cools0812 发表于 2019-6-12 16:24

Imperator - Development Diary 10th of June 开发日志 海盗、风暴与火山牧游社 牧有汉化翻译
Imperator - Development Diary 10th of JuneTrin Tragula, Imperator
Hello and welcome to this developer diary for the Pompey patch! Today I will be talking about more changes coming to the naval part of the game (the general rework of naval combat can be found here), as I will cover Storms and Pirates, as well as some more historical and geographic flavor in the form of added events as well as the new on map Volcanoes.大家吼啊,欢迎来到这篇庞培Pompey补丁的开发日志!今天我会讲更多游戏在海军方面做出的改动(你们将会在这里发现海军战斗系统总体上重做了),其中我会涉及到风暴和海盗,还有更多新增的历史和地理特性事件,以及地图上新增的火山。Pirates海盗
In Imperator: Rome pirates spawn and block ports indefinitely, this is a nuisance for the strong, and very disruptive to those who are weak with no navy as they block their ability to "break free" from their home ports. Apart from laws blocking the creation of pirates from your own ports entirely, or permanently placing a fleet outside your ports there is little you can do to stop them. Meaning your options are to withstand constant penalties or turn them off completely. Neither is very engaging.在帝皇:罗马中,海盗会随机生成并封锁港口,对强国来说海盗很讨厌,而对没有海军的弱国来说,海盗会极有破坏性,因为海盗们会阻碍弱国从港口“奔向自由”。除了用法律彻底封杀海盗在你的港口生成的可能性,或者将一支舰队一直部署在你港口外面,你并没有什么其它方法能够阻止海盗。这就意味着,你要么忍受持续性的惩罚,要么把他们完全消灭。不管怎样,玩家都很没有参与感。
Nonetheless Pirates were a natural part of maritime life in the period the game covers and should be a natural part for the game.不管怎么说,在游戏描绘的这段时期里,海盗的存在是海上生活天经地义的一部分,所以海盗自然也应该是游戏的一部分。
The aim for Pompey patch has therefore been an implementation of pirates that:因此,庞培Pompey补丁的目标是做出像这样的海盗:
Offer something, instead of just being harmful.

Have a clear way for the player to do something about them, instead of spawning surprisingly.

