cools0812 发表于 2019-6-25 18:52

Imperator - Development Diary - 24th of June 2019 开发日志 游玩国家排名

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

Imperator - Development Diary - 24th of June 2019

Johan, EVP Creative Direction

Hello everyone and welcome to another Imperator Development Diary. Today we are in a bit of a "filler" development diary mode, as we have already told you all about the Pompey update, and you can already try it as a beta. Our goal is to have the patch finalised this week though..


So let's take a look at the most popular nations to play in the last 2 weeks.


Rome 19.85%
罗马 19.85%

Sparta 4.92%
斯巴达 4.92%

Egypt 4.17%
埃及 4.17%

Macedon 4.16%
马其顿 4.16%

Carthage 2.85%
迦太基 2.85%

Epirus 2.46%
伊庇鲁斯 2.46%

Seleucids 1.92%
塞琉古 1.92%

Ulutia 1.60%
乌尔提亚 1.60%

Phrygia 1.53%
弗里几亚 1.53%

Judea 1.43%
犹地亚 1.43%

Athens 1.32%
雅典 1.32%

Byzantion 1.29%
拜占庭 1.29%

Brigantes 1.23%
布里甘提亚 1.23%

Syracuse 1.14%
叙拉古 1.14%

Knossos 0.94%
克诺索斯 0.94%

Massilia 0.90%
马萨利亚 0.90%

Bosporan 0.87%
博斯普鲁斯 0.87%

Maurya 0.81%
孔雀帝国 0.81%

Armenia 0.80%
亚美尼亚 0.80%

Caledonia 0.79%
喀里多尼亚 0.79%

It is clear that Rome is the most popular nation by far, even before adding in the new events and co-consuls for the Pompey Update.

很显然,即便还未添加庞培Pompey更新包中的新事件以及共治执政官机制,罗马就已经是 目前为止最受玩家欢迎的国家了。

We hope to be back with some more interesting diaries next week.



校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂

shienlei 发表于 2019-6-25 23:10

公审脚汗,这是什么日志啊,纯粹为写而写,能代表什么?100人在线 20个人玩罗马,有什么意义呢?

爱心地图炮 发表于 2019-6-26 21:29


SheenK 发表于 2019-6-27 17:02

不知道为什么 但是玩起丝毫没有激情{:4_104:} 就罗马也没激情

hell--fire 发表于 2019-6-30 22:34

本帖最后由 hell--fire 于 2019-6-30 22:39 编辑


TREENEWBEE7 发表于 2019-7-1 04:00

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