & numidian culture groups, and the carthaginian culture.
They all start with the ‘Seafaring People’ tradition which gives 25% cheaper Triremes.
传统开门:“航海民族”: -25%桨座战船建造成本
The first path is the ‘’Tribal Path”.
Born in the Saddle +15% Light Cavalry Discipline
生于马鞍 +15%轻骑兵训练度
Man and Horse +15% Combat Bonus on Plains for Cavalry
人与马 +15%骑兵在平原战斗加成
Sure-footed, as Wild Horses 25% Cheaper Light Cavalry
步履如野马 -25%轻骑兵建造成本
Wild Charge Enables Cavalry Skirmish Stance
狂野冲锋 允许“骑兵前哨战”技能
Local Knowledge 25% less attrition.
本地知识 -25%损耗
Call to Arms +15% Manpower
动员号令 +15%人力
Ululating Cry +15% Light Cavalry Offensive
啼号 +15%轻骑兵攻击
End bonus for this path is ‘To Each, Their Own’, which gives +10% output from tribesmen.
路线关门 “各有所好” +10%部落们产出。
The second path is the “Naval Path”.
Phoenician Heritage +15% Offensive for Triremes
腓尼基遗产 +15%浆座战船攻击
Iberian Draft +15% Defensive for Light Infantry
征兵伊比利亚 +15%轻步兵防御
Naval Dominance +15% Defensive for Triremes
海上霸主 +15%浆座战船防御
A Life at Sea Allows Repair at Sea ability
海上人生 允许“在海上修理”能力
Noble Warlords +2.5% Loyalty for Generals
贵族军阀 +2.5%将军忠诚度
Imposing Edifices +15% Defensiveness
巍峨大厦 +15%要塞防御
Putting our People to Work -25% Trireme Maintenance
人人有活 -25%浆座战船维护费
End bonus for this path is ‘Maneuverability Above All’, which gives +15% Discipline for Triremes.
The third path is the “Army Path”.
Skilled Recruiters 15% cheaper mercenary maintenance
熟练征兵官 -15%雇佣兵维护费
Professional Marines +15% Trireme Morale
职业陆战队 +15%浆座战船士气
The Sacred Band +15% Heavy Infantry Discipline
圣军 +15%重步兵防御
Uneasy Relations More Manpower from Subjects
紧张关系 从附庸国得到更多人力
The African Elephant +15% Warelephant Discipline
非洲战象 +15%战象训练度
Numidian Cavalry 25% Cheaper Heavy Cavalry
努米底亚骑兵 -25%重骑兵建造成本
Devastating Charge +15% Warelephant Morale
毁灭冲锋 +15%战象士气
End bonus for this path is ‘A Hard Bargain’, which gives 25% cheaper mercenaries to recruit.
Next week, we’ll talk a bit more about combat!
牛逼啊,撒丁岛省份就有这么多! 从地图的细节上来看,这作绝对会成为P社所有游戏中里程碑的一作。 了解一下………… 本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2018-10-9 08:58 编辑
这个总督政策做得很不错,不过柏柏尔人是航海民族?这个北非军事传统有点搞笑............................{:4_159:} 生于马鞍还行,马鞍都南北朝的事情啦。罗马共和国早死了。 nananna 发表于 2018-10-10 07:36
这个应该没有问题,我记得斯基泰人很早就使用马鞍了,不过只是一块简单的布料或者皮料,作为稳定马背作战之用。你说的南北朝的马鞍应该是带马镫的木质马鞍,那个已经是马鞍的高级形态了 了解一下,谢谢 通报一下,本周日志没有,官方论坛公告说负责日志的人(估计是johan)病了{:4_97:} cools0812 发表于 2018-10-15 19:37
雅蠛蝶.......... 希望尽快康复啊,要不然每周看篇日志都快上瘾了:L