Is less bothersome on the whole than the constantly maintained blockade just out of the coast of your land.
Hellenistic Era Pirates in history历史上希腊时代的海盗​Contrary to what one might expect Pirates in this era was frequently employed as seaside mercenaries to supplement the regular navy. They were not small individual groups with a ship but would rather often be a group of ships (sometimes a very large group), with a commander and seaside plunder and warfare as their way of life. Usually they would be hired, just like mercenaries, to augment forces in times of war, generally they would have many light ships and the Antigonid (Phrygian) navy at our start the commanders of such forces would even be styled an "Archpirate". When not hired they would act as brigands and raid around the countryside near and round ports.与大家可能料想的正相反,这个时代的海盗常常会受雇作为海岸雇佣兵,来补充常规的海军。海盗并不是单单一艘船上的一小群人,而常常是一个舰队(有时是很大的舰队),海盗会有一个指挥官,海边的劫掠和战斗就是他们的生活方式。通常,海盗们像雇佣兵一样可以被雇佣,来在战争中增强军队的实力。通常而言海盗会有很多轻型船只,甚至在我们游戏开局时,安提柯(弗里吉亚)海军也是由海盗组成,他们的指挥官往往还会被称作是“首席海盗”。没有受雇时,海盗们会像强盗一样行动,袭击附近的乡村和港口。
In times of peace Pirates were generally not hired as the interest countries had in them was as part of their navies. Their raids during such times would often be seen as quite bothersome by local states who would sometimes embark on entire campaigns with troops as well as ships to pacify them. This was famously the case for Pompey the Great, the namesake of this patch, but there are many other examples such as the recently deceased Eumelos, king of the Bosporan kingdom.在和平时期,海盗一般都不会被雇佣,因为各国对他们的兴趣仅仅是在于雇佣他们作为海军的一部分。对当地各国来说,和平时期海盗的袭击常常是相当讨厌的,所以各国有时会采取行动,派出军队和战舰以平定海盗。这也是补丁名称来源,“伟大的”庞培Pompey the Great的著名战例;不过还有其他例子,例如不久之前才去世的博斯普鲁斯王国之王,欧墨洛斯Eumelos。
The New Piracy Mechanic新的海盗机制
What this means for us is that Pirates will be present around the map at start, much like mercenaries are. They can also be hired, with commander and all by any country within range, to supplement the navy. This may be useful both for when you need to quickly supplement your navy (as ships take some time to build) or if you are playing a country that hasn't really invested in one yet. Pirates will only ever use Light Ships.对各位玩家来说,这意味着在开局时海盗会出现在地图各处,就好像雇佣兵一样。他们也可以随着指挥官一起,被外交范围内任意一个国家雇佣,用来补充海军。当你想迅速补充海军时(因为造船需要一段时间),或是当你在扮演一个尚未投资海军的国家时,雇佣海盗可能非常有用。海盗会永远只使用轻型船只。
Unlike Mercenaries however the locations where Pirates call home are predetermined. They will exist in Pirate Havens all around the map. These havens provide a small benefit to the owner of the port but they are also the permanent home for a group of Pirates as long as they are not at sea.然而与雇佣兵不同的是,海盗们作为母港的地方是事先决定好的。这些地方会出现在地图各处的海盗庇护港Pirate Haven中。这些海盗庇护港会为港口的拥有着提供一些小小的好处,但同时,他们是海盗们不出海时永久性的家。
If Pirates go unemployed for long enough (this is currently 2 years) they will set out on a raid, leaving their port and turning hostile to other fleets. They will head for a port that is not protected by a fort in another region than their home and raid it, leaving destruction in their path, before returning home and being open to new offers. If a pirate fleet is destroyed it will be recreated at 0 strength in its home port where it will regain strength over time.如果海盗未被雇佣的时间足够长(目前是2年),他们就会离开港口出发劫掠,变成其他舰队的敌对单位。他们将前往非母港地区的其它地区没有堡垒保护的港口,并对其进行掠劫,在回家并接受新雇佣之前,他们会在途中烧杀掳掠。如果一个海盗舰队被摧毁,它将在其母港从零开始重建,随着时间的推移,他们将重新获得强度。
Now not everyone likes Pirates. In times of war a unit in a Pirate Haven will be able to cleanse that city of its Haven and remove the Pirates permanently. Every country will also have access to a law to outlaw piracy, which will give them a Casus Belli on all countries that harbor pirates.要注意并不是每个人都喜欢海盗的。在战争时期,处于海盗庇护港的部队将能清扫该地城市的海盗港,以永久消灭海盗。每个国家都可颁布一项禁止海盗的法律,该法律将使其对所有窝藏海盗的国家获得宣称。
Likewise every country will have access to a law to condone Piracy, which will create a new Pirate Haven in one of your ports.同样,每个国家都可通过一项法律来宽恕海盗行为,这将在你其中一个港口内生成新的海盗庇护港。
To accommodate these changes the mercenary view has been split into two tabs. One for land units and one for Pirate groups. Pirates, much like mercenaries, can also be hired by clicking on their unit on the map.为了适应这些改动,佣兵界面被分成两个选项卡。一个用于陆地单位,一个用于海盗集团。与雇佣兵相类似,海盗也可以通过点击在地图上的单位来雇佣。
The aim of these changes are to make pirates into something you can deal with in more than one way. You can encourage them and strengthen your local economy, and have access to extra ships in times of need, or you can actively go after them and eradicate them from the seas completely.这些改动的目的是使得玩家可以用不止一种方式来应对和处理海盗。你可以鼓励他们的发展,从而增强当地的经济,并在需要的时候可以获得额外的船只,或者你可以积极地打击他们,把他们从海上彻底消灭。Sea Storms海上风暴

