Imperator - Development Diary #19 - 1st of October 2018 开发日志19 - 忠诚度 and Welcome to the 19th development diary for Imperator! This time we delve deeper into the concept of Loyalty.
So, let’s recap what we mentioned talked briefly about unrest in the 16th development diary, and how unrest in cities affected the loyalty of provinces. Unrest also have two other direct impact, the first is the reduction of commerce, tax, manpower and research from the city, while when it reaches the threshold of 10 unrest, you can no longer recruit regiments in the city, build buildings,or interact with the population.
Unrest is generated through unhappy pops, low stability in your country, war-exhaustion, governors policies and corruption. It can also be reduced by various laws, positive stability and by assigning armies to the local governor.
The happiness of a pop depends on its culture and its religion compared to the country’s religion and culture. Different pop-types also want different civilization levels to be happy, while a tribesman want it as low as possible, the citizens want it rather high. Different laws makes different types of pops more or less happy as well. Access to different goods in the city will also make pops happier.
If a pop has less than 50% happiness, they will contribute to the unrest of the province.
Now let’s talk about loyalty. There is three types of loyalty we’ll talk about today, as the loyalty of subjects is a subject for another diary. (And I just wanted to type that sentence..)
Province Loyalty
Each province have a loyalty value to the country. If it goes down to 0, then that province is basically 100% autonomous and provide nothing to you. They will cancel all trade to other parts of your country and every city will be acting as it had at least 10 unrest.
If enough provinces are disloyal, they will either start an independence war, if the dominant culture is not your primary culture-group, or a civil war if they are of your culture-group.
There are alerts if your provinces are disloyal, or if you risk a civil war or major revolt.
Cohorts Loyalty
Each cohort in an army can become loyal to a single person. This depends on the charisma of the commander during a battle or a siege.
When a cohort is loyal to a character the country pays less maintenance for it, as the commander of the unit it is loyal to, starts paying the unit him or herself.
There is a slight drawback or two to having cohorts loyal to a character instead of the country, like for example, a cohort that is personally loyal to a character will not allow it to be transferred away from the unit in any way. Also, a character with cohorts loyal to him tend to become more disloyal over time.
Character Loyalty
Characters loyalty to the Country is one of the more interesting aspects to manage, as disloyal characters is a huge risk, as disloyal characters will refuse to abandon their armies or provinces, and if enough are disloyal they will form a block together to form a civil war.
Some forms of government, a few inventions and some ideas increase loyalty of all characters. Giving people titles and offices will increase their loyalty, but removing them decrease their loyalty. Characters of the same faction as the ruler tends to become more loyal over time, while friends and rivals of the ruler will see their loyalty go up and down as well.
When the loyalty of a character is below 33%, that character is considered disloyal.
Civil Wars!
While a major revolt is not different from having a large nation revolt from you in other games, civil wars are dramatically different.
The threat of a Civil Wars will start as soon as either 33% of the army is controlled by a character that is disloyal OR 33% of all provinces are disloyal to the country.
During the threat of a civil war, a small timer ticks up each month, where the civil war will break out after a year. During this time you have an alert so you can see that you have a risk of it. Of course, there are alerts as soon as a single province is disloyal or a general is.
When the Civil War starts, all disloyal characters and provinces will join them.. And possible friends and families as well.
A civil war is a war-to-the-death, where provinces automatically switch owners when you occupy them, and if you lose the civil war, it is basically game over.
And always remember.. Tyranny is not a help when it comes to get loyalty. Sic Semper Tyrannis!
这些个设定还是非常不错,不过只要一个将军或行省不忠诚,你就会开始得到警告,这样玩家太容易解决不忠诚的问题了。1代也是如此,所以熟悉的玩家很容易避免内战。从历史模拟的角度来讲应该是等问题比较明显的情况下才警告,这样使得一部分内战或者叛乱不能避免,才比较真实一点。 罗马1的宏伟计划(卫星)终于发射了……
下个问题是啥时候落下呢23333 CK的感觉啊,好难受{:4_97:} luskainn 发表于 2018-10-2 00:21
明年应该可以看到了,不过到能玩可能得2020{:4_109:} {:4_146:}希望别整的跟当前版本的罗马2全战一样,变成内战2全面战争。 期待ing~{:4_105:} 镜子叔叔 发表于 2018-10-4 01:29
不过罗马2全战太假了,罗马基本上崛起不来.......... hell--fire 发表于 2018-10-5 09:57
真实的历史就是内战全面战争。同盟者战争、苏拉马略内战、前三头和后三头,罗马历史上最不缺的就是内战.. ...
{:4_146:}问题是……历史上的罗马内战好歹是扩张到很大程度了。新版本的罗马2各种开局就窝里斗敢信?也就是最新的补丁稍微改了改,不然派系领袖叛变建立新派系敢信? 等待是漫长的过程~~~~游戏尽量开发好就最好!{:4_104:} 感觉似曾相识? 了解一下………… 了解一下,谢谢