Imperator - Development Diary #3 - 11th of June 2018(开发日志3:资源)
本帖最后由 cools0812 于 2018-6-11 20:28 编辑
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another development diary for Imperator. This time we’ll talk about the resource system in the game
First of all, we have gold which you gain from tax and trade, and spend on development and military. The second resource is manpower, which is required mostly for building and reinforcing armies.
There are also four other types of resources, which do not scale with growth, but instead act as a great balancing tool against snowballing always being better.
These four resources, are referred to as power. There are four types of power in Imperator, each corresponding to a character attribute . Each with their own use and benefits.
You primarily get power from the quality of your current ruler, but there is also a bonus in monthly power for having your national ideas match the categories your government want ideas in.
The first power is the Military Power, which represents the ‘Virtus’. This is based primarily of the martial abilities of your ruler. Military power is used to get new military traditions, inspiring devotio, as well as all unique unit abilities.第一种力量是军事力量,代表着“Virtus”(拉丁语,表示勇敢等男性美德),获得量基本由统治者的武力值决定。军事力量用于获得新的军事传统,唤起“devotio",(拉丁语“忠诚”,亦可表示某种罗马人的军事祭祀仪式,目前尚不清楚在这里的具体含义)和其他特殊单位能力。
The second power is called Civic Power, which represents ‘Gravitas’, and is based primarily on the finesse attribute of your ruler. You use civic power to get inventions, set up trade routes, and moving your pops about, amongst other things.第二种力量是民政力量,代表着“Gravitas”(拉丁语,表示庄重,有城府的品质),获得量根据统治者的手腕值而定。民政力量用于获得发明,设定贸易路线,迁移人口等许多操作。
The third power is the Oratory Power, which represents the ‘Dignitas’ This is based on the the charisma attribute of your ruler, and you spend this power on Fabricating Claims, Improving Relations, Enacting Laws, Endorsing Parties and many other things where a silver tongue is useful.第三种是雄辩力量,代表着“Dignitas”(拉丁语,社会价值,指人取得的影响力和社会地位的综合),获得量由统治者的魅力值决定,用于伪造宣称,改善关系,颁布法律,扶植派系和其他好口才能派的上用处的事情上。
The fourth and final power is Religious Power, also known as the ‘Pietas’. This is based on the zeal attribute of your ruler. Some of the things you use religious power on is to stab pigs, convert pops and call omens.最后一种是宗教力量,或者叫“Pietas”(拉丁语,对神明,父母和祖先的虔诚恭敬)。它是根据统治者的热忱值决定的。需要用到宗教力量的操作包括杀猪(宗教献祭),人口转教和请求预兆。
注:pietas, dignitas, virtus, gravitas都是古罗马人最注重的领袖特质,故p社要将各项点数附会到这四个概念上。
Then there is lots more of abilities and interactions, that may or may not use a combination of power to use, but your technology progress is depending on your citizens output, not on your spending of power.
Next week we'll take a look at the units of Imperator!
{:4_98:}所以基本能确定是四维了么? 感谢翻译。感觉确实延续了一代罗马的一些设定。 看到这个画面 我突然想到了ageod的策略游戏。。。。 所以ruler是主体嘛?于是应该叫统治者了?{:4_145:} 勇气值-民政值-口才值-虔诚度
可以可以 谢谢楼主分享~~ 又是一部点数风云,其实eu4什么都好,就是点数令人讨厌。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 谢谢楼主分享~~辛苦啦· 目测会变成一个即时制的《文明》 共和大戰{:4_103:} 发言很精彩{:4_159:}