Apart from pirates another certainty at sea is recurring harsh weather. Storms have ravaged the Mediterrenean, the Baltic, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic longer than anyone has dared to sail them. WIth the Pompey patch recurring storms can strike at sea (exactly during which part of the year varies depending on the sea in question but they are generally more common in the open sea than near land) and will impose a harsh attrition penalty on the affected sea zones for 2 months, before ebbing away. Storms will be clearly visible as animated rain, wind, clouds and lightning will cover the affected areas during this period.除了海盗之外,在海上无论如何都会遇到的就是反复出现的恶劣天气了。早在有人敢于在地中海、波罗的海、印度洋和大西洋航行之前,暴风雨就已经在其中肆虐了。庞培Pompey补丁中反复出现的海上风暴会袭击海洋(确切是一年中的哪段时间因具体的海洋而异,但它们通常是出现于开阔的远洋之上而不是近海), 并将对该片地区造成为期2个月的严重损耗,在此之后才逐渐消退。在这段时间内,受影响的地区将会被风暴所覆盖,以大雨、狂风、乌云和闪电的动画为玩家可见。 of a storm haunting Northern Greece
Desert Storms沙漠风暴
The harsh effects of weather is not really unique to the sea. In the Pompey patch Desert areas will also run a risk of storms, manifesting themselves in great sandstorms visible in the desert cities themselves, potentially turning an already inhospitable route into a much more taxing affair.恶劣的天气并不是海洋所特有的。在庞培Pompey补丁中,沙漠地区也将面临风暴的风险,表现为在沙漠城市中可见的大型沙尘暴,这可能会使原本荒凉的道路变得更加艰难。
Winter Storms冬季风暴
In the parts of the map where snowfall exists the winter may now also bring snow storms, sometimes quite great in size, causing attrition to all units in an area. As with the other two storms Winter storms will be shown clearly on the map and will remain in place for 2 months.在地图上有降雪的地方,冬天也可能带来暴风雪,有时暴风雪的规模相当大,并导致一个地区所有单位的损耗。和其他两类风暴一样,冬季风暴将在地图上清楚地显示出来,并将持续2个月。Volcanoes火山
Volcanoes hold a very significant place in Roman history, as the eruption of Vesuvius has given us both a detailed snapshot of what a Roman city looked like just 100 years after our game ends, and the name for a Plinian eruption themselves after the man who left a description of it to the world. In the region covered by our game a large number of Volcanoes were active at the time, and many of them remain active to this day. Just outside the era we cover Volcanic eruptions greatly influenced the course of history, with Mount Aetna even stopping a Carthaginian invasion 100 years prior.火山在罗马历史上有着非常重要的地位,就在我们的游戏结束100年后,维苏威火山的喷发就为我们清晰定格住了罗马城市的样貌,普林尼式火山喷发这个名字还是用给世界留下了对火山喷发描述的普林尼父子来命名的(译注:普林尼式火山喷发,即类似于维苏威火山喷发的火山喷发。老普林尼在维苏威火山喷发中丧生,小普林尼记录描述了此次火山喷发)。在我们的游戏所覆盖的区域,有大量的火山在当时是活跃的,其中许多火山至今仍然活跃着。就在我们涉及的时代之外,火山喷发也极大地影响了历史进程,游戏开始100年前,埃特纳火山甚至阻止了迦太基人的入侵。
In Pompey patch we will build on and expand the existing Volcanic eruption events, which could occur and ravage the area around a volcano until a nearby power spent the resources to put the area back to use, after which it will benefit from the addition of volcanic soils.在庞培Pompey补丁中,我们将在现有的火山喷发事件的基础上进行扩充,这些火山随时可能喷发,并破坏火山周围的区域,直到附近的势力耗费资源修复该区域,火山喷发的事件才会结束,不过在此之后,该地区将因为获得火山灰而受益。
We have now added a large number of new volcanoes, all visible on the map, and searchable in the province finder.我们现在已添加了大量的新火山,所有的火山都可以在地图上看到,并且可以在省份搜索器中搜索。
When an eruption occurs you will be prompted by an event, and the volcano in question will visibly spew forth fire and lava over the land around it. In a normal play-through there will be 1 - 2 eruptions.当火山喷发的时候,会出现事件提示,而所涉火山会在它周围的土地上明显地喷出火焰和岩浆。在一局正常的游戏中会有1 - 2次喷发。

Flavor Events特色事件马麦丁人起义
- 墨西拿属于我们!
- 好吧,我们会找到一个双方都能接受的解决方案。
As is often the case in our patches Pompey will come with a number of new events. In this case the focus has been on additional flavor events for Rome, Carthage and the various states if Italy as well as on events focusing on the relationship between the state and Slavery.正如我们通常对每个补丁所做的那样,庞培Pompey补丁将会伴随着一系列新的事件而来。这次的重点是罗马、迦太基和意大利的各个城邦国家的额外特色事件,以及关注国家和奴隶制之间的关系的事件。
Lastly a number of new events have been added to expand on the relationship between the first and second consul (or, in monarchies the ruler and their consort).最后,还增加了一些新事件以丰富第一和第二执政官之间的关系(或君主国的统治者和他们的配偶之间的关系)。绝望的领导者
- 维比乌斯吗? 荒谬,没门。
- 让我们帮帮他吧。That was all for today on changes that are coming to you soon with the Pompey patch.以上就是今天的全部内容,讲的是庞培Pompey补丁即将给你们带来的改动。

翻译:加百列 一个幽灵校对:斯普特尼克 三等文官猹中堂

hell--fire 发表于 2019-6-13 00:17


abcwssb 发表于 2019-6-15 19:04


中華狼 发表于 2019-6-20 08:17

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查看完整版本: Imperator - Development Diary 10th of June 开发日志 海盗、风暴与